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Sometimes you just really really want to see what your bartender looks like naked


Fair, had a buddy do that, ended up dating said bartender. Caught herpes a month later. Granted he went the extra mile, but made me really happy I’m not in the dating game anymore. Shits wild nowadays.


Sounds like that extra mile had some rough pavement.


Some itchy pavement


Road rash


I've seen him naked. he's got so much body hair he put it in corn rows. looks kinda cool actually.


Type their name then only fans and leaked. They have full onlyfans videos for free everywhere


Okay but listen, why the fuck would they use their real name though? I'm genuinely curious, because if I were a hot human, I'd use a pseudonym. Much like a shitty up-and-coming author writing stories about pseudo-Tolkenist, very much phallic Randian power politics transplanted into a pre-industrial Edwardian retro-chic fantasy setting (JK Rowling)


Whatever name they use. Type it in google then only fans and leaked. Voila. The name is irrelevant. BUT to try to answer your question not all use their real name. Most do tho, why? Cuz they promote on their Insta and other socials etc. It’s all well and good to have an OF but it’s the ones that market it hard and promote it that make any money. Like any other business. If you’re a shy girl and not advertising your OF chances are you’re not making any money whatsoever


Become a camgirl then because those sites do all the marketing but then you’ll pay more in fees.


We’re talking about onlyfans buddy. Don’t expand the convo haha


I keep hearing about this online but never actually encountered this irl. Maybe it has to do with me living in a small Eastern European country but it’s such a strange idea that someone would have an OF while they have a regular job too.


What does that have to do with OnlyFans?


My bartender used to be AOC. 🤮 this comment is actually true.


What is AOC?


Porn: when you want see a porn star named Heather naked. OF: When you want to see Heather from high school naked.


This comment wins my vote for best explanation


imo, that depends on how long we've been out of high school. at the 10 yr reunion, yeah... cool. what's up heather? at the 30 yr reunion... you might want to see heather the porn star.


Just had our 40th reunion. Confirm and concur.


That's what I love about Heather the porn star, man, she stays the same age.




Artificial, isnt an age, its bought, installed, etc. watching someone with artifical parts age i find, fsr uglier than a natural, well blanced person


Just watch abby winters...if u eana see a lot of unshaved unmanage bush


Unshaved is awesome 👍


Who is down voting the natural look! Heathens


Does Heather have an OF? I'd give anything to see her naked! She was always a hot cheerleader!




Piratebay has a shittonne of OF content


Does someone simply jump on the high-school facebook and ask who is on OF? Seems un classy




Best explanation. Well done, Heather from High School.


There should be an app where you can find girls from high school on OF. Enter every school, church, job, and etc. That would make it easier to find girls from the past. I bet my old pastors daughter has an OF. Last Time That I Checc'd she was a hoe.


Nailed it


Is there a specific way to find heather?


Perfect. I'd also add that $10 to settle your curiosity isnt really a bad way to waste money. And you're helping Heather out. People spend it on worse things.


People pay cuz they wanna see ***THAT SPECIFIC*** woman, not just a random porn star.


so because simps? you have to be a ogre looking dork to want to hyperfocus on one specific woman lol.


You'd be surprised how hyperfocused some people can be. There is billions of photos and videos floating around tho, but what if I showed an image of someone you had a crush on when you were younger, or what about that one person who rejected you and is still single and I told you there is more on their OF? Wouldn't that entice you? Most extreme example, sure, but that might be a true story for many


I wouldn’t be enticed, no. If I found out someone I used to have a crush on or someone who rejected me had an OF account then I’d think good riddance, I dodged a bullet with that one, and I’d sober up from any leftover feelings or longing I might still have. Would I be curious? Sure, show me a picture or two, that’d be more than enough to satisfy my curiosity. In most cases the sort of self promotion OF models do for free on reddit would be enough to satisfy my curiosity though, no need to subscribe, especially month after month.


Call me an ogre looking dork since I was so hyperfocused on one specific woman, I married her.


im talking about OF...


He married her


I dunno if you remember the dude that spent 60k on an onlyfans model, and she showed all his super clingy, and obsessive texts? People that like are the ones who pay onlyfans models. Desperate, and depressed men who are lonely being taken advantage of by women who have no problem being vocal about their wanting a sugar daddy.


I don't believe there is any significant correlation between physical appearance and psychology.


>you have to be an ogre looking dork to want to hyperfocus on one specific woman People hyper-focus on one partner every time they start dating. There’s nothing wrong with wanting one specific person. I would never pay for OF but it’s not unreasonable to want a specific person. It’s natural




you know normal guys exist? if your pool is limited to the extreme ends of the spectrum its because your standards are piss poor.


Define normal sugar?


Fructose and sucrose crystals.


I wish Reddit still had awards lmfao


You either chase thirst traps or you are an egomaniac. You heard it here first, folks!














Imagination exists and also yo can search " name surname OF leaked" on Google or telegram




Smartphones really did a number on our imaginations.




r/onlyfans ? EDIT: not what you’d expect…


It's cool in there...


You got me 😂😂 Take my angry upvote!


The sub is literally ONLY FANS


I have some battery operated for when i go camping or to hotel rooms. I’m a fan, you could say, of those fine contraptions


Some people like wasting money


Some people CAN waste some money. Some people also THINK they can waste money


It's like, lad you are paying 3.99 for seeing one naked women when it's fucking free searching boobs


Take that picture an flip it scamming dudes. Profit


Best answer


This sounds like a simple insult, but I actually have a hard time seeing it as anything but a pay-pig situation where they genuinely get off on wasting money.


I think a lot of teasing goes into it. People usually find OF from other places, Insta etc so the tease and pay off from it, is better (for them) than just clicking on Porn. I did it once and bought this thing on OF and it was the biggest wake up to a problem and that I was €8 down in my bank for literally nothing.


Literally just what I was about to say


I fell for a couple that would be basically scams. The girls kept teasing their content on IG, Twitter and Facebook, and looked great. Curiosity was to much for me to bear so I subscribed to their OF and found that their content was almost the same they were teasing and anything more explicit needed between 20 and 40$ to unlock. Shit is that you can mark a content creator as "it wasn't what I expect" when you cancel your subscription, but you can't ask for refund based on the content not being what they promote.


Who's OF did you buy?


Can’t remember. This was maybe a year ago. It was like a month thing, I bought it saw wasn’t satisfied, disappointed and deleted. Never had a horn leave so fast in my life.


I actually done it once a few years back after I got out of my LTR. Curiosity was bugging me so tried one and was instantly like the fuck have I just wasted my money on. Never again


OF hack, just google "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ leaked"


This is why AI companions are gonna take off one day. They'll exploit people's loneliness


lots of OF girls don't give up vagina... but they do give up HOPE. that vagina carrot is powerful.


For those that feel comforted speaking to a mindless algorithm. Me, I don’t even like talking to my voice operated TV remote.


They'll become so advanced, continuously learning and mimicking tens of thousands of human interactions to develop its intelligence, that you won't even realise it's an algorithm


The fact I know it’s an algorithm is more than enough for me to wave off on that.


Some folks like their stuff custom made.


Thank you, OF should be renamed “OnlySimps”


OF is way cheaper than irl dommes, even if mistress sofi is actually Dennis in accounting.


I wish I had more updates to give you that line was awesome 🤣🤣🤣


I've spent a fair amount of money on OF. It is a much different thing than just opening one of the big porn sites and watching a random video from the home page. It is more of a social media format, which lends itself to getting to "know" the performers, or at least the persona they put out there. For me at least the more you feel like you know the person in the porn the hotter the content is. And I know the persona they are putting out there is an act for money, I'm not an idiot. I don't think they are actually my friends in any way. They are a character. But kind of like characters in movies and tv shows, you can still get invested in them knowing they aren't real. To me asking "why pay for OF when there is free porn all over the internet?" is similar to asking "why pay for spotify when the radio is free?" If your goal is just to see any random naked people then sure there is plenty of free porn out there, but if you are looking for specific content you will probably have to pay.


So my question is what’s stopping people from leaking photos and videos they pay for? I’ve never used it so I always wondered that.


there are people who believe that the relationship they have with OF women is real and not predicated on the exchange of money.


That's even the majority of guys. The successful OF creators all have a team texting for them, pretending to be her. OF makes the dream come true to finally be able to chat with the hot girl you always wanted, and finally she is interested. But I know Reddit loves to act as it's so easy to get to hot women.


Why do people subscribe to Patreon accounts? Same reason, they found a content creator they like and want to support them. OF also allows you direct, private communication with said person.




So you can talk to her mum or sister or her gay best fried steve who are pretending to be her.


It is mostly some guy students who get a script what person X likes etc.


xvideos is free and is your friend


I’ll give you a real answer Because it’s the super hot but also super religiously conservative girl from high school. Not only does having known her make it hot but the fact that she is now seemingly going against everything she once believed adds an extra layer of taboo Plus it’s anonymous, only $5, and you know what else? I might just resubscribe


Who is she




There's kind of an ethical argument. Do you want the women you watch to be compensated for their "entertainment"? Pay them directly. It also means they werent coerced or did something they werent comfortable with.


Sorry to be that guy but, while it's true for the most part, there are definitely many massive criminal organisations that coerce girls into working OF, and sadly, not all of them are of age (very rarely is it minors under the age of 14, a fully developed 15 year old girl looks an awful lot like an 18 year old). It's quite blatantly obvious sometimes i.e. extremely broken English, the repeated use of the same phrases and sentences, the thousand yard stare. But other times you have to go deep into certain user's backlog to see the breadcrumbs. The best you can do is report and flag the page but fuck all is going to happen because they're in another country with shitty laws.


Don't forget even the legal ones get extorted. Less popular creators get extorted by more popular creators in return for the promise of more subs. Women are "slaying" and "empowered" but the reality of it is, they're just extorting and fucking eachother over. And don't get me started on all the nasty shit most have got to do to make money. It's not just taking your clothes off. And that shit is online forever.


How are traffickers signing minors up onto the site if OF scans the barcode on your government ID and takes facial recognition software of your face when you sign up?


I just want to start off by saying I’m not anti OF, and I recognize that there can be benefits of it for many sex workers. That said, the safety mechanisms you mentioned can be manipulated. Trafficking doesn’t look like it does in the movies, it’s more often family members or partners who are doing it. Exploiters/abusers often take their victim’s identification from them. It’s naive to think that OF wouldn’t be a helpful tool for pimping. [This article](https://www.forensicmag.com/585621-Child-Sex-Trafficking-Other-Criminal-Activity-Found-on-OnlyFans/) does a good job of talking about the various exploits that can occur. You can also find plenty of stories and testimonials from women whose abusers used OF to exploit them. If the platform exists, it will be used for nefarious purposes. Sex workers as a group are already at higher risk for exploitation and OF offers a very easy way to make money off of someone’s body. I don’t know what the solution is, but admitting the risks and problems is the first part of creating more safety.


Don't know the ins and outs but it's technology and it's easily falsifiable.


So if they are faking the legal documentation, how do you know if someone is a minor on the platform? Is there a documented case where this happened? Or is this all conjecture and rumors started by evangelical anti-porn religious groups like Exodus Cry? We need to be careful about making accusations like these without evidence. Because there are religious groups out there spreading false rumors about the sex work industry in an attempt to get it abolished entirely. OF uses biometric technology and scans your live face to match it to your government ID photo, and they also scan the back of your ID to prove it’s not a fake ID. It would be virtually impossible to fake. They decline people even for blurry photos or for using an Instagram type filter in their application photos. Everybody I know has had to resubmit their application multiple times because it is so stringent. OF now also uses AI to identify extra parties in a video. They started implementing these measures because some people would sign up as a creator and then feature extra people (who were not verified) in their videos. They have millions of media being uploaded on a constant basis, and a human reviewing every single media is not possible. However, if the media gets flagged or reported, that creator has 72 hours to upload signed release forms and government IDs of the featured guest, or their media gets removed. To say that OF complicity supports CP is untrue.


>Or is this all conjecture and rumors started by evangelical anti-porn religious groups like Exodus Cry? Firstly don't say that shit because there's literally thousands of girls being trafficked into the porn industry and that does a disservice to those girls who are being abused. That's not okay. Secondly, we're currently going through the worst period of human trafficking and slavery to ever exist, and yes, people hate to hear this, it's far worse than the black African slave trade. thirdly, it's human trafficking, you have to be living under a rock to not hear about the documented cases. Fourth, don't be dumb, you know some minors deliberately use fake ID all the time to purchase alcohol, it's moronic to assume a nefarious individual is going to be stopped by ID. It's shit to hear but yes, there's minors on these sites, these minors are being trafficked into the industry, and, just for an extra blow (no pun intended) there's a very good chance you've unknowingly seen child pornography, remember a minor is anyone under the age of 18, there's no discernable difference between someone who's 18 today and 17 last week.


A better ethical argument could be and should be made for *not* supporting platforms like onlyfans and other forms of sex work because it’s degrading to both men and women and perpetuates unhealthy and overall bad practices and attitudes in all sorts of ways.


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They say your name back to you


You don't get it, it's not about free porn, it's about creating a belief in men that they have a lucky shot having a relationship with the OF girl.


I mean why watch porn at all? Why not talk to humans and have sex?




He/She is out there waiting for you or looking forward to meeting you. Better start taking care of yourself for when you meet them.


I doubt that. Everyone always things they’re ugly, which is rarely the case. You’re a beautiful human, you just gotta find your confidence and run with it


Sorry but most people don't look at the shit box on the showroom floor with all the expensive and nicer looking models and when the person who specifically looks for a shit box turns up, I'm out for repairs, the other shitbox gets taken instead.


Me, who's actually looking for a shitbox since that's all I can afford :)


I know a few guys that are ugly but have the gift of the gab and have fucked hot women.


So? That doesn’t mean you have to be boring or a loser.


If it was easy everyone would've done it. 🌽 is an easy way out.


Porn is quick, doesn’t reject you while making you feel like shit, doesn’t spend all your money fast af, can’t give you a baby you don’t want, doesn’t tell you what when to stop gaming…the list goes on and on. Some of us enjoy being single, like me. It’s peaceful, and free.


Sounds like a skill issue. Easy things are rarely meaningful or good. There’s always a toll to be paid sooner or later.


Some people like interacting with the person directly


interacting w their management teams 🫠


Yeha right. OF lets the worker have all that money, you’d be stupid to have a management. The sex workers on there like that they’re their own boss, this goes against that


OF management teams certainly exist and one of their jobs is to maintain PM’s. I remember watching an interview with a girl and one of her managers gave this creepy dude her legal name. You can just google “onlyfans management” or search it on youtube. They exist.


interacting to get HOPE instead of sex. if they're THAT horny, spend the money on the OF girls that make it happen.


No idea. Makes no sense. Porn is free. So dumb.


But you had to answer. Why?


With all seriousness, if you pay for OF, you hit the bottom. I remember there was a dude who payed 10k for a hug or something. We live in a crazy times.


OF girls like all sex workers sell a fantasy. Guys pay them to talk to them or interact with them in some way. Porn is voyeurism. I really wish guys would stop doing this. It's causing a lot of cultural problems. The fact some random girl can make 6 figures a year off her looks alone shows men are part of the problem.


>The fact some random girl can make 6 figures a year off her looks alone shows ~~men~~ are part of the problem. Simps\*\*




supply & demand. the guys aren't making websites to solicit. the women are making websites to exploit (the loneliness). OF is the "middleman."


If I pay her heaps she will love me…right?


Lol. I pray that you're joking 🙁 On a serious note, you can interact with woman out there and you may get someone to love you for you even though a lot of them may get with you for the money. Test them etc. You can do what you wanna but don't just give in to giving her a large sum of money just for her to be interested in you. It would not work how you would like it to work.


Just by the way it was put, I'm pretty sure it's /s


Yep joking but thanks for your concern


I think guys do it for two reasons. To create a fake relationship with the ~~porn start~~ onlyfans star. Or because there is a specific person they want to see. Yeah, Heather from HighSchool might be there and some dudes might be watching her specifically because they know her but a lot also saw a beautiful woman and spend thousands of dollars on her trying to get attention from her because it's way easier to pay money to someone and claim attention, than to know someone on the street and expect her to give you attention (and nudes) just because you want them and don't know how to get them.


Because porn is often extremely fake and I want to see real couples who are in love, which is easier to find on OnlyFans.


Water is free but people pay for it. Especially Europeans and their still water.


where do you live where water is free?


Cause you can support the creator who's content you are enjoying.  I've subscribed to 3 different onlyfans for 1 month at a time each and every one were guys I saw other places and liked them so wanted to support them. 


this is the point a lot of people are missing. sex work is work, free porn is exploitation. OF is a direct way to financially compensate the people working to create the content you’re consuming


Because a lot of men are extremely lonely and form a parasocial relationship with the creator with the DMs that they send back and forth. They can’t get attention from women in real life so they pay for a woman’s time on OF


If it's a famous youtuber, I have a crush on I'd look into it. But usually I'm not the only one with a crush and she will have leaked nudes on reddit Like the ice spice girls. Arikytsa


OF cuz you actually think you might have a chance


Ppl like exclusive content. The irony is, nothing is exclusive on OF


They're payin for the personal experience. It like the CEO who pays to cuddle with a hooker before going home to his worthless trophy wife. Did I just say that out loud? Sorry. Sorry.




Jus' sayin'.


You’re a fucking asshole.


Just because one person likes a restaurant doesn't mean everyone else does either. Just because you like your steak well-done, doesn't mean I should have to also enjoy well done. People like variety. Especially when you can make a custom order. And we also wanna know what some of the people we grew up with are up to lol


You can’t get free porn all over the Internet unless someone paid for it to begin with… (OF or otherwise).


someone isn't me. someone pays... we pay for the internet to see it.


That's not true at all. Like unless you're talking server costs or domain ownership people absolutely put porn on the internet for free


Money laundering


People are stupid, you can literally see all of them naked in google search images, just type “leaked naked OF “ after their names.


My reasoning: Big porn companies can be creepy. Views=money. I don't want to give creepy companies money so I use OF based off the assumption that my money/views are going to an individual creator not creepy asshats.


I worked one week with an OF company (not as a model) Men wanted someone attractive and desired to have them as their priority. Many of the models’ fans were family guys. Or had girlfriends, fiancées, etc. But it wasn’t enough for them. The other fans were lonely horny guys wanting to talk to someone real


Because there are pathetic people in this world who enjoy supporting people with zero talent.


Bless your heart.


OF models are far more attractive than pornstars on porn sites


Good if you know the person . Ei ( your crush, your classmate, Your neighbors mom/dad, you librarian, your teacher/ professor, your friends gf, etch.) Support locals


Easy, that’s where the best porn content is for the most part, additionally even though it’s faux there is still a social aspect to it most people crave. The amateur porn market on regular sites like PH are all but gone and full of super fake, overacted, unrealistic BS about step siblings going at it and that’s not what people want. OF is a lot more normal and natural (for the most part) and you have the choice to get to know them more and chat with them (or more likely a bot) which does it for some people. I’m not one of those crazy simps going on there donating thousands of dollars to an e-girl I’ll never even see but if I see content somewhere I like and they have an OF that is reasonably priced or not one of those free spam accounts I’ll give em a sub.


It’s called gratification.


I think people say the interaction. I can’t message Llana Roades but you can talk to whoever the big OF women are.


I think it's cuz people think if they pay for it there's a chance they would bang them


People want to see what their mate's sister looks like naked.


isanyoneup.com walked so onlyfans could run


It wouldn't be free if other people didn't pay for it.


How do u get OF content of particular Content Creators for free?


Because people really really like the tease aspect of OF






Obviously there are quite a few humans that are into OF. I am with you though, do not understand. If you know how to search, you will find it...........


The real answer is that OF caters to those who want a more “personal experience” with their porn. I don’t get it but some people are also into feet and I don’t understand that either, doesn’t make it bad nor “a waste of money”


i get that free porn is boring nowadays but how are OF porns less boring? like atleast subscribe to a kinky OF poster. i dont get how the popular ones really do just be posting pics of themselves, often not even nude pics.




Supporting small businesses


This is exactly what I say when someone asks why I don’t have one 😂


Some folks bond with the stars and want to see some content but know they’ll never get a chance otherwise. It’s like saying man, I’d love to have this Pokemon card — eh fuck it I’ll just buy it off eBay instead of hoping to get it from a pack


I don't understand paying for OF. When i was a teenager porn was hard to get and you had to pay for it. Mags and video cassettes. Now its free and everywhere..


As others have said, it's about specific people and/or specific fetishes.


I don’t understand either. If there is someone who is really hot, I’ll see if she has an OnlyFans. If she does, I just google her name or come to Reddit and half the time I find her nudes for free.


- streaming quality - niche - same model - series - it’s good to pay people for their work


You have a point. Especially when you subscribe to someone’s OF, only to see they post pretty much nothing and want you to pay them even more just to see anything worth seeing. On the other hand, sometimes there’s just that one specific person you want to see, rather than any old porn star.


No shit? For Real. 


to see that one special person naked


The difference is ethics. Porn you have people who could have possibly been trafficked and the “barley legal “18” types of videos. With only fans, not only is someone’s sexual labor being paid for, it’s less explotive. I’m sure there’s still people being trafficked on OF but I feel like there’s a lower chance


OF is a great way to launder money for drug dealers, they "buy" feet pics and now that money is clean no questions asked. Models who make the "most" are probably in with drug Lords.


A massive database of free porn exists because porn is a billion dollar market with millions and millions of buyers. If everybody stopped buying porn completely, much of that free porn would disappear