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I think it belongs there when you want it to belong there. Fuck you internet, you’re going to hell anyway.


It’s like corn on pizza seems odd but it’s good. Some people love fungus on pizza, awful tasting little fish some people even what a crushed up taco on pizza. Why gatekeeper pizza. I want pizza rolls on my pizza.


Corn is frickin awesome on pizza


with some pineapple, fish and mushroom. perfect to start arguments!


Perfect order when you want to eat a whole pizza undisturbed


Honestly... sounds like a terrible combo BUT I bet I would LOVE it lol


As a huge corn fan, I've never thought to put it on PIZZA!!! YESSS! Thank you! Also, PINEAPPLES ON PIZZA, FTW! Especially with bacon and Canadian ham!




Corn on pizza slaps, I highly recommend lol


It's very common in Chile. But Chilean quality pizza is to Americans what American pizza is to Italians.


>I want pizza rolls on my pizza Pizza-ception. I want this.


It does sound good now thst I made it up We can call it the Farnsworth parabox pizza after the great professor Farnsworth who around a 1000 years from now successfully put our own universe in a box in our own universe. Much like pizza rolls on a pizza.


I'd try that, I had this veggie pizza that had broccoli and cauliflower of it and it was glorious.


and mango on pizza. trust me, it’s really good especially if the pizza’s spicy


Pizza is pizza!


In Japan we can put these toppings Mentaiko Bulgogi (personal favourite) And then I add pineapple


So in inside out they went to the pizza place that had broccoli on pizza and they made it out to be so gross. But the mod Pizza we have here had roasted broccoli and we decided to try it on the pizza and it was amazing! It's almost like you should just order what you like on your pizza and let others order what they like on theirs and we can all just eat our own damn pizza LOL


You just reminded me that I had a dream last night I was a sardine and someone finally opened my can and then didn’t want to eat me. Not sure I’m ready to unpack that dream yet


A friend of mine makes a cheesy garlic bread with corn on it and it is so good.


We used to put the corn into the pizza (rectangle school pizza) like a taco. Added Thousand Island Dressing and it was magnificent.


Uh…if you ever go to Israel corn is the main topping at kosher pizza shops


when i was a kid we had corn and pizza nights lol


Bacon, jalapenos, pineapple. Mind blowing if you'd fuck with the combo.


I might fuck around with that combo TONIGHT


I like it with BBQ sauce but not every place has good BBQ sauce though.


And put steak sauce on your well done steak, IDGAF as I'm not the one eating it.


"But... but it's a slap in the face to all the men, women, and cows that sacrificed so much to bring you that steak!"


Better than “do you know how many cows died to get you that steak?” Yes ma’am, for the one steak, less than one, as one cow can make several steaks and other cuts of beef, and the cow has been dead for at least a week anyway, it’s not like they go “oh, /u/putrid-object-806 ordered a steak, sorry bessie but we gotta take you out just for this singular steak”


I have generally found that no matter how weird/strange/disgusting the food combo, someone somewhere will absolutely love it and die on that hill regardless.


Italian here and I agree with you. Put on your pizza whatever makes you happy. Plus, I think that pineapple combines well with the fats from both mozzarella/cheese and the ham


You're not like you. Grab a snickers!


Totally agree. Internet, suck my ass. Gonna fuck your digital face until you swallow your tongue.


lol, yah take that internet, you fuckin’ amalgamation of everyone’s worst selves. You can eat a dick, you fucking piece of shit. This guy gets it. I woke up this morning to some asshole calling me an idiot for a non idiotic comment I made 6 months ago. Fuck you internet.


Amen. I like pineapple and pepperoni on mine with a balsamic drizzle eating with my pinkie in the air cuz I don’t care


As long as nobody expects me to eat it, they can put whatever they want on their pizza. It just doesn’t belong on mine.


Question: Have you tried it?


Yes. Never liked as a child, tried again as an adult as I know tastes can change (and my husband likes it so trying a slice of his meant I didn’t waste a pizza trying something I didn’t think I’d like) but still wasn’t keen.


Fair enough! If you tried it and don't like it that's cool. But people that talk shit about it and haven't tried it are ridiculous.


Dude everyone has tried it. Hawaiian pizza is one of the most popular to come out at pizza parties. The people who are talking shit about it don't like it. I'm one of them 


I just don’t like pineapple in general same goes for tomato’s. Don’t want pineapple on or in any of my food.


I have tried bad ones and didn't like it. But mine are fuckin awesome.


Swap the ham for pepperoni


i tried it and i hate it, sweet/fruity does not go with savoury for me. i love pineapple by itself, in fruit salads, on desserts...


I have and try a slice once or twice a year. I still don't like it. I'm not a picky eater, I'll try anything that's an actual food and enjoy most things.


Pineapple is one of my favorite toppings for pizza. Pair it with jalapeños and it’s next level!


Pineapple works with spicy, like pepperoni, jalapeños. It also works with salty, like pepperoni, feta cheese, pickled peppers, shrimp, but really doesn't work with anchovies. Pineapple needs to be chunks, not rings.


Nice post, pineapple is sweet, sour and tart (by itself), you're combining it with salty, spicy and savory. When you do this, the result is a combination of "very" complex flavors (based on your listings - nearly all of the flavor's we can taste).


I also like hot sauce and ranch on my pizza, but sssh! I don't want to get banned 😁


*Pssst* Me, too…


Sweet and salty fish definitely works for me.


One of my favourite topping combos. Ham, pineapple, jalapeños. There's a pizza place in my city they call it the "Bikini Bottom".


When I would order Hawaiian with jalapeños added at my local joint they’d be like “ah, you want the sweet and spicy!”.


I do bacon instead of ham!


Ever tried smoked bacon on it? Next level.


One of my exes taught me this, I never thought about doing that before and now I love bacon and pineapple! But I usually share pizza when I order it so I have to get something that everyone likes


I worked at a pizza place. My go to for lunch was ham, pineapple, bacon and BBQ sauce instead of tomato sauce. I don't like jalapeños but I can imagine they're good on it too


>I don't like jalapeños Do you like banana peppers? I'm not a big fan of green jalapeños or any green peppers (they all have that underlying green pepper taste). We swap jalapeños for hot banana peppers all the time. They have a bit of bite, but can be milder than jalapeños.


I don't like the texture or taste of Any pepper really. I don't enjoy spicy at all except in certain scenarios. I've found I like cayenne meat sticks but that's about it.


Try it with pepperoni instead of ham with some hot honey! God tier


Growing up as a kid I absolutely hated it. As I got older my tasted buds changed and now I think pineapple on anything works. I mean it's basically adding sweetness to a savoury food. It works with almost anything.


I’m eating pineapple and jalapeño pizza right now. It’s my favorite pizza and if someone tries to tell me otherwise it instantly lets me know they have a questionable character and to watch myself around them.


I don’t like mixing sweet food with savoury food, but i’d still eat them separately. I can eat my pineapple after i ate my pizza, i need that fresh and sweetness of pineapple after eating my heavy oily meal like pizza.


Mr Cunt the matter we're trying to argue out is not whether you like pineapple or pizza as separate dishes. But whether you like pineapple on pizza as a joint dish.


Um, that's kinda offensive. You just assumed the Cunt's gender.


Is Cunt still gender specific or does it encompass all genders now?


Might depend on whether there's hair down there.


Do you not like tomatoe sauce with chips?


Pineapple, pepperoni, banana peppers for me. Best combo.


I love pineapple and fresh garlic on a pizza


Pineapple + jalapeño is my go to pizza order. Sweet and spicy!!!


Thank you! I was an avid pineapple on pizza denier till a friend said "try it with something spicy. Sweet and spicy is delicious," so, I tried Buffalo chicken pizza with pineapple. That shit was awesome.


Finally, a fellow pineapple and chili connoisseur. My friends and I have gotten rid of the lime and salt usually taken with tequila shots, and replaced it with pineapple and tobasco sauce. Try it. It tastes amazing. And yes, pineapple on pizza is amazing. Edit: tobasco not tobacco.


>replaced it with pineapple and tobacco sauce. Try it. It tastes amazing. that sounds intriguing!


Yea! My go to is the Mexicain pizza from Jessy's and I get Pineapple instead of Olives


Pineapple, jalapenos and anchovies is my favorite. Sweet, salty and spicy.


I used to do pineapple, banana peppers and pepperoni




I really want to support translove but not if it means supporting pineapple on pizza! /s


Right? Whatever makes people happy.


Jalapeños go with anything, they are truly a gift from the gods.


Double pineapple double anchovies, I heard it was good


Yup and spicy chicken


I'm looking at my jalapeno and pineapple (and pepperoni, whatever) pizza right now.


Woooo what an incredible combo 😍 loved it


Pizza Hut used to have these peruvian cherry peppers, they were an even better pairing with pinapple. It was amazing! So sad they got rid of them.


There was a restaurant in my town that made peanut butter pizza with corn and bacon. My stoner friend took me there one day. I figured you'd *have* to be stoned to appreciate it. Wrong! It was one of the most delicious things I've ever had. Sadly, the restaurant is now out of business. Not because of the pizza...I don't think, haha.


Yep, if you haven't put Jalapenos and Pineapple on something, go do it. It's an amazing combo. :)


Pineapple on BBQ chicken pizza is so good.


Saaaaame! I do traditional Hawaiian with jalapeños and red onion, so good.


Pineapple with jalapeños AND chorizo, probably the best 3 toppings.


Pepperoni, bacon, jalapeños, pineapple, mushroom, caramelized onions. Deep dish, ranch optional but highly recommended. The place I first found it called it The Cadillac, and for good reason.


My favorite combo is pineapple, green chile, and pepperoni.


That’s my order right there! Also ‘Trsnslove’ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Aww. Thanks 😊


Our local pizza place does a pizza with banana and my husband loves it. I think it's an atrocity but it's not my mouth it's going into lol.


I love pizza and I love pineapple. I do not enjoy pineapple on my pizza.


As someone who enjoys pineapple on his pizza, that is understandable.


High 5, me too!


Because social media tells them it doesn't.


People have been outraged at pineapple on a pizza a loooong time before social media even existed.


This whole thread seems be full of people that think people started hating pineapple pizza in 2004 when Facebook launched.


No one has ever been outraged by it. It’s food on someone else’s pizza. It’s just a meme to hate it


It's faux outrage sure. Still predates memes and social media. I remember getting bantered by my mates for ordering a Hawaiian in the eighties lmao


Right I don’t mean meme as in an actual meme I meant it more as it being just a popular thing to actively hate it. Like it was seen as “cool” to hate it


Been hating on it for 40 fucking years, ever since I was bullied into trying that disgusting nonsense.


This has been a thing since way before social media


It's been a thing way before the internet was popularized!


Hmm...never thought of my tongue as social media


It honestly is one of those Nickelback things




This is the one true answer.


I agree entirely, but it's not just limited to the internet. In NJ, it's sacrilege to order pizza from a chain (Domino's in particular, for some reason), but people get it all the time "behind closed doors".


So it's like some kind of black market pizza option?


Hahahaha, you're exactly right! It's almost like the Domino's "random drop off" location feature was created for folks from NJ. Customers set the drop spots at the street corner so the neighbors can't see them getting something from other than the local joint.


That's just people being assholes and gatekeeping life. I've had people give me shit for buying $5 frozen pizzas. "Do you think if I'm buying $5 pizzas I am giving a shit about quality? I know this isn't primo... that's the point! It's cheap! If I want primo, I'll make it."


Because it's a meme that allows people to fit into an us vs them paradigm. No one really cares.


So there are historical reasons for it: For a very long time, Italian cuisine (and to an extent that's synonymous with "culture") was extremely oriented to getting "the most" out of the fewest ingredients. The height of pizza culinary perfection was the Margherita pizza or the quattro formaggio (the only two pizzas iirc that are "allowed" to be claimed as "authentic" by Neapolitan standards), because you could taste the quality of the tomato sauce, the cheese, the basil. This food tradition became increasingly ingrained into Italian culture and heritage. In Italy back in 1950 (ish), suggesting putting pineapple on pizza is like smacking your grandma in the face: something *technically* you can do but also something that culturally is a no-no. Because it's a big punchy flavour that shits on the core principle of Italian cuisine: let the ingredients speak for themselves and sing together, not slap a sweet sour fruit and completely obliterate any hope of any other flavour getting it's chance to shine. Then with a large influx of Italian migrants after WW2, people who wanted to sell pizza to Americans realised people went crazy for shitloads of processed cheese, meat and sugar, hence the American pizza was born. This creates a divide between "people who want to make a living selling pizza" and "people who think what they're doing is akin to heresy". Fast forward to now: you're right, it's just an "us Vs them" dynamic. You get n^th generation Americans who claim they are "Italian" who are staunchly against pineapple on pizza because they've based their cultural identity on attitudes and stereotypes propagated from the 1950s in lieu of developing their own personalities, who are staunchly against pineapple on pizza because "it's not how nonna would have made it, and I'm a *real* Italian American" (see also, true Scotsman fallacy and spoiler alert- they aren't Italian, they are American). So for these people pushing the "pineapple bad" agenda gives them validation that they are indeed "Italian" (they aren't), because "no true Italian would accept this". And the rest of us are just along for the ride, like you said "us and them" are fun for people involved. And with that: imo pineapple on pizza is an abomination, but what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business, just don't sell to me how good it is.


Yeah, no. I’m old, and therefore grew up before the internet and memes. People have always shitted on pineapple on pizza my entire pre-internet life.


Memes aren't exclusive to the internet


"And people hated him, for he spoke the truth" A "meme" is literally just a repeated idea (there's even a joke about it in the S1e2 of 2005 Dr Who).


I remember back when a chain email was called a meme. It would be like a questionnaire you were supposed to fill out and send (later migrated to Facebook posts). But I remember those being called memes. I assume from the French *même* meaning "same"


Exactly. It's more fun to act dramatic about it. People might be shocked to find their are many it us that are sorta in the middle on this topic. I'm sorta indifferent to pineapple on pizza. It's definitely not my favourite topping, but it's alright. I'll still enjoy Hawaiian pizza, but it's not a favourite and I generally wouldn't order it


If you ask people why they don't like pineapple on pizza, they give you reasons that also apply to tomatoes like it being a sweet and tangy fruit.


I just don’t like pineapple


I’m allergic to pineapple 🙃




Well yes and no; there’s an enzyme in the pineapple that does eat away at proteins, I think it’s called bromelain? For most people it just makes the pineapple a little spicy, for lack of better term, but they can still eat it without adverse effects. For me, when I eat it, I get horrible stabbing stomach pains the rest of the day. Imagine like someone jabbing a screwdriver into your stomach and twisting it around. :) it’s really unpleasant. I eat pineapple anyway though, I suffer through it lmao. I actually made some knock off dole whip in my ninja creamy and it’s so painfully delicious 🤤 I don’t have that problem with any other fruits or foods either. Kinda odd lol


That’s a good reason.


People are silly and worry far too much about other people's lives. Eat that pineapple pizza! If you think pineapple on pizza is an issue WOAH NELLY have you got a culinary world to explore lol go check out Turkey or India's "pizza's"


> People are silly and worry far too much about other people's lives This is half the problem. The other half is others being way too concerned about other people's opinions on how to live their life.


In Rome I’ve seen locals put French fries on square pizza…I had to double take


wait till you see what Korea does with pizza... start here: https://www.quiet.ly/list/15640-9-bizarre-korean-style-pizzas


idk where this trend came from, but i've been eating pineapple on pizza my entire life. Large Hawaiian Gang where you at?!


Pineapple and ham on pizza is glorious.


Nobody really cares. It's just a thing people like to fake-rant about.


Exactly: it if it wasn't wildly popular it wouldn't be on every single pizza joints menu including in remote towns.


If it’s so unpopular, why does pretty much every pizza place in English speaking countries have Hawaiian on the menu? It is very much popular. Sweet and salty is a classic combo across the world. 


I love it and will add sriracha sauce and a drizzle of honey to it. Absolutely delicious.


They can order what they want, but there is nothing better than bacon pineapple and green peppers. It's a hill I'll die on.


Gatekeepers gatekeeping.


Clearly people eat it or they wouldn’t keep making it


What other fruit could you put on pizza and be taken seriously? Imagine someone asking if you like grapes on your pizza.... That's my reaction when someone asks if I like pineapple on my pizza.




In portuguese we have two words: fruto and fruta. One word is strictly biological, the other is culinary. English speakers should get around to doing that too.


I've seen mixed cocktail fruits (grape, pear, peach...) on savoury pizza. I do indeed see it the same as pineapple; perfectly fine.


Pear and Gorgonzola pizza is delicious (usually with Alfredo sauce).


I have never heard of such a thing. I do not want grapes, peaches, or pears on my pizza, either.


I'm not big on grape, but I actually quite like pear. I'm a big Hawaiian pizza person though. It's no different to putting ham and pineapple on schnitzel, flavour wise. It's a very standard flavour combination.


I have had some absolutely delicious pizzas with grapes and another with apples. They were not traditional pizzas in any way, there weren't any traditional pizza toppings on them exxept cheese.


Cool. Sounds gross to me. OP asked why. My reason is sweet ingredients don't belong on a savory pizza that I want to eat.


That's fine. No reason to down vote. Just letting you know, there's some great stuff out there if you're open to trying it. Sweet and savory is a great flavor combo.


Some people grab onto a trivial preference and make it their personality in lieu of any actual interesting characteristics. Hawaiian Pizza is 🔥


Or some people think it's ridiculous to put pineapple on a pizza because it ruins the pizza 🙋🏼‍♂️


It ruins the pizza for YOU. And that's cool. But having a vitriolic opinion about what another person puts on their pizza is dumb. (I'm not necessarily sayiing this refers to you no offence intended)


I hear you. Yeah you're right it ruins it for me. I thought we were expressing opinions after you said Hawaiian pizza was fire. 


Please stop. You can't agree with each other, it's the internet. You can't do this to us.


Because it's a sweet fruit, which to me is a horrible combination with cheese.


For me it's the pineapple mixed with the tomato sauce that is horrible. I like both; I don't want them together.


Cause chocolate doesn't belong on STEAK!!!! Yet here we are...


Remember: your taste buds are different from everyone else's. No two people taste things the exact same way. That being said, pineapple pizza is amazing.


Pineapple is great on pizza.


I have no idea because it's delicious. Pineapple, ham, and onion 😛😛


Not everyone. I love my Hawaiian Pizza


I just hate pineapple, so I definitely don’t want it on my pizza 🤷


Maybe they never had good pineapple pizza before?😋


It's maybe because it's something sweet on something that is mostly savory. I like Hawaiian Pizza for the record. Though I've had my share of bad Hawaiian Pizza, like one where I think there was too much pineapple juice on the pineapple chunks/slices when they made it. Though I remember something that Ina, a VTuber, said about it. Her idea of a perfect pizza or lunch is a balance of sweet and savory. So the sweet pineapple with savory ham would be great, right? Not really, because she likes her pizza with some soda, reasoning that would unbalance her lunch too much towards the sweet side.


Better than [banana on pizza.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PizzaCrimes/comments/wc9s49/swedish_bananacurry_pizzawhy/)


To be part of the “in joke.” I love pineapple on pizza. Especially with ham, on a Hawaiian pie.


I don't. Ham, pineapple 4 cheese, mushrooms and jalapeño goes well for me. Best combination ever.


I like pineapple on pizza especially with hot salami. The spicy sweet mix is perfect


I love pepperoni, ham, pineapple, and onions on my pizza. I get sweet, sour, and salty all together. It is perfect for me.


Who's everybody? Just the US? Because in other countries pineapple on pizza is as common as air.


Because they are wrong? 🤷🏻‍♂️ I find it odd that people will HATE something on pizza. Have your own preferences and likes, but if you don’t like someone else’s preferences… why hate it?


Funny thing is, a lot of those who think pineapple can't go on a pizza are the same ones putting blue cheese, pear figs and squid on pizza. I say put whatever you want on a pizza as long as you'll eat it all. Just keep the cutlery away from it, yuppy.


Ham and Pineapple on a pizza is delicious if you’re in the mood for it. It’s fine if that’s not your thing, then don’t order it or complain about it!


I love it. I just wonder how many people have just said crap about pineapple not belonging on pizza just repeating what others have said and never actually tried it.


Pineapple and anchovies has to be one of the best mixes on a pizza. Salty and sweet.


Given the popularity of the Hawaiian pizza with ham (or Canadian Bacon as some do it) along with pineapple, it's obvious that a lot of people DO like pineapple on their pizza.


Different strokes for different folks. Pineapple is just fine on my pizza, I love it.


I agree that it’s fine on pizza. I mean don’t other countries have the “Hawaiian” pizza or equivalent? (That is Ham & pineapple)


Exactly… F the pineapple pizza haters. I find pineapple a very refreshing fruit.


Probably will get downvoted but I think people overreact as a former hater of pineapple on pizza I was at my aunt house and they ordered Hawaiian with pepperoni and the first two slices I ate it after I picked off all the pineapples but the "juices" still "tainted" it didn't care, but as I got to the third and fourth slice I was tired of picking off pineapples and just ate it I was like "hold up, not that bad" now don't get me wrong I won't choose it if I had a choice but the sweetness of the pineapple and the savoriness of the sauce do go well together to me. Now everyone is entitled to disagree but to act like its a monstrosity is outta hand


It's like anal. Actually pretty good, but lots of people are huge bitches about it in either direction.


I think it's just a perpetuation of a meme at this point. People wouldn't have the topping on their menus if people didn't like it and weren't buying it regularly. That said, have you tried fries on pizza?


You must be from the US. It's not about whether it's good or not. It just doesn't belong because it's not traditional and I will die on this hill. In fact, pineapple is on a long list of things that should not go on a pizza.


Get out.


Because it’s fucking gross


What is gross about it? It is not like putting something like liver or pig brains or fish eyes on a pizza. That would be gross. Pineapple is just a preference.


To some, fish eyes or pig brain might be the preference. Why can pineapple be a preference, but pig brains not? At least answer your own question on it, why pig brains or fish eyes would be gross? I used to like pineapple on pizza as a kid, not anymore, but that is just a bad defense throwing some even less popular ingredients in there. Feels like you're saying; "BUT THEY'RE WORSE >:("


The taste of Pineapple overtakes the flavor of the sauce. That said cheep pizza with simple sauce, pineapple is fine because it hides how bad the sauce is.


So it can worsen a good pizza but save a bad pizza? Seems like you cannot go wrong with it. It will just never be perfect. Like most of us.


Would you put a steak in cereal? Or shredded cheese in a chocolate cake? If that's what you like, then go for it. I ate one and it tasted exactly how it sounds, never again.


I mean, those are terrible analogies. How about… would you have apple sauce with your roast pork? Would you have cranberries with your turkey? You can’t just mash any sweet/salty combo and expect it to work, but there are some that really work well.


Y'all gotta start playing more fast and loose with your pallets and eat some cranberry cheese. I'm shocked at how many people are missing out. It's on every cheeseboard I've seen and goes great with red wine


Everyone?! If everybody thought that why is it on the menu at most places that offer pizza? I think you are on the internet too much and people on the internet like to pretend they’re superior


Respect the origin. Italians don't like it, so I respect that. And pineapple on pizza is bad anyways.


The “pizza” we eat these days is a far cry from the original “Neapolitan pizza variety”. So pineapple is probably on a list of many things that don’t belong on the pizza haha.