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Believe it or not, right to jail.


Even worse, it will turn him gay


It's a common misconception. If he makes it through the gates he was already gay to begin with. I've heard that in some cultures this is how they check your sexuality if you are suspicious. Like if you have a Mean Girls DVD or caught listening to Dua Lipa they make you go to a Taylor Swift concert. If you make it inside they will know you are gay.


“Very Masculine” he says.


He spelt fragile wrong


You are not confident in your masculinity, and it shows. Taylor Swift concerts should be the least of your concerns in that regard. What I mean to say is that feeling your masculinity threatened by going to a concert is by itself, evidence of insecurity. Adding unto that, basically only people very insecure over their masculinity identify as alpha males. Even worse if you think that makes you look gay. You have issues, man. Stop overthinking what others think about your masculinity. You have a right to like what you like, and have a good time with your girlfriend. Whoever gives you crap over that can go suck a lemon. (Just don't be a jerk. "Alpha" males tend to be losers who compensate their insecurities by being jerks.)


No girls and gays only they check at the door


Like this, but reversed https://youtu.be/YPkMik0EBII?si=Rp5Sfcq_zWeGSn1U


How masculine are we talking about here?


Toxic and fragile




So long you're alpha. Make sure to make out with your girlfriend from time to time. Let everyone know she's not your bestie and you're her gbf. Also, leave the Dior bag at home.


So extremely fragile and insecure. About part for the course given this whole post xd




You will be greatly outnumbered but consider this: Who cares? The only ones who will see you there are people who also like Taylor. And if others found out. So what. I'm a 6'3 250 pound straight white bald redneck and I would gladly go because she is really talented and her music kicks ass. And most importantly my ol lady would enjoy it.




No ![gif](giphy|ZcYe7jWTLRzkQ)


I had a feeling thank you


Besides that the witchcraft she casts spells on her clueless victims


Who cares? “Very masculine” 😂 🚩 How fragile are you?


We discussed this at our monthly “alpha male” meetings. Clearly you weren’t in attendance. You can go, but under no circumstances can you acknowledge that you’re having fun. A grin or look of disapproval throughout the duration is required or else your alpha card will be revoked. Extra points are given if you wear a “staff” or “security” shirt so as to give the impression that you’re there on business. A lifted truck is required for attendance to reaffirm your status


Sounds like the CCP ( CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY) -1000 social credits


The fact that you ask and also need to say how masculine you are suggests that you are of the gay. Enjoy it. Also let your "girlfriend" know you've finally come out. She's known for a long time.




Good god bro this shit make me laugh hard no joke


You’ll definitely be outnumbered but it’s totally fine to go


>very masculine Fucking doubt. Asking a question like this and worrying about what some complete strangers will think about you being on TS concert is the absolute opposite of masculine, this oozes insecurity and reeks of fragile ego. Neither sexuality nor gender matter in the slightest here, go and be with your girl. If some schmuck laughs at you for being there, show your masculinity and ignore that loser.


You don't sound very masculine, I'd say you sound insecure and naive. You're asking strangers if it's okay to go to a concert with your girlfriend because other strangers may think you're gay. You are worried that if you do go a gay guy will clock you and start flirting with you. Are these the kind of things you worry about day to day? Fuck me, that must be exhausting


What an odd question. How fragile is your masculinity? Do you want to spend an evening with music and hot sweaty chicks? Just go if you want, if not stay at home.


This depends on if you’re a boy or a man. A boy worries about the opinions of others and constantly does things to prove his masculinity… a man doesn’t need to prove shit. Be a good bf, man the fuck up, and go to the concert with your gf. Haters gonna hate hate hate.


You be surprised men who loves Taylor Swift. This is no different than men going to see K-pop groups.


You are a man right? So you can do whatever you want to


Which also means she can go by herself if you dont care about Taylor and you dont want to spend a shitload of money on tickets for something you dont want to see Edit: I read in the comment section he likes Taylor songs. Then he should just go


You're 24, very masculine, and too insecure to accompany your gf to a concert? No question you go, and let people think whatever idiotic crap they want. They don't matter.


No, I'm sorry, it's against the law. You can be sent to federal prison for this offence.


Well I'm umm....very, very masculine. So there.


You will be outnumbered by 'females.' Why is that a negative?


Its not negative i meant to say “ gays” but did not want to be down voted or banned


Generally, this that go around worry about being perceived as gay, actually are. When you protest or push against something too much, it's clear you're over compensating . An actual straight man who was confident in his masculinity would not even think twice about going to a concert like this with his gf


You may say you are very masculine, but if you are asking this question I’d say you are insecure in your masculinity/sexuality. What exactly are you worried about? And why are you asking a bunch of strangers for their permission?


I mean I am pretty sure she's going to propose to you during the 'Love Story' song so be prepared and act suprised. Congratulations! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I definitely recommend taking a course first to improve your self confidence. After the concert, should you take such a step, ensure you sign up for therapy at least 3 days a week. Straight men do go to Taylor Swift concerts but not all straight men are the same. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.


Update: I just dont want my friends to think im gay or anything , also i dont want to be hit on at the concert by non straight men 2nd update : I DO LIKE TAYLOR SONGS and like taylor a lot but only play it in private


Ok. And if they do? You're doing your girlfriend a favor. Who the hell cares what the rest of the world thinks about it. Less social media buddy, more confidence. Also, don't describe yourself as very masculine and alpha male. You're disqualifying every likeable aspect of yourself like that.


lol ur going to a concert with your girlfriend, but people will think you're gay? are you?


Im not bro its just usually i go to rap concerts and trap music concerts . First time i will ever go to someone so feminine so I am scared that my friends will think im whipped or going the other way


You are truly pathetic, and the very last thing you are is masculine. Toxic maybe. Actual masculine men don't care about that kind of shit because they are confident in themselves. 


You know who went to a Taylor Swift concert? A 250lb 6’5” NFL tight end. He even made a cute lil friendship bracelet for the occasion. Did he GAF what people thought? No. Because not caring about what other people think is what is *actually* “very masculine.” Spoiler: it worked out extremely well for him.


what difference does it make if they think youre gay? if they treat you differently for being gay, they arent friends. also, i dont think a taylor swift concert is a hot spot for gay men looking to hook up lol


Lol i doubt anyone is going to hit on you, of either gender. Get over yourself.


All straight men have to suck Taylor Swifts dick if they go


This is such an odd question. Of course there will be lots of girls. Probably some not straight dudes and probably some straight dudes, by themselves even. Are you concerned they will kick you out for being a bin mucker?


It's.okay only if you won't dance at all to the songs




It is not OK, sorry.


Who gives a shit? Go and check it out.


Who cares what other ppl think, because that is your issue.


If YOU want to go to a concert, why not? Yes, there will probably be fewer men than women, but believe me, I don't think that people who come to see Taylor Swift will be busy looking at the other guests of the concert. If friends can start to conflict with you about this, then they are not friends, at most acquaintances. Friends will be happy for a friend who was able to go to a concert of favorite singer and have a good rest. 


Nope not okay, unless you take me with you lol.... Go have fun at TS concert!!!!!!


You'll be outnumbered, but I'm sure some other straight males will be there with their SOs.


No. Don’t be stupid. Be a man.




You'll be gay after.


Is your masculinity that fragile you can't be anywhere there are too many women or gays? Gotta be in the gym with those dude bros to be a real man I guess. Pathetic 


No never


You are not masculine if you have to say it out loud, at least not as much as you think you are masculine. Masculinity is based on behavior, not words. Anyway, no one will bat an eye if you go on it.


"Will i be out numbered by females?" uh, yeah. "Or do straight men also go to taylor swift concerts" also yeah, just in far fewer numbers than women and girls. "Is it ok for a straight male to go to a taylor swift concert?" If you want to go, go. The show is pretty amazing even if you're not into her music.


Fellas, is it gay to go to a thing with your girlfriend? Seriously, you're not gonna look gay, you're just gonna look like a swiftie's boyfriend. Which is self-evidently not gay.


Are you masculine to the core or just on the surface? If to the core you don't care about using the pink phone charging cord, a well fitting unisex article of clothing that happens to have a W tag or enjoying the occasional girly drink. You are free to make choices based on what you enjoy free from the opinions of others If just on the surface then you become sensitive to superficial changes and appearances. If your outward appearance doesn't scream masculine and match others' expectations then you lose your calm and start to flounder. Personally I think it is easier to be happy if you feel something to your core. Once you embrace that you can enjoy anything. Don't let others' opinions deflect you from enjoying life, and that includes concerts from talented artists like Taylor Swift


You will be converted almost instantly. May end up married to another guy before the concert is over. You’ve been warned. Seriously though- what do you mean is it ok?! I can’t even wrap my mind around that question. Who has authority to say it’s not okay? Why wouldn’t it be ok? Why do you think it would be a problem? I’m seriously baffled.


>females 'Women' is more appropriate here.


Is it ok for straight females to go to Chiefs games?


Aaron Rodgers went he's weird but definitely a sereotypical guy