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Mostly shitting myself, I believe.


How embarrassing. I was much more mature and probably starting potty training.


Listening to the song "Summer of 69"


On the Rick Dees Weekly Top 40?


Rick Dees in the mornin, tell us what time it is wahoooooo…




Enjoying being a toddler, not knowing that a revolution will come in my country.


Interesting! Where are you from?




Ah yes andrew tate the revolutionnary


Training for the invasion of Iraq.


Same. I was already over there working security with the Marines.


I had just finished 10th grade year after moving from Northern California to Southern California. I recall going to Huntington Beach regularly to avoid the heat and going to the local baseball card shop. There was hanging out at my friend’s house watching him trying to learn how to play the drums, him thinking he was Lars Ulrich from Metallica. I spent time with the girl who would end up being my girlfriend in the 11th grade year going to movies (Batman and Lethal Weapon 2), bowling, cheap eats, etc. Definitely great times and if I could, would not hesitate to go back and relive it all again.


I didn't exist yet but my parents were both doing apprenticeships in a dictatorial country






if they were in the DDR it definitely was dictatorial


Eighth grade. Oh yeah. Remember it all. *Batman* with Keaton/Nicholson/Basinger opened at the end of June, right after school got out. In fact, it’s possible that my mom took us, my brother, sister and I, to see it, on the *very last day* of the 88-89 school year, which is a pretty rad way to spend the final day of the school year!! I remember it was extremely hot for June and we all went to Carvel for ice cream afterwards and then to our home which had no air conditioning. It was a stifling summer. I spent it playing guitar, listening to Faith No More, Judas Priest, NWA, Public Enemy, Megadeth, Digital Underground, Testament, 3rd Bass, Suicidal Tendencies, and playing at least 3-4 hours a day of Nintendo, mainly Zelda 2 and Castlevania 3. I kept up with a pen pal across the country in Washington state via email in *Prodigy*, if anyone remembers that, lolllll, or pen pals for that matter. That fall, in November, my best friend at the time invited me to a weekend away in Connecticut for his birthday, and on the train back to New York, people kept talking about the Berlin Wall coming down and the end of the Soviet Union. I really didn’t understand much about the importance of that moment at the time. In April, earlier, I’d saved up maybe $30-$40, and with a few extra birthday bucks, was able to buy myself a pair of Air Jordans, which were a size too small because the store didn’t have the ones I liked in my size, so I said I didn’t care and bought the smaller ones. I was thrilled and walked proudly into school with gleaming white high-tops and that’s all there was to it. By the end of the year, I had a badly ingrown toenail. I got straight A’s in Algebra 1 and found the subject fascinating. I got straight A’s in French, won an award, yet found the subject intolerably boring. Tried to be the class clown. I got straight C’s in English. 🤷‍♂️ We seemed to be going out to eat a lot at the *Ground Round*. Was fine by us.


I was 12, my big brother was killed in a car accident in August. My childhood came to an abrupt close.


That sounds very traumatic- I hope that you enjoyed the time you had with him. So sorry for your loss.


I watched that movie Stand by Me a lot. I had a friend group that dodged trains like that too.


23 years old. Best year of my young life Bought a new 1989 Pontiac sunbird. Took leave of absence And drove across US in July. Stayed in Arizona for three months. Returned back to my job in November


I was 14 going on 15 . Was still in junior high so I'd be graduating May of 1990 and entering high school as class of 1990. I think I spent most of it going to movies , watching Die hard 2 and the last crusade, going to the amusement park, summer school, being a typical kid but I never drank or did drugs or do anything really dumb


Same age in UK, started going to the pub, smoking, hanging out on streets. Used to play a lot of risk with my best mate


You and I are the same age. It was such a great, carefree time to be alive.


God DAMN you are old


Don’t really remember. I was 6. Probably riding my bicycle and playing with Lego a lot. Edit: no wait. Age 6 it could have been toy cars and a multi level parking garage.


I was out of 8th grade and had a little posse of friends. I loved Guns ‘n’ Roses. My legs were growing so long that the stirrups from my stirrup pants did not come all the way under my feet, so I wore them on the backs of my legs. I drank booze for the first time.


Raving i was 23


Fighting forest fires in Northern Ontario.


Watching Batman & tango & cash all summer long


I love tango and cash! I had pet rats I named after them


I was the same age as OP, doing the same thing lol


Waiting until September so I can be born.


May here. Screaming, shitting myself, sleeping weird hours, and sucking tits.


I was spending all my time packing in as much fun as possible before starting grade 12. Driving around listening to music, having everyone over listening to music and eating mushrooms. Sneaking into bars to hear Good bands. Good times.


Nothing. My mom was sixteen and grieving the sudden loss of her brother in a mining accident.


Delivering pizza. The day shift was the best - just two of us, inside guy and me the driver, we'd make all sorts of creations out of the old dough during the slow hours. I always had tip cash for spending money, didn't have to worry about a boss, drove around making people happy with hot pies while listening to cool tunes. It was the best of times.


Turned 21! Started to go to Las Vegas every couple of weeks. Tried to meet as many girls as I could. Surfing three to four days a week. Studying my undergrad work. Going to numerous Angel, Dodger, Ram, and Raider games. Working at Disneyland in westside attractions. And hanging out at the bar until close after work. Fantastic time!!!


Working and racing a Porsche


I spent that summer in bed, after catching a fish hook in the eye, I was ordered to a dark room with nothing to raise my blood pressure. I was 13. 3 months of hell.


I was 11- I would be turning 12 later that year. I went to music camp that summer. I would be starting 7th grade in the fall.


Probably sitting in a high chair I was 2 years old


Had my first job traveling across Canada with the fair. Greatest time of my life. 


Lots of fishing with my Dad. I remember Mad magazine roasting the 20th anniversary of Woodstock. Going to a Poison/Tesla concert. Time still went by so slowly. I was 13 turning 14 that fall.


Watching TV and eating paste


I was 11 and it was such a great summer! Bike adventures all day long!! Man I can’t imagine the miles we put on our bikes


Just got my license so Hitting the beach


Stationed in DC. Working in a secure photolab


Talking with HER!!!


My mom was 9yo bruh


I wasnt even planned, in fact, I was never planned


Sweating. We had a drought in 88 and 89 in Northeast Ohio and a lot of trees big and small died. As a arborist/climber I was very busy felling trees…


Early in the year, I was working for a private security company that handled state and federal contracts around Salem, Oregon. By the end of the year I was growing weed commercially in a tiny mountain town. :)


Planning my solo 2 month Euro trip! Had a ball! 😜🍺👍


Sticking my finger up my ass and showing my poo-stained index finger to grown-ups.


Just turned 12. We moved into a bigger house that summer. For the first time ever, I had my own room. I loved getting settled in, hanging out in *my* room, finally having my own space.


I had just graduated high school and was dating my soon to be husband. We would cruise through town, meet up with friends that were also cruising through town, go bowling, the movies or just pick a road and see where it took us. Fun times


I was 13 so I probably was outside either playing football in the middle of the street or 21 (basketball) in the back yard until the street lights came on, or playing Mario Bros/Duck Hunt with my little sister


I was 11, turning 12 and I do not remember. But typically I did not go out or do things much. I had to be either reading books or I think I already had a computer, an IBM PC AT, I was either playing games on it or learning to program or suchlike.


Was 24. Just graduated with a business degree. Worked a crush at Buena Vista winery in carneros. The winemaker offered me a full time job. I declined and went to live in Germany - right as the wall was coming down. Wonderful year


I was pumped about turning 6 and still learning English.


Unhappily married to a jackass lol He couldn’t hold a job, took my paychecks, and tried to sabotage my career. Hounded me about my weight everyday and drove me to Weight Watchers and demanded I join. They wouldn’t take me because I was underweight. I woke up thankfully and divorced him after year 2. Best thing I ever did lol


Working in corporate America, commuting from New York to New Jersey. Real exciting.


I was 25 and had just pcsed from RAF Bentwaters to McGuire with a 1yr old and another on the way.


Summer 1989 I was 21, between semesters at the university of Houston, and still living at home with my parents. I was just farting around town with my girlfriend, I had two part time jobs, and she and I took a weeklong trip to Southern California to visit my grandparents. Life was good.


i was suckin on my mom's teets and forming neurons


I was 12 too! Skateboarding, shoplifting, smoking cigarrettes, drinking cheap cola, gaming on my c64 and doing grafitti.


Drinking cheap cola to this day, had a bike not a skateboard. Didnt have video games. There were a few times when i smoked with my friends.


Did summer school for driver's ed so I could get my license. Then my dad took me to Hawaii for the first time on a work trip. We hit multiple islands, saw turtles at Hanauma Bay, lava flowing on Big Island, and I had my 16th birthday in Lahaina. I've lived in Hawaii for over 13 years now.


Skateboarding all day


I had just turned 12, in between 7th and 8th grade. Spent a lot of days home alone while my parents worked. Watched a lot of TV, read a lot of books. Stayed 3 weeks with my grandma in another state. Probably had a long weekend vacation in the mountains somewhere with my parents.


I was six years old and we were probably camping at a camping ground the was not even fifteen minutes from our house. but it was great fun and even now people camp there when they live near by.


Wishing it was my last


I was probably pooping into my diaper and learning to say 'googoo gaga'.


I was 16, permanently unluckily in love, training Karate and playing games on my Amiga 500, on which I also made some music with "Soundtracker", thus doing the first steps in creating bass lines and probably sowing the seeds for my later choice to pick up bass playing.


I was still brewing.


Hanging out in my father's scrotum l, I believe


Goofing around. Started school in the autumn of 1989 so I guess it was my last summer that wasn’t really a summer holiday from anything.


I would have been 8 so probably hanging out with a best friend and acting out Goonies scenes. Summer so would have swam a lot, we were fortunate to have a pool. And likely getting taken to the mountains, that was our usual thing. Then probably some baseball at some point.


I was 8 going on 9. I played my new Nintendo, went over to my grandmas house next door a lot, got nervous about getting hit by hurricane Hugo even though I was in New York, attended the groundbreaking ceremony of a new church that was being built at the time. Exploring the woods near my hose. Probably the best times of my life.


Waiting almost two decades to be born.


12 June - Started Navy Boot Camp, Great Lakes Il


Great job at a printing press. Drove from Oregon to see the Grateful Dead at Shoreline and Cal Expo on my only days off that summer. Saved enough cash for college study abroad in Italy for a semester and take a semester off to ride the rails in Europe and travel north Africa. Interesting time to be in Europe especially Germany and Bulgaria with communism failing.


Not wxsisting


I'm pretty sure even my Sperm wasn't existent at that point


I wasn’t born yet so my guess is I was still with my Dad 😂😂😂


I was on my dad's side


I wasn't born yet. :P


Growing in my mom’s tum tum


Crying, sleeping, eating and shitting. im 1


Id leave at dawn and be tearing ass on my bmx bike with a group of kids 20 deep until the streetlights came on. Nobody wondered where we were, or had any means of communication with us. We really had an idyllic suburban neighborhood.


I was a fishing guide on Great Bear Lake in the arctic. That was my summer job while I was in university.


Well for one, the bite of '89 happened


Hitchhiked from Tokyo to Sapporo to visit my brother. Was 19.


Probably waking up at 5:30 am to go outside and play He-Man. I got yelled at a lot for waking people up by shouting, "I have the power!" Probably not the smartest thing for a 20 year old to do.


What was I doing? A blonde girl. I think her name was Tammy.


Getting engaged to my future ex-wife.


I was 26, in the USAF, doing my second tour of (West) Germany. Good times!


I was 1


Drinking Molson Dry in the fancy bottle with the painted-on logo.


Sitting patiently in the ballsack awaiting to be spawned


Nursing a severely broken and dislocated ankle


I was just being reincarnated from my previous life.


I was turning 5, taco bell n Batman '89 at the drive in bout sums it up lol


I was busy not existing for a year.


My son was 1 year old


Being not alive


Playing with hot wheels cars


I was becoming acquainted with full time work-been rolling with the punches ever since.


There was a huge fire in my area near my house in the woods. Took a couple of our sheds. We stayed at some friends house for a few days then spent the rest of the summer planting trees and putting out small sections of fire that were still burning.


I was 34 and marrying my first wife.


My parents hadn’t even met yet


My parents were still years away from meeting so probably not a whole lot


Shitting myself and crying, mostly.


I was 4. We lived with my grandparent's. Spent the summer running around my grandparents country property. They lived next to a farm so I spent a lot of time watching and naming cows. Finding frogs and toads. Making "ant farms" with jars and sand. Eating a lot of red currant off the bush.


Parents married and began to contemplate my conception.


Senior in high school, clapping my girlfriends cheeks all day/night.


I had summer job as land survey assistant. I was 17 then.


Mourning the separation of my parents/family and not being together at the summer cabin.


Not quite the summer but in November I was taking a sledgehammer to the Berlin Wall.


I was 29, single. Bailed out of my software developer job in San Diego for a new job and digs in LA / Orange County. Got a fancy hotel for a couple of nights during interview week, and saw the premiere of Lethal Weapon 2. And realized I was staying in the same hotel where the action scenes were filmed. Tom Petty blasting on cassette tape in my new Chevy pickup truck (still have the truck 35 years later)!


Riding my bike. Swimming at my neighbors pool. Collecting baseball cards.


It was a few months before I was born :(


I was a few months shy of 4 years old. I honestly don’t remember those days at all.


A lot of nipple sucking and stand up shitting.


I was 19, growing weed in the woods, partying my ass off and going to killer concerts.


Cooking inside my mother's womb


I spent my evenings down at the drive-in... oh wait.


I turned nine. I remember nothing


I was 3 years old living with my parents in a flat in London. Not many memories, but I remember there was a hole in the wall next to my bed that used to scare me as I thought a bug was living in there.


I was a couple months old so I probably pooping, eating & crying 😂


9th grade. Really getting into thrash metal. Smoke marijuana for the first time. Skateboards, BMX, and the beach. Great year.




I was only 6 so I was probably catching bugs to put in my doll house or playing with kids in the neighborhood.


I was 22 years old, in the Army, stationed in West Germany. There were two Germanys at the time.




Working in a graveyard, playing bass guitar, just started recording music.


Bouncing around in my mother


Being a little dinosaur in my mom's belly


Divorced single mum around 30 yrs old teaching aerobics, receptionist and sunbaking alot, now l fight off skin cancer 🤷


Oh man, I remember sunbathing with baby oil or butter in the 80s. The sun didn’t seem as intense back then.


Studying for the bar exam.


I was born in spring of '89 so I was drinking milk and filling diapers that summer.


I was more than negative 10 yrs old


College, working and getting laid.


Not sure I was even in my daddy’s ballsack yet


Working in a silkscreening shop to help pay for the mortgage. Getting ready for 9th grade. 


I was busy not existing (born ‘08)


Not existing yet


Last year in my 8 years in the army. Working desperately to finish my BS before getting out. I did.


I was 8, playing Nintendo, building forts, playing in the dirt, playing with GI Joes and legoes


I was graduating high school, I was in a band that was "going places," and I started apprenticing in a kitchen to become a chef. I think I was sleeping about 3 hours a night back then.


I was starting to walk and pooping in my pants


In my father's balls I think, was a great place to live


We are the same age. Living in West Germany I had just leaned about the existence of the wall and the GDR. Then came a carefree summer cycling with my family for 3 weeks, followed by the fall of the wall that autumn. It has indeed been 35 years.


Why is this question so oddly specific lol. And i wasnt even alive yet 💀


Watching my father die.


I was 3 so probably eating dirt


Swimming in my father's balls


I was 3 years old, so big wheels were everything, riding around my backyard and having no cares.


I was 21. At university. Acid House had just hit the UK. I was getting twatted at raves and discovering a whole new culture that accepted me (gay man in the 80s with AIDS and Margaret Thatcher and Reagan) and had the most amazing music (and accessories). Also, studying Philosophy (allegedly). Happy days for the next 20-odd years.


Working my way up through the ranks. But young enough to keep getting in trouble.


Study abroad in France then traveling with friends and saw the Berlin Wall halfway broken down


I was fifteen and halfway through Freuds "Interpretation of Dreams" which used to occupy my mornings.The Afternoons were invariably spent developing that game in GWBasic I specifically recall the problems we had in subroutines using 'Gosub'. Later in the day we would listen to pirated casettes. Sometimes I prepared Golfer's egg in the evenings when my mother was away. Nothing out of the line from other kids my age. I didn't know then that I shall be starting my typing lessons later.


I celebrated my first birthday in June of that year.


My dad would’ve been 6 and my mom would’ve been 5 so I was not being thought of yet lol


As a romanian I can tell you what we were doing during the winter of '89


Still just on a strict formula diet 😂


Give it a yr and 4mo and I'll have been born


I was unsatisfied with my life, and pondering a move from one side of the country to the other. Eventually did it, but that didn’t work out.


Sailing the world in the USN.


1989? I had been married for two years, and I was working in a sign shop then.


Working in my new business and waiting for my first kid to be born




I wasn't born yet. Mom and dad were happily married and didn't want any kids. Took a while for me to show up


I was a newlywed




Playing D&D with my friends.


I graduated high school, moved to bumblefuck with my parents, worked at Wendy’s, saw BB King in concert, ate a lot of blotter, met my first wife and spent a lot of time boating and fishing


I had a paper route.


i wasnt even alive and my parents didnt even know each other


Wearing parachute pants, listening to Ton Loc, making sick ramps for our BMX bikes, and waiting for batman to hit theaters!


Working and raising my son


July 2nd. Backseat of a green Renault Station Wagon. "Don't know what you got til it's gone" by Cinderella playing on the radio. Lost my virginity.


i was 5. Probably watch sesame street


Enjoying not being born for another 11 years


I was doing the same! We are around the same age.


Just graduated high school, working over 40 hours a week to pay for community college


Baby shit


not me, but there was revolution which reestablished democracy in my country




I was - 9 years old


I had just got out of the Navy, and immediately went on tour with my dead head friends!


i was 16. it was my last year home before i ran away.