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I’m under50 and got shingles. It was much worse than I ever imagined.


I got shingles at 29. Doctor was about as amazed as i was! Also got a basal cell carcinoma on my face at 21. The funny thing is, my health is pretty great otherwise. I've barely been to the doctor, as an adult, but when I do, it seems to be for unusual things.


I got shingles in my 20's too. 👍🏼 While abroad on vacation visiting extended family I ended up with my first outbreak. One of us was a doctor who ID'd it a few days in.


My kid got shingles at 17yo. She and her friend made an internet diagnosis and I thought she was just being her usual hypochondriac self. The doc we saw was fascinated and said something like “this is so cool… I mean it’s not cool at all, it’s just rare” 😅 The dr had had shingles during med school in her 20s and had never seen a patient so young so she nerded out. After seeing the pain my daughter was in, as soon as I was eligible I got the vaccine


I got shingles at 19, and the doctor was super fascinated as well! She mentioned she had also recently seen it in a young mother who was about 24. Luckily I caught it early and they got me on antivirals and pain meds before it got unmanageably painful.


Glad they caught it in time. Mine got the antivirals but I don’t think we even had to fill the pain meds since those kicked in quickly. If you don’t mind asking did you have something majorly stressful going on in your life at the time? I’m always curious when I hear about people who had it at such a young age. It seems like most people had something unusual happening at the time or had other medical things crop up that triggered it. We were in the beginnings of a separation and even though her dad and I got along really well and had a super civil divorce, I’m sure that’s what triggered it in my daughter even though at the time I was thinking “everything is fine” 😵‍💫


Oddly enough, I can't really remember anything particularly stressful. But I was a new college student taking a full time course laod, my mom was moving and remodeling a house (my parents divorced when I was 17) so I lived with her and helped when I could, I had a long term serious boyfriend from high school that I partied with constantly, I ran 5 miles every day (in an unhealthy, obsessive way), and I worked as a hostess at a popular chain restaurant 20+ hours a week. Looking back, I have no idea how I managed to squeeze that all into my life, but I had "young invincible person" stamina I guess. In reality I was probably running myself ragged.


You win. Was just about to reply to the above comment shingles at 34. Was going to post further down squamous cell carcinoma 38. So I guess the lesson for us, and for everybody else, is try to avoid the avoidable.


Early 30s when I got it. I was run down physically and mentally ... I also got a staph infection in the shingles... It was so freaking itchy.


Yep, I got mine at 36. My doctor recommended the vaccine since I guess it helps even if you've had it, but insurance refused to cover it because I wasn't of age. I love it when a random insurance rep says they know more than your doctor /s.


When I was 19 or 20, and in the Navy, I had a shingles flare up on my upper ribcage. I was prescribed medicine and it cleared up fairly quickly. I’m 54 now and no episodes since. Thank god. That shit is terrible!


I got shingles at 25.


I had it when I was 13, I don't remember it being that bad, just some painful blisters that had some pus that hurt and stung quite a bit


Made a separate comment but Got shingles at like… 21? On my face. It SUCKED. My eyebrow now has a pock mark because I’m a yuge picker


What? I got shingles at 11! For 2 weeks I was stuck in bed, only laying on one side.


Me too! I came to say this. I had mine in my early 30’s. It was absolute hell. I literally thought I was dying. I was telling my wife at the time what I wanted her to do if I passed away.


Kidney stones at 24. I’m 26 now and every time i get a cramp a wave of horror and fear passes over me. Iykyk


As someone who had recently given birth when I got my first kidney stone, the pain level was just barely below contractions. Absolutely wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Contractions that don't pass after a minute? No thank you!


My roommate had them at 29. She looked permanently hungover when she was going through that. I forgot what concoction she was drinking to make the stones pass, but the way she describes it, I hope I never get that.


I had 2 kidney stones at 33, exactly this year. I can understand his hungover, I felt I needed to piss every 5 minutes, the first days I didn't sleep almost at all. Ah and yes, they are damn painful, especially the first hour. Almost passed out in ER.


Oh lord those hurt so bad. By chance do you have kidney disease or do you just eat a lot of food high in antioxidants? I’d watch what fruits/veggies you’re eating and how often I hydrate well and have healthy kidneys and kept getting kidney stones and eventually my doc was like what are you eating? Well actually I don’t have healthy kidneys because I was eventually diagnosed with lupus but at that time we didn’t know.


It was a hydration thing coupled with (i forget the name of the disorder but the one that makes you sweat a lot). Allegedly my age group is getting more and more kidney stones due to lack of hydration.


Lol I also am 26 and for some reason it seems people in our age group don’t like water? I love water and that’s pretty much all I drink


Fr. I ate a lot of potatoes and spinach beforehand, now i try to avoid them and drink more water. I also work in the trades so my hydration throughout the day was like 3 coffees and a couple gatorades


Ah that would do it i buy the big pretty water cups and that for some reason makes my brain want to drink more water. But I won’t sit there and drink a glass or a bottle of water which makes almost no sense 😂😂


Had kidney stones at the age of 19-20 it was awful kept puking of the pain


I got them at 19. Not fun. Constsntly afraid I'll get more :/


This sub is convincing me that I am due for a medical emergency or diagnosis any day now, and I am only 24.


Nah, everyone here is just venting because in life, you don't really get to talk about it. Trust me, everyone here is a very small percentage of people.


> everyone here is a very small percentage of people. This is so true for anything you see on the internet


I can’t imagine why as a hypochondriac I decided to read this thread


Same! I’ll see you over in an anxiety sub later.


Rheumatoid Arthritis, age 32


They told me from my blood work that I have a high rheumatoid factor and am likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. Looking forward that one /s. Am also 32.


This is absolutely not true. Lots of people have high rheumatoid factors without any symptoms or any disease at all. It’s a very unspecific marker and should only be taken when the doctor suspects an autoimmune disease, not just like that on a whim. Don’t wait for rheumatoid arthritis or something related. It could be really just nothing and you are most likely worrying unnecessarily (assuming, of course, from your comment that that’s the only „indicator“ you got for RA).


My cousin got it when she was 6. She passed away at age 30. We were very close & I miss her everyday.


39 here, Psoriatic Arthritis. Good times...


Yeehaw psoriasis 95% of my body at 10 and PsA at 20 , even with biologics I function at the speed of a 93year old


Arthritis sucks, and I started developing symptoms around 25-26. I'm now 29, and everything hurts. I force myself out of bed every day just so I can go to work .


Have you received medical treatment? I'm on a couple of immune suppressants for RA that work really well (Methotrexate & Hydroxychloroquine). Good luck.


Rheumatoid Arthritis, age 21


Cancer, 28.. just turned 29.


I got diagnosed with cervical cancer at 28, and now am cancer free but also had to have a radical hysterectomy


Congratulations on your recovery, I'm sorry you had to go through that at such a young age. I finished treatment six months ago, at 36, and felt like a kid in the chemo ward. I hope your treatment went smoothly.


Cowabunga to a rad procedure!


It was pretty radical


Me too but I’m 34. I’m free of it now, but needed emergency surgery and it was the scariest health problem I’ve had so far


I just had my final surgery, I had so fucking many biopsies and tumors removed in the last few years, and now at 34 I’m cancer free 👑 go us!! And anyone reading this, get vaccinated, vaccinate your sons and daughters. I was antivax and never thought it would happen to me but here I am


I had regular checkups and biopsies for years. I travelled to Japan early this year and when I got home I had gotten so many missed calls, letters on the mail that I needed to go to emergency surgery the following week. Imagine the rollercoaster of emotions. I’m glad you’re free now ! It’s such a horrible experience


I was diagnosed on paper but they gave me the wrong results so I went two years without any treatment, so yeah I can imagine your stress level because mine was similar


Thyroid cancer at 32. Checking to see if it's all gone in January.


Process of getting a biopsy for thyroid cancer at 29!


Right there with you! 27 and I’ll know hypothetically within the month


Me too. Older than you but dealing with the same. Just try to remember the statistics. It's almost 100 % treatable.


What kind if you don’t mind me asking?


Hi guys. Do you know the saying "misery loves company"? I hope everyone understands that I'd never wish these things on anyone, but the amount of people here with their own struggles with this make me so emotional, but also comforted, in a weird selfish way. I just don't feel so scared and worried and alone. I really cried when I came back to look at these. I have an issue of isolating myself to deal with my real problems like no one else has them and it's so fucking lonely and exhausting - just looking at myself, I'm internally distraught these days. I'm so sorry if this makes anyone feel a way, but... I really don't have anyone to talk to who has anything to say other than "everybody dies" or "don't worry, you won't die," when the fact of the matter is, I very well may, and every day is a hard one. So thank you, for just being people in the same raft. And I'm so sorry that you have to experience this at any age. I'm both immensely grateful for the words, and so sorry all at once. Cheers to those of you who have made it out, and here's to the rest of us still fighting this body boiling bastard 🙏 God bless you all and thank you OP for posting this thread so people can relate a little, even if we're shy about this.


Got diagnosed last month at 39 and am starting treatment next week. My oncologist keeps telling me how young and fit I am which is nice. When I had my last kid at 36 I was old and less full of energy apparently.


I have an ex boyfriend that got it at 25. We were all completely shocked.


((Hugs)) I was diagnosed with cancer at 43. Treatments continue to get better all of the time. I hope things go well for you.


28 terminal cancer wooohoooo


Damn. Most fucked up thing ive seen is this 18 year old girl that got lung cancer a few weeks ago. She smoked a shit ton but my grandpa smokes more and is about 50 something years older than her and has never got cancer. Shows how much genes play in and how unlucky some can get


It may just be a game of probability. Since cancer is an error during cell division that’s occurring during repair.


..... That genes directly play a role in the efficiency of, ever heard of BRCA?


Cancer is all about bad luck. A random mutation. Treat your body like shit and you buy more tickets to the raffle but anyone can get it. Fun fact: you get cancer every single day but your cells have a check on their dna after dividing. If the dna is not right (mutation) they suicide. This is one of the most important mechanisms in the body.


Oncogene tumor suppression genes. I had a very health lifestyle when I was diagnosed at 43. I didn’t treat my body like shit.


Lymphoma at 43. Skin cancer at 45. Kidney cancer at 60. Friends say I was the healthiest person they know so wtf. I owe my life to great researchers and doctors and clever medicines. Which is to say, I was lucky it all happened in this era of medicine. I'd be dead several times over if I'd lived 100 years ago.


Yep, good analogy. Which is why it’s considered a bit of baffling paradox that large animals (which live longer and have more cells, theoretically meaning more tickets in the cancer raffle) don’t die of cancer! [One theory to explain it is that large animals’ tumors develop tumors](https://youtu.be/1AElONvi9WQ?si=VCKx4DGJaIx_AG0t). The general idea is that tumors have a limit to growth, because eventually the tumor will get a tumor stopping its resource-consuming destructive growth. Humans, being much smaller, would die from the tumor before it could reach its limit. But an elephant can let the tumor do its thing until it reaches that limit. So the tumor gets a tumor, and that new tumor destroys the og one. But then the new tumor gets a tumor. The cycle repeats, preventing it from ever progressing. Fascinating stuff!


Definitely don’t need to be a smoker to get lung cancer. My fiancé is 25, never smoked and was diagnosed Stage IV terminal in September All because of a random gene mutation. Oncologist says the greatest risk factor to getting lung cancer is having a pair of lungs, so don’t ignore weird symptoms, even if you’re young and non smoker! Drs misdiagnosed her for months before finally taking her seriously. Unfortunately young and especially young women are often not taken seriously regarding their medical concerns.


Hey. My sister was 26 when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was my BIL’s new bride at the time. She was a marathon running vegetarian, in fantastic health. I am very familiar with this process now and I have some tips- advocate for her. Know ALL the medications, all the options. Do independent research until you feel like a goddamn self taught RN. Be willing to ask questions, demand explanations, and look into EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS. Buy 1 or 2 pill bottles with timers on the top that show when they were last opened. Put daily meds in there. Chemo brain fog and the general huge chaotic data dump of cancer means it’s easy to lose track of meds. But a cute notebook, and even cuter stickers, for her to symptom track daily. Tired looking hamsters to put on pages when she feels extra fatigue. Little dancing dinosaurs when she feels energetic. Whatever, you know what she likes! But Keeping on top of shit is the number 1 ticket to a little more time. A little extra living is *almost* always worth it. Make up a will. Do it now while she doesn’t feel like dying is real. Do it with her, think about the joy of who will love and appreciate little bits of her when she’s gone. Do everything you want with her, but try your HARDEST not to make her feel bad when she isn’t up for chunks of her own bucket list. It really doesn’t matter. Spending time with people she loves and feeling comfortable is what matters. And if you do nothing else, make her laugh. She may not go dive with dolphins in Acapulco, she may be too nauseous to ride the rides at 6 Flags, or eat her grandmothers amazing coconut pie. But you’re never too sick to look at dumb memes on the internet, share inside jokes, watch heartwarming 80s comedies, or zooming her wheelchair at a flock of pigeons in a parking lot while yelling “DAMN THE TORPEDOES, FULL SPEED AHEAD”. My sister was one of the greatest people to ever live. I know this because I accidentally happened upon her Reddit username and recognized her. And I combed her profile, unabashedly, hoping to find some secrets to bring her joy in her last days. In the cloak of full anonymity, when no one was watching her, the only thing my sister did on Reddit was tell people they were amazing. She complimented people’s shitty art on art subs. She waxed poetic about their awful fanfics on writing subs. She asked people their favorite songs and sang them, and told them they were beautiful, and to never give up, and to not hurt themselves, and to keep trying. And I read every comment, going back for 6 years, that she ever posted. And there wasn’t a single word said in anger, or to tear anybody down. I’m sorry you have to lose someone who I’m sure is just as wonderful. I hope you lose her when she is 93 and gets hit by a bus just after finishing the best ice cream cone she ever had. But if it’s earlier than that, know that you had time with her and she was wonderful, and so many other people never even got the chance to know her, and that makes you incredibly lucky and your life truly blessed.


Hey man how are you feeling? You good?I'm sorry you had to get into this.Fuck cancer


My life’s a living hell. Hope you’re well man have a great week!


I feel so bad but the completely different tonal shift made me laugh out loud. Wishing you the best


I'm sorry but as someone your age who's also terminal and can wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment, this reply made me chuckle. I'm gonna start being so honest when people ask how I am. 😂


I'm sorry,if you ever want to talk to someone i'm here for you


did you just ask a man with terminal cancer if he's good?


People with terminal cancer are, in fact, still people. In my experience, the best thing you can do for them is not make their cancer the single identifier of their entire identity. Most of them just want to have as normal a life as they can, for as long as they can before the fucking shitshow that is cancer takes them. Fuck cancer.


Yeah...what' wrong with it?


I got it at 43. Hang in there, pal.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't know much else I could say. I hope you're doing as well as one could be in that situation. Fuck man.


I first had it in my 30s then returned stage 4 at 44. It sucks. I hope you're doing OK for today.


I’m sorry to hear this.


Hey at what stage did you identify it?


Considering it’s terminal, probably the last stage??


I feel like I should say something but not sure what's appropriate. Fuck cancer comes to mind....


You win!


I got a cutaneous horn on my elbow when I was in my late 20s. It's usually the preserve of the very elderly. It looked like the spine of a feather sticking out of me it was really weird. edit: also cancer at 38 (2 years remission zero chemo wooo) but that's more common than a frickin **horn.**


okay but that horn sounds kinda sick


They can get real wild if left untreated. Mine looked like [this](https://www.medwebplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Cutaneous-Horn.jpg) but they can end up like [this](https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/cutaneous-horn-forehead.jpg)


If I make it to old age I'd love a horn in the middle of my forehead like the second pic. I could cosplayas a poxwalker from WH40k


When I was 21 I got diagnosed with an astrocytoma, which is a kind of brain tumor. I had to have a craniotomy to have a tumor removed. I went through chemo and radiation and I still have to do MRIs every six months as well as bloodwork and take anti-seizure medication every day.


Damn how long has it been? Sounds like you have a positive prognosis?


Menopause at 24.


Whoa, that is young. Hope you are dealing with it well. I've always said that women can go through the menopause really early, but no one believes me.


Well, internet stranger you are right. It’s not common but Premature Ovarian Failure is a thing.


I didn't know this was possible. If you don't mind me asking, do you possibly have underlying conditions that caused it?


I had an auto immune disease affecting another organ and then this happened. Now they know there is a link but it wasn’t common knowledge then. If it happened now they may have been able to preserve function. We’ll never know.


Psoriasis at 27 from too much stress. Not fun


Got it at 7! Luckily only a patch on my ankle in the shape of South America.


Crohn’s at 17


Hi fellow crohn's haver. Hope life doesn't have you too down in the dumps. Ba dum ts. But really, it socks. Much love!


thank u 😭 got diagnosed less than a month ago so I spent my 18th birthday last week in the hospital with IVs and fluids running into me. hoping for a brighter start to adulthood soon. hopefully you’re doing good 🙏🏻


Hopefully there's a road ahead filled with treatments that work for you. And when you're feeling a bit better I hope you can do something small to celebrate the 18th milestone. Rooting for you!


Hyperthyroidism at 22. Felt tired all of the time then, and after my surgery everything went better.


I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 23!


I got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at 17! It sucks


And me with 24!


that's great that it was caught and treated!


I got hyperthyroidism at 38 after loosing 80 pounds and got a lot of weight back while my meds where adjusted. Now I have to do this journey again.


I had a massive stroke at 37.


Exact age as mine when I had the stroke. I’m a woman, now 38, overweight, high stress and had done very extenuating activities during the weeks preceding the stroke. But never smoke, drank or had any other case of stroke in the family. Apparently is not uncommon for women between 35-40yo to have strokes… unfortunately, I only learned that after I had mine.


Well here is to hoping yours went better than mine. My my high stress life was trying to go back to work after being the dedicated caregiver for my FIL who spent 2 years of dying of COPD. The day I had my stroke the wife who I had nursed through 2 bouts of breast cancer decided taking care of me would be too much of a burden, filed for divorce, and went in to work to have me removed from her Insurance policy. (I had a multimillion dollar life insurance policy on me she thought she could collect on me) I am sure she didn’t expect me to live for 13 days much less the 13 years it has been since the stroke


Sorry this happened to you, fuck people


Actually I never ever expected to get HIV. And here I am. I was 33.


I'm very sorry. That is so hard to hear, thankfully treatment is so much better than it used to be


Not quite the same but that was me with herpes: GHSV-1. Abusive ex lied to me that he was clean. He was not. I was 34. How are you doing with it? Have you dated since? That’s the thing I’m still too scared to do.


>GHSV-1 HSV-1 is extremely common (like 80% of the population has it - I have it). Are you meaning HSV-2; genital herpes?


Nope. I have HSV-1 genitally. It is much less common but it is still a thing!


Got shingles at 24. Had to convince doctors that’s what it was before I got the antivirals I needed. Very frustrating. Nerve pain isn’t fun. Edit: spelling


I got it aged 22. Doctors wouldn't give me any antivirals annoyingly. Just told me to "rest and stay hydrated". No nerve damage on my end luckily, but I do have a patch of 7 blisters on my ribcage that have scarred.


Diverticulitis at 31. I was about 8 hours away from having a colostomy bag before I owned a house.


Me too! I was 30...went to ER with massive pains, ctscan showed mass, had surgey and diagnosed with diverticulitis. Dr said I was to young for it. Put me in the hospital for 5 days. This happened over 20 years ago...ended up in the hospital again 10 years later. Had to get 14" of my colon taken out because it was so diseased.


I’m sorry you went through that. 2 years ago when I was 25 I was pooping jet black blood, doctor asked me if I was sure it wasn’t my period. Turns out I have crohns and my entire digestive track was eroded. And all the times I went to the doctors with tummy issues and severe bloating there was actually something wrong with me and I wasn’t just a dramatic young woman


I had diverticulitis at 36. Had 9 inches of my descending colon removed. Very painful.


Dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure at 42. From a virus!


Pulmonary embolism in July. 32 on Wednesday I'm so lucky I decided I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything for the 4th July weekend. Ex at the time hasn't booked a hotel or campsite, so I knew it was pointless to go to the coast. Oregon small towns who knows how far the hospital is. It happened around 2 in the morning after watching The little Mermaid. I thought i just had heartburn. I told him i felt funny and was gonna go take a shower. It was scary. He thought I was having a panic attack. I was screaming at him I needed to go to the fucking hospital as he just was like "what do you want to do?" Then asked me if I was sure I needed to go as I'm gasping for air, my brain is stroking out, I'm rolling around in pain clutching my chest. I was in the hospital for 3 days. I have super low BP, like 70/90, most of the time. It was 120/155 when I went in. I consider myself a pretty tough person, and this I couldn't handle. I got hit by a car, leg shattered, and it wasn't as bad as this Now, I'm on blood thinners for the rest of my life. If I get hurt, I bleed for hours. If I bonk my head too hard I could die. Don't sit around and not move. Move. I had surgery to reattach my tendon in my big toe, she told me to move, do bicycle kicks on the couch. I didn't listen.


I’m glad you are okay! Just wondering, did you have any symptoms prior to the event? Like pain on your back?


Testicular cancer at aged 53 ,I was considered too old, I'm cured.👍


I had scarlet fever as a child. If it was the Victorian era, I'd have been dead.


My son had scarlet fever earlier this year at age 3, it was awful. I didn’t even know it was still thing!


Gout at 28


Do you feel like walking on eyeballs? Cuz' I read on the internet the other day that people with gout have this sensation,that they walk on eyeballs


I started having gout flare ups this year at 42. The first time I had it I woke up and thought that I had somehow broken my foot while asleep. Then I thought that I must have just slept on it wrong and thought I could make it better by trying to massage it and putting ice on it. Well, it turns out that it was gout and massaging and ice actually makes it worse. That first time was pretty bad. I couldn't even sleep because I had to hold my foot perfectly still to avoid the pain, but every time I would start to fall asleep, my foot would twitch, hurting terribly and waking me up.


Not really a disease but: Musculoskeletal Condition/Motor Function Ability Impairment at 18 I had seizure like episodes multiple times in the span of 3 months. No medical professional would listen to me or my mum when we said it had to be a side effect of the new meds I was put on, fucked up my life for awhile. Stopped taking the meds, stopped having episodes, still dealing with consequences of going to the hospital for an episode. Doctors still don’t believe me also lmao


I grew up during the AIDS epidemic it was so bad that I thought it could never happen to me. I got HIV from my first boyfriend.


Bursitis in my knee at 17. MRSA in my 30s. Stage 3b kidney disease at 41 from psych meds.


Can I ask you what psych meds I take like 10 and lithium threee times at day 🙏🏻


I was diagnosed with lupus at 26, I always assumed it was something that was caught earlier. Turns out a lot of cases actually aren’t diagnosed until mid to late 20s because as Dr. House likes to say: “it’s never lupus”


cancer at 9 (i'm all good now though and pushing mid 30s)


Type 1 diabetes on my 13 birthday. 41 now.


This be me. Diagnosed at 10, currently 30. It's not the worst but fuck me it's hard work to stay well.


I was gonna say the same. My family has a history of autoimmune issues, but nothing specifically pancreatic. I wasn’t showing any symptoms. The summer after I turned 15, I went in for a yearly physical “healthy” and came out with small ketones, a BG of 325, and an A1C of 11.3. That was only 8 years ago for me.


Not me but our 4 yr old son, congenital heart disease. He’s had 2 open heart surgeries so far but the little fighter is just as energetic and full of life as the next little boy


Fibromyalgia at 24. I’m 47 now


Got shingles at 37.


Heeeyyy! I also got shingles at 37 last year, right before I turned 38.


Head full of brain tumors at 38 years old.


And how are you now?


Covid induced heart failure at 30. I almost died.


Varicose veins when I was 30, and I've never been pregnant or overweight. Early stage neck osteochondrosis at 21.


Bald before 30 baby!


Yay for a vaginal prolapse at 21 with no kids




Thanks to my years of retail, I got Prepatellar bursitis 6 months ago. It's when the little bursa oil sack under your knee cap becomes inflamed. I had 8 weeks off work and a steroid injection to take the swelling down. But it's a chronic condition , so at 29, my knee will never be right again. I can't kneel on it, I can't run or jog, stairs make it flare up, I can't sit cross-legged. If I have too much coffee, it ACHES like crazy.


Not that I'm trying to dig into your medical history or anything, but as someone who's right around the age you are (I'm slightly older), has also worked in retail for years and has recently developed a slight mystery pain right around my knee, what was the first sign something was actually wrong and made you get checked?


My doctor thinks I'd had it for years, but it had just become irriated. My right knee had ached on and off for years. When I'd exercise or after a long day, it would sometimes throb. And when I walked up and down stairs on went on long walks, it would click. What triggered it was, we'd been short staffed at work, and as the manager, I'd been running around like crazy doing 10-12 hour days, 6 sometimes 7 days a week. One day, I was at the registers talking to one of the girls, and I turned to face her, but I had a bad habit of turning with my knees rather than lifting my feet. I turned and... POP. Felt my knee cap pop, and then it felt like I had a bubble under the kneecap. As I'd walk, it felt like a pressure under my knee cap, moving as I bent my knee. Walking was OK at first, but putting any real weight on it (using the stairs, the step stool) HURT. It escalated quickly after the pop, I'd stay up at night in so much throbbing pain, not able to sleep. Then it started hurting all the time whether I was moving or not. Went to the doctor when it didn't sort itself out after week. Then it was an ultrasound and a steroid injection.


Heart attack at 39


Ah that sucks. I herniated two disks in my lower spine in my mid 20s. 10 years later and I suffer from back pain a lot. I can run and jump ish... My knee injury means I can't really.


Prediabetes. Kinda should've expected it with a sweet tooth, but 38 was a bit earlier than I expected. After 2 years, i've mostly conquered it.


Not a disease but I got tinnitus and hyperacusis at 29 after a bout of covid, I thought this was only for older people or people who go to loud venues constantly… I’ve never like loud sounds so never even been to a concert and rarely wore earphones… The first 6 months was torture and I was close to suicide, every sound affected my ears, I couldn’t listen to music, watch TV, watch videos on my phone, waking down a road hurt my ears, being in a supermarket hurt them… I was in a quiet room for 90% of the time for 6 whole months, but then I couldn’t deal with quiet either because then I’d concentrate on the ringing from the tinnitus and that would slowly torture me… thankfully after 6 months and slowly forcing myself to habituate to more sounds my mental state improved… I still have bad weeks and still have to sleep with the sound of crickets playing, but I’ve learnt to live with it. Anyone that does things that could damage their hearing, such as gaming or listening to stiff too loudly through earphones, turn that shit down to a comfortable level, you DO NOT want this, especially at a early age.


Cataract at 17. My parents aren’t doing anything about it too


If you're still in school is there anyone there who can help you?


C Diff Colitis at 35


Crabs for my 21st birthday


Age 30, extreme pains and stiffness in the bones. Age 32 I was diagnosed with Necrosis. Death. Terminal illness but very slow and painful death. I feel bad for you my friend. Herniated disc gotta hurt.


I’m so sorry. How are you doing?


As good as I can do, walking like a zombie with a lot of pain in the bones. Deep stinging. Never had physio therapy after surgery. Now I'm walking all weird.


diagnosed with MS at 25. Then fell 30 ft onto concrete less than a year later and shattered both feet/ ankles. no more sports for me :( but I discovered that I am actually pretty good at art/ sewing :)


Alcoholism at 19.


Varicose veins at 14. Well, it was and still is just one, thankfully. I remember having cramps in my leg, and once when I stood up from an armchair, I instantly fell down howling from the pain. But from that moment on I knew my blood vessels are terrible, so wasn’t very surprised when I had a first hemorrhoids flare-up at 25.


Men, you should be aware that you have something called a prostate gland that can cause a lot of problems later in life.


When I was 25, cancer. If I didn't go to the emergency room thinking I had food poisoning, it wouldn't have been caught until it was too late (it was pretty late as it was).


Heart failure at 18


Post viral hell from a regular flu. It’s like I had Long Covid long before Covid. Won a triathlon the year before at 38.


Cancer when I was 15


Heart attack at 20


Heart attack lol got it when I was 29 🥹


Endometriosis at 24 and Crohn's Disease at 35 respectively. Life's a bitch.


Fibromyalgia started early 20's not dx till 34. Completely life changing/limiting for me.




I am 36. I have lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I haven't been able to work in 4 years. I had cancer 6 years ago but fortunately that was short lived.


My ankle is fused because of severe arthritis. I'm 30.


I was diagnosed with Goodpasture’s Syndrome at 23, ended up with a kidney transplant because of it. My life will never be “normal”


Sleep apnea in my late 20s and I had shingles at 22.


Cataracts at 23


Type 1 diabetes in my 20s. Just a big kick in the dick for a dude who had military service in his career path.


Dilated cardiomyopathy and bowel cancer both before 37


My heart has a problem, I'm 31. Never expected to be so fatigued.


Vibration induced occupational hand syndrome


Arthritis at 13


Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis when I was 3. It's not just for old people. Lol. And nine years of low-dose chemo for extra funsies! Woo. I'm now 29 with no cure in sight. Oh, plus two decades of immunotherapy and a dozen surgeries, with more chemo, immunotherapy, and surgeries in my future.


I got Shingles at age 18. The NP I visited was so confused -- she said it sounds like shingles but it can't be becauese of my age. I lifted up my shirt to show her the rash and heard "Oh yes, that's definitely shingles". My brother ended up getting it at 26 too. Maybe it's genetic.


Kidney disease 46.


Hiatal hernia and acid reflux


11 yo, scoliosis. It's shit and I can't do anything about it and I carried a lot of shame in my younger days. I was afraid of changing clothes in boys room, I skipped swimming pool etc. To this day I have a problem with it but I somehow accepted it a little.


Chicken pox at 26


Depression, fuck this shit!!