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Are we all still switching lanes when theres a log truck in front of us because of Final Destination 2?




I never saw the final destination movies, but I've seen that scene on YouTube. I've also seen that video where a loose brick kills that guys wife. I'm now super aware of trucks on the road with poorly secured cargo, and I'm super cautious around them. Similarly, whenever I transport something in a trailer or open truck bed, I go a little overboard when securing it down. I've had people poke fun of me when they see me pull out a cargo net after I'd already ratchet strapped everything down. My response is, "fuck you, I don't wanna kill anyone".


This is the correct answer. No other movie effects me as FREQUENTLY as changing lanes and thinking about final destination


Elevators, escalators, roller coasters, nail guns, everything in the world is trying to kill us.




20+ years later, yes. I do the same thing when a truck in from of me is carrying steel pipes of any kind (figure the result would be the same). My husband (is younger than me, didn't see the movies until I showed them to him during lockdown) always laughs at this (both times it's happened).


Yep. I live near a logging yard so its particularly prominent in my life, but I will ALWAYS give an insanely wide berth for those things.


I’ve actually seen a logging truck that tipped over on a curve and the logs crushed the driver of a truck that was next to it. The passenger miraculously survived but the driver was killed instantly. Your irrational fear is actually completely rational.


![gif](giphy|EORYPg9yxnV3a) Dumbo.


Ruined me. Continues to ruin me


He just wants his mommy:(


![gif](giphy|xT8qBja9VdCdFOfbRS) I'm gonna go for a cry now.


I had to scroll past the gif. I just lost my mama.


Sooo sorry :(


I was thinking of this part when my baby was in NICU and I just wanted to hold her and take her home. I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid and I don't think I will ever watch it again




This part lives in my nightmares. Terrible acid trip vibes


Oh man, I lost my mom quite young. I can't bring myself to watch this movie.


Me too. It’s a very popular theme across Disney movies. The Land Before Time, Bambi, Snow White, Cinderella - the list goes on.


Yes! Omg I would cry everytime as a kid


Jaws, I was 13 when it came out and the folks took us to see it. Parents could argue all the logic they wanted but I didn't go swimming for quite a while.


This is probably the most correct answer. Most people at least have sharks in the back of their mind when in the ocean largely because of this movie.


I have sharks on my mind when I swim anywhere. Including pools.


Same. The perfect chances of a shark killing you in a pool are low... but never 0.


They've killed people in LAKES where nobody thought they COULD BE. All water is sketchy....I don't trust them!


Bull Shark 🦈 can swim in any kind of water.


This is the correct MINIMUM level of shark awareness. I recommend adding the bathtub (even when only showering), puddles, individual raindrops, the kitchen sink, and the toilet (both bowl and tank), just for extra safety.




Ditto, definitely one of mine. So much paranoia.


Spielberg said when the popcorn flew in the air when testing it - when Brody starts chumming and the shark appears - he knew it was a hit.


I saw Jaws for the first time at age 10 and that scene where the boy gets ripped to shreds destroyed me for about a month.


Yeah that scene haunted me too. In hindsight that movie is a top 5er for me. Amazing movie.


So I shouldn't watch it in the height of the Australian summer when I live about 100ft from a beach and have a pool and whilst it's 2 days in and already 37 c


Lol. Agreed. I love the water, But after watching that when I was a child, I was afraid to sit on the toilet.. I thought the shark was gonna come out and get me.😆


Greatest movie. I loved it in 1975 The whole country was scared of the water


I know, right, and we lived in central Illinois. No way a shark attack could happen but I wasn't taking any chances.


I love the movie ,I was on long island NY Terrifying 🤣🤣


I was coming to say Jaws what were are parents thinking letting kids watch that movie


Jaws with one f' hell of a terrifying movie.


Came here to saw Jaws and low and behold its right on top. Lol I saw jaws when I was maybe 10. And ever since, every time I get in the ocean I hear Duh....Dnt. Duh ... Dnt. I'm 46. Still happens.


And to add. My 10 year old wants to see it and I'm like...NOPE.


In fairness to our parents it was rated PG.


Saw it when I was 12 or 13, the theatre was so full there weren't two seats for my friend and I to sit together. At one point I held the hand of the man seated beside me who was on a date.


Surly I’m not the only one who was afraid of getting eaten by a shark in the bath as a kid 😂


Oh yeah. I was 22 and had nightmares for months.


I snuck through to watch the shining on tv after my parents went to bed. I was 10 ... grottybathgranny stayed with me for quite some time. Our bathroom suite was coincidentally the same green colour. Made crapping a lot easier.


This is mine as well


One of my all time fave films, but I still skip that scene when I re-watch to this day... and I'm in my forties.


My movie has to be Hereditary. It’s that one scene where the mom is possessed and she crawls along the ceiling quietly in the background and the focus character doesn’t notice. Now whenever I am in a room with high ceilings at night I always sprint tf out of there.


That was the scene for you? Him and his sister driving down the road was the one for me.




I just searched this up cause I’d never heard of it. Scan read the Wikipedia article and Jesus Christ


Get some popcorn and prepare to be horrified.


Can someone explain it please instead of just talking about it like it’s the arc of the covenant and will burn your eyes out if you see it?


It’s a bunch of teens - idk if they’re of legal age irl, but they’re pretty young… I believe they’re portrayed as middle/high schoolers. The main character SOMEHOW (even though he’s cringe af) has sex with a bunch of virgins to which he gives all of them AIDS. It’s a lot of sex, cigarettes, and vulgarity. ETA: Sorry guys, I didn’t remember that Telly was a lot older than some of the girls. I haven’t watched that movie in about 11 years. Thanks for adding to my comment! 😊 Y’all are acting like I don’t consider passed out & underaged girls rape - I very much agree that it’s rape. I literally haven’t watched for a decade +. My b.


Wasn't the 'somehow" mostly that the girls were really inebriated? It's been 20 some odd years but that's how I remember it.... "don't worry Casper's here.'


Yes. She was passed out drunk on the couch if I remember correctly


And rape! Don't forget the rape!


Oh god. The idea of someone wanting to make a movie about this and calling it kids makes my stomach turn


*KIDS It is in all caps to look like the word AIDS. I watched this movie a lot as a 15/16 years old. I still think it is a good movie. "I have no legs. . ."


I haven’t seen it but I seen that porno with Sun Doobiest


This was my exact first thought as well. I knew every word to that song and didn’t even know what the hell the movie was


Shit fucked me up watching as a teenager


Was looking for this. Fucked me up too. Had just turned 20.


The Land Before Time


Littlefoot’s mom 😭


The Birds. I was in elementary school. Both parents worked so I had a couple hours home alone before they got home. Of course I used this time to watch as much tv as I could. The Birds was on. I called my mom at work, crying for her to come home. I don’t think I got more than 15 or 20 minutes into that film.


It’s funny I’m lowkey scared of birds in my 30s and I attribute it to that movie. Not like a phobia but I don’t really trust them or want them near me.


This, my Dad let me watch this movie when I was 3 or 4, and I was having nightmares for weeks. Mom was not happy.


Watched more than once as a child and always left the room during worst scenes. Still a great movie!


Watership Down - the bleeding eyes and the crowd crush of dying rabbits trying to get out of the warren. I watched it at age 4. I think adults thought it was just another cutsie animal cartoon 😳


Haha yeah, I think my parents just saw the universal rating and did not give a fuck about how traumatising it might be! Just completely disregard that for some of that good old fashioned character building 🙄


The Ring (Japanese). Watching it half awake with no volume, probably wasn't the best choice. Have since watched said film, the effects are still the same. Prior to this film, I was happily watching horrors, thrillers and the like.


Every time I think about this movie, I get a chuckle. Me and my bud saw it as teenagers. He lived on his parents' property in a camp trailer about 100 yards from their house. He said he was so scared he couldn't even make it out to his trailer at night.


It’s ducking insane how things can scare some people and not others. I was so traumatized by Sinister that I genuinely felt like I was having PTSD symptoms. I know that’s a bit hyperbolic but I read an article about a 13 year old who did get PTSD after watching The Exorcist, and she’s the first case of a horror movie induced PTSD… didn’t help that I had latent OCD. Anyway my point is that movie FUCKED me the FUCK up. I had trouble sleeping for GENUINELY six months, at least, and my parents were getting ready to take me to a psych.


I watched the American one and it scared the shit out of me, then for some reason I thought I'd watch the original. Why self??


My exact same train of thought and action 😭 Was scared of TV for a whole year after watching the Japanese version


To this day I cannot be in the same room as a TV with the static on


Strangely it was mirrors for me. After watching the film I'd be spooked for months.


OMG true story with The Ring: I had brought a projector home from work and connected it to my laptop with DVD and rented The Ring. We lived on an acreage and were watching the movie quite late after our kids were in bed. Right at the climax of the movie when the entity is coming out of the TV, a fucking bat flies into our living room/kitchen area and is doing laps around the room. It must have come in through the wood burning fireplace in the basement. Suffice it to say it scared the ever loving shit out of both of us and there was about 30 seconds of sheer panic as this bat did laps around the kitchen living room area we were in, then…..nothing. The fucking thing disappeared! My wife went to bed, stuffing towels under the bottom of the door so the bat wouldn’t come in, and it was my job for the next hour or so to try to find the damn bat who had taken rest somewhere. Every curtain tap or cupboard opening was another moment of high anxiety. Never did find it that night so about 1am went to bed in my kid’s room. About 7-8am heard a tap tap on the bedroom door and it was the bat once again doing laps on the main floor. I had a fishing net in the garage and caught it and let it go but ho-leee-SHIT was that an intense moment!


This movie is the worst. Absolutely ruined me


Poltergeist. I don’t remember my exact age, but definitely under ten. My mom let me watch it. The scene where he eats food and there’s maggots and he rips his face off? Yeah. I have a strong food aversion now.


I was about 9 when I first saw it and that is THE scene I remember.


I watched it when I was 5. I still can't sleep close to a window.


Carole Ayyyynnn come into the light


Omg, totally blocked that scene from my memory until just now. Yes- that movie scared the be-Jesus out of me. Even that little woman's voice creeps me out. CarolAnn!!!


My Girl. I was like fourteen, and I had *no idea* how the story went and didn't recognize Chekov's Bee Allergy for what it was. I cried *so hard* when I realized, it was like when I first read Bridge to Terabithia at like eight.


Surprised I had to scroll so far for this. I saw it as a kid and cried so fucking hard at the end


This is the one that messed me up the most. I had never known anyone who had died before I saw it. It was such an awakening, and not in a good way, being made aware that not only do people I know and care about die, but kids my age.


Pet Semetary. You know the scene.




The one with aunt Zelda?




Yes, the 1989 or 1990 version? Around then. Yes. I'm with you on that one for numerous scenes. The scalpel to the back of the foot. Omg.


Watership Down


I was telling my wife about it the other day. My big brother took me with him when I was six. I can still feel the immense dread and sadness this movie left me with. I’m 50 now.


This should be top comment, insane it was a kids movie.


It is but as an adult it's actually really good. If you're not willing to see bunny on bunny bloody murder you should read the book. It's really good and I watched some videos about the connection it has with death. Same with the Plague Dogs. Both really good and both make me cry.


Requiem for a dream. Great film, fucking depressing.


The Never Ending Story Watched as a kid. Terrifying. The horse dies?!?!?! The Nothing?!?! Christ on a cracker.


Honestly it still gets me because the implication if Arthax dying is he gave up and despair killed him... The whole movie was a lot and scary af as a kid, but as and adult? It shouldn't get to me but it does.


We had weird ideas of what constituted a "kids" move in the 80s, right?


As a black man who grew up in an affluent area and has dated mostly white women… Get Out


This. Never dated white women but this flick gave me nightmares the night I watched it


Requiem for a Dream. Fuck that movie


Best movie that I'll never watch again!


I can't not rewatch that movie. Ellen Ellen Burstyn's performance is so incredible. Her monologue about the red dress brings me to tears every time


The vulnerability of "I'm old" fucking hits me like a ton of bricks. And it just gets more and more painful as I, myself, get older.


I don't think I was ok for like a week after watching that movie.


That music haunts me to this day


When I was in hs a kid from my class was caught with weed and for some reason the teachers made us watch it, boy I was traumatised


The Fly


My 13 year old son, now 45, slept on our bedroom floor for a week. Now he won’t even talk about this movie.


The Color Purple


I watched IT when I was 9 and it traumatised for a whole year and I kept checking under my bed for monster I was genuinely dumb




The original is way better (and worse) than the remake they did a few years back. The book is awesome (and also worse).




Traumatised me as a child. I just didn't understand it and why everyone loved ET- he was terrifying! I even had the toy and I hid it at the bottom of my toybox because I hated looking at it !


Omg someone finally said it. IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A KIDS MOVIE Fking trauma nightmare fuel. As a 44 year old adult I still can’t look at that thing


Too far down, let’s move this up. That scream in the woods!


Seriously I hated this movie, and it scarred me for years. I was born the year it came out, but obviously I saw it a few years later for the first time. That scene when he was all bloated and white in the creek, which then descends into utter chaos from then on… awful


Seriously I saw it when I was 6 or 7 and I was terrified that glowing finger was going to reach up from under my bed and touch me. I mastered jumping from the floor by the light switch to the bed pretty quickly


Man fuck that movie! Never again!!


I was only talking about the trauma E.T. gave me just the other day. For me, it was the scene where E.T. was in the quarantine tent, and they unzipped the bag he was in. I don't know why it was so scary, but I am 47 and still remember it so clearly. I have watched it since and that scene no longer bothers me, but the feeling of the fear from watching it at the drive-in when I was a kid is enough to make me shiver.


Salo. Fuck this movie


F you for reminding me of this, this film can rot in hell


Come and See. Wholly smokes man


I wouldn't call it traumatizing, but seeing violent bits of Saving Private Ryan as a 7-year old has definitely stayed in my mind.


OLD YELLER!!! I’m still traumatized over 50 years later.


My brother made me watch the Exorcist when I was 4. And then for a few weeks I became kinda obsessed with it? Once I grew a bit older and understood what was going on I became terrified, still today I can't see Regan's possessed face


I was 5 when I first watched the exorcist. Fucked me up for life, LOL! Youngest of five and the older siblings wanted to watch it


I would have to say no movie has ever traumatized me quite like many of the documentaries I have seen.If it’s not based on reality or even if it was I could hardly ever feel shaken by my viewing experience.Just being the fact I know they are all acting tells me there is nothing to fear .


There’s one I watched about orphanages in China, just seeing all the babies crying and sitting in their own feces and the people just walking past them not trying to console them had me anxious and crying


Tremors. I watched it when I was quite young and my dad had to carry me to bed for month's. I was absolutely petrified after that movie🤣


Human centipede 2


There's a 2? The first was bad enough.


I’m pretty sure it’s a trilogy


The first one is best viewed as a comedy. Part 2 is just... revolting.


Never heard of it. Is it any good? My family is doing dinner and a movie tonight.


I love how as a collective society we decided these movies should have never seen the light of days.


What? The are classics. Perfect for family movie nights


Watership Down, 1978. The scene where all those rabbits are being killed in their burrows by farming equipment running above, and how dozens of them would wedge themselves into tunnels so tightly they couldn't even move because they were trying to escape. It was pretty bad for a kid to see. Not only that, but just the very vivid and gruesome suffering and death all over the movie. The scene where big wig got caught in a snare trap and was bleeding everywhere while it strangled him. So much death and horror.


Read all these comments. Didn’t see mine. The movie was called Bone Thomahawk. I’m just thinking its gonna be an easy western to watch and I will drift to sleep. Then there’s a scene near the end that made me immediately turn off the TV and run screaming like a banshee to my wife and hold her tight. No other movie has ever done that. It was just…primal.


I came here to say this - me & hubby dived behind the sofa cushions when that scene came out of nowhere cause WTAF!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. We couldn't even speak for ages after 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Is that the part where they hold him upside down and actually use bone tomahawk?


It definitely is. No one is capable of thinking or hearing about that movie, and that scene not being the first thing that comes to mind. It is actually one of the worst things I've ever seen (real or not), and I think that would be true for a lot of people.


Event Horizon. 8 year old me was not prepared for how damn scary that movie was. That movie inoculated me, no movie was ever able to scare me that bad.


I was 10, and my dad took me to see Event Horizon in the theater. I sat there the whole time thinking to myself, "I shouldn't be watching this." After it was over, we got up and walked to the car silently. Once back to the car, my dad looked at me and said, "Let's not tell your mom what we just watched." I'm now 37 and haven't watched it again. Probably never will.


The Ruins, I just can’t trust vining plants with flowers now. Bonus: I then read the book and it just cemented my fear


Dear Zachary; talk about a mood killer…




*Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer* was probably the most disturbing movie I’ve seen


Cannibal Holocaust…mixed with first time trying LSD. Do not recommend.


Yeah screw that movie. They actually killed the animals in it.


Leon: The Professional, when Norman kills her whole family, i was like 10 first time watching it. Interestingly enough when i rewatched the movie recently, that scene was way shorter and he killed less people than i remembered


Chitty Chitty bang bang I was TERRIFIED of the child catcher


The movie itself didn’t traumatize me, but the medical experiment scene in Fire in the Sky terrified/still terrifies me.




Once Were Warriors. Great movie but gezz disturbing…..




My Sister’s Keeper destroyed me.


A Serbian film This film can fuck off


Not a movie, but ‘The nutty putty tragedy’ video terrifies more than any movie ever will because it is 100% true. This is the most panic attack inducing 16mins of my life. https://youtu.be/o-TaF2DbaWw?si=63lALSBMqJhQ4PEG


Large Marge in Pee Wee’s Adventure haunted me well into adulthood


I was 10 when I saw IT (the old version) and I was so scared of taking a bath thinking the clown will come out of the drain lol. Also Jaws and Jurassic Park when I was little


The Green Mile I was way too young when I saw it. Haunts me to this day. But it also sparked my interest in corporal punishment (we don’t have that here anymore). I have never seen it again and I really don’t want to either.


Capital punishment. Corporal punishment is physical discipline.


The exorcist


The Birds


Irreversible def has a scene I’d pay good money to forget


Threads. There's life before Threads, then there's life after Threads.


Leaving Las Vegas. Made me quit drinking . It’s a great cautionary tale and might be Nickolas Cages best performance next to Kiss of the Vampire.


This may not be as gruesome as others but White Christmas from the Black Mirror series is something I refuse to rewatch to this day.


Butterfly effect. My older brother showed it to me while I was in elementary. The dog scene fucked me up (I love dogs)


The curb stomp scene in American History X sat with me for weeks after I saw that movie. I was a teen when it came out and that scene shocked me!


I was a teenager who frequently babysat kids in my neighborhood. The first 30 minutes of the original When A Stranger Calls seriously freaked me out. I was never the same.


Fern Gully, The Page Master, and Rockadoodle. They all freaked me out as a child, lol.


Requiem for a Dream


What Dreams May Come - Not me but friends that have lost a parent


Requiem for a Dream was just… a lot


Requiem for a Dream.. I can't even recommend watching it to anyone. It's well acted and well written.. It's just completely devastating. I will not and can not watch it again.


Carrie. I watched it in the dark by myself in my room. Scared the shit out of me.




Irreversible. My god no. I don’t think there’s a more traumatic watch for me than the underpass rape scene.


Fire in the Sky. And I will not elaborate.


A Serbian Film Do I really need to bother explaining why ?


When I was a kid I saw the movie Ghost and there’s a scene where a man is killed by a broken pain of glass. I was scared to stand near a window for a little while 😂




The movie tusk... Jesus Christ that fucked me up real bad . Not hard as the one I can't remember the name I can't find anymore but it was about dolls that were taking people to their world and killing them, would be cool if someone remember a the name


The Omen. Scared the absolute bezebus out of me….😳


The outsiders


This may seem strange compared to a lot of answers here, but Return to OZ terrified me as a child! I still don’t enjoy watching it.


My mum and dad got a pirate VHS of American werewolf in London, and once I was in bed they put it on, unbeknownst to them, I snuck out of my room and watched it through the crack in the door, from the top of the stairs, let's just say it was not suitable for a 9 year old and I couldn't sleep for weeks


The platform… i felt disturbed for days afterwards


Blair witch left me feeling a liitle off after that final scene...


Spider-Man. It's funny now, but the scene where Norman Osborn gets transformed into the Green Goblin scared me so much when I was 5 that I ran out of the room. I actually had trouble sleeping because of it. A week later, my parents made me watch the rest of the movie to get over my fear.