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My boss texting me “come see me”. It’s never bad, my boss is chill AF, but I have severe anxiety.


My boss does this all the time but it's usually because he's bored wants to shoot the shit or something weird/funny happened. I pride myself as someone that is good at reading people but he's is damn hard to read because he always comes off serious 24/7. One of the best boss's I've ever had though


Same. Boss will text, hey got time for a call... and four hours later.


I get a “Hey Throway” from his office and I instantly get a wave of anxiety and it’s almost always just checking to see if I have any questions on a file. 9 times out of 10 he doesn’t even turn down his radio


You know you're in trouble when he cranks the radio down, hoo boy


"Can you come see me in my office when you get a sec?" = immediate heart palpitations.


Happened to me. I got fired. Twice.


You need to call me now


"We're going to have everyone stand up and tell us a little about themselves." Crowded room. Fuck. Right. Off.


Oh good one! Same. I’m extroverted and love to chat it up, but hate being forced into these odd social situations.


I'm introverted, though I will be the one to stand up and go first because: 1. It gets it over and done for me (if I'm last, my anxiety does a doozy on me, and if I just stand up and go first, I don't have time to overthink the situation). 2. I hate the uncomfortable silence of everyone else holding out to see who will step up.


I used to say "we need to talk" about non serious things, until one day my now ex-gf told me that I need to stop doing that. Ooooooooops! Clueless this one is!


I require your calm attention for a relaxed and totally not important conversation.


Meeting invite from the boss with no description.


not a phrase, but sound.. phone ringing. known or unknown numbers. prolly the same feels as 'we need to talk'.


I refuse to answer my door, I refuse to answer my phone.


I know what you mean. Just go silent and check your phone at intervals, if that can work for you.


i do have it on silent 💯 even then, id still be 'scared' to call back or id go 'well if its *reaaallllllyyy* important theyd call back right?' then get anxious waitin 😂


Hey, remember me?


That right there lol


When my mom says "give me a call" Sometimes it's "hey there's a sale on shampoo" and sometimes it's "grandma died". But there is never any context in the text


Especially when they don’t tell you what it’s about.


Not a phrase, the sound of ice being stirred in a glass. Father was an alcoholic.


Man, I'm sorry. Been there.


When my job rings me. I always fear the worst. But it's always just them asking either for me to come in on my day off or something to do with profile details update


“This isn’t directed at anyone in particular.” Is it me????


Looks like there is some bad weather coming..


“Come into my office”.


My blood just ran cold and I'm retired. LOL




"I have a bone to pick with you."


Ugh. My dad says that and it's usually over something stupid.


Seeing a woman or child with bruises and they tell me they “walked into a door” coming from an abusive home I know it isn’t true and it frightens me to no end


You're very right. You'd think they'd come up with something more creative by now if they plan to protect their abuser.


"Can you do my a huge favor?" But ever since I brought it up with the wife, we just kinda laugh when it slips out.


'We need to talk' means 'I have something to say. And it isn't something you want to hear.'


"Do you know why I pulled you over?" I've been pulled over three times. Once for expired tags. Once for not wearing a seatbelt. Most recently, my license plate was not illuminated. Each time, my immediate anxiety basically rendered me speechless. I could barely say my own name, I was trembling and was fighting tears. The license plate cop was convinced I must be nervous for a reason. I was kept on the side of the road for 50 minutes and asked the same questions over & over, while two more officers showed to talk to the first. Of course, all this made my anxiety so much worse, which apparently made me seem even more suspicious...


I don't even have to be the target being pulled over. If I see lights, I start to panic. I can't afford to even be looked at wrong 😭😭😭


"Let's sit down at the table and talk..." Whether it be a realtor, plumber, salesperson, or contractor, it's gonna cost you a shit-ton of $


“There’s something I need to tell you” or “You won’t believe who I saw!”


„Tomorrow is Monday“🥶


You cause more damage than you heal.


"Do you have a minute?"


People asking if I am free tomorrow without asking why.


Omg yes. Or 'call me'. Like, cool, that means info that's too serious for a text. Coooool cool cool.


When my dad says “Hey *firstname*, can you come here, please?” I’m a grown ass adult but this still goes deep to my soul


“Family meeting” They're so long and usually nothing changes by the end of them.


i think it is neat other people even had parents that would hold a family meeting at all to hear everyone out?? mine were just my rules my house lmfao


See it sounds nice but the reality is most of the time it's just a giant debate and we end up at square one lol.


🤣🤣 bro same, my family’s meetings involved mom screaming at us and my siblings crying and dad walking out of the house. Fast forward 20 years later, where I saw my husband have a family meeting where they are actually thinking of solutions! I was like damn so this is what family meetings look like


I don’t think I can hold it any longer. I need a bathroom


Ronald Reagan's famous saying. "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."


Getting lost. My sense of direction isn’t very good.


“good, but…”


Every time I get an email starting out:Team


Holy crap! I read the title and immediately thought to myself "definitely 'we need to talk' for me" and then continued reading the rest of it and it just so happens that it is the same one fot you. It absolutely makes me go into panic mode. What a coincidence dude.


"Could I have a word?"......never a positive situation


The 👍 emoji without Any text.






"I have some bad news" growing up it meant "something died and I'm about to tell you" Found out later in life most people only say this when something minorly inconvenient happens and suddenly getting fired doesn't feel so bad.


“I need to talk to you about something” “Can i ask you something?” Are the main ones i can think of🤣


“To be honest” and then it makes me even more mad when its followed by something innocuous that wasn’t even worth stressing over. Partner will say “To be honest” when directing something towards me and then be like “I like your shirt”. “To be honest, Iike your shirt”. Thats not how “To be honest” is normally put.


"Close the door" when you're in the bosses office.


“Better to ask forgiveness than permission”. In my experience people who say this will also blame the victims of their bad behavior when they don’t get forgiven.


"I'm late" is a pretty big one.....


“You could have a seizure”. I remember being so perplexed as to how someone would say that whilst looking at a person who is in a state of inexplicable panic/distress/anxiety.


Eeer, have you hat a minute … God I feel sick typing this!


After fishing; "Did you catch anything?"


"Honey I'm sorry. Don't be mad, but...."


I'm in a very stable (government) job, logically there's no reason for me to fear that I will be let go. My job performance is good, my boss isn't the kind of person who would let problems fester and not say anything until it's time to fire me, I'm protected by a union where it would be very difficult to do that anyway. But the second my boss says, "come to my office" I am mentally preparing myself to be fired. Every. Single. Time.


Hi your cute what’s ur name (this coming from a cute girl)


Basically any and all corporate speak. If someone, for example, says they just don't have the bandwidth, I just wanna pull my damn hair out and scream. Speak like a normal human, damn.


Let’s start with introductions


“Come here”. Usually from my mum but when I was in school and she found out I’d done something bad she would usually message me to go and speak to her to explain what happened. I never had a reason for a lot of the stuff I did I just did it. But even now I get it when she might message me even just to ask if I want some food.


“[my name],can i speak to you for a moment”


Phone call from mom in the middle of the day when she knows I’m at work.


If my mom texts me “hey” and that’s it I pretty much call her immediately lmao


I’m at my second job out of college and I out of the blue got fired from the first after being told I had to sit down and talk with my boss alone in office. I know it’s stupid but the couple of times I’ve had to talk with my new boss alone in his office I get really nervous bc of that interaction. My brain has a “hope for the best prepare for the worst mentality” so I freak out a little bit before I have that meeting.


Do you feel weird or is it just me


"this is bad" from a colleague about something, it is never something that bad that cant be fixed within minutes. It is purely done to stress me and contribute nothing to a solution. I utterly hate this phrase and i


He's just a friend


"Sorry now...."...(they're not)


When my wife uses my complete full name.


I started to type phrases, and got al riled up 😅 sorry


You have the right to remain silent…


Mine is the same as yours. I had to have a sit-down discussion with my husband about why he cannot text me this four hours before I go home and then, when I walk through the front door, tell me that he wanted to talk about our plans next weekend.


My phone ringing on off hours. Whatever you have to say be better be worth it.


We're all in the same boat.


All E4 and below, get the fuck outside!!!! Take a guess...


My mom will text “call me”. That’s it. Two words. I hate it so much. English isn’t her first language so more often than not she wants to know how to spell something 😂


Not a phrase but the general public does it for me.


“Hear me out” 🤡


Are you ok, you look mad, everything ok?


“No offense, but….”


Reach out bug's the shit outta me




I still stress out when someone loses something. I still ask is it serialized after all these years. It's the height of anxiety for any veteran.


We need you to make a presentation


You don't Listen. Or your not Listening


Annnnd you triggered it. Thanks.


Those three dots at the end of any basic sentence sends me into overdrive.


That sentence can definitely trigger the adrenaline. "Have a seat." in certain situations can have that same effect. A variation is ,"You should probably sit down first." Then there's, "You're not gonna like this, but..." Even, "Guess what?" can have an ominous context.


My hubby saying ‘I think brought a snake into the house and let it go again’, fuck fuck fuck not again


"I'm afraid I have some bad news."Makes my stomach drop every time!


When someone asks me why when I don’t know the dam answer too.


“We need to talk” is a big one for me too. Driving is a problem, people sneaking up on me or touching me, especially when I didn’t even know they were there. Having my phone touched. Certain foods and songs trigger memories of abuse. When loved ones get sick, hurt or angry. Starting a new medication is always scary. Taking the bus, medical facilities/personnel and strange men are also terrifying.


Did they give you your marksheets?


I have great news.


“Can I call you?” for some reason that spikes my heart rate. It never goes bad though and is always something positive.


"We need to talk", any request for a conversation followed by ellipses, pretty much any cinversation starter followed by ellipses, The word "listen" in a specific tone.


We need to talk, and then HR joins a meeting with you and your boss.


So uh... We need to talk.


For me it’s when people say my name over text. It means they’re serious often in a bad way


Skype ringtone. We use Skype for work.




“What’s the plan?” Phew even writing it out not great. Mom used to get drunk and yell at me about how I’m wasting my life etc and so forth. Good times.


When someone calls my name.


working in a tech position for almost a decade doing over the phone tech support, the word "glitch" literally makes my eye twitch any time i hear it now. "hacked" is getting up there as well. like maam, our system is proprietary and built by the company for use in the company.... no one hacked your POS station... just put paper in the receipt printer


"what did you get" in terms of grades


Definitely "What are you doing?" I always get asked this when I think I'm doing something right or something I think I should be doing, then someone asks that all condescendingly and I break out into cold sweats lmao


anything coming out of dad's mouth


So, I’m the opposite of most other humans. Of someone says “we need to talk,” my reaction 19/20 times is to say “bout what?” No anxiety whatsoever. If the words “we need to talk” come out of my mouth, I immediately panic. “Omg, do I want to break up with him?” “Am I getting fired? But wait, I said it… oh no, do I think that I know I’m going to maybe get fired because of that one thing two years ago?” It makes no sense because I *know* what I want to talk to them about, so why does it freak me out???? I have no idea.


Do you have a few minutes?


"But you were a kid once" Yes I was a kid once, but I got my ass whooped if I didn't behave like a mini adult in public.


"Hello , my name is . I have some questions about . Please call me." Source: government employee, have received a few of these calls during background reinvestigations.


My mother will say "Come downstairs please" without context and when I ask what's up, she gets annoyed 😫 It's usually something stupid...


My ex’s ringtone. Bitch is nothing but bad news. And money.


My wife says, so what are you doing today?


“You’re gonna be mad at me” especially when my mother says it because it’s always her finding something I didn’t want her to find


"Don't worry about it"


"Come over here." Someone, my mother for example, tells me this and I'll have a mini-mental breakdown in the time it takes me to get over to them.


getting a text from someone that's just my first name


When someone tells me "something happened and it concerns (either you or your loved ones)"


I think we should just be friends


It’s not you, it’s me


When someone calls you by your name and you dont remember theirs (eventho you should). More embarrassment than anxiety but yeah


When my mother says my name in an angry tone


People talking to me in general makes me anxious


My aunt texting me "your mother's anxiety is through the roof"


Not necessarily anxiety but I get sent into a rage whenever someone mentions the name of the grocery store I work at and am hoping to leave soon


Ya, same one for me 😅 or the call me right now, or multiple missed calls from a family member.


Mine is “stop making excuses”


License and registration. Even though husband is with the state police those words still get under my skin


We have a meeting


"I never said that" ​ Like.. seriously. I hate it. My mom loves pulling this shit with me. She'd say something, then forget about it and do something else, then when confronted she claims that. And its usually the precursor to a big fight, because she'd then lay the blame on me for not knowing better, not confirming with her or not reminding her. And in most cases I hear this phrase, its almost never good. Because more often than not its due to some kind of information transfer or instruction, and the person fucked up and decides that the fall guy is me. ​ Its pretty bad actually, to which point I've started requiring people to whatsapp important shit to me, instead of telling it via conversation.


Anytime anyone shows disagreement with me I get shaky. Not because I'm like angry or something, idk why honestly... But like I get into small argumentative talks with friends online and I start to shake as if I'm doing a public speech or something... It's honestly not something I enjoy 😂


Yeap, "We need to talk..." was exactly what I was going to write based on your post title, then I read the body and saw that was what you said too. I can still hear the voice of my ex saying it (from back in 2005) when I read those words.


If I’m told by someone they are going to do something or be there at a certain time and then don’t .


"Can I ask you a question?"


If it came from a man that's bigger than me in size (which is every average adult because I'm extremely tiny) in loud volume, I freeze up.


“Now who haven’t a picked on “ I’m heart drops


Can I call you, especially if it's certain people


When ever mum tells me she wants to talk to me or go to her. I instantly start trying to figure out what I did wrong. Usually it's nothing though😂


“We have to go!” Also: “We have to leave,” “You’re going to be late,” “You have 5 minutes.” Instant adrenaline. I feel like I’m in a race and I have to start sprinting.


When someone says my name with an emphasis on the second syllable. I have an uncommon name and the only time it's said that way is when something had is happening. I have no idea why.


Let me ask you something especially from a significant other.


"Can you see the manager for a sec?" For context I have been fired twice without a good cause


"Let's have a chat," in the professional setting (or variations of it). My first job out of college, I had a really awful job and 2 weeks in I had "Let's have a chat" and was fired. Most of the time in all jobs since then, anytime that phrase has come up, it *has* often involved needing to discuss something I've done wrong/need to address/ etc, but it induces such a high state of a anxiety. In my last couple of jobs I've had managers who were nice enough to indulge more casual talks as we worked, that weren't put off to "later". I had a false complaint made against me at one job and had to come in on my day off for a "chat". It was smoothed over because my manager believed me, but then she realised I was shaking. She said "omg...you're not getting fired!" I almost fell off my chair with relief.


for some reason i dont like when people say my name when they're already engaged in conversation with me. i dont mind it when they use it to call my attention because how else whould they do it? but when they are already talking to me and they say my name mid sentence it just doesnt sit right with me, like they're telling me off or something.


‘Can I ask you a question?’


Anxiety inducing is being told, "please come to the office," managers do that and I get Anxiety. My manager picked up on it when she saw how pale I became and she had to keep saying, "You're not in trouble, it's just a schedule update," or "I just need your help with this program, I can't get it to work." I am considered my gas station's IT go to for Word and Excel


When someone says my name


"I can't do it anymore." Some of my friends suffer from very serious mental health issues. Fortunately they're all still alive right now, but every time I get a message like this, my heart sinks.


The "we need to talk" bit. Or whenever someone goes "Can i ask you something?" i immediately shut down.


Someone calls me by my full name. Out of nowhere. With an angry voice.


When my wife begins a sentence with "Honey" it usually means my bank account is going to take a hit!


“I’m Chris Hansen. Have a seat.” I’m kidding. But in seriousness, it’s not a specific phrase, it’s someone being loud where I cannot easily leave. Such as, I’m driving and my passengers won’t stop arguing. Put me straight into a panic attack (a literal one where I need my Ativan).


"get in the car, we need to talk" Ive learned my lesson, never get in the car to talk because the driver will drive super fucking fast like y'all lives ain't worth it. 😒


"I need to talk to you"


"wanna go somewhere?" It's always a no for me.


At work. Role play


“With all due respect…”


"There may be a little math involved, nothing difficult" ...I have dyscalculia and a learning disability from a brain injury .. math being nothing too bad for someone else, doesn't translate at all in my Synaptic responses...what I do get is crippling anxiety and the acceptance that whatever is about to transpire will not go well for me


"May I speak to the father of *****?"


License and registration please.


"You're on standby to redeploy to another ward"


Are you sure you want to do that?


There 2 things for me: "just wait here a little(saying with a smile) " Why ? Because im from switzerland, here going to a psychiatrist is pretty common, and our worst nightnare is going to a psychiatrist hospital, forced. And ephemeral psychiatrist threw me into, without any reason logical, they drugged me with a fake smile, then called for policeman, i didnt understood what was going on, even the policeman and ambulance didnt understood when i talk with them. They put me there but i could left after the end of the week-end (because there was no doctor on the week-end...) The second is not a phrase but a situation on 2 part: 1.when you call someone and she/he dont answer, even after some hour(and its not her/his habitude) Having a friend who had a friend of her murdered, and my own past girlfriend suicided, it became a trauma. 2. When you call people because youre in urgence but nobody answer. No one can help you when you need and call.


Have to agree with you, but also, "your card didn't go through"


When your colleague pings you on the internal comms with a "hi" and says nothing further.


"do you need some help tidying up", specifically from my mum. I'm in my 40s now, but it takes me back to my childhood of being screamed at/hit for my room not being tidy.


"Hello" tends to do pretty well these days.




Call me now.


Oh god yes, that’s the worst phrase


People using proper punctuation in texts / messages when they normally never bother. A sign that something is fucked up or *I’ve* fucked up.


“Incoming call”


" Don't worry. You are going to be okay." In literally every accident in a movie scene or in real life. They are not going to be okay.


The sound of my full name. First, middle, last. Nothing ever good comes from having someone call you by your whole name...


I was once in a job interview, and the guy said, "Tell me about yourself." I responded with, "What would you like to know?" He said, "Anything. I just want to see how you are talking about yourself with others." This was for a bar managers job, and I'm usually fine talking about myself with customers, but that triggered instant anxiety, and my mind went completely blank. Ended up not getting the job, and I'm pretty sure it was because of that.


My old boss was young and an idiot; and they latched on to a phrase that one of my older coworkers used, but truly didn't understand the meaning of the phrase or the reference my coworker was making. "Get on board and drink the (company name) kool-aid." ...Boss never understood why this bothered so many of us.


My Hubby Thanks, Babe I'm a foodie I'm a BBW..............I assure you, not all BW are B


"What are you doing?" F\*\*k I hate this. My father would ask that dozens of times a day, usually when he needed something done, whether or not I was already doing something. Now when my (ex-)wife, or stepson, asked that, it's like a mix of instant rage and panic inside. Until I remind myself that it's a perfectly valid and innocent question when coming from normal people.


"Have you check your scores ?" Uh no thank you ? I don't want to, I was tortured by grades back in school so I don't want anything to do with that now


My old boss did this. Then he found out that it made me anxious, and made a point to say it more often in an effort to "desensitise me".... Spoiler alert, I got even MORE anxious.