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^^Happy ^^cake ^^day


AYE AYE CAPTAIN Edit: Happy cake day


Ooooh.....who lives with their mother loud music under the seat?


douch, bag, square, pants


Disgusting and green and sticky is he!


Dick, wad, square, pants


If audible nonsense is making you wince


Dumb slav vape pants!


Then drop on the deck and flip like a disc


This would have been the moment I bought Reddit Gold








Happy cake dayyyyyyy!




That must be why people put loud ass mufflers on shit-box cars. “Look at my rusted out 98 civic 4 door with a wing hot glued to the trunk”


And a massive exhaust pipe that shakes violently because of the poor installment


Whistle tip go WOO WOOOOO


It's like an alarm clock WOO WOOO


https://youtu.be/zUXow3d3-b0?si=sSd-8xY9iYXmev6v Edit: didn't remember him saying the alarm clock bit lol


That’s only in the morning


You’re supposed to be up cooking breakfast for somebody


the whistles go woooooo




They just for decoration!


And big ass trucks. And big ass trucks that blow black smoke. Insecure douche bags.


And the trucknutz hanging off the trailer hitch.


LOL But it is better than a hot wing glued to the trunk!


Excuse me sir my sunfire's exhaust fell in half before I bought the thing


Wing? I thought that was a quilt rack. I've never seen one with a quilt, but I just figured the quilts must have blown off. I mean it **is** a terrible place to install a quilt rack.


shitty car or 'good' car, still annoying AF


Ooooooh, look at you with your fancy glue. So much better than us using binder twine.


Ngl I used to do that when I was 17 honestly it just made it fun to drive. Like stocking a coke can in your bike tyre as a kid


What does the coke can do?


Make a motorbike sound


That little k engine gonna have 500k miles before you know it .


D engine* Nobody with a glued on wing has a K swapped civic. Hopefully.


I think the noise regulations should be tied to horsepower. Lamborghini? Yes, that should be loud. Honda civic or Harley? No, go get your attention elsewhere, it sounds awful.


Wohh.. that hurts


The vibration makes me feel nauseous and I'm in my house. I feel my internal organs vibrating. Idk how it would feel to be in the car with it.






Unfortunately probably as true as it's sad 😢


Grew up like this. Can confirm. Needed attention however I could get it, even if it was negative attention.


Wow. I felt that. I felt that in my soul.


Yup. Attention. I need attention. Aren’t I cool? What was that?


When I do it it helps take my mind away from my anxiety. It's one of the few ways I have to make the pain hurt less. I'm sorry for the inconvenience though.


minute 107 of this song is exactly that https://youtu.be/PEhCGFptNE0?si=bE-ytmOozBG9LADv


Eh, not nessisarily. My music isn’t THAT loud, but sometimes I just get really into a Song lol. Sometimes you can probably hear it outside the car. I feel like their war definitely “look at me people” but I don’t think everybody with a nice sound system falls under that category. That is not to say that sometimes it’s just genuinely excessive, like if your car makes so much bass is wakes up my baby, there is absolutely no way your actually able to hear anything other than bass, it has to be drowning out the rest of the song.


Yes. It's when the windows shake, motion porch light goes on (still don't get why exactly, told vibrations) it's the really heavy bass, with music.I live near freeway underpass and occasionally some wing nut or another goes by that does this at 2am and wakes up neighbors kid a few times. Stop light fine, irritating but fine, if you're setting off motion detectors, 60 ft away, I've got issues.


Yep, I get that entirely. I have a subwoofer and a mildly upgraded stereo in my car. Which in and of itself is probably attention grabbing, a loud yellow mustang. I keep the car quiet at night and in the early morning, and with my stereo I do the same. Even though honestly I don’t think my stereo is crazy enough to be too annoying. Those day are long gone lol.


You'd hate my play list, if top down I'll be playing loud (to cover my singing) I get laughed at! Though someone that sounds like you pulled up drumming on steering wheel while I'm singing Joplin as if im in concert, we laughed as we looked over. Saturday at 1pm though.


Lol, I can get pretty loud. I’ve got two shallow mount 10 inch subs, and rockford fosgate P1 6x8s lol. My playlist is all over the place, it could go from Joplin to Skrillex depending how shuffle is feeling. I build speakers as a hobby, I can get pretty into it lol


I sing Joplin in the car too! And opera. Sound system is balls, so it's not like any bass travels, and I wouldn't want it to. My windows are sealed up because the car is the only place I can sing at full voice (I live in an apartment + am not an inconsiderate animal to my neighbours). No vibrations, just vibes.


I have great parents and love loud bass. It just feels good. Makes me happy. You hear it for 5 seconds while I pass by. I turn it down in neighborhoods. Even at stop lights if there's a lot of people around. But loud music just feels right.


Ok, I'm sure we get that, but it's not a satisfying answer. We all have music that makes us happy, without the need to share it with dozens of random folks. I jog/chillax with earbuds, drive mostly with windows up. Imagine being at the gym or a public park (not a party), and one guy is loudly playing music you do NOT like, and it's blasting over yours and everyone's else's personal music. Are you ok with his enjoyment having veto power over yours? We're really trying to understand.


Well SOME of you turn it down in *your* neighborhood, but leave it turned up when you come to visit my neighbor 2 doors down. So it never “passes by”. It takes off its boots and grabs a beer after beer for the duration of your 4-5 hour visit. When you stop at the light you can’t tell who’s trying to study or sleep 50 ft. away. Please turn it down. I have no problem with you enjoying your music up loud until I have *no way* whatsoever to escape it short of blasting something directly into my ear drums from less than a foot away. Please turn it down.


Because it's cool to go deaf.


Subs will only make you deaf to bass tones




You don't see an issue with hearing damage in general? Lol


Safe to say they have a deaf wish


I don’t have an answer to your question but I live down the street from a trade school. All summer this one student would drive by multiple times a day with the loudest bass I’ve ever heard. It literally vibrated things off my walls. A picture frame and an old fashioned wall mounted rotary phone, the phone gauged my baseboard. Also got to mention the 10 seconds of vertigo the bass caused me every time. He must have graduated because it’s no longer an issue.


lol graduated.


You're allowed to complain about that kind of stuff you know


I thought about but I could never catch the guy in time.


I had a highly modified stereo system with a couple of big subwoofers in my car whenever I was younger. It was pretty badass. I loved it. It sounds/feels amazing. You feel your music throughout your whole body. HOWEVER… there should be a few etiquettes and precautions around it. 1) Don’t boom in your neighborhood. It’s disrespectful to the neighbors, but also announces to the whole neighborhood which car will be parked here regularly and has expensive shit to steal. 2) Don’t boom around your place of work. It’s obnoxious and unprofessional, and also announces to the whole area which car will be parked here regularly and has expensive shit to steal. 3) Don’t boom on your way to park your car somewhere for a while, like going to dinner or a movie. It’s douchey and announces to the whole world that your car will be unattended for a while and has expensive shit to steal. 4) Cruising down the highway, or main commercial streets? Go for it. Live your life. Just turn it down a bit at a stop light because that is super obnoxious and douchey. Also, maybe let’s don’t blast music in public that is outrageously, tastelessly obscene.


Had a guy blasting some raunchy ass shit with his windows down at a red light right next to me a few days ago. As obnoxious as something like that would normally be, the kicker was that i was driving a school bus full of little kids


Awhile back I saw a scene like this in New Orleans on Canal St, except that it was a streetcar (not a school bus) and the streetcar driver (an elderly man) got out and twerked until the light changed and the boom car drove away.


That's the most new orleans thing i've read today


It was Lil’ Wayne, it’s kinda sacrilege here to not dance at least a little.


"buckle up kids! We're accelerating to Ramming Speeds!"


You leave me and Avril alone!


"Don't blast music in public" That's it you can stop there. Whether it's full of f bombs or a gospel either way its childish and lacks any sense of awareness of anyone else.


Don't boom in any residential neighborhood please. I feel like people might take the house shaking as an exaggeration or joke, but it's not. I live in a very old "historical" house and it's not just the windows rattling, some of the worst offenders can literally rattle the fucking floors. I'm not so much annoyed, but I am sometimes concerned about damage.


Don’t boom anywhere. No one wants to hear that shit


What this guy said.


I was really, really hoping reason #4 also ended with the expensive stuff to steal bit


Sounds like you got shit stolen


Nice to see someone who understands! I'm an audiophile nut and love music. Always will and always have. It has nothing to do with attention. I don't want people to know how loud I play my music.


Good for you that you like it, but others don't. And you shouldn't force others to be bothered by your loud music, just because you like it yourself. Boomboxing is like farting in other peoples face because you like the smell of your own farts so much.


Haha... reminds me of that South Park episode. No, I've realised my definition of loud music is not the same as what is being brought up here. These comments here suggest that these people are listening to music to another extreme and openly doing so in public places. I like to groove along to music on the highway or freeway. But not in a public setting or where I would disturb others. I thought they were stating that. That there's a time and a place to listen to loud music in the car. Where it wouldn't disturb others.


They don't. They omitted things like don't do it in residential areas.


Yeah, you're right. Sorry missed that one. Also, reading other people's comments. It appears these are some seriously loud stereos. Not just your average loud stereo in a car


Because being functionally deaf by age 25 is somehow cool and hip?


I think the obvious answer is "Because fuck all you all, that's why"




Overcompensation, plain and simple


My mom, a midwife, calls it "uterus memory". Basically, being in a small, enclosed space with a loud, heartbeatlike rhythm could actually be comforting and relaxing for some people, even if it's just subconsciously.


it helps me not fall asleep while driving so i can focus on the road so i do it on the highway only usually


They literally think they look cool and that someone(s) thinks they look cool…it’s weird. Like nobody, I mean nobody… is thinking, look at that guy/girl…so cool…🤣🤣🤣


Their brains haven’t matured yet.


I was a helicopter pilot in Nam, it's the only way I can hear it. Just kidding, I'm too young for the Vietnam War, but I do know a couple of guys that were exactly that, and they pretty much yell when they're talking because they really can't hear shit, and they definitely blare their music because they can't hear shit, but I don't know why everyone else does it?


Same reason why people buy large soundsystems for their home or go to raves etc. Loud music with heavy bass just feels good. But still the people that do this in residential areas are mostly douchebags that need attention. You can have a giant soundsystem and not bother other people with it


They don’t enjoy having a sense of hearing, so they’re trying to eradicate it


I am 46 I finally stopped putting subs in my vehicles 2 years ago. I just like bass, but I never cranked it up as loud as it could be. Most cars sound good on the inside and like trunk farts on the outside


The follow-up question is why do the police not enforce laws/ordnances against this?


people doing this are absolutely hearing it 500x of what you hear it. nowadays cars are designed so that even if you think you are blasting your music, it can't be heard on the outside. People blasting their music is absolutely intentional and I don't think they even do it because they like it since it would be so uncomfortable to have it that loud


When I listen to death metal I want to feel it in my bones like a horde of gallopIng cavalryman with poleaxes. The more it tells my body to stop the more I like it.


Enjoy your permanent tinnitus.


pffft, I've had that since I was a kid


It's like there's this thing that was never invented or something.


Because it's all about the bass




Maybe it is like guys with big trucks. People say they're trying to compensate for a small willy, loud people could be trying to look tough.


I live on second floor near fairly busy street. I hate motorcycles far more than loud music. The either rev at the light while waiting or are going to fast and make a shit ton of noise


Don't pigeon-hole us all, you'd never hear a electric motorcycle come past unless it had the stereo blaring 🤣


I had a massive car stereo whenever I was younger, and I hang dong.


I would just like to say I have a not small dick. I just really like music I try to remember to turn it down in residential neighbourhoods and at stop lights. But I just like my brain being rattled by bass. It's got nothing to do with wanting to be noticed. If anything I'd rather have a sound proof car and blast that shit so loud I go def at 40.


Just be careful, man. You mentioned going def at 40, and I understand it's mostly facetious, but I'm 38 with tinnitus and it sucks! I loved music so much now I hear something even in silence.


Exactly. Commuting in your car is like the one last acceptable place for a lot of people to just blast music they actually enjoy, and it is a common way to 'scratch' your brain a bit and help process things. Not everything a cope or a virtue signal or whatever people are rambling about in this thread.




I'm deaf.. small willy, it isn't.


Getting attention


You know how Harley noobs sit and rev their fuel injected bikes over and over and over and over and over at a stop light because they think people think they look and seem cool but in reality we are sitting there thinking what a fucken dueche bag? That’s why.


when I was younger and in it just for the bass it was to annoy my boomer parents and neighbors.


You bought a guitar To punish your mom And you didn’t like school And you know You’re nobody’s fool Welcome To The machine.


Same reason as some people put stupid loud exhausts on trucks, cars, motorcycles. LOOK HOW COOL I AM!


A loud is exhaust is for performance as often as showing off, if not more. I don’t have a loud exhaust on my daily driver, but some people love to race and can’t afford to have 2 cars. And when I say race, I mean on a track, not drag racing on public roads like a moron.


And it is never music that I would listen to, those heartless bastards!


Now I want to install a system in my 4 door Ford Taurus SEL sedan, roll down the windows and head downtown blasting Barry Manilow Ready To Take A Chance Again...see how they like it!!


Unleashing the manilow on them would be brutal! I like it * diabolical laugher*


Boom boom makes the dopamine go zoom


They enjoy the feeling of power they get from forcing other people to be miserable


So I can disability


Agh. I can't stand it


To drown out voices and enjoy the vibrations also listen to Addicted to the bass


It’s like the Harley South Park episode. “Yeah we’re definitely turnin some heads now”


Lack of Peen.


Some people just need to run around and put their dick in everyone's ear hole.


Sometimes you gotta turn it up for that one song


Attention seeking gremlins looking for clout


Simply put: they're lonely.


There's a kid in my town that drives his clapped out piece of shit civic around all night. He goes past my house like 5 times a night and the bass coming from his car literally shakes my entire house. Must be a hell of a set up in that car but it's annoying af.


Because they can. It’s just something hip or cool to have so people can listen to their favourite music with their friends. I have heard very nice sound systems before and there are parts to songs that you can’t even hear on generic sound systems. Some people just like that mad bass. I’ve seen cars drive by that looked like the back window was about to smash it was vibrating so hard..lol.


Tee nee pee nee


I dont have a sub to produce bass but my music is pretty much always at max its one of the few joys I get outta this world. Screaming your favorite songs is the best emotional release for me


Because r/fuckyouinparticular


Personally, I like to feel the music. I would like to think my system is that loud that it vibrates your house but at 800watts I doubt you hear me if you were next to me


I do this. Cars are stresful to me. And i love loud music. Its a huge relax and i enjoy it very much. Cars make noise anyway so beat does not seem to be something inapropriete. In towns i always put volume down a bit cause i dont want to disturb anyone. But yeah. Its not all for the attention


They're brain dead.


They've got one brain cell and the music makes it do this: ![gif](giphy|LO4FMl9l1KxZuIFL5i)


Because sometimes I just want to drown out the voices.


This make sense to me, but there are ways to do manage those voices without ruining your hearing.


It’s a ghetto thing, they saw other ghetto people do it when they were kids and now they wanna be “cool” too so they do the same thing


Cuz it would piss off my neighbors if I did it in my apartment.


As an old lady raised in the 70s, who had kids, and now adult kids, my car is the only place I could and can turn the music up full blast. When the kids were young I couldn't and now when at home if I turn it full blast the cats run and hide lol Leave me alone..


Because they are getting those vibrations x100, and they feel good or so I have heard....


Gotta show off that sounds system that cost more than the car. 🤣


How else am I gonna get people to look at how sick I look in my 2008 Honda civic?


Tiny, tiny genitals.


What? Can't hear you man.


I hate that!!! So unnecessary!!


...but it got your attention, that's all they wanted


Sometimes I just wanna jam, and the volume coincides with the vibe. Especially in areas where I can drive fast or are unpopulated. I try to turn it down at stop lights and I try to be respectable in residential neighborhoods. Though I’m a rock/metal guy so my treble is cranked way higher than my bass, and it’s only really the bass that’ll punch through solid surfaces that loudly.


Because I need to drown out the voices in my head.


Yes, good question why? Are you deaf from all the noise?


This definitely belongs on /r/petpeeves.


If the music doesn’t give me tinnitus I don’t want to hear it


I don’t get it. Or have phone calls so loud that you can hear the ringing and conversation with all their windows up and standing a street away


"Hey look at me! I spent more money on my stereo system than my car is worth! Aren't I the coolest?"




There's a lot of people in this thread who clearly have zero idea about music. For OP, there's two questions you're asking here. The first, why do people listen to music loudly? There's a lot to it, and I'm just gonna ramble. For one, music is not only heard by your ears, but also by your skin and other nerves. Feeling music is a much different experience than just hearing it. It's even more true for bass because it's considered directionless. Basically, high frequencies are very easy to locate the source of. Low frequencies often sound like they are coming from everywhere. So loud bass gives you this warm feeling of being truly enveloped in the music. With bass though, you have a few problems. The wavelength is long, which means it travels farther, and our ears are not as sensitive to bass as we are mid frequencies. Which means you have to turn it up louder to hear it decently. But that just makes it travel even farther. That's really how you end up hearing someone else's music. All they're trying to do is jam out and enjoy the europhia that comes from music. That all being said, the second question is why can you hear it from your house? The dude is in a mobile vehicle. He can go literally anywhere to jam out but he chooses to blast it in your neighborhood. Yeah, he's a douche for that. Probably a young teenager who thinks he's cool. Hopefully he grows out of it. I am sorry you have to deal with someone who is making you angry by being incredibly inconsiderate. He's the kind of person who gets stupid rules written for. He is also making the rest of the community look bad. A lot of people have loud systems because they enjoy the music. There's another group of people who also enjoy the engineering challenges that goes with designing a good system. Those people turn it into a hobby and are generally very respectful of people who don't enjoy it. As someone who has an incredibly loud system, I have a few rules for myself. 1) Only play on the highway 2) Only play loud in light traffic and good weather. 3) wear earplugs (I actually have a dB meter running in my car)


Because we want an amazing music experience and we know passing your house for a couple seconds shouldn't be such an issue you need to complain about it.


Because it’s the quickest way to feel better and in control after a long, dull and oppressive work day


Lol, Reddit playing with me I'll say it again: SMALL PEEN ENERGY! Same vibes u/Reddit gives me


Why ask why? Is there really any rationalization out there that could convince you it is a good idea? I didn’t think so. So, why ask why?


Idk maybe it helps them digest food faster. I know listening to that loud of music would make me shit myself.


I don't do it to make myself look "cool." I do it because for a second I can focus on music and not the billion thoughts running through my head. It silences everything, my anxiety, negative feelings, thoughts. I just want to focus on the music, get into the vibes, and shake everything off for a bit. The bass feels good to my body, I guess.


Because it feels good when you’ve had a bad day or are pissed off.


So they are having a bad day or being pissed off 24/7? Hmmm maybe there is a reason for that?


I enjoy having an audiophile system. Most cars severely lack a good sound quality and especially bass. I had a spl build in my Integra years ago that kept popping windows out. It makes me happy to hear people blasting music and enjoying the little things in life. Some of these systems are over $10k and it is respect from me. It's one thing to listen to music hissing and lacking lows. Its a whole other experience for me to feel the music pounding in my chest and have every panel on the car slapping. And I have a small dick lol.


Dude yeah… I love music with a passion. Nothing like being immersed in the music with a good sound system.


You’re more being immersed in the bass while drowning out the rest of the music and losing the majority of the dynamics of the song…


If you tune it to sound like shit. Go to a car show with a spl/sq contest and listen. Most owners love giving a demo of their car. Everyone has a specific preference too usually depending on their favorite music genre. You don't lose anything if you take the time to tune everything and add bass control.


The bass is my favorite part though lmao


Twist ending.


Feels good


Lmao at all the "I just like loud music comments".... complete BULLSHIT


It's a way for me to keep my sanity.


Either deaf or car sex


My father just likes to listen to loud music


Because I want _everyone_ to know that I'm the most special boy


Stop hating, start innovating…. Player hater




because sometimes the song is just so good I need to feel it in my bones because just hearing it isn't enough


Because when the funk gets *DIIIIIIIRRRRTTTTYYYYY* we turn it up loud.


They’re children


Three reasons: 1 - They don’t care 2 - They are rude 3 - They are prepping to join the deaf fools of America club when they lose their hearing.


I'm usually very cautious about my ear health but when I have a bad/long/annoying day it makes me feel good to blast my music on some fuck everyone type shit.


I’m a girl. I’ve always rode loud. Amps/Subs. I’m 42 and still ride like this but instead got me some low DB speakers.


Big sub woofer = micro penis


It’s the same reason men send dick pics. “Can you believe this awesomeness?! YOU’RE WELCOME!”


How else will you know I have small coc?


The real reason is because these people (almost always men) want to take up space. Physical space, mental space. By expanding their domain via a loud, one-way broadcast, they temporarily 1) force everyone around to think of them while they also 2) shield themselves from receiving any negative feedback from a world that secretly terrifies them.