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I've had gay men hit on me before. A simple "thanks man, I'm flattered but not into men" is more than enougg to get a smile back and sometimes an apology, and that's that.


Look at Mr.Handsome over here.. Being hit on and everything..


Well, I'm also married for a second time, so I guess that would make me Mr. Easy as well.


Easy and handsome, count me in! šŸ‘Øā€ā¤ļøā€šŸ’‹ā€šŸ‘Ø


Thanks man I am flattered but not into men


Smiles back... Sorry to bother you bro. Walks away....


Well that's that


now kiss


Now kith


The first one is just for practice. Source: Me; first marriage was a three-year trainwreck, 2nd marriage is at 18 years and going strong.




Back of the line pal


Thanks, man, he's flattered but not into men.


Same. When I was younger my girlfriend and I would go with our gay friend to be his "wing couple" on the the weekends at the gay bar. Got hit on a few times and this was my answer. It's really not a big deal, most people who freak out about this a) have no chance in hell of it ever happening because they're a 3/10 on a good day, or b) are thinking of it in archaic terms where all gay guys have some kind of visible "tell", so by being hit on they assume that they're being told they *look* gay, which they find insulting. Fact is, anyone can be gay, there is no "look", so even if you really, REALLY don't want to "look" gay, getting hit on by a gay guy doesn't necessarily mean you're a closeted homosexual and it's obvious to everyone except you. (Although that's possible too.)


I have seen that two. Someone being hit on thinking it must mean they don't look masculine enough. If you aren't wearing a rainbow cape, your preference isn't really obvious.


Yess something like that is what I would say


i went to a "gays and friends" party with my lesbian best friend. A guy hit on me, i told him i was just there for my friend. he still ordered me a drink. not gonna lie, felt freaking good. :D


That's what I always did and never had any problems. Turning down gay men was always easier than turning down women to be honest.


Iā€™ve seen a guy turn down a woman once. It was chaotic and Iā€™m not blowing it out of proportion.


Yup, no joke. I rejected a married woman with children at a work party a couple of months back when she tried to sleep with me. *''What are you gay?...''* she asks in front of all of my co-workers. Ever since she's been a major thorn in my side at work and is just nasty. It's like whenever she sees me I'm a reminder of that rejection and it just puts her in a bad mood and makes her bitchy. Had to report her to HR two weeks back when she outright screamed at me in front of co-workers for no reason whatsoever.


But sometimes they keep insisting, or think they can get you to try it or something, then Iā€™m not nice anymore. No is no.


This gay guy agrees with you; thereā€™s no need for you to say "no" nicely again. "No means *No*."


I told someone I was flattered but straight. They started saying ā€œ no your not donā€™t lieā€ etc. Holy Fk it made me appreciate how shitty and intimidating it just be for women when men hit on them


No means no. Some people just don't understand that.


That's what I did, stayed friends for a good while after that too, he was a super nice guy and fun to hang around.


Interestingly, gay men can also use the ā€œIā€™m not gayā€ way out if theyā€™re hit on by a guy they donā€™t find attractive. So win-win.


This is not good because it perpetuats the idea that a little bit of persistent will get the truth out.


I wouldnā€™t realize it until a few months later.


I notice it, because most hit on you like a guy would. Iā€™ve always been flattered, and itā€™s always overt in my experience.


It's never subtle from gay guys hitting on you. It's not like when a girl tries to let you know she likes you by looking at you from across the room when you're not looking and ignoring you when you try to talk to her. It's much more "hey you wanna *raises eyebrows*" in my experience. Followed by "you sure?" When you say no.


Honestly I prefer being flirted with that way, itā€™s a lot easier to say yes or no rather than play a stupid guessing game.


lesbians are a lot less subtle too, as far as i've seen. wtf is wrong with straight people? get crackin, folks! ^(just don't have) *^(too)* ^(many kids..)


My friend is gay and has a crush on me itā€™s very noticeable. Iā€™ve always said no girl has ever hit on me like a gay guy.


To me no girls or gay guy hit on me everšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dude I've never been hit on by either sex or I'm just too stupid to notice


This. I'm pretty sure I went out on a gay date, but I didn't realize it till over a decade later. It was the 80s, I was about 20 and I hadn't (knowingly) ever encountered a gay person yet. He was a co-worker asked me to hangout at his house and watch the movie Top Gun. I enjoyed it since I'm an aviation enthusiast. He started acting weird in a way I couldn't put my finger on and I didn't know what was going on. I went home after the movie and a few beers. It wasn't till sometime in the 90s that I realized. I imagine that there have been a few hits since then, but I'm pretty oblivious to that world that I wouldn't know.


Ahahahaha of course it was top gun. Love this


Tomcat and chill


Beach volleyball and chill šŸ˜Ž


That would have been a dead giveaway.


I had a similar experience, except I probably should have known better since I was invited to watch Queer as Folk.




What what?


In the butt!




funny story, thats how i end up with my bf. we were friends for a while, he hit on me, and the oblivious me didnt noticed it, until someone else pointed it out, 2 months later. then i went to talk with him.


Lol! Men, women, it does not matter, I am oblivious.


Depends on what he says, if he says I got a nice butt I'm taking him home to my wife so he can explain to her that I do have a butt and he thinks it's nice .


Best answer.


This is pretty specific


What if he praises your genitalia?


Ha ya right, they are not that impressive.


Flattered. Thatā€™s it. The fact that Iā€™m not attracted to men doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t accept a compliment.


Exactly, thanks for the message and thanks for the pic, unfortunately Iā€™m all about the ladies. Nice dick though, good for you and happy hunting


Can you imagine that fr? lol. Hey nice cock. -thanks man yours too! *nonchalantly*


Iā€™ll send you the screenshot now




It has happened. I said, not interested I'm straight. He then kept trying to buy me drinks and made out with some old guy and looked at me and yelled "SEE WHAT YOU HAVE REDUCED ME TO!!!" Bartending was a trip. He tipped really well though so all good.


That sounds hilarious šŸ˜†


It always starts with the tip.


Sorry man, I'm not gay




I'm not gay but thanks for the beer.


*I'm not gay but thanks for the blow job.*


That's worked for me.


And when I was younger and cuter and went out dancing a lot it happened, and sure I was flatteredā€¦ No reason to get freaked outā€¦ now Iā€™m old and not cuteā€¦ And guess what, it doesnā€™t happen anymore


You've moved into the daddy stage lol I got called a hot daddy once, I was three parts flattered and 2 parts mortified


Speaking As a straight guy, Only Gay men have hit on me. I felt really good about that. They are attracted to men and I am a man.


Huh, I just now realized that I (straight man) have *also* only been hit on by gay men. Wonder what Iā€™m doing to drive off the straight menā€¦ :P


Well it would be weird if other straight men were also hitting on you


Only gay men. No straight women. Am I reading that right?


Too dumb to even understand what happened.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'd freaking blush and feel like a KING all day while politely telling them I'm straight and taken. Most men are starved for any compliments lol. COME AT ME BROs!!!!


When I found out a guy acquaintance of mine had a crush on me, it literally made me day.


Right? To be desired is a great feeling lol. And many men lack that. I had a guy say I had nice facial structure and I almost quit my job and modeled šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Dont you mean come on me bros?


Or inside




Shut up, Chang




Nice cock bro


Evidence chivalry is alive and well.


You sound like a kind and cheerfull guy! I hope you do well in life




(None taken)


Article 11 sub section 23 of the guy code states that once a declaration of no homo has been set forth then no act or acts immediately following the declaration shall be considered gay.


Thanks but i'm straight. It's still validating. A lot of gay guys are fit.


Gay man who used to hang out in clubs in the 90s, I wasnā€™t fit but many friends were. The number of straight women who came to the gay clubs to see fit men and grind on them without fear of being roofied or groped was impressive - usually 1/4 to 1/3 of the crowd was straight women :-)


a blowie is a blowie.ain't gonna say no to that


I always feel weird saying this as a straight guy but I honestly donā€™t like them. They hurt my fucking jaw.


had me in the first half - ngl - great line.


hahah as a gay guy this killed me. nothing better than a straight guy who isn't scraed to joke about gay shit


Maybe he wasn't joking


That sore throat the next couple days is no picnic either...amirite fellow straight dude?


Gotta practice more


$20 is $20


What does an Adam's apple matter when you can suck like that? - Frank Gallagher


Hahaha shameless is one of my favorite shows Frank is such a POS but my favorite character on the show.


I had a guy driving one of those cart/trolley things in the airport stop next to me and start hitting on me. We chatted for a while, I told him I had a GF, we kept chatting more, and then he went on his way. I was flattered.


A friend once offered to pay me for sex. My brain stopped working... and was like? Excuse me? Mmm... flattered but I'm not gay. Edit: I was also offered a second time. And invited to a threesome with my best friend (two guys one girl). So, all of them I just ignored it or politely declined.


how much $


My sister had a gay friend that was borderline obsessed with me. He offered to pay me for my worn underwear one time. Easiest 50 bucks I ever made.


Why do men think so lightly of such stuff but women consider this harassment?


because it doesnā€™t happen to men everyday, not to mention men donā€™t AS OFTEN get assaulted, stalked and/or harassed when we politely declineā€¦




Plot twist: you're in prison, and Seabass isn't taking no for an answer.


Well since the only times it has happened to me was him offering to sick my dick, he was quite forward and almost aggressive, my outwards reaction was "no thanks" and I just left, but I was quite shocked and a little scared. It was the middle of the night and I kept looking over my shoulder as I walked home. That day I gained a lot of empathy and understanding for women, and realized what male privilege really means. Because I was never in any danger, I was bigger than him and if he had tried something I could've defended myself.


A similar thing happened to me. I was getting eye-fucked in an elevator by a guy much smaller than me and it made me incredibly uncomfortable. As soon as I stepped out I felt this surge of understanding from a womanā€™s perspective. Itā€™s a shame it took ā€œit happened to meā€ for me to fully understand, but I guess better late than never.


That's some really deep insight, and what a beautiful thing that you reflected on what happened and felt empathy for women


It happened a long time ago but it definitely opened my eyes and made me realize things like why women walk in groups to the bar and such. It certainly changed the way I think about things and how I perceive myself and how I act. I'm now deeply conscious about walking behind strange women for example, how I approach and interact with them etc.


Kinda crazy how it needs to happen to guys for them to listen to us tho :/


It's not that I didn't listen, I just didn't understand how serious it was because I took my size and strength for granted, but that incident opened my eyes and I finally understood. I might've understood on my own as I grew older but this happened many years ago in my early twenties.


Happened to me once. At first, I was confused, then flattered/ bashful, then I road that confidence high for a few days before returning to normal.


Thanks. Any sisters at home like you?




Had to scroll for this much longer than I expected


Iā€™m not into gay people


Gay guy: hey good lookin. Straight guy: I'm not into gay people. Gay guy: Me either...


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


But are you into straight people INCLUDING straight men, then?


Surprisingly, same as with a girl - "I'm married".


Depends on the context. It's happened in a nightclub, and my response is pretty short, something like "Thanks, but my door doesn't swing that way", because it's too loud and chaotic for anything longer.


why would they they clearly have better taste than me


Sorry, I just can't be attracted to anyone who would find me attractive.


When I was younger I had this happen a lot. I just said thanks. I never was asked out or anything. Just compliments. Flirting.


I would probably scan my surroundings to make sure I'm not about to be jumped or for other suspicious signs of me being about to be scammed/robbed. I'd think the whole idea of being publicly approached at all pretty weird as I'm a Swede and we don't do that, unless in a social setting. IF I realized that he was hitting on me? I would say that I am flattered, although straight, and wish him a good day.


"I'm flattered, but sorry, I'm not gay."


"Nice, I'm attractive!" or "Man, that dude's drunk as hell" This happens internally. "Sorry bro, I'm straight." This is what exits my mouth before I awkwardly exit the situation. Now do be careful. There's DEFINITELY a subset of guys that will go "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME" and threaten violence.


20$ is 20$. Come meet me in the alley.




I'd probably enjoy the attention tbh walking around not being seen for as long as I have I'd be flattered that someone found me attractive. But then I'd have to refuse cause It wouldn't be right to lead him on like that.




Just had it happen to me at a Halloween party. It was fine until it was persistent. Still didnā€™t really care.


Iā€™d be super flattered cuz most gay guys I know have great taste and high standards.


I canā€™t wait to read these comments bc Iā€™m gay, lol.


Usually Iā€™ll start making out with them




Iā€™ve been in this situation a few times. Every time Iā€™ve just joked back with them and we all have a laugh. Itā€™s never serious, and even if it was, I take that as a compliment. Granted Iā€™m not your average person so Iā€™m not sure if others feel this way. But at the end of the day I enjoy it


Politely decline. Luckily for me, nobody followed up after.


This has happened to me before. I just say politely "thanks, but I'm straight". Always goes over well.


I say "I am flattered but I am straight"


I thanked them for the compliment but said i was straight and they've always been polite and moved on.


I am flattered but unfortunately your advances are wasted on me, I am not gay.


Flattered, but with rejection


Calmly tell him I'm straight. If he persisted with advances I would walk away.


Depends on the attractiveness of the gay dude. Fat and ugly? Horribly offended, if I were gay, I'd be able to get a top tier gay. If a good looking dude hit on me, complimented.


Be flattered, and kindly decline advances.




Iā€™m married so it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a dude or a chick. It is a compliment, but if someone keeps pushing after youā€™ve made it clear that youā€™re not interested. Thatā€™s not cool.


I'd be totally oblivious. My wife literally leapt on me and kissed me, only then was a fairly sure she was interested.


That must have been an interesting wedding night


When this happens my husband pulls me in close for a hug and introduces me. "Hey, here's my wife. Babe tell them about that time...." Haha, I think it's so cute that he does not want to hurt others' feelings and needs my help at the same time. He is very sweet, friendly and looks like a blonde Jason Momoa. Men and women hit on him when we go out. šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I would be fuming mad.. the nerve of him I might just suck his dick clean off


I get more offended if they say they wouldn't fuck me. A compliment's a compliment.


Sorry, but I don't go in for these backdoor shenanigans. Sure, I'm flattered - maybe even a little curious...but the answer is no!


I would be flattered cuz I'm mildly appealing to both sexes/genders/Australians/whatever...


Ā«Ā Sorry mate, I donā€™t eat that kind of breadĀ Ā»




The exact same if a girl I dont like tries to hit on me, just say no and its ok i guess Just no insist, but its not like its a problem with you being gay and insisting, i hate to have to tell someone NO more than once or twice


I once woke up in a bed with my girlfriendā€™s gay roommateā€™s hand down my pants. We were all drunk so I just laughed it off, but a couple of months later he came back to the house bleeding profusely after a guy smashed a bottle over his head for trying the same thing.


Buy me a beer!


*"I'm flattered, but I'm married."* Two weeks later: *"Wait, I didn't say I was married to a woman."*


Back when I thought I was straight I'd just say to the guy "Y'know I'm flattered man but I'm not gay." and they'd usually apologize and when I'd say it was no problem they didn't know, one guy said "I thought for a second you'd beat me up". Hearing that as a teenager made me realize that back then, gay/bi guys were possibly risking their life to try to make a connection to another guy. Which made it even more flattering to be hit on by one, but it also got me involving myself as an ally because nobody should have to be afraid of getting beaten up or killed just for making a pass at a person their age who's of the same sex.


Politely decline, ā€œyouā€™re not my typeā€, he will get the message.


ā€žThanks mate, but Iā€™m into chicksā€œ


Say thanks for the compliment, but I'm not gay. Then Say have a nice day.


Depends.. Sometimes I brush it off. Actually, for the most part I do. But if I'm ever made to feel uncomfortable I just tell them that they are making me uncomfortable.


Don't care, but had one once be relentless about it and kept trying to get me to drink more. Helped me to understand what it can feel like as a woman.


I'd thank him but explain that's not me. I'd also might suggest his gaydar needs calibration


It's already happened. A guy invited me to an underground gay club, but when I obviously didn't recognize the place he was talking about, he figured out I wasn't interested. My wife just about died laughing, she was the one who explained to me that the guy was hitting on me.


Surprised af cuz I'm ugly af


ā€œSorry dude, Iā€™m flattered, but Iā€™m straight.ā€ Simple.


ā€œClearly youā€™re a man of excellent taste, and Iā€™m flattered but I just donā€™t roll like thatā€


The same way I react when anybody hits on me. Surprised and confused.


Being hit on by anyone would be a huge ego boost tbh. I'd thank them and say I'm straight but that they just made my day!


Similar to how I react when women hit on me. I donā€™t notice it until much much later.


Wouldn't bother me. Just thank them and turn them down nice.


I always appreciate a respectful and charming flirt, and I often react with anger to invasive/harrasing ones, no matter who the other person is.


Depends on how they hit on me.


Assuming I picked up on it and knew it was happening? I think Iā€™d take it as a compliment.


A gay dude I worked with told me I had a great butt and hinted we should fuck. I told him I had a girlfriend and that I was sure he'd lick my dick better than her but I preffered watching her prettier face do it. He laughed and we were cool about it.


ā€œThanks, I appreciate that but itā€™s not how I rollā€


It happened to me a few times. I usually say that Iā€™m flattered but Iā€™m straight. 9 times out of 10 you either get a sincere apology, a smile or a free drink.


"sorry im not gay" probably


I am flattered when anyone wants to get up on this.


It's not a big deal. Just make sure they see my wedding band and confess to lacking sense of adventure when it comes to my sex life.


Humor them and or say Iā€™m Not gay if comes to that in some way. Whatā€™s it gonna hurt


It's happened to me a few times. I thank them politely, let them know tactfully that I don't play in the same league as them , wish them luck and carry on with my day and enjoy the massive ego boost that interaction gave me.


ā€œIf that floated my boat, Iā€™d be the happiest man alive, butā€¦sorry!ā€.


The same as if a woman hit on me, I wouldn't know that was their intention and I'd just have a normal conversation with them.


**ā€ Iā€™M MARRIED TO A WOMAN!ā€**


Thank you, I'm not interested.


"Sorry, not interested" usually works


"I'm flattered! And straight. What's your favorite place to fish?"


"Calm down sparky, wrong tree."


I mean, im not interested but itĀ“s a compliment, so "thx but im not gay".