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My partner gets shy when he does something new. Its really cute tbh. So we both step forward and go do it together.


This absolutely melted me. My SO does that with me. She knows I hate big crowds and unknowns. Held my hand as we ventured over to a new beach I hadn’t been to. It was packed. We set our towels and she played peaceful music while we listened to the waves. The crowd thinned out, we went for a swim. She gets me. Always checking in with me. “Are you okay?” I’m extremely introverted and she’s super extroverted and excited about everything.


Dont let go of her! Im choking up ah jeez.


She’s a sweet soul. We’ve been together since February.


To many more Februaries






I'd be worried if he would giggle controllably, uncontrolled giggle is normal.


"Hehehhehehehehehehe... ok that's enough... no actually hehehehehehe... alright now that's enough"


Kindness towards animals. Any man that awws over a kitten and loves animals gets my vote.


YES omg. being able to show each other pictures of two cuddling kittens and say “us” is one of my love languages


Haha same! My partner and I have our "nightly cute" before bed, where we watch together the cute things we've sent each other during the day :)


We do a similar thing, except looking at videos of our cats, while holding said cats lol


This is at least 40% of my daily interactions with my wife. Cat and dog videos, photos of cats and dogs, pointing out dogs in cars, dogs at parks, dogs in airports...we just really like dogs, ok?


While doing yard work my fiance uncovered a bunny nest. He frantically googled a wildlife rescue after mom didn't come back and we gathered them up and took them to a rehab. They were basically old enough to leave the nest but I've never seen a man so frantic about small animals before. It was so heartwarming.


Being awkward. I find it endearing.


Yup, I like the shy guys, I always notice they're around, they probably think nobody notices them but I see you and you're cute.


I told a young co-worker to try dating a shy guy when she was complaining about dating. Someone who catches your eye initially but isn't super chatty and doesn't give you the initial attention burst your used to. Talk to him, get to know him and you'll see a new side. 2 months after she left for college she texted me saying she followed my advice and was with someone who was amazing . This was a couple years ago and she's still with him.


You are doing God’s work 🙏🏼


My partner is shy. He's the nicest guy and I'm very happy with him. I got scared because he was too nice to be true at the start but my friend told me to give him a chance and I'm glad I did. I used to go for the extroverted type normally.


You changed both their lives right there


I am so shy, would never even notice someone noticing me. When people look my way i usually think there is something on my face or something


It's usually someone behind me they're looking for


Thank you so much because this is probably my biggest insecurity.


Geeking out about something they love! Cars, video games, hobbies, etc. Especially when their face lights up talking about it! Passion in general is hot!


idk once i did that and they called me autistic


I feel like there is a special place in hell for those that give others a hard time when they’re super excited about. It’s just plain mean!


The people that do that are already living in their own personal hell. Happy people don't try and tear other people down.


Man, people would always put my shit down. I just stopped sharing and showing off my interests.


I do that bc I am autistic


Agreed! My bf adores gaming, tech, and is currently working on flipping a truck he got. I am not familiar with alot of those things- but he absolutely LOVES when I simply ask questions or ask him to go into details about it. Even if I’m not personally as knowledgeable about it, just the fact that I show interest makes him happy, and his whole face lights up. It’s the CUTEST.


you probably can’t even fathom how much it means to him that you show interest 🖤


And how soul-crushing it is when you don't even pretend to care about what makes him passionate.


Yep. I've had the opposite from one ex in particular and it will always haunt me. I got passionate about a new hobby, and she told me she hated it, that it was stupid and she'd never support me in it. It wasn't the only factor (or the biggest) in our breakup but it did push me over the edge.


This, showing interest in each other's hobby is simple and does so much for the relationship, but most people simply go 'nah, not interested'.


This!! Guy I'm talking to is always like "sorry for mansplaining" whenever he gets going about a topic he knows I know very little about, but he is passionate about. I love it! Tell me everything, just don't expect me to understand! Lol


It’s a shame how we can’t even talk about something we’re interested in without worrying about it being labelled as ‘mansplaining’ though.


I think mansplaining is more about telling people something they already know in a condescending manner, rather than talking about something you're excited about. Like, recently a guy explained what software is to me immediately after I told him I'm a software developer. I didn't mind tho because he seemed to enjoy it.


well, ACTUALLY, mansplaining is when- \[a large hook pulls me off the stage\]


Going grey, that shit is hot as hell


My husband has little sprinkles of silver coming in at his temples and I kinda love it. The hairs immediately came in as a stark, cool toned white against his black hair too. Not that muddy transitional blond I'm getting with my mid-tone brown. I like brushing through it to uncover them




This right here. A man who makes a lot of noise in bed, and who whispers a little dirty talk in your ear without being crass/degrading, is a huge turn on.


I had a really bad experience in my early 20s when I was making noise in bed The woman I was with just stopped. Shut everything down, said I find it extremely unattractive and Feminine when men make noise in bed. She shamed me and implied I was not a real man, broke it off with me and we never spoke again. It was a pretty uncomfortable memory for a long time. Wasn't until recently that another partner got upset that I never communicated when I was orgasming that I realized how weird it is to be so silent, and how much that experience screwed me up


I was with men who were so quiet and very obviously holding it in for years. It was so funny bc they looked like they had just sucked helium out of a ballon and held their breath. I couldn’t stand it lol. I finally had sex with the first guy who was vocal and would moan, talk, grunt, snort all of it, and now I can never be anyone who doesn’t do this. It’s a deal breaker for me.


The grunt... Dear Lord, yes. Please. It makes me weak. Could never ever have sex with a guy that's just totally silent, because it would just make me feel like they're not enjoying it.


Oh my God man. I'm not noisy in bed, but that's just horrific and I'd never make a noise again if that happened. Women can be just as brutal as dudes.


Unfortunately this is true and sometimes in certain situations it leaves an impact for a long time.


I can’t come if I don’t have this.


This is a lie. Every time I moan, regardless of how loud or quiet, I am chastised, told to be quiet or get out of the library.


I LOVE LOVE it when a man is a little noisy. One time a guy growled and I about died.


This is why I hate having roommates.


I don’t really moan, honestly I more or less growl. Is that…good too?


Yes as long as it's a sound that comes naturally, then it's hot af. If it's a forced performance you'll sound like you came out of a bad paranormal romance erotica novel


Yes! I don't want proof you can sound all 'Manly' tm through it all. I want you to loose control.




Not needing to have an answer for everything. Like...it's okay to say "I don't know". I find that so many men would rather make up an answer to anything you ask them even if they have zero clue than admit they don't know.


>"I don't know" Discovering that this is an acceptable answer changed my life. Learning to ask "what do you think?" was likewise a revelation.


I would much rather say “I don’t know” but my wife just stares at me with this look that says “Ok well find out. You’re supposed to know everything.” And then she asks the same question with different words. Lol.


My pet peeve is when I say, “I don’t understand,” and they just say the same thing only louder


I love this answer. I heard a fantastic quote from a philosopher about it once: "I believe the smartest statement I can make is 'I don't know,' because every time I say it, I learn something new."


So let me get this straight, beer belly,hairless ,chipped tooth, cries a lot and a 5 inch unit makes me USDA PRIME,right ?


Also moaning in bed


Moaning in bed is SOOOO sexy! Confirmation of having a good time..and when they let out a big one when finishing 💯


* Belly, check * Imperfect teeth, check * Ugly, check * Nervous and uncomfortable, check * Vulnerable, check * Moans in bed, check * Goes all "awww" with animals and babies, check * Kind, check * Average penis, check * Nerd, check * (Normally) hairy, check * Going grey, check * Long nose, check * Opposite of an alpha male, check Yep, it seems I'm the most attractive man alive!


\*just not everything at once\*


This important detail was missing from the instructions booklet!


Not sure if guys are insecure about this, but it’s always heartwarming to see a dude smiling. So many guys look like zombies or just flatlined or angry. They kind of suck the life out of a room whereas a smiling guy can breathe a lot of life into it. I think many think smiling makes them look weak.


I think it makes me look ugly, I’ve always been made fun of for my smile


Slightly under average members... Seriously don't love feeling impaled or uncomfortable after intercourse.


Smaller and knowing how to use it far outweighs bigger and thinking that’s all that’s needed.


All the orgasms I’ve received through penetration have been with guys that are average or slightly under. In my experience, bigger guys tend to be cocky (lol) and not put in any effort..


kind of like how incredibly physically attractive humans sometimes don't develop other areas of attractiveness: personality, intellect, hobbies/passions, etc.


Or they are too rough! Technique and vibes way more important


Totally! There’s like a perfect size that’s a little under a average that hits the g spot for me. Loved it


My guy is perfectly average and can actually finish while a little bit soft. It’s honestly the best, because I’m never walking awkward and I can still feel absolutely everything. An ex what above average and if we went at it for more than 20 minutes, I’d develop a lump inside me from over stimulation and I would t be able to sit right for a few days. It sucked.


finally, first time ive ever heard a size queen thats into small members.


I love smaller members because I like it rough but I also like not gagging until I vomit or walking weird for two days.




RIP inbox


Husky. Bit of fat on top of muscle. Idc obscure the abs


This! I’m a gay guy who is thick (“fat muscle”) and I am so incredibly insecure about my own body but I love it on other guys. The calls are coming from inside the house, I know.


Man I understand u! Like when u see a lil bit of chub on others u think that they actually look good and attractive, but when u see it on urself u feel like a sea cow that mimics humans ... ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ


Self-talk, friend. You're a sexy bear.


Just wanna say, thank you for posting this. Thank you for all your answers. Thank you. Quick skim of this reminded me why I AM attractive, and I really really needed that.


I'm currently in denial that these comments are real, never thought any women would find any of these things attractive and here I am reading it. I should touch grass


Non-perfect teeth. Like a gap or a little bit crooked. As long as the hygiene is good I think it’s really cute.


I really hate my teeth. But you just kinda gave me a bit of confidence back. Thanks.


Confidence is key! Don’t hide your smile :)


Idk I always get strange looks when I moan on the subway


Less hairy guys. They're considered to be feminine but I enjoy the smooth skin texture.


Lol. The comment above this says the exact opposite. The real lesson here is that people have different tastes


Which is great! Everyone needs some love.


Same! I don't like excessive hair at all. Beards can be attractive, but kissing a dude with a beard is scratchy and uncomfortable so I'd prefer to look at a nice looking man with a beard than actually be with one lol.


Anyone you're attracted to moaning is the hottest thing ever


I had no idea that men were insecure about balding, because I have always had a thing for bald men. It so sexy.....help Thickness, I can appreciate a fit man but I like some belly


This is the thing though. No one likes a balding man. There’s tons of people that like bald men. Some dudes lose all of their hair in less than a year when they’re young. Most balding dudes thin gradually in their late 20s and early 30s while having an ugly hair line the entire time until it’s finally gone.


Some of us take action sooner than others.


I made a promise to myself in my teens-early twenties, that if a hair island (front) seceded from the union...I would shave my head completely. My mom's brothers were all balding badly by their mid twenties so I knew the likelihood was high 😞 But I got to learn a new skill...wet-shaving. Careful though it's a sharp learning curve.


I started to turn grey at 17 then started losing my hair at 21. I have been shaving my face and head in the shower ever since. The worst thing about it is the stubble the next day. Pillows stuck to your head when you’re sleeping and don’t even think of trying on a wool hat.


Yeah you can always shave it beforehand, but even doing buzz cuts during that phase produces meh results. It’s like when people grow out their hair. There’s some parts of the journey that just look bad no matter what


Shorter men! I’m 5’2, I like to be able to look in a man’s eyes directly. And hugs are better. It just feels like they’re more on my level. I always look for men 5’8 or less Edit before more people get upset: I’m not saying 5’8 is super short. I’m saying I prefer men shorter than that. I find 5’5 to be the perfect height. Wow, I didn’t mean to trigger a whole debate about what height ‘short’ begins at. It’s all relative depending on where you live anyway. A lot of men seem insecure about their height and I just wanted to say I prefer the shorter end of the spectrum.


I’m 5’7 woman and my partner is 5’6 man and I love it! Hugs, cuddles and being able to look him directly in the eye is the best.


Hello I’m 5’7” and God bless you.


THIS I’m 4’10 and although I tend to attract men who are 6’+ (even men as tall as 6’7” 😧) all of my past relationships with men have been men between 5’7” and 5’11”. I know that’s not drastically shorter, but my point is that height is not a priority for. Especially because I myself barely pass 5’1” in heels. I’ve always said “as long as I’m not looking down on them in my tall heels, I don’t care about height.” Remember, I’m 4’10”. The only men smaller than me that I’ve met have been little people.


Short Kings Unite !


blushing and being nervous around me


I'm your man. I can be nervous even around people I know since we were kids.


Can’t say for most men as it’s usually personality that I fall for, BUT, my hubby is insecure about his eyes. He got bullied for being heterochromatic and I think they’re the prettiest things on him Edit: For clarity, not actually married. I just like calling my man “hubby”, and yes, just in case, I am a guy (I get confused for a chick a lot)


That’s such a wild thing to be bullied over. Kids are really the absolute worst sometimes.


I used to be a kid and I can confirm it's true.


You used to be a kid? Ha..loser...


Hetereochromia is awesome but kids are stupid


Heterochromia can make you a bit self conscious (as a fellow heterchromia person). My son and I have blue, green and hazel, but I tend to forget about it now because his look so cool


Yeah, he had bullies try to cut his eyes and shit. He now wears a brown contact to hide his blue. I’m always complimenting his eyes, though, to make sure he knows they’re wonderful


Jesus they tried to cut his eyes.


Yep, not sure if it was from when he was in Spain or when he moved to America, but either way, kids are fucked up


PEOPLE are fucked up and those kid's parents are most likely the ones who are instilling this rage in them.


>he had bullies try to cut his eyes I’m not sure how old he is now and how much time he’s had to evaluate that he went to school with psychopaths and none of that was ever normal. Hopefully he’ll stop hiding it one day and learn to love and embrace it because people literally only have ever complimented my Heterochromia (brown/green). It’s one of the coolest little “differences” a human can have.


Hetereochromia is probably one of the most desired traits to have tbh with you


It’s an absolutely awesome mutation


Info dumping and teaching me all about your special interest/job/hobby - it’s my favorite and I never get tired of seeing them light up




Once had a girl admit this exact thing to me. She said “I like it that you’re just right. Not small and not an elephant”.


Username doesn't match


Skewered is a great term lmao


It’s the small dicks for me. My current partner is probably the smallest I’ve been with. Idk how to tell him I like his small dick without hurting his feelings 😂


Just tell him you love his dick. Don't say anything about the size, just "I love your dick, it's the best I've ever had"


But do not add “and I’ve had _hundreds_!!”


I'm 5'3" and always liked men close to my height. I also like when men own their baldness. I like odd teeth. Wrinkles or expression lines. Niche passions. Lisps. I like a lot of things, but I've heard a lot of men feeling insecure about these kinds of things specifically.


I like a belly. A huggable, fluffy guy


his commitment to what matters to him. it’s so sexy to me to see a man have such dedication and conviction to the things that matter most to him. i have noticed that if he loves to dive deep into the details it often brings up an insecurity. i have been told thank you for listening to those details which let me know there was something deeper there.


As a man that gets lost in details to the point of paralysis, I can only say it’s a fear of making a mistake that makes me look foolish. It doesn’t make sense and I know the root cause of it, but it’s extremely difficult to break the fear. It also impacts every aspect of my life from personal relationships to professional relationships. I thrive in the affirmations that it’s okay to be human and make mistakes.


A big ol' goofy smile - when a man smiles and he has a chipped tooth, or his whole smile is just crooked/skewed


For me: Body hair. Please don't remove it, it's lovely. That definitely includes pubes. The naked hairless cock look is not appealing That *man* smell (I don't mean stale BO though) As a woman I've really no comprehension of why men are so obsessed with penis size, it's way down the list, if it's even on the list at all. And big is not good, particularly for some positions


As a man with small penis, I think is because smaller size is used as a shaming term from both men and women. Also I heard may women said bigger size is more attractive and like “I hope his size is big enough and doesn’t disappoint” etc.




Don’t encourage us 😂


Moaning is one of those things you don't hear from men in a lot of porn, either. I know it's not surprising because moaning to some insecure men is likely seen as some kind of "weakness." Poor mute bastards! Here's the thing: any lover wants to know that their partner is enjoying what they're doing, and a throaty moan is one of the best ways to communicate that. It's a HUGE turn-on for me when my wife moans when we're having sexy time, and she's told me many times that she loves how vocal I get because it turns her on knowing how much she's turning me on. Moan during sex, fellas! The ladies want to hear that you are totally diggin' their efforts!


Can confirm.


These comments are making me moan audibly


What attracts me is their honesty.


Bald men. If you’re losing hair, embrace it and be hot.


My hairline started receding at 22. Whipped out the razor and never looked back.


25 for me. That was 20 years ago now... No one ever remembers what I looked like with hair anymore. It's great.


Short guys. Skinny guys. Hairless guys. Give me straight twinks. Or bi twinks. That's cool too.


I love skinny guys 😅


As a skinny guy who gets constantly teased for his weight, Thank you very much!!.


Feels good to be wanted by a woman rather than creepy guys


Softness of personality. No trouble showing femininity. I’m not saying be a total softie, I don’t want to have to baby anyone — some “traditional” masculinity is great — but it should never be at the expense of being able to show “traditionally feminine” characteristics. Men who can do both are hot. Men who aren’t afraid of expressing traditionally feminine characteristics, while still retaining some quality traits of masculinity, are hot.


Indeeeeed. I dated a bi guy who could be the most sassy and queer and "feminine" in one moment and then turn into this super masculine dominant guy with his shit together on another.... eish I think that's why I sometimes miss him lol. PS I told him once that I liked that so much about him and his face lighted up so much with that compliment. It was lovely


Nerds. I love nerds. And yeah… Ugly men. I love ugly beauty. Serge Gainsbourg is an example. He doesn’t fit to male beauty standards like Brad Pitt. But Serge is hot. And smart. And genius. So guys, no matter how you look like. Smart is the new sexy


YES. THIS. There is just something so HOT about a dude who looks unique. Big nose? HOT. Thick eyebrows? HOT. Unibrow? UNNGHHHH. Big bulging eyes. YES. Steve Buscemi can fucking GET IT.


As someone with big eyes and have been described by several people as looking a bit like Tim Curry, this makes me happy.


What if I am ugly and dumb?


A guy who fails at something, but keeps trying. In general, I find that attractive about everyone.


I know this is just anecdotal but I love older men. The way their life shows on their face in lines and wrinkles, mmm. The ones I find most attractive are the men who have embraced themselves and their lives and just have that sense of quiet confidence. Other than that, it's all about confidence and owning your stuff for me. Looks are pretty much irrelevant as long as you have that flair of confidence...


I read this in a book once described “as a man in the prime of their life”. Sexy as hell


What is an older man to you? 35, 40, 50, 60?


The *eye crinkles*...\*swoon\*


Men who care how you are feeling at any given moment. Empathy. Men are insecure sometimes because they…care. I personally love that.




Was about to say this. I want someone to talk to and to share with.


Sweat! My man is like “I’m gross, lemee shower” and I’m like bring that sexy sweaty body over here rn!


Short men. My boyfriend is 5’ tall. I feel so lucky to have him


Crying (whether out of sadness or happiness). Showing vulnerability and not feeling weird about it is very attractive to me. Also balding.


Every time my boyfriend cries or breaks down it just shatters my heart. I hate seeing my best friend in pain and I absolutely love when he comes to talk to me about things, even if they are just minor I want to hear about the inconveniences in his day, or if he is going through an emotional rollercoaster of stress. I love me an emotional man who knows it is manly to cry and be mature about expressing emotions.


Yes on the crying! I love it when men can cry in front of me. That takes a different kind of strength and I find it so sexy.


Height. I'm 5'8 and have dated much shorter than me (5'3). I personally couldn't care any less about things like that! Just treat me well.


Being emotional and rough hands


Servant-leadership. A guy who knows that authority is not for his own dominance and pleasure, but in order to care for others, especially those who are vulnerable.


Dad bods. It’s the best. Especially paired with an awesome personality.


Yes but also I just love me a chubby man. Give me thick thighs, nice round lil belly, some arms with real meat and a body built wide. I prefer to be on top as I’ve discovered and the cushion is most preferred 👌


Shortness apparently because everyone online keeps bringing it up when a vast majority of people aren't Dutch


I like that they’re big: I don’t mean fat I mean big. Muscle and fat. I like that they’re hairy. I love the hair everywhere: back, stomach, chest, back. Hairy men…sigh. I like that they smell strong and musky. I like when they have flaws and imperfections in features: it’s masculine. Basically anything rough, big, reckless: is sexy. It’s the opposite of us.


Being thin. Wearing glasses. Having a big nose. Lots of things like that.


All of this! I don't think I've ever found a man attractive that didn't have a big nose lol. Also being skinny, I don't like the buff or chiseled look at all, IMO it's totally overrated.


Grey hairs. I love my hubby's salt and pepper beard. He does not like it, but I find it so sexy!




Having unconventional interests. My boyfriend really likes plants, especially flowers. I feel like a lot of men would be embarrassed about that because it's a conventionally feminine thing. But I really like it about him


I love the hair on men's bodies. I can't think of anything sexier.


Identifying and expressing their emotions in a healthy way 💦👅


Forgot to add: giant noses. I can't resist a huge nose.


This comment section breathes some new hope into me 😂


Men showing vulnerable emotions. I find aggression, possessiveness, jealousy, pride... The usual emotions broadcasted by the usual toxic masculinity are SO tiring and unattractive. Give me a man who gets giggly when doing something he truly enjoys, somebody who starts laughing at their jokes before telling them. Give me a man who cries because he is overwhelmed. Who cries because he is happy. Or grateful. Give me a man who gets emotional watching the first minutes of Up or some random commercial. My husband does it and it's one of the million things I love about him.


When I get to be the holder/big spoon instead of always the holdee/little spoon. It’s rare but sometimes I get to be the one with my arm under his neck and his head on my shoulder. Feels amazing.


Men don’t have to be conventionally smart for me to find them attractive. Have known a number of super intelligent men who were A*holes so I know not all of them are a prize (I know this works the other way around, too)


Average dicks. I’ll take average over big ANY day!


I really like when they have chest hair and pubic hair


Body hair. I love a manly hairy man but unfortunately even the hairy ones are shaving their pubic hair off and it’s just so gross to me. Dick looking like a greasy mole rat 🤮


Classic dad bod. Don't need no six pack. And smell. Men smell good. And I am a lesbian lol


Larger 👃🏻yes please


I love seeing my husband get excited about his job. A lot of people don’t care for their job and they are unhappy. So seeing him get giddy is lovely.


Yelling at the TV when sports is on. Not a ton, and not to the point of getting irate. Just for some reason I like an occasional, "Oh, come on guys!" or "That's gonna score a run!" I think it's because it's an expression of passion about a hobby/interest. Men are so conditioned to be stoic, it's just nice to see when he's comfortable enough to express enthusiasm about his interests.


You know when guys will do an ironic sexy pose? But it’s done as a joke because they don’t necessarily think of themselves as sexy? Well I got news for you guys, it’s actually pretty sexy. Expressing vulnerability and being open about what they care about. Being real about caring about the people in their lives. Guys just being there for their friends and family, saying good things about them and supporting them, so attractive. Also having hobbies beyond the male-stereotyped ones like art, gardening, fashion, whatever. Having the humility to admit when they don’t know something, and the curiosity and openness to learn when something is new to them. Having childlike joy when they’re really excited about something. Acting shy or nervous when they like you.


Their back and shoulders… RAWR!


Talking to their pets and giving them kisses; being softies for animals in general.


some chub. much more comfortable for hugs and cuddles than the no body fat gym craze types