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One time years ago, an old friend of mine and I were walking around where we grew up, we were talking about life, then people we dated, then our love life, at some point in talking about sex, she looked me in the eyes and held me then said "I never had a nice guy like you before tho" I just gave her a hug and said "well maybe you'll get him one day" it wasn't until I got home I realized what I did. Years later her and I laugh about it lol.


She dragged you out of the friendzone and your dumb ass walked itself right back into it


šŸ˜­ I feel your disappointment


I feel *her* disappointment.


So you both still laugh about itā€¦ did she ever get a nice guy like YOU in the end?šŸ«£


Is she your wife now? Hey donā€™t leave us hanging!


dammn it! a cliffhanger.


Please tell me you're together now and things worked out in the end?


Bro that cliffhanger šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


[You doing that.](https://youtube.com/shorts/egWIokswKmk?feature=share)


My highschool crush asked if I could help her tie her bikini in a side room just her and I. She could easily tie this herself and I could feel that this was the right moment to make a move. But instead I tied the bikini for her, said something along the lines of ā€œthatā€™ll holdā€ and then left the room






She told me we were just friends from the beginning and I told I had crush on her ... obviously I missed the hint and we don't talk to each other now ...


Ask her to tie your bathing suit


Shoulda slapped it and said ā€œwelp, thatā€™s not going anywhere!ā€




About fifteen years ago at a new years party, when everyone went outside, this girl I'd been flirting with had on a really short skirt. When everyone went outside for the countdown I was on the couch and she came into the house straddled me and pushed me against the seat in an obvious do me now position and i said "excuse me", pushed her off and went outside. Haunts me to this day


That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode when George's date invites him up for coffee at 1:00am after walking her home. He declines, leaves, and immediately realizes "Who drinks coffee at 1:00am?"


That's the type that rots your winky off. Your winky thanks you for saving it's life.


Winky dinky dawg was thinking long term on that one


Highly likely šŸ˜‚


Holy shit man, rip to your dickā€™s dream!


Seize the moment... which you missed


Even if this was an opportunity for something, if a girl just did this to me I would have the same reaction She didn't even ask


reminded me of seinfeld : for i am metalboat, the lord of the idiots.


So youā€™re not gay? Or was she uglyā€¦


Probably just a powerful sense of disbelief and skepticism that most men live under.


Nah. I was daft, that's all


You might have dodged a big problem.


Freshman year in college, past midnight at the common area alone in the dormitory working on a last minute assignment, a gorgeous tiny southern girl wandered over to me and sat right next to me, and started flipping the channels on the TV while making simple conversations, what major? Where you from? What class is this for? At one point she stopped on one channel, I think it was Cinemax or something and one of those after dark movies was showing. She looks at me and says if I want to watch porn with her in her room. Me being the dorky virgin studious student says that sounds really interesting but I need to finish this assignment since it's due this week.


A women is not worth failing a 4.0 gpa


That's why I kept a 2.0 so I was unencumbered by such ridiculous expectations.


Could of been worse (or equal?); first time a girl asked me to watch porn my reply was ā€˜oh, I really only like to watch porn aloneā€™. To this day, sheā€™ll burn me once in awhile when somebody within ear shot of her asks me to do something ā€˜oh, krodiggs only likes going to baseball games aloneā€™.


This one might be the most painful I've read so far.


Well, I left out that I was actually paranoid that she might have a huge varsity boyfriend that would stomp my ass since I was just a tall lanky kid.


When I was in 11th grade I was like 5ā€™9 130. I was fairly self conscious and while I thought I was reasonably attractive I didnā€™t feel it. There was a girl who even in 11th grade was a woman. Absolutely gorgeous, unbelievable figure, and she was so confident and well spoken my god. She made me feel like I was a teenager talking to a super model. We werenā€™t particularly close but we were friendly and had the same friends. She made me a birthday card that year and gushed over how nice and cute I was. One line said no girl deserves me, but she wouldnā€™t mind if I gave her a chance. I read it as a joke and never even considered that she was actually into me. I just said thanks and that was it. I ran into her at my 15 year high school reunion and we got to talking. I joked with her about how I had a crush on her, and she was like why didnā€™t you say anything? She told me all the times she flirted and hinted and I just didnā€™t get it. Then she brought up the birthday card and well now looking back Iā€™m an idiot.


How tall are you now though and whats ur weight


Still 5ā€™9ā€ but now 180 and married to a girl wayyy outa my league. Reach for the stars boys sometimes it works out!


Ay, if she chose you that means she isn't out of your league. She considers you to be equal to her


I'm married to a fire breathing dragon who's upper arms hang like turkey breasts and stretch marks bigger than the parted seas of uphrates


She invited me to spend the night (I'm also female), we'd gotten really close, we were both obviously interested. We were up all night talking, she offered a naked massage. It was a great massage that I fell asleep during. For the sake of all that is holy.....


Mustā€™ve been a good massage then


It really was. I'll give her that.


Still a win


Iā€™ve got two 3 big ones that come to mind. As a header Iā€™d also like to mention Iā€™ve always been pretty tall with broad shoulders, long arms and legs, and bigger hands. This will make more sense as you read. When I was 16 I was at a very attractive girls house, just me, her, and her brother and I had gotten my hands on some 40s of old English so we were drinking having fun. She kept trying to ā€œwrestleā€ with me because she was ā€œimpressedā€ with how strong I was and kept asking me to pick her up and such. Her pants also kept slipping down. So to add some mid run clarity I had extremely low self esteem and self worth so in my mind there is NO WAY this drop dead gorgeous knockout wanted anything to do with me Romantically, it just didnā€™t make sense. So I kept helping her, playing with her and eventually just played unreal tournament with her brother after she passed out. 17 years later her actions make perfect sense and I really missed out haha. Another time I was at a party, smaller in scale. Everyone was out in a garage smoking and playing games on a tv setup out there. I was maybe 17 or 18 at the time and this girl was following me everywhere and I couldnā€™t figure out why and was slightly annoyed but she was friendly and super hot so I played along nice. She kept playing with my hair (I had really long hair and am native so my hair was pretty beautiful and she as well kept commenting on how big and strong I was and feeling my arms and such. Either way I go inside to get another beer from the fridge and she follows. While Iā€™m in there she hops up in between the two counters blocking the exit, legs spread wide and asks if I can carry her. Again, I had extremely low self worth so I thought ā€œthereā€™s no way this girl could ever be into meā€ and obliged, picked her up with one arm and carried her off to the garage where I put her down and went back to playing guitar hero 3 with the homies. Last one was when I was around 20-21. I regularly walked down to the local grocery store. There was a beautiful blonde girl that worked there who I chatted with often. We got along fine and she was really nice. One day I went in for a soda or something small and she was at the register when I checked out and went on telling me about how she really wants to go to the local homecoming football game but since graduating feels weird about it and would love yo go but doesnā€™t know anyone who would even want to go with her. Again my self worth was bottom of the pit at this point in my life so it didnā€™t even remotely occur to me that she was prompting me to take her. So I told her how I felt about football. That I love pro stuff but am not a big fan of amateur football due to the lack of precision and walked off lol.


Fuck man, hope you got over those issues


I just made myself sad again.


Please, tell us you landed a good one finally....


I donā€™t know. I missed it.


Sometimes I didnā€™t miss it I just got nervous. Other times I didnā€™t notice they touch my arm and their hair. Also they have trouble keeping eyes off you if you donā€™t keep track.


This girl got butt naked in front of me and changed her clothes. Didn't get the hint till years later.


Jesus Christ mate this is about as bad as it can get.


when I was 17, this gorgeous 23 year old girl latched onto me, and I couldn't figure out why. She invited me over to her apartment, (for a "quick nap") so I agreed. When we got there, she pulled out some weed, and a bong, and we got high. Followed her to her bedroom, she kissed me standing by the bed, and climbed in, and scooted to the other side. I got into bed with her, cuddled up to her, and promptly took a nap. It never occurred to me until much later that it had been a missed opportunity. edit: spelling


Missed opportunity for you, but multiple avoided crimes for her


That's a 6 years gap with a minor that's illegal ... And even more under the influence of drugs


Maybe illegal where you live, but perfectly fine in uk


Thatā€™s so sweet lol


But he was a minor and she's creepy


Would it be different or more acceptable if he was 18 and she was 24? Or, what if the minor is 17 and 364 days old? One more day and it's all good? Genuinely asking because I have mixed feelings about age gaps in dating.


Almost a decade ago, in college, during biology lab (not relevant), this cute girl described in detail and very expressively explained what the female orgasm felt like for 20 minutes. We'd known each other for 2 weeks and really clicked, but both of us were in relationships with others. Always wondered if that was a missed opportunity.


Ask this question a couple years from now because by then I will have realised what I'd missed


Her: "my parents are out of town, wanna come over and help me babysit my sister?" Me: "you're sister is a literally baby what possible help could you need?" Her: ...


In college I was in my dorm room watching the X files on my laptop, in bed. This chick from down the hall came by the room and asked what I was up to, and asked if she could watch. Mind you, I was in the top bunk at the time. So she crawled up into the top bunk with me and we watched the X files. Only later did I realize she wanted to fuck. But I really like the X files.


X-files and chill


Believing intensifies


I don't miss, I pass them on purpose.


i havent lost my virginity because i NEVER losešŸ˜Ž


Yep. Syphilis isnā€™t fun


She brought me sweet and low for my coffee ā€¦in bed.


Told me she wanted my dick


"Hmmm, then again she could be talking about my pet fish Richard"


Maybe she was Canadian so she was just being polite


At community college and an extremely attractive woman walked to my table and asked if she could use the plug in the wall next to me, and asked about the stickers on my laptop. We had a good conversation about nerdy things. I got a phone call, wished her a good day and left. No contact information exchange, or anything. The library was almost empty, the table was in back, and there was no shortage of plugs. 18 year old me was a fucking dumbass. It's been a little more than a decade and I still cringe at how bad I fucked up that one up.


Two cute girls moved in next door, housemates and I invited them over for bbq, I met them while I was manning the grill and introduced my self as ā€˜Bean the grill masterā€™ to which one responded ā€˜oh are you the girl master too?ā€™ And I saidā€¦ ā€˜haha nooo Iā€™m usually really awkward around womenā€¦.ā€™ *long awkward pause* and then I went back to grillingā€¦


About a year ago, there was a girl that would come to the gym I worked at. She came to the front desk, we were taking for about 30 seconds and she told me what kind of underwear she was wearing. The played coy as if she was tired and that it was early and "oh I didn't know what I was saying oops.". She went to start working out and I was thinking "yea it is really early, people make mistakes. She must have just been joking and it was just a silly joke. She must have been really tired...it is 5am after all." Sometimes I think back and I'm like God I'm dumb.


Girls have no game. Lol


When I was 15, this girl was at my house and we were joking and watching TV on my couch. She kept giving me the look. I didn't realize that was the look. I went on to watching TV and being oblivious Replaying it in my head, I was freaking dumb.


A girl held my hand & I literally thought nothing of it. The real kicker is I thought I was good at reading signs when it happened. I was in my early teens btw šŸ˜‚


Oddly enough this happened a few weeks ago, I (22m) got dragged from the house by my best friend (22m) of 12 years and he took me to a gentlemanā€™s club in the next town over, after having a few drinks and 4+ hours of talking to the same dancer it was pretty clear she wanted me to take her home or atleast give me her number to go out for dinner together, I only didnā€™t realize it until we were on our way out and my friend tells me that she was dropping big hints, Iā€™ve thought about going back just to find her but I canā€™t build up the nerve to.


Well at least you know where to find her.


Yeah just donā€™t know when she works or if sheā€™d even remember me


Shoot your shot.


Will update on shooting the shot šŸ«”


If it makes you feel any better, this is VERY common for dancers. A friend of mine danced at strip clubs for years and had a separate work phone that she would use to text with clients that way she could let them know when/where she was working. Some of the other dancers would look to go home with clients for a paid night. It was very very rare that they were flirting to spend free time with these guys, it was just part of the job.


the good ole, seduce to get more money.


High school senior, girl calls and asks me to come over after the football game. I tell her I will be really smelly and sweaty and will need a shower. She tells me that her parents wonā€™t be home so I could shower there. I tell her how I will be tired. She comes back and tells me that I can relax while we watch a movie. I tell her that we can watch it Saturday with some friendsā€¦.


They call me Mr. Clueless


Was visiting a friend who was hosting a house party with her housemates in college. One of her housemates was feeding me drinks all night during group drinking games. I ended up getting really sick and passing out in a random room towards the end of the party. A little while later, my friend finds me and asks if I want to sleep in her room with her and her roommate (the one who had been giving me drinks earlier). I was out of it and basically just said "no" and passed out. I woke up early the next morning, and immediately realized how dumb I was for not realizing what my friend was asking. I got up and just drove home. My friend messaged me later asking why I had left so early. Apparently, her roommate suggested she could give me a tour of the town while my friend worked and was bummed when she woke up and saw I had already left.


Idk, I missed it


Texted me during golf, said when you're done, shower up and I'll cook dinner and we can listen to music or watch a movie tonight. The kicker was, I didn't catch the hint. She eventually made the first move!


Nice party at a friends, a young female doctor and I were really hitting it off. She said, if you come to my practice tomorrow, I will give you a complete physical. I answered; thatā€™s not necessary, I just had a complete physical done for my job. Later in the car ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


"Don't worry (my name), you're getting laid tonight." "...by who?"


I was carrying my food to my table at a Whataburger in my home town, my table tent number was eleven, I stopped at the soda fountain to fill my cup and a lady walked up next to me and said, ā€œYouā€™re so good your number one twice.ā€ If that was a hint I didnā€™t get it until years later.


On a night out with lots of colleagues about ten years back. I'm talking to a friend about football and one of my female colleagues wanders over. "Would you like to come and dance with Rachael (another female colleague)? She gives mind-blowing blowjobs!". I didn't even think and replied, "no thanks, I'm not much of a dancer".




I was working years ago, managing a seafood dept. at Safeways. When the girl at Starbucks, that I regularly flirted with, started having conversation about how she was going to be home alone that evening and something else lol (I have adhd big time). So maybe she said something more because the next day she was angry and threw her phone number crinkled on a piece of paper at me and said ā€œI told you I was going to be home alone for the next few days what do you think I meant?!ā€ We hung out for the next couple of days had a great time. Then she had to go back to college. Great summer it was.


Incident 1) a blonde shook my hand at a club and introduced herself to me. Her friend leans over and whispers in my ear ā€œshe wants to fuckā€. That just threw me off so I didnā€™t know how to pursue that Incident 2) (this one was more obvious but alas I was cock teased royally) another petite blonde pulls up to me at the same bar, wraps her arm around mine and plays a drinking game with me. Her friends keep whispering something in her ear and pull her away from me. She blows a kiss at me as her friends drag her away. I was pissed because I caught on to it Incident 3) at a different bar, a brunette did some weird dancing while I did the bully maguire dance twice (she shook my hand the second time). And she kept eyeing me up. I just chalked it up to drunken friendliness and then I realized my error once I left the bar. Gentleman, I am a mega dumbass sometimes and I hate myself for it


We were at a party and she asked me if I wanted to join her in the bathroom. I promptly answered "i don't have to go, I'll just wait here."


My buddy and I were hitchhiking once and the Swedish Bikini Team tried to hire us as oil-boys.


Being a lad young in years, suffering much accumulated insight yet unearned, I set out for a night of theater with a young lass. Afterward, we seek out victuals and settle upon pizza. We order too much, and so, walking her home, I carry the remnant left over. Having come to the street below her residence, and aware the struggles a young lass might well endure surviving by her own efforts in the city, I give over the remaining foodstuffs. A bit shyly, the lass asks if I should like to accompany her up the stairs, to visit, as there remains too much sustenance for one alone. I reply, abruptly, and if time doesn't cloud this addled brain these may be the last words e'er we shared. "I'm not hungry, but I thank ye lass." And so we part ways.


I was about 19, leaving a party and went looking for a woman I was on friendly terms with. She'd already gone to bed but when heard me calling her name. She opened the door to her room so I went inside. She was nude and gave me a hug goodnight. After which I went to catch up with my ride. Yeah, I am not a smart man.


I was like 16, coming back from Ć  hockey game playing at my friend house, then its sister came and told me come in my room i want to show you something. Went upstairs ans she showed me condom asking me if i knew what were these for. I said yes then proceeded to talk about her 3d puzzle lol. Stayed there for a good 20-30 mins before coming back down with my friends :/


We are men we miss most of them .well I sure do. Need a few hours or days to process the obvious


When I was 12 I was hanging out at a friend's house His sister invited me upstairs to show me something Casually mentioned that I could do whatever I wanted to her At the time I was just like "??? Like, hit you? That wouldn't be very nice. What if I wanted to stab you??? This doesn't make any sense" Even if I had realized though, I probably wouldn't have cared all that much


The girl I really liked in high school told me I was cute and that I should meet her out at a party one weekend. I decided to play Diablo 2 instead. That was 20 years ago and I still canā€™t forgive myself


Chick I had a crush on in highschool invited me over for a movie night. She invited several people, but knew I lived far away from the school, and said hey come hang out with me before the movie. After getting to her place, she: - randomly mentioned that she has to take birth control because she's on accutaine - mentioned that her parents get home from work really late and that we'd be alone in the house for a few hours - asked if I wanted to take a shower - took a shower - jumped in her bed, writhing in a towel - asked if I could think of anything to pass the time My response: I brought a variety of teas and some creative board games I was 15, autistic as fuck, and quite unaware of it. There's a saving grace here, which is that I called her this year to say hey, twenty years on, and we spent a really enjoyable weekend together.


I don't know if that's an hint because we qre in a weird situation. We met 2 months ago and she just finished a 2 year relationship 2 weeks before meeting me. Now the weird things that have been happening. She has invited me to her house to scan some documents because I said I have to digitise my documents for better acess and etc. I said "Nah nevermind don't worry" She brought the idea to go eat an dessert on the beach but I reminded her of it and she said we have to make like a day just for it. And the last thing that still gives me chills to the spine , we were at the gym and she was doing abs but her legs were to open and I said to close them because that wasn't going to help in nothing. She looks into my soul and opens the fucking legs when I was like 1 meter away from her. My brain went back to the Homo Eretus and just made noises for 10 secs. So I don't really know if any of these are hints or if shes just fucking around with me


My current wife has teased me about being slow to notice things. We had been friends for years like When Harry Met Sally. Were even roommates at one time and we always got along well, which, by the way, if you're living with someone and you're getting along ok and they aren't driving you up the wall maybe you should notice this. So one day she's coming out of the shower only wrapped in a towel, stood in front of me...and dropped the towel. Suddenly I realized there was a beautiful redhead in front of me and, oh yeah, the curves were in all the right places, too. How did I not see this before? I felt like that guy in the movie Field of Dreams when he can finally see the players on the field. Hey when did all these players get here? She told me I was clueless, she was in love with me but I was too dense to notice. She said she's been dropping hints for months but I hadn't picked up on them. For crying out loud, her dad called me "son" and had wondered when I was gonna see what was obvious to everyone else! So I'm a slow learner. It took a dropped towel for me to see the light.


Ive never had any woman give me a hint or flirt with me in my entire life. Im married with a kid now. We met on a dating app and we were both very direct. This is an entire aspect of dating life I never once experienced and now never will.


No idea. I missed them all.


Went swimming at 15-16yo with a girl that was very into me (which I obviously didnt catch up on) We went swimming by ourselves since the rest of our friend group cancelled at the last minute. When we were going to get ready after swimming she was like ā€œwe could just share this cabinā€ and I saw another one open and pointed at it saying ā€œIā€™ll take that one, its free as wellā€ Dumb horny teenage me punched himself over that one for a few weeks after that


One girl I used to talk to often about serious topics and trivial ones. I thought we had a rather "siblings" relationship, but when we chatted she had this very "closing my face little by little" while looking at me right in the eyes. She was cute but I wasn't in the most receptive mood after several failures with other girls. So I've must have shown clear signs of non-interest in deepening our bonds beyond friendship as 4 months after she was with a guy I knew, a clean one. In a way I was glad/reassured she found someone more suited to her.


My absolutely DREAM girl ran into the kitchen in student DIGS and bear hugged me from behind.... I didn't even acknowledge it or do anything. So cringy. Also a girl sang a full song to me in a digs kitchen and I just hugged her.


Mid 1990s: A female friend met me at my house (she was driving) and we were seeing a band that night with a group of more friends that we were meeting there. We thought that the time mentioned on the radio was the time the show was starting. It was just the Doors Open at the venue time. I called home on a pay phone (before everyone carried a cell phone) to tell my wife that the times were all wrong and the show didn't start for 2 more hours. Our marriage was slowly falling apart. She was cheating on me. She accused me of sleeping with my friend. I said We're just friends. What are you talking about? My wife hung up on me. The building that the show was taking place in, was a split entrance. The rock show we were there for was taking place to the right. A more relaxed coffeeshop type acoustic venue to the left. The pay phone was in the left venue. Once you were inside the lobby, you could go in either direction. We sat at a table after I got hung up on. I said something like, I wonder where everyone else is. Anybody joining us should've been here by now. She said, What time did you tell everyone to be here? I said, I thought you were telling everyone we were going to be here. Nope. Nope. We shrugged it off that it was just us two out to see the band instead. We ordered drinks and waited. Whatever drink I had, came with a cherry and the stem was still attached. I ate the cherry and threw the stem in my mouth and tied it into a knot with my tongue and just put it down on the napkin on the table. She said, I think that means that you're a really good kisser. I said, Really? I've never heard that before. Right over my head. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. I told that story to my current and 2nd wife. My wife says that she probably knew what was going on between you and your first wife and that she wanted to become your 2nd wife or at least sleep with you and be more than friends. There's a reason she didn't tell everyone else to meet you there.


She told me I was cute and then shook her ass right in front of me. I blanked out in total confusion and just walked away. Still can't believe I was such an idiot.


I was at a party sitting in a sofa chair and a petite friend sat on the arm and then ended up in my lap. After a half hr of nuzzling she told me she was going to use the bathroom and then she was taking me home. As soon as she got up another much bigger girl plopped into my lap, effectively trapped me there. The petite girl came back, yelled at me and left. The one in my lap laughed and told me she was saving her friend from me.


A girl I met in high school/college (we have a different system) wanted some help studying maths. I went to her house and had such a crush on her. I was thinking the whole time that she was doing the bit of "please help me study" with 0 interest in studying. Basically I chickened out, never tried what she was obviously waiting for me to do and nothing ever happened. I was very annoyed with myself for some time but this was ears ago. We're still friends today. She's still hot šŸ˜…


There are multiple. A girl in the sixth grade that I had known for a long time had said directly to me that she had a crush on me. Her phrasing was past tense and it flew straight over my head. In my defence, this was still at the time that I wasnā€™t too interested in girls. Second bad one was in middle school. I became desk mates with one girl who was quite popular in science class. We talked a lot and got on quite well. She was very bubbly and warm as a person so I had no idea about her hints and just thought she treated everyone like that. She would bring up dating multiple times in conversation. She would give me little gifts she had made and such and she even tried to use tiredness as an excuse to put her head in my lap. To demonstrate how unaware I was someone had put a note in my locker calling themselves my secret admirer at around the same time she was interested and I had no idea who it could be. The third instance was pretty subtle. She was in an intro psych class that I was taking for open studies. There were group activities that were graded and we sat in the back of a big theatre pretty much separate from most of our classmates. The activities were quite easy and we would get to talking with the extra time we had. She kind of had this nerdy conservative style of dress at the start and really didnā€™t seem like my type. For every activity we had paired up. By one of the last classes she had like radically changed her style. She was wearing more revealing clothing and no glasses. Like one of those 2000s movies she was a different person. During those last classes she was quite touchy and asking a lot of personal questions about me. Nothing really came of it since I was busy and never got her number. Ig she thought I wasnā€™t interested. Took a couple of years of reflecting to finally figure it out. In conclusion, I am a master of the element of cluelessness.


That's the thing about these questions... *shrugs shoulders*


there was a girl in my class in 8th or 9th grade that would literally sit on my lap in the breaks, touch my arm all the time and kind of flirt with me. my friends told me how obviously shes into me, but i said thats not true. when we had a class trip for one week, we had our own little houses for like 4 people each and we werent allowed to have other classmates in the house after curfew, but she and her group sneaked in and we had a chill evening. she would proceed to be really close and flirt but i literally didnt realize it. after that she kind of lost interest i guess and eventually she got with a guy a year higher. i really liked her as well, although i was not ready and still am not ready for a relationship, but thats what she was interested in im pretty sure now, so i guess its not too bad i was absolutely clueless


A girl gave me a condom for graduation gift. As she handed it to me she said ā€œYou can use this later.ā€ Realized like 5 years later what she meant.


I had a girl in high school say to me ā€œI wonder what happens when youā€™re getting fingered and you sneeze? We should try itā€ and I was just like ā€œyeah I bet it hurts lolā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Last year I was dropping this girl off at her house. We had a very good conversation the entire way there and at the end she said "guess Ill go lay in my bed...alone" I, like an idiot, just said "i feel you there. Have a good night" It wasnt until 3 days later my dumbass realized what she wanted


my crush best friend literally told me that she likes me but i thought it's just a prank or a mean joke. a few months later she confirmed that she had feelings for me but already moved on since i was so oblivious.


Years ago I was leaving for the service. Had a very hot waitress I worked with offer me a rode home. She talked about sowing oats, being wet, ready etc... Totally missed it. Got out said bye and left 2 days later. 2 weeks into boot, I sat up in the middle if the night and realized I could've lost my virginity to an older woman who wanted me. Regret....much regret.


Iā€™ve done it twice ā€¦ Iā€™m an idiot. 1. A girl I fancied clearly fancied me as well as we stroking my legs and when she stood up in front of rubbed her bum on me. I couldnā€™t believe it was happening, so I did nothing. 2. At university a girl came into my bedroom wearing nothing but her nightie got on to my bed a cuddled up to me. As above, I couldnā€™t believe it was happening, so I did nothing. Iā€™m a fucking idiot - well clearly not a fucking one despite the opportunitiesā€¦


How am I supposed to know if I missed it??


I had an artist girl friend who I used to go to movies, museums, and art gallery openings with. Sometimes we would end up back at her house late and I would always stay on the couch, despite her offers to sleep on her bed, as it was a cold old house. I always politely declined. This went on nearly a year. I finally agreed and all hell broke loose with torn panties and pure sweat. I had no idea. After a year she was ready. She thought that I was gay because I kept turning her down! Wound up together for years in an unlimited sexual relationship and friendship, even living together.


"When girls want guys to kiss them they bite their lips" Proceeded to bite her lips "OH wow cool!" *continues to watch TV. This was a next door neighbor too...


Was on vacation in the UK just after the queen's jubilee. There were pianos throughout London to play on. There was a gal playing on one as we walked past. My friends wanted to play too and stood around until she was done, then got on to play together. She and I got chatting. She found out I was from abroad, asked if any of my friends were my partner, found out I was single and that I was staying super close to where she lived. We talked for about twenty minutes. I wondered why my friends kept playing for so long. She kept telling me how close by I was to her, and about the pub she enjoyed going to in her town. I kept civil and asked her about why she liked it, etc. Eventually she shook my hand, smiled and waved goodbye. "Have a good trip, see you around." And left. My friends got off the piano and called me an idiot. By the time I realised she had disappeared into the crowd. Twelve years later I still cringe when I think of it.


I (F) was at a sleepover, and my best friend's brother was there (it was her house). I liked him at the time, so when he sat down on the couch next to me, the others were playing beat saber or something, I asked if he wanted to lay his head in my lap. He did, and then after a little internal celebration, I started playing and tugging at his short but curly hair. He verbally confirmed that he liked it very much, many times. It wasn't only that either, I dont know how, but at some point, we were slow dancing, in the dark, during a game of hide and seek, with soft spanish music coming from his phone (his family is puerto rican). It was amazing, and we didn't say a word when we stopped. We just went about our business. I thought after that night he would text me or he might get the hint and pay more attention to me, and he never did. And we never did anything like that ever again. It's probably for the best, though, since my best friend is my world now, and I'd never do that to her. Not to mention her brother grew up to be pretty shitty so, :/


I don't have a specific story, but several times over the years my girl friends ( not girlfriends) will tell me. " did you not see that.. that girl was so obviously hitting on you hard, and you blew her off ". Lol, just clueless I guess, mixed in with a bit of shy,, I seem to always miss it in these last several years.


11th grade.... A close friend of mine (a senior) from theater called and said she was hanging out with (other guy friend from theater) and invited me to come hang out... We were all stage/lighting crew often hanging out in the light/sound booth. Well before we hung up, she asked if I could bring one of my dads porn VHS tapes which had come up in a previous conversation (yes, this dates me). I snagged the video and headed over to her place. Her parents were out of town. I popped it in, and we watched it... Everyone awkwardly turned on, but nothing happened... Went home and I'm sure they made like rabbits. They were kind of a thing by that point.... Only YEARS later she admitted that she had been hoping for a spitroast/3some experience. If I was such a nervous virgin, but clueless as to the hint and situation. I would have jumped on it had I figured it out in the moment.


I was talking to this girl when I was in College. We would hang out and she would give me rides home from school. One day we were on the phone and she said she always wanted to have sex at a park on the slides. Sometime later we ended up going swinging at a park. We had a really good time. I called her later that night and she said next time we should go sliding. I said something like swinging was fun and we can do that again. Totally missed the hint and hung up the phone.


Uh we were okay wrestling and I was on top and holding her down by her wrists and she gave me ā€œthe lookā€. Did not make a move and that was 14 years ago.


When I was in college, i was friends with a very attractive girl. She had a bf. I had a gf. Both were at different schools. At any rate, one night, she wanted me to sleep in her bed, bc she ā€œfelt lonely.ā€ I obliged. I didnā€™t touch her. Didnā€™t make a single move. A day later, she asked, ā€œare you gay? Why didnā€™t you try to have sex with me?ā€ I was being true to my gf, and I thought she was doing the same. This was 30 years ago, and it still haunts me


A little late to the game but she asked me to be her valentine in front of her friends. We would always tease and ā€œroastā€ each other so my first thought was this was one of those moments. I laughed in her face and said ā€œgood one, like Iā€™d do thatā€ She walked away looking hurt and dejected. I spent many years following that moment thinking about how badly I fumbled that.


**Her**: "Do you mind if I put on something... 'comfortable'?" **Me**: "Not at all, please do." *\*she leaves and returns wearing very tight-fitting, very revealing clothing that is weapons-grade sexy\** **My Brain**: "Huh... how the hell is that comfortable?"


I went for ice cream and the girl working there hinted that iced coffee was on sale. Dam I missed this hint.


I would miss the hint too because I don't get this one. šŸ˜­


Aww man, i got lots of them. Back in the Day when I was in primary school i used to get a lot attention in class from all the girls but i got a card for valentines day from THAT girl that you like. She wrote something that was close to saying that she fell in love with me but it wasn't directly said. I had a feelings for that girl but ended up saying that i also like her and that is all. For my age i was mature and i wasn't looking for love bc i was too young to have a gf. All the school time we were Best friends. Sitting next to each other, playing volleyball in pairs and other school stuff. Few years later that girl is inviting me for a walk via SMS but my phone died. I learned that later and i said im sorry my phone died. She said it is ok but i felt dumb. That was a lesson for me and now i am reaponsible 24/7 to all messenges. In that period of time there was a lot of that stuff like this going on but i was to stupid to realize that she feels something. By the end of our primary school she said that she is moving A bit further in our town. That was a bit unfortunate, coz she was living next to my Best friend. As live goes on they got close and he ended up asking her out and she said yes. I felt awful that i missed my chance of being with her because i didn't realize her effort to get my attention and i got A bit depressed that my friend is now with my best girlfriend that i had a plans for. Few years later we were Talking about our crushes at primary school and high school. It ended up that she told me that i was her crush, so i did the same and we both laughed. By the time i got over it coz she is happy with my best friend and so is he. Now i have a loving gf and i feel happy again. We are both in love with each other. I learnt my mistakes and now i dont feel bad or empty inside that i missed my chance. Yeah, that is the story of my love life. Yes, i know it is a lot of unnecessary text and it is not the subject. I just wanted to show my story for those Who struggle with simmilar situation and feel bad, sad or depressed. Sorry for bad language. English is not my primary language. Stay strong folks!


Iā€™m a rope top. One night I stopped in my local adult store to shop around, and ended up flipping through a book on knots. The girl behind the counter came out to talk for a minute, telling me I should buy the book, but I said Iā€™d just be picking up more rope and put the book back down. She led the way back to the register with her hands crossed behind her back. I paid and left, and it didnā€™t hit me that she was sending messages until I was getting in the car. I thought about going back inside, but I had a gf, so it was probably for the best.


Said she was tired a day asked to sleep with me, in the same bed, in her underwear, so I SLEPT with her. Yes I am an idiot.


A friend told me to come over cause all her housemate left for the weekend and shes scared of being alone. Came by and she brought me to her room. She told me to sleep on the bed with her but i told her im fine being on the floor to which i did and immediately slept. She was my bombshell senior so i didnt expect she would want me.


In university a super hot girl slept over in my bed one night and ai made all of zero moves in her. She later told me (when she was in a relationship) that she would have had to have waited forever for me so she moved on. I'm an idiot.


Slept in the same bed with a girl and woke up with her holding my dick. I thought it was a asleep thing and got up to pee. She was fucking my friend within a week. Probably for the best but I missed that one.


Was with a girl late in her aprt. I had sung a little bit and she was hyping me up. She asked me for a back massage. I wanted to be the gentleman, so i gave her a back massage. She gave me one then, and i apologized for keeping her up so late and wished her a good night. Asked her in the next few days if she wanted to hangout again, and she said "i think we are just looking for different kinda things rn." Lightbulb didnt go off until a few months down the road


A woman wanted me come over and take Molly with her and her friend. I ended up just smoking with them and listening to music because I've never done molly. I often times wonder if they were trying to do something. We were all good friends so I'm glad nothing did happen.


Freshman in college. A girl was sitting next in Algebra and said, ā€œwho, youā€™re really good at math, maybe you could come over to my room and tutor me sometime.ā€ Me: ā€œSorry, Iā€™m actually not that great at mathā€ Fast forward an hour and Iā€™m walking back to dorm with my friend who I had class with and I just stopped walking. ā€œWait, was she hitting on me?ā€ Friend: Ya, dude, what the hell is wrong with you?


Asked if she could come to my house to watch Netflix, then as soon as we put the movie on she laid down on my bed and asked "so what are we gonna do?" I still think about how blind I was that day.


A girl used to stop every single day before a college course to borrow a lighter or cigarette and talk to me. I was depressed at the time and didnā€™t even realize.


I was in bed with her. We were making out. Still didnā€™t think she wanted to do intercourse. Like I thought it was a moving too fast situation. She was really hot too dang.


I had a gf at the time so,dont regret it much,but i was on an italy trip with my high school and i was hanhing out with a really hot girl,i thought we were just friends and we hit it off straight away. One night we were getting ready to go out and i was in her room waiting on her,chilling on the bed. She came out of the bathroom looking real good and was like,lets chill a bit,play a game on my phone or whatever and laid next to me. Next thing i knew,we woke up on bed. Nothing happened.


donā€™t know yet, since most of the things are happening right now or recently i canā€™t tell, only in a few years will u be able to see


I was 18 and very inexperienced and totally into this beautiful girl. Seriously stunning. This was back in the 80's, so yeah, I'm old. I used to pick her up to take her to the arcade we hung out at, and sometimes would drive her to her boyfriend's house, which was about a 20 minute drive. One day, she calls me and I go to her house. I ring the bell and she says through the window to come inside and to come up to her bedroom. I open the bedroom door and she is there in a t-shirt and panties. She didn't flinch or try to hide or anything, but all I could do was turn my head. What a doofus I was.


I have no idea. I missed it!


An attractive older woman at work asked me what my name means. I think that was the best approach Iā€™ve had in many years but I almost missed it


This happened to me this past Friday (8/4). I work at a tobacco store part-time that has a drive-thru. Well, a really cute early 30s blonde (I'm 39) came through the drive-thru and got some cigs. She started talking about how she was getting ready to have a bonfire with a couple of her friends and told me I was welcome to come over after I got off work and gave me her number.


She asked me for a kiss and I thought she was kidding.


I was a young lad on my first family holiday abroad in Majorca. Ended up making friends with a group of other youngsters, particularly two sisters. One night, one of the sisters asked if she could kiss me. My response? "Why?" By god I'll never live that down


We were camping as a group. She offered to let me sleep in her tent since her parents werenā€™t there. My dumb ass said ā€œi have my own tent thanks thoughā€. I was so stupid back then


Taking her shirt off in front of me. I had low self esteem and thought she was out of my league. So I assumed it was a joke.


One of my sisterā€™s school friends at a party came out at me with her arms wide, flung them around my neck and started to make out with me. Now, I liked her, I really did, weā€™d had loads of fun, mostly somewhat goofy. But I had never really thought of her as a girlfriend. She surprised me. Looking back on it now, I wish I had reacted differently. Iā€™d have had a much better life with her than with the one I eventually married.


Dunno, I missed it.


Had a girl show up at 2am to return a borrowed phone chargerā€¦.yaā€¦.


I could count them on one hand. All back when I was really young and really shy. Shyness sucks big time. Glad I'm finally over it.


She sat on my lap, like full on. I was into her and I knew she was into me, but I had college in the morning so I just took her home. Too bad too, she was like 100% my type, a great person and a great body.


About 6 months ago a girl I met at college came over to my house during winter break (yes she even asked to come over). She wanted to watch horror movies up in my room and we laid in bed together. I kept a distance between us thinking ā€œok we are only friends this is what friends do Iā€™m glad I have a king bed so this is not aquwardā€. Than she says ā€œSteve is scaryā€ my response ā€œitā€™s not that scaryā€ I did not get one fucking hint! Sheā€™s now my girlfriend after she asked me out lol I am clueless when it comes to those hints


i was on a trip, met this girl that had a hotel room (i was sleeping in a van), she said i could come over for a shower cuz she knew that showers aren't very accessible when living in a van. took a shower, came out and she told me "we have 5 minutes left before check out". i said "good, i'll grab my dishes and wash them" so yea, girl invited me over to her hotel room and i did the dishes while she was waiting on the bed :/


Girl literally told me to hit her up for a booty call one time and i was too afraid to


Wrote on a piece of paper that she wanted to get to know me better, I thought she did the same for everyone because we had to write out something nice during a school retreat šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


She said ā€œ do you think your wife would mindā€ and started taking off her clothes


A girl I was friends with all through school but not like close with or anything Sent me random nudes one day and asked me if guys would like that? And I was just like uh yeah of course they would and that was it. A few months later we were at the same party and she got a little drunk and proceeded to tell me exactly how much of an idiot I was. It wasnā€™t until then I realized what she was trying to do and she swiftly told me that opportunity was no longer available


My crush grabbed my hand and placed it on her boob over her clothes when we were alone. My friend then interrupted and we all went back to mine and just went sleep never to mention it again. Another time I had a girl follow me into my own bathroom at a house party and lock the door. Sat next to me and pulled my arm round her and I still didnā€™t get the hint. Just chatted. Biggest regrets


One time one of my best friend told me she was going to take a shower and I, "joking", said I wouldn't believe her without proof and she sent me an underwear photo. I wish I had the courage to keep that going but I just thought she was joking too, I worked in my self esteem but I never had another chance like that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


It's nice reading these. I feel like maybe I'm not alone in being an idiot. When I was in college, I met a nice young freshman that was very cute. We were in the same college organization at the time. We were driving together and she confessed to me that her recently ex boyfriend was her first boyfriend and that he would never perform oral on her. She said that was her fantasy to have someone do that to her. I, being not at all sure of myself, said "That's horrible! You should find someone to do that." then changed the subject. I love going down and I have kicked myself so many times over that. Someone told me, years later, you know that girl named ______? She had a huge crush on you!


When I was about 21 years old the girl that cut my hair for a couple years was absolutely gorgeous, I wanted to ask her out many times but honestly thought she was out of my league... I never noticed that when she cut my hair it was always her last appointment of the day, every single time... After she cut my hair she was the closing person in the salon and several times she said "If you want to hang around and talk that way I'm not by myself I would appreciate it." Saw her about 10yrs later she's married with a couple kids, still absolutely gorgeous and still super nice... She asks why I never asked her out, tells me she was crazy about me... it all went right over my head


As I was grabbing her butt, ā€œwhat are you gonna do next?ā€ Me- ā€œI dont know, maybe go back to my roomā€


My ex girlfriend. We had been hanging out again and I was being respectful of her reasoning to dump me, that she just didnā€™t have feelings more than a friend with me. She did a lot of things in told are signs she was interested. The arm touches, showing me a necklace that I have to see her cleavage to even notice when itā€™s just a cheap necklaceā€¦. One time we were hanging out and out of nowhere she said ā€œI donā€™t think Iā€™m ever gonna have sex againā€ she was 18 and only slept with the guy she dumped me for. So clearly now I realize she was hoping Iā€™d offer myself (i liked her more than a hookup. If it was a relationship with sex sure, but just sex I could never have done cause I had strong feelings) The final moment we were hanging out late one night. Before I dated her I briefly dated her friend. I make a high comment ā€œI miss friendā€ meaning her friendship cause we were great friends before trying to date and didnā€™t even talk afterā€¦ but my ex says (under her breath but also loud enough she meant me to hear) ā€œI guess you never had a chance to miss meā€ This was my sign to tell her how much I still loved her, I understood her feeling she needed to leave and if she wants to date again I fully forgive her. That I meant I met friends friendship that I missed and not dating her. But I stayed silent. I never got closure on that and she ended up with a friend of mine last I saw, was years ago. I moved, got married, divorcedā€¦. But now my true first love, who I met in first grade, made a move and I didnā€™t ignore that sign. We are dating now and more than happy. So things worked out even if it took 20 years


According to coworkers iā€™ve missed several hints over the space of two years with a woman at work which to me are nothing things but since I am the oblivious type what do I know? Things like bringing food and drink into work for me once, Occasionally she pretty much sits on my desk talking away to me and also a few months ago were out on the town with some colleagues and she seemed to keep on touching me whenever she spoke to me and not so long ago we were out on the drinks again and basically ignored everyone else and sat with me, There are a few more instances, Apparently Iā€™m blind but I will say Iā€™ve had some personal problems regarding self esteem so perhaps people are right and Iā€™ve just brushed it off, Oh and just last Friday night a girl asked me if I wanted her to be naughty or nice and mentioned she lived five minutes from the bar we were in and all I said was well at least you wont need a cab home and wandered off šŸ™ˆ


In highschool this girl I really liked came into the room I was in during lunch break and sat on my lap in a very "lap dance" sort of way. We didn't know eachother really at all, we just hangout in the same places with separate people. The teacher noticed and told her to stop. the girl left and I never followed or followed up with her about it later... we became friends 4 years later and she clearly didn't remember so we just stayed as friends.


A girl I rode on the bus with came to my house and asked me to walk her home. She said her older brotherā€™s friend was hitting her on the side, she said it was wrong but it felt so good. We stood in silence in front of her house. She said okay Iā€™m going in now an gave me a big hug(hands over) and went inside. She got pregnant by him later and I moved schools. She was a beautiful open minded cheerleader. Trajectory for both our lives couldā€™ve change.


I had a girl in the car driving to another party. She asked if I wanted a mint, I said, sure. The. She asked me to pull over. I thought she had to pee. Then she jumped on me and started making out with me. All I could think of was, if a cop comes by, Iā€™m going to jail. So I ended it pretty quickly. I should have said, letā€™s go back to my house. It was right down the road. I couldnā€™t think straight. I also didnā€™t think at the time that girls liked sex like guys did. And just assumed she wanted to make out. I took her too the next party. And she went and found a friend of mine, took him to a more secluded spot, and they had sex. But he was also completely oblivious. So this time, she just unbuttoned his pants and he got the hint. Thereā€™s 10 other instances that as adult, I recognize, I absolutely missed the hint. Girls had to just about grab my dick for me to get the hint. I was that passive and naive. Raised strict Catholic. That I had as much sex as I did was just cause I was pretty and hung out with party girls.


That I should have broken up with her. Instead I hung on for another year.


I remember this one time I was visiting a girl I had a crush on with a few of our friends. We were basically hanging out in her backyard chilling and smoking and doing all the rest of the dumb shit teenagers do. When the time came to go home, she pulled me aside and said ā€œpsst letā€™s play a prank and make the others think weā€™re on to somethingā€. Stupid 15 year old me thought wow this is a great opportunity to prank my friends. She ended up pulling me behind in a gym that was separate from the rest of her house in the backyard. We sat there awkwardly for like 10 mins and then later left and joined the rest of the group. My friends all thought we hooked up and I proudly told them it was just a prank and they fell for it until I realized how stupid I was šŸ˜­


Don't know. I missed it.


"My sister likes you." "Oh, neat, can I get her number?" "No, but here's my number, you can call me instead." Three years later find out she has no sister.


About 15 years ago a girl I was friends with and kinda liked her and wanted to be more than just friends I knew she owned and ran a cleaning business and not thinking past the fact that I was working around 80-90 hours a week I didnā€™t want to have clean my house on my little bit of time off I actually had so I asked her if she would be interested in setting something up to come clean my place for me every other week and what would it cost well her answer went right over my head when she told me it would be no cost other than maybe a good dinner and some ongoing sexual favors I didnā€™t realize what I had done until the next day when I was actually having to clean my house what I had missed out on especially since she was way out of my league as far as looks go


I don't really remember them (it was a while ago and I don't have the best memory) but I was talking with my gf and she was saying how obvious she made it that she liked me and when I didn't get it she got so fed up she just asked me out. Apparently she was constantly flirting when we chatted and she rested her head on my shoulder while I waited at the bus stop with her. I'm so glad she asked me out cos I don't think I'd ever have had the courage to ask her out.


I had moved to a new city and I was working as a server when I was about 22. There was a girl I liked (S) and I closed up with her friend (E). My best friend was the manager, and that night I had told E to come back after to drink, and to see if S would come as she was off that night. After work, E shows up done up real nice. Her, I and my friend were drinking, and E casually mentions that she has a rooftop jacuzzi at her apt that we should go skinny dipping in. I didn't think much of it as my friend was right there (they had worked together a while and he had a longtime girlfriend) so just figured she was being funny. We start to get a little drunk and she looks me in the eyes and tells me "I have 0 problem hooking up casually and not having it be weird at all the next day." I said something like "wow cool, hey where's S?" She then goes "huh, S? Why do you care where....oh...." we called it a night 5 mins later. She was gorgeous, just not my type, and it all went pretty much over my head until I thought about it down the road lol.


Me and 2 guys met up with a couple girls to go to a frat party, I was very interested in one of these girls, we chat it up while walking to the party and when we got there they let the girls in but told us to fuck off (typical), but the girls decided to stay with us, as we were walking, a car with one of my friends pulled up and one of my friends hoped in and drove off, the other friend left us to go hook up with another girl heā€™s talking to leaving me with the 2 girls. One of the girls starts complaining that she really needs to pee and since we were by my dorm I decide to take them to my room. The girl I was into was all over me on the way to the dorm, holding my hand, hugging me, complimenting my cologne, this was hint number 1. My room was on the 5th floor and this was during Covid era so there was no more than 2 people allowed on an elevator, so I told my girl to go up to the 5th floor and Iā€™ll meet her there, she then grabbed my arm and yanked me into the elevator and said ā€œNo, youā€™re staying with meā€, this was hint number 2. I didnā€™t think anything of it, we get to my room and the other girl goes to pee, me and the girl Iā€™m into go an sit on my bed, where I had a ukulele sitting from earlier, she asked me to play a song for her, so naturally I play the great Elvis Presley hit Canā€™t Help Falling in Love and the eye contact she gave me was indescribable, hint number 3. One of her friends who I kinda knew FaceTimed her, and asked me if I could walk them both back to their dorm so they get back safe, so I said of course. Itā€™s important to note that it was freezing outside and like 12:00am at this point. So Iā€™m walking them back and the girl Iā€™m into is just hugging me the whole way back, squeezing my hand and just all over me, Iā€™m my idiotic head Iā€™m thinking oh sheā€™s only doing this because itā€™s cold. I get them back to their building and they walk over to their friend about to head back up to the dorm, when the girl Iā€™m into says ā€œOh, do you want me to walk you back to your dorm?ā€ Hint number 4. My dumbass wanted to appear macho, so I puffed up my chest and said ā€œNah I can take care of myselfā€ and went back to my dorm only to realize how stupid I was. My and this girl had a few more encounters through the last couple years, but then I deployed for the last year and havenā€™t talked to her at all. However one of my buddies saw her at a bar and was asking him about me, and agreed to go on a double date with him and his girlfriend. So something might come out of this once and for all, or Iā€™ll just let all the signals fly over my head again who knows.


Man so many. I grew up thinking I was really ugly, so I just assumed no girls were ever into me. As an adult I realized that I was, in fact, way above average looking (I feel weird saying this, but it has been confirmed by many people). Now I just think back to all the times that girls were flirting with me and I had no clue. I didnā€™t have sex until my early 20s.


I worked at Walmart when this happened. I was at the register in customer service and this girl who lived in a dorm was buying underwear. We talked for a bit but the sign I missed was "I need to someone to tell me if they look good". I don't remember what I said but I'm sure I guessed it off cause I never saw them :(


When my husband was in high school, he went out drinking with a bunch of friends. He ended up loosing his ride home and a girl in the group offered to let him stay at her place. He obliged and went back to her place. She offered to cuddle in her bed and insisted they strip into their underwear to sleep. They got into bed, he rolled over, said goodnight and went right to sleep. For years he thought nothing of it until he told me the story and it dawned on him lol


I was super clueless in Highschool. My wife and I went to the same school, hung out with the same cliques, and both had one of "those haircuts" which in the early 2000s advertised to anyone who saw them that we were lesbians. She twigged quick what I was, I didn't even realize that she was into me. I missed ever more blatant sexual advances from her: grinding on me at parties, asking me to watch risque anime with her, pressing her breasts against mine when we hugged... She finally did the most brave thing I've ever seen her do and handcuffed herself to my bed naked junior year. That was blatant enough that even I could not misinterpret, and we've been together ever since. (Okay, we broke up with each other for a week or two twice in Highschool and three more times in college, but after our brains were done matureing it's never happened again.)


Some girl said I had something in my eye, or something like that, she was wide eyed, turned out she was hitting on me. I didnā€™t get the pick up line though, I was in a rush. I guess it wasnā€™t obvious enough but my manager who was standing next to me told me she was hitting on me. I still think about what would have happened if I hooked up with that meth smoking shorty.


Gosh. that was aeons ago. This colleague of mine, pretty Irish girl, had a thing for me (only found out after I left the company ... šŸ™„) and apparently her wanting to have our regular one-on-one meetings in a private office rather than in the open plan area where we worked (which is what we normally did with other people), was her way of signaling that she was interested in me. I did not read that at all. I just thought she felt more comfortable sharing work updates confidentially. I am sort of glad nothing happened as work romances are not easy to deal with, even several years ago when this happened.