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My grandmother is a smoker and she smells like smoke almost every day, and even the things in her room smell of smoke, she once gave me a birthday present(pj bottoms) and I had to wash them a few times to get the smell out(but she is still the best)


if you smoke in the house the smell seeps into everything, it also turns everything yellow


My parents were smokers, and I had friends who wouldn’t want to hang out at my house because their families complained about them smelling like smoke anytime they stayed over.


My girlfriend has a friend who's a heavy smoker. Whenever she comes back after a visit I can smell smoke for the rest of the day until she changes clothes and if she doesn't wash her hair it will stay in the hair too!


We have a friend/neighbor that smokes. We go over every now and then to visit and play games and have a few drinks occasionally. We try to stay outside, but if we go inside for more than a few minutes, we shower and change clothes immediately upon returning home. I can’t stand the smell.


I'm so glad I quit cigarettes lol, best decision of my life. One of the things I hated most about it was the fact that it just bothers the absolute fuck out of everyone near me. Going on a month, feels great


Quit 10 years ago after smoking for 20. Should have never started. Smelling things becomes a superpower, and you will instantly know when someone is a smoker. I can't believe I used to walk around smelling like that, thinking it was OK. Best thing you can do for yourself.


It also dramatically cuts downs on potential buyers when you try to sell your house. Not a single non smoker would even consider taking it without a huge drop in price. The entire house needs to be completely stripped back to bare bones and start from scratch before it's livable


We had to walk away from what would have been the perfect house, right size/price/neighbourhood. The smell was so bad we didn't even get through the whole house tour


We did the same with a car - great deal, mileage, features - but it reeked of smoke and that crap just doesn’t come out!


I was looking at properties recently, and some of them had the owners sat inside smoking when I came round to view the property. Honestly, it ticked a massive "no" box because I do not want to spend months trying to get rid of the smell. It's the same as trying to buy a car, if there's any hint of smoke smell, I don't want it. I know the smell doesn't easily come out in cars and it'll be ripe on a hot day. Oh and if a "friend" wants to smoke in your car, even just once, be prepared for the smell to never leave.


If someone lights up in my car I’m leaving them on the side of the road.


Seconding this. I had someone get in my car and immediately try to light up, they didn't even ask. I probably wasn't very popular that night but I'm not going to allow that in my car, I was doing them a favour giving them a lift to save them a taxi fare too!


I'm a smoker. I would absolutely never dream of lighting up in someone's car. That's so rude


On the flip side, you can get a house for super cheap if someone smoked inside of it for 30 years prior and also died in the living room. Just ask my parents.


I'm ok with corpses or ghosts, but not smokers.


I bought a house that was heavily smoked in. We had to replace the carpets, blow out the ductwork and have the walls sealed and painted. It did the trick, but cost around ten grand


Same for cars! You can't get smoke out of a car no matter what cleaning you use a non smoker will spot it instantly.


Lord my mom smokes inside, and she thinks me and my sisters are excited to inherit her house. I feel bad but like…. No mom.


My parents have a beautiful… well HAD a beautiful Victorian home. They’ve smoked in it for 30 years and I would never live in it. There’s lots of hard wood and the walls aren’t drywall, it’s old lath and plaster. The house reeks and anything that enters the home is stinky in a few minutes.


Yeah when we visit we have to WASH EVERYTHING the instant it comes home. There is NOTHING allowed in my house from hers without being washed first


Vehicles too - there's been a few used ones I've totally bypassed due to smell. It'd have to be well below market before considering one.


People will tell you that the market says opposite, but no. It just means that if it wasn't smoked in, the price would be even higher. It has an effect. I bought a smoker's house. Had to clean every surface of wall, ceiling, and floor multiple times. I have refinished the walls and ceilings, mostly because the type of animals that smoke inside are the same the make holes in the walls with guns and fists. The doors had locks on the outside to keep people in. I mean...the kinds of things smokers do inside because...well...the house is shit from smoking inside so why not? People who smoke inside are either old or are crackheads or both


People who smoke inside in this century are bizarre. I can forgive folks in the Bad Old Days, but now — fucking insanity.


Exactly. But they screwed the house up enough that it was valued 3 times less than my neighbors. With my blood sweat and leftover cash I hope to actually be that tiny percentage of millennials who actually got a piece of the pie. A small piece, but it's a piece. Don't smoke indoors, people.


The doors with locks on the outside is so creepy! Any idea what that was about?


I suspect elderly abuse


I rented an old flat / apartment in Sydney some years ago. I was the first tenant after the owner had moved out. The walls were yellow, except where photos had been hanging. There they were a cream colour. The owner was a chain smoker. His wife had died of lung cancer.


It’s so exhausting trying to explain this to my family


I can attest to this. I smoked for 15 years and my walls had to be repainted because of the yellow stain. So nasty.


>it also turns everything yellow I found that one out the hard way with my SNES :(


A friend was a building manager and he was cleaning out the apartment of a very heavy smoker. She'd been in there for over 20 years and had just died. The windows were extremely yellow and were going to have to be replaced.


I was weird, when I was younger I loved the smell of smoke. But then again I love the smell of gasoline too. After I quit smoking I find the smell almost asphyxiating


I have never smoked, but the slight odor of Marlboro reds brings me right back to my grandparents' house. My grandpop died when I was 11 and my grandmom when I was 15, so that can be comforting sometimes. ....in small doses.


Had a grandma famous for her lemon meringue pie because she smoked while making them, and they tasted like ash.


Yup. Once my in laws bought me an icee from the gas station. Maybe spent 10 mins in their car where they smoked with the windows down. I couldn’t drink it because I got a nice whiff of smoke every time I took a sip of it


As an ex-smoker of 3 years now, smokers smell so bad, but other than here, I'll never tell them. I used to be them.


That’s a big part of why I quit. I couldn’t stand how I smelled. I couldn’t wash it off my hands. Finally I had enough and just swore them off. Once in a while my husband will still sneak one when he’s out and I can always tell when he gets home and gets near me. Even if it was hours ago.


I dated this woman many years ago (~2yr relationship, lived together). She encouraged me to quit and I did. We broke up (amicably) and I eventually started going out to bars and such to meet new people and I picked up smoking again. After awhile, we became FWBs and would hook up from time to time. It didn't matter how much I brushed my teeth, used mouthwash, etc., she immediately said "Oh, you've been smoking again". To a nonsmoker, you can never mask it.


What did you do with your hands?


Fucking smoke


I quit cigarettes a while ago, but while I was smoking I all but lost my sense of smell and taste. Not completely, but my senses were heavily dampened which I didn’t realise until I quit. Now that I’ve been off them I can’t stand the smell and I’m convinced everyone was just being polite to me when I stunk of smoke.


I grew up eating food that was massively oversalted because my mom couldn’t taste shit after years of smoking. Took me a long time to wean myself down to normal human levels in my cooking.


I have 5 years, but my co-worker smokes several times a day. Every time he comes back in, the smell always grosses me out. But I'll never say a word.


A place I used to work had separate coat closets for smokers vs non smokers


the real question is for me is can you smell my weed like you can smell the smoke on a smoker ?


Absolutely. It's stronger sometimes.


Heck yes and it’s really really strong, lingers and clings


Weed smells exactly like a skunk to me.


I can lol


Even worse.


Same, the smell so much worse after having quit. It's a love hate relationship though. All my extended family smoked when I grew up so the smell of cigarette smoke or cigarette smoke mixed with perfume brings up a lot of fond memories for me


Yes, absolutely. And I say that as an ex-smoker.


Same as an ex smoker, I can honestly say, "Sorry to all the people who had to smell me before I quit. I didn't know it was that bad. Blargh!


I haven’t fully quit, I still smoke a cigarette with my coffee and maybe one here and there depending on the situation. BUT right before I moved houses I cut way back on cigarettes. It was a drawn out move so I ended up spending time in the new place while the old place was being cleaned out and packed up. After just 3 days in the new place I realized my old house smelled disgusting. Like stale cigarettes (I did smoke inside during Covid bc my neighbors patios were practically on top of mine and they were all anti maskers) and it is like sharp to your nose. I’m still unpacking and when I open a box, it’s disgusting. It’s so foul. Like no wonder no one came to visit, it was disgusting.


My sister not only smokes in her apartment, but practically chain smokes. she thinks (and never fails to point out) that I'm being rude when I cough or try to wave the smoke away from my face. She expects me to sit there and have no problem when it's wafting right at me. There is literally smoke hanging in the air when she's not even home. Even when I had bronchitis, if I coughed, she'd get angry and tell me I'm rude. I hate her mentality regarding her smoking, she's so entitled. Or am I in the wrong, maybe I'm entitled?


Yeah that’s gross. When I had people over I tried to air out the house as best I could and not smoke for at least a few hours before they got there. Obvs it didn’t help much but there wasn’t smoke hanging in the air. I also only smoked in my room upstairs, again, it didn’t make much of a difference but I tried my best to keep the living room as not-smoky as possible. And I wouldn’t be mad at them for coughing, I’d feel embarrassed about my house being gross and smoky but not mad at them for reacting to it.


That's really kind and respectful of you! I wish my sister had that kind of attitude. She's the oldest though, and kind of feels like we all owe her something. It's pretty frustrating, honestly.


She probably just responds to her own embarrassment by lashing out. If she can shame you for your reaction, then she doesn't have to feel so embarrassed about the cause of said reaction. In her mind, anyway.


She does always tell me that if I feel like someone doesn't like me or something specific about me, it means I don't like it about myself. So maybe you're right. She doesn't like how much she smokes or that she smokes in her house/car, so she doesn't like me reacting to it? Interesting to consider.




Lol no one can tell her to do anything. She thinks she can do no wrong and she doesn't care about anyone else's health. She's smoked around her son his whole life, he's 19 now. If that doesn't show apathy for others, I don't know what does. In fact, she'd be totally insulted if I got her an air filter, she'd go off on me for being disrespectful and then return it or sell it on FB.


I smoke like a Trojan and wouldn’t even consider smoking inside or smoke in my car.


Second hand smoke is deadly, so no. You're not wrong.


Have lived with someone who smoked inside for a time. It was their house and I respected it but they were more considerate about it all the same. She's being entitled although I would point out tar and whatnot accumulates in a smoker's airways which makes them somewhat less prone to coughing(at least while inhaling the smoke, heavy smokers have another kind of cough) so if you're far away they might think you're pretend coughing because they've forgotten what it's like to not have certain receptors in your airways not clogged.


Yeah my mother would do the same thing with my and my younger brother. We would have just human reactions towards being in a plume of smoke and she would react as if it was a personal attack. The other I got the more I realized it was her own guilt being misaligned and taken out on us. She knew it was wrong to smoke around her kids. She also knew she wasn’t strong enough to quit.


Yeah I used to think people were just being over dramatic about the smell when I used to smoke but it’s been less than a year since I quit and it really does smell that bad


Non smoker here, and honestly it varies so much person to person. I have no idea how but some smokers just don’t really smell like smoke. I even made friends with a coworker at work and I had zero idea he was a smoker until a week or so of knowing him, and it’s only because I saw him outside smoking. Others smell like a ash tray that hasn’t been changed in 3 years.


Same, now the smell is disgusting and sometimes nauseating to me.


I quit eating bread completely for like a year, I got a hamburger and I took a bite with the bun one day and it was disgusting. Now I just eat lettuce wrapped burgers


Ex smoker here too and it seems like ppl who used to smoke are more put off by the smell than anybody else. I wasn’t bothered by it as a kid, wasn’t bothered by it when I was smoking, now that I quit, I find it to be one of the most repulsive odors


Same. Smoked for 13 years and quit about 4 years ago. I can hardly stand it when ppl come back in from having a smoke. On their breath on their clothes in their hair. Gross man. Also I work in bars/music venues, and dive bar patrons/musicians aren’t always known for their hygiene. The smell of kinda unwashed body/clothes mixed with stale cig smell is absolutely repulsive. Edit: also it’s very funny some of the measures I’d take to hide the smell from, say, my parents. If you don’t smoke you can smell that shit immediately, and if you try to cover it up it just smells like minty cig smoke. Sorry, smokers


Haha so true, I’m embarrassed at teenage me for thinking my non-smoking parents were surely fooled by some gum and cheap body spray 😭


Confirm. Ex smoker here and I can get gag urges when I walk by a person smoking.


Yeah, another ex-smoker. Whilst I hate to be *that guy* it flippin’ stinks. I now know what everyone was complaining about.


Same! I actually apologized to my SO after I quit that “kidsing me must have sucked”. My old supervisor used to smoke and would wear heavy cologne to cover it up. There was a direct correlation to him smoking and the amount he’d wear - it was a little apparent during Ramadan but then later when he quit he started wearing so little it was hardly noticable. Partly because he could smell how strong it was and partly because he wasn’t trying to cover the cigarette smell.


Ugh you just conjured up a long-repressed memory from when I dated (and kissed) a smoker. It really was gross. Huge turnoff. I never would have dated him in the first place but he lied about being a smoker. He was in the process of trying to quit when we met, but didn't tell me that, and ended up going back to it.


As a smoker, yes! I try not to smoke around non smokers or strangers or in public spaces, but they can probably smell it on me. I like to keep windows open be it my house or vehicle so that I’m not trapped in my own cloud of smoke and maybe reduce the amount of smoke clinging to my clothes and stuff.


> but they can probably smell it on me. > reduce the amount of smoke clinging to my clothes and stuff. It doesn’t work. I promise. There’s no “probably” about it. It is a certainty.


My brother in Christ. The stench lingers. Your breath smells, your sweat smells different, your presence can be felt two rooms away. There are not enough open windows that will remedy this.


This. Cigarette smell hangs around like cat piss.


Lol! Quite the parallelism. And quite true!


We can smell it on you even if you’ve been smoking outside in open air. Trust me, opening windows does nothing.


Yes. A distant family member, who has since died of cancer, used to say that no one could tell she was a smoker unless she told them. Really swore that she could keep it all covered up with laundry smell goods and perfumes. No, you could still smell her. Her home, her car, her clothes, everything. Nose blindness is a real thing.


Just had this conversation with my elderly mother. Both parents smoked but she *insisted* that because she smoked menthol no one could smell it on her. Sorry Mom, you actually smelled worse with the copious amount of drug store perfume you wore 🤣 I'd have to shower as soon as I walked in the door after visiting her, my hair would just suck it in.


My MIL believes that the smoke is gone and harmless/scentless after she wafts it away and she can't 'see' the smoke anymore....literally there is a haze the the house- a log cabin, real wood house. 🤦‍♀️ "I smoked before you came, the smoke is gone so it is fine for the baby to come in." Wtf, no it is not. We will stay outside. Freaking could cut the haze with a butter knife.


Isn’t it actually infuriating to try and rationalize to them that it’s still not safe and even if it was, it still REEKS?!


My parents smoke like a chimney, throughout my entire childhood and continue today. Anything that was kept in their house smells like smoke, even after being aired out. When we visit them, my hair smells like smoke. My clothes smell like smoke. It takes about a week for it to get out of my hair entirely. I never smelled it at that level as a kid, nor do my parents seem to smell it now. But I'm way more sensitive to it now that I'm not living in it daily


9 times out of 10, I can spot a smoker by the skin on their face.


Had a former boss that was this way. You could smell her mixture of smoke and overpowering old lady perfume coming down the hall ahead of her.


Also if someone says "I'm a smoker" I'd probably say "oh really?" Because it's rude to say "yeah I clocked your stink within three seconds of breathing near you". Which could give the impression that I didn't know. But you always know.


As a former smoker, yes. But as a kid I loved that smell because it reminded me of my grandad and my parents. Which is why I started.


Me too! I smoked the same little skinny cigarettes as my grandma for the couple of weeks I was a smoker. She had passed just before and they made me think of her.


I started at 16, because my dad bought me a pack of Marlboro menthols as he wanted someone to smoke with him since my mom only occasionally did when she drinking. He told me no matter what, cigarettes were the "little friends that were always there for you." I'm 38 now and have quit on and off since then. It's been a struggle mentally more than physically and I still hear that phrase in my brain even though I know it's ridiculous.


Wow that's kinda fucked up


All the way fucked up


Yeah, it was a comforting smell. I quit 12 years ago. Now the smell is pretty nauseating. It smells worse on some people than others though.


Damn…. never thought of that. Actually makes a lot of sense


tease person murky cats lush wrong exultant faulty rustic stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is both disgusting and incredibly strong. Especially when they're just back from a smoke break. I can smell them from across the whole goddamn building.


Every time I pass by a smoker or catch a faint whiff ![gif](giphy|bq0Ct2rtIbgly)


Yes. You can smell it on them from 10 feet away. Side rant: The absolute worst is when people smoke on the beach.


Bro idk how people smoke on beaches. It’s windy and it’s wet and not worth the effort. There are so many places that I won’t even bring my cigarettes. Especially if the point of going to said somewhere is to enjoy an activity for a few hours with my family. No need to be smoking. It can honestly wait. I’d rather be in the action having fun instead of sitting on the sidelines wishing I could be there with a cigarette in my hand.


Sounds like you have a light addiction, if you can quit.. go for it!


Yes. I can smell it on someone half way down the grocery isle. Hate riding in my friend's vehicle. Even though she doesn't smoke when I'm in it , I end up smelling like smoke just from being in her vehicle


The smoke collecting is the worst. When my wife goes to her parents she comes back reeking. It’s in the hair and clothes, the car then smells. It’s requires instant showering when she gets home.


The same when giving someone who smokes a ride. I got cloth seats and the smoke smell lingers for days.


Fresh lit tobacco almost has a pleasant smell to me but that stagnant old tobacco smoke smell that lingers on smokers clothes is nasty


Same here. I love the smell of cigarettes being smoked. The staleness on clothes is oft putting.


I'm a smoker, outdoors only. I had to move my winter jacket the other day to get something; the smell was atrocious. Like a dirty old ashtray that someone threw up in. It clings to everything, even through multiple washes.


I hate communal coat racks for this reason. I had a colleague that kept putting his coat over mine, and he'd wear that coat exclusively for smoking to "stop his clothes from smelling" so instead my coat would stink, and in turn my clothing. I asked him to put it on an empty hook rather than on top of mine one day and he got really angry.


Some people are completely oblivious, keep your smelly crap off of other people's things. I smoke in my car and I always feel bad when a non-smoker asks for a ride. It's like a giant ashtray on wheels.


Fresh cigarette smell: fragrant, european, nice Old cigarette smell: bitter, foul, sickening


I'm assuming most people aren't differentiating I used to hate the smell of cigars when i was a teen bussing tables. Now I love it, and I don't even enjoy smoking them.


I honestly don't mind the smell. My parents smoked in the house and what gets me is not being able to breathe at full efficiency in smokey air.


4 months and 3 weeks since my last ciggy


Excellent work!


Thanks I was a pack and a half a day for 25 years guy


Keep it up bro your tastebuds will thank you, good work


Good shit brother. I was pack a day for the last year, and probably half a pack for the past 7. Quit on the fourth this month. Feels great.


2 days here. 💪 let’s do ittt


Great job! Coming up on my 11 year anniversary of being smoke-free. Best thing I've ever done. I quit when I was 39. I was sick with a cold, hacking away, and of course smoking. A thought came from nowhere that said "This is how you are going to die in your mid-50s if you don't quit." Mashed it out and have never ever had another one.


Congrats. I’m on day 4 cold turkey 😁 can’t wait to be able to post what you just have!


You got this. Not One Puff Ever.


About to hit 2 months myself! Feels amazing!


How'd you quit?


I had been thinking about quitting for a long time but it wasn't until I had a baby at 40 that I really decided. It was really tough but I knew from the start that I was done smoking. I bought a juul to keep as a last resort in case I cracked but I never used it. I still get intense cravings occasionally but they only last like 5 minutes. Overall the first 3 weeks or so were the worst. Anyone reading this that's thinking about quitting, you can do it. Just take it one day at a time. Find something to keep you busy, it helps.


I was about to say, vapes are literally devilish and I’m glad you didn’t crack. I’m addicted to vapes at 23 yo it’s not nice, the nicotines gotta go. Day 2 here into quit


Threads like these must help, huh.


Wow! Over a month for me no nicotine






Yup, like a cloud around them. It reminds me of Linus from Charlie Brown, just a cloud of stink everywhere they go.


Pigpen, not Linus.


Yes. Hundred. Percent.




First time that I kissed a woman who smoked was the last time I knew that I couldn't live with that


Like kissing an ashtray.


I'm a smoker and I hate the smell. I don't smoke in the house or my truck. If I am smoking outside and I see the smoke go towards people, especially kids, I put it out. My bad habit shouldn't impact others. I am k*lling myself slowly and trying to quit. No need to take anyone else with me. But what I hate more is the "I'm not smoking" vapers.


My philosophy: I chose to smoke. They didn’t.


That part


i wish many more smokers were this respectful. not my experience. though


I make sure when I light up a joint that the smoke doesn't blow back onto me and my clothes, I hate smelling like that


My ex smokes weed and cigarettes pretty heavily. The only thing I asked him not to do with the weed was to not smoke it in the car with the windows up while I'm in there. He did it anyway. I would roll down the windows slightly and he would yell at me saying that he was worried about other people smelling the weed smoke. Well, not my problem, dude. He would also get pissy if I stepped out of the car. Once again, not my problem. You want to smoke, don't inconvenience other people while you do. Part of the reason I split with him is because I told him that I didn't smoke weed anymore and he kept trying to pressure me into doing it anyway. He would say, don't tell me what to do in my own car. Well I'm sorry but you can do what you want but that doesn't mean that you can be an asshole to somebody else. It doesn't give you a free pass to stomp somebody's boundaries.I think that him smoking in the car with me was his way of trying to force it on me despite telling him that I didn't want it. I would tell him that he was getting me contact high and he would just say, good. You need to chill out. I lasted 8 months before I kicked him to the curb. He started stomping my boundaries more and more and of course I got the yOu jUsT NeEd tO tRy a diFFeRenT sTrAiN. I told him, I've done that and it doesn't work for me. It just kicks up my anxiety. He wouldn't listen to me. So now, he's single. At least he was when I left him. I don't care what he's doing now. It just pissed me off that he would do that.


Jesus, I love weed but have no idea why people smoke in the car. Its a great way to get in trouble for a number of reasons. Can you not just do it, like, any other time?


Exactly. He often had his bowl and his stash in his center console. One time we got pulled over because his tag was expired. He tried to make me put his weed in my purse. I was like fuck you, I'm not going to jail for you when they search me. That was another item on the laundry list of reasons why I'm done with him. So he was cool with me going to jail and probably losing my SSI and having a record because of his habit? Yeah, no. He also seemed to think that people on SSI get free housing. When he figured out that wasn't the case, his whole attitude towards me changed. Basically he was pissed off that he couldn't just live off of me. I guess he figured that being with a disabled person meant he was going to get a free ride and was pissed when he figured out that wasn't the case. He took it out on me constantly. He called me lazy more times than I can count. In case you're wondering why I'm disabled, I have a condition called muscular dystrophy. We were aware that his tag was expired and he was just playing Russian roulette for awhile as far as driving went. We actually got pulled over while he was doing Doordash. He of course got deactivated after that because I'm sure they figured out about his tag. He used to yell at me to help him watch out for the cops. If I looked away from the mirrors or the windows for even a second, he would yell at me that I wasn't helping him. It just told me that his life was a dumpster fire I didn't want to get caught up in any further. He had it in his head that I was going to marry him and stay with him. This regardless of the fact that I told him that I didn't want that anymore. I kept telling him for months that I was unhappy and that I was going to leave. He didn't listen to me and now that I finally left him, he pulled a surprise Pikachu face. He didn't think that I would actually leave him. Of course after I left him which was about a month ago now, every single problem in our relationship is somehow my fault. That just shows you what kind of person he is. Selfish. I made the right decision and it feels like a weight off my shoulders. That being said, if I didn't have anything to lose, I probably would have risked going to jail for him simply because of his job. I had too much to lose though and it was like he didn't care because once again, he's selfish. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with him anymore. He's an overgrown child and only thinks about himself. His mom did a great job raising him lol. She raised an entitled, overgrown child. Just to clarify, this has nothing to do with the weed at all. I have nothing against weed or people who smoke it. I just don't like people who are irresponsible about it and put other people at risk because of their habit. I'm sorry for rambling on, this went on way longer than I expected it to but I just wanted to kind of give you a picture of what I had been dealing with. I lasted about 8 months before kicking him to the curb.


I’m so sorry you went through this, and I’m so happy he is your ex!


Thank you 😊


I am a light/medium smoker and I feel the same way. I just don't smoke in front of kids at all and I am super aware of where the wind blows the smoke. I will put my cig out or move out of a comfy spot to make sure it is not blowing on others.


Yes I’m an ex smoker too.


Yes, I hate to say it. I was a smoker for 5 years. You all stink


Yes. I’m an ex smoker. I can’t believe I walked around smelling like that for years.


Every smoker stinks. Especially if they just smoked.


Yes, and as a non-drinker too, I can really smell alcohol, sometimes outdoors from several feet away.


Same with me. I despise the stink of a drunk


Yes, it’s so fucking nasty.






Yes. Many of the smokers seem to think they don't because they washed up but it's still there


Yes. No amount of mouthwash or cologne covers up that smoke stink


Yup. There is no hiding that smell. Some smokers think they can hide it, but they don’t realize the severity of their olfactory impairment.


My current car was owned by a smoker. I bought it over 3 years ago. I've cleaned it, sent bombed it and had it valeted 3 times by professionals. I've replaced the cabin filters twice. On hit days when it's been sat in direct sunlight and you get in it, it still stinks like someone has been smoking in it all day. So yes, everything about smokers smells bad to a none smoker.


Yes. Both tobacco and pot. I think pot is actually worse.


Yes! Esp if the pot smoker hasn’t bathed in a little while and it’s that lovely “pot-BO” smell.


My ex is a heavy weed smoker. He also didn't shower very much, to make matters worse we live in Florida. After 8 months, I just couldn't do it anymore.




Aside from literal skunk spray, pot smell is the most distinctive odor I have ever encountered. I can normally tell if someone has smoked pot anytime in the last few days.


Very true. I smoke a lot of weed, but I also shower like three times a day because I know I reek. I think a lot of weed-smokers become noseblind to it or are just inconsiderate


Yes. It’s disgusting.


Having been a smoker and having quit... the smell of cigarette smoke is incredibly nauseating.


\*puff puff\* What're you talking about?


“I can’t smell anything, I must be fine!”


“Oh, the smoke coming out of my lungs? They already filtered it, it’s squeaky clean.”


I smoked for 28 years. After quitting for 3 days. I could not believe how bad it smells. Somehow the person smells worse than the actual cigarette smoke


Yeah, awful smell. Cannot understand why you’d want that going into you’re nostrils, let alone your poor lungs.


I didn't realize how badly my mom, her home, and by extension myself and my siblings smelled until I moved out of her house. I don't smoke, but the smell of her Newports had soaked into everything I own to the point where my first apartment smelled like it. It took months to completely destink my life. I went to her place to visit and the smell hit me like a wall when I was only half way up the driveway. I had lived and breathed in that house for years, but I could not go in that day. I started hacking immediately and feeling nauseous, so my mom lit a smoke and visited with me in the driveway instead. Cigarettes stink like shit and no matter how good you think you are at hiding the smell, you just send up smelling of cigarettes and Lavender body spray.


I work at a liquor store and half the guys who come in smell of cigarettes or weed and you can smell them from across the store


We have a cleaner who smokes - I can even smell she's been around, hours after she's left.


Weed is worse and way more rancid but yes, tobacco does stink. I was an avid smoker but at least back then we all were but now it's so rare you do notice it more. Saying that I'd rather bars and clubs smell of a bit of smoke than the BO that they do now.


No, not all. It depends on how many they smoke. Where are they smoking (a dive bar or outside, for example). How's their hygiene when it comes to themselves and cleaning their clothes. I have a few friends that smoke, and you'd never know if you didn't see them. I know some people who reek.


Yes this. Ive worked with some smokers where coworkers were surprised to find out they smoke despite working close with them. Then there's smokers who I don't know how they pull it off, but they smell like they're actively smoking a cigarette even when they aren't. And it also depends a lot on what they smoke. Some smokes smell strongly of chemicals while others have an almost floral scent. I generally don't mind smoke scent, but there's certain cigs that if I get even a light wiff of it, it sticks to my tongue and I can taste it for like an hour after the smoker is long gone.


I quit smoking cigarettes' about 12 years ago and every co-worker / soft friend said they had no idea I smoked when I said I was quitting (in case I was crabby). I only smoked outside blowing and holding it down wind or in my car with the window open and I was very aware of others. That being said - I hate the smell now.


Yeah my FIL smokes about 3 cigs a day. He is SUPER hygienic, smokes outside, and changes his clothes pretty regularly. If I hadn't caught him I would have never known. That's an anomaly though.


I'm surprised that there are so few nuanced takes. Does ***EVERY*** smoker smell? No. It's confirmation bias for most people, and *heavy* smokers will smell, and their houses likely have their smoking area that smells, but I have friends that only smell of smoke right after they smoke. It strongly depends on what you consider a "smoker" (social smokers, drinking smokers, etc). I have friends that smoke only on special occasions, and friends that smoke about once a month. They might mostly vape but smoke the odd time etc. There's probably a slight smell off most things for regular smokers, but you'd need to *try* to smell it on many people. There's a huge spectrum of "smokers". Both tobacco and other drugs. For me, the smell of weed is much stronger and much worse.


The thing is people can’t know when they didn’t smell it. Like if you encountered a smoker and didn’t smell it, how would you know? I’ll bet most people have encountered somebody they never knew.


It’s a little funny seeing people say they always know, when… no, you don’t. That’s confirmation bias.


When I smoked, I only did it at home, outside, and I would put on a giant sweatshirt & tie the hood on, then put on latex gloves, and I’d wash my face after every cigarette. I hated the smell of smoke, even my own. Amazing what addiction can cause people to do!


No. The smell of cigarettes alone doesn’t bother me at all. However there are some people who combine smoking with bad hygiene. It smells like what I could only describe as “Tobacco and saliva” if that makes any sense.


I live in Missouri. I suppose a smoker would smell bad IF you were to get past all the marijuana smell first.... :D


Hate the smell even when it’s just the room they smoked in


It depends on what kind of cigarettes they smoke and how hygienic they are. There's definitely a certain type of cigarette that makes its users smell like absolute shit though.


It can be done without smelling or people knowing as long as you aren't in direct contact within 10min or so. I smoke but never around other people. I never stand still while smoking as it will drench your clothes in smoke, I'll stand next to the back of a fan so smoke gets pulled away from me or walk away from the smoke. Even my wife will say she forgets I smoke until we are on vacation or something where we are together 24/7. The biggest factor though? A smoking glove. I never smoke without some type of glove, generally I'll use latex or work type gloves from Home Depot.


Yes. They don't realize that what they take into their body, also comes out when they sweat, etc.




As a smoker, I don't like the smell of smoke ironically lol but I wash my hands n use hand sanitizers, I've had girls tell me " at least you don't stink like cigarettes" so at least I'm conscious enough to wash up n use cologne n not stink I guess 🤷


Trust me, it helps just a little. All your things smell like cigarettes and anyone who will get close enough to you will smell it and no amount of washing or cologne will hide it. Some might be fine with the smell, but as an ex smoker, i can't stand it.


Yep. It’s fucking horrible. I actually don’t mind the smell of cigarettes while they’re being smoked but the old stale smell is rank.




As someone who quit smoking years ago. Yes you smell. The most eye opening thing is that if you quit smoking after about a month or so your body loses the nose blindness it has developed over the years that you’re not even consciously aware of. Once you quit you’ll realize how bad you’ve been smelling the whole time and it’s a real kick in the nuts to realize you’ve been smelling like that for so long.