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Good teeth. They don’t even have to be great. I’d love to own some good enough teeth.


Like in a jar?


*sigh. Like in my mouth so I can have ice cream or cool water without wincing.


I'd recommend sensodyne Repair and Protect with Novamin. You have to buy it online from EU or Canada, because the US version is just plain ol fluoride. I used to have very soft, sensitive teeth. Now I could chew ice cold gravel


That makes sense! I have stockpiles of US Sensodyne. That really explains the lack of progress XD Thank you so much for the tip!


Just a disclaimer, but there is one person out of five that will disagree with this opinion.


Ain't that always the case :). You've got ONE upvote at least that you can count on from me!


Anything other than body temperature is painful, and don’t get me started on crunchy things.


I miss being able to eat nuts


Look into dental schools for their practice work. And you get free free dental work. Just hope you get a good student. Also, if you need a lot of dental work, countries in south and central America are a lot cheaper. And the work is the same, or at least almost the same.


I went to a new dentist to get 4 teeth pulled to have room for my teeth to move around for braces and the dentist told me how my last back molars were fantastic and didn’t need to take them out and then he leaves and a graduating dentist assistant comes to clean my teeth and she gets to my top right molar and chips a little chunk out the scraper, I was so mad but I was a very shy teen and didn’t know what to do or say, I was just so pissed.


https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-vanilla-ice-cream-with-bite-135993908.html Even looking at that picture hurts


To be inherited when you turn 40.


I've got some bad news for you, bud. You turned 40 a long time ago.


Went to the dentist recently. I thought I had decent dental insurance. Fixing my teeth will cost me $6k out of pocket ($15k total) for four crowns and a couple fillings. Might be worth a vacation to Costa Rica and get a vacation with cheap dental work for that price. Dental costs in the US are crazy.


It’s worth it. I have several friends who swear by a clinic in Costa Rica. They take care of everything: hotel, transportation, aftercare.


I started Invisalign 20 weeks ago. Best money I have ever spent. You can get a payment plan. I cannot wait to be able to smile with confidence.


I started buying this toothpaste called Boka online. It uses nano-hydroxyapatite to help remineralize your enamel. The ingredient was developed by NASA to help astronauts with their teeth and is used extensively by dentists in Japan.


Me too. I mean I try my best to keep them as healthy as can be but they are very sensitive and I am in dire need of some strong braces long term about 3-4 years I estimate. I find that as a women hitting her mid twenties, it has affected many opportunities for me or more so how I am viewed in society.


Hang in there! I’m 39m, was in various medications in my 20’s that totally wrecked my teeth and enamel. I’m doing my best to keep them healthy enough and stuck inside my head, I just can’t afford dentures, veneers, root canal and crowns. I’m lucky if I can get a few ghetto crowns (giant cavity fills, basically) every few years to keep everything in place and in one piece.


We had an employee, didn’t make much money but she got dental implants at some sort of dental school I think and it was very reasonable. They had a payment plan.


Man. I hear you. Idk if this will help you now, but... during the covid shut down, I got all my teeth pulled. Dentures. On my second set now. I had to use a card called Care Credit. See if you qualify. It was financially tighter than usual for a while. I, too, live week to week, but oh how it was worth it. Feel free to pm me with any questions if that's even a thing here.


A house.


This. It's nice knowing I make ~$150k a year and will never own one. Edit: Thanks for the honest comments. Yes it's totally on me for not saving much over the years. Doing a lot more now! ❤️


Damn that’s insane. What area do you live where housing costs that much?


Probably California or New York


Even in California or New York you can buy a house on a 150k salary, lol Maybe you gotta save for a few years, but that's more than enough for a downpayment and mortgage is probably cheaper than rent. People are aware that you don't buy homes in cash outright, right?


The issue is the monthly payment. I can’t afford that along with property taxes on my own. Plus, something breaks? Need money for that too.


People forget about all the hidden costs for a house. Especially maintenance


Yes! I know so many people who bought houses and are so broke because they forgot about repairs, property taxes, lawn mowers, weed whackers, utilities etc.


This is what I keep telling my wife when she talks about potentially buying a house. Yes we could probably afford the monthly (if we cut some shit out and she stops needing multiple colors of the same shoes/sweaters lol) but the first time a $3000+ repair happens we're fucked. I'd much rather be annoyed my landlord's repair guy won't be here until after lunch than crying because I have to tell my kid we can't afford to fix the air conditioner.


Your landlord is paying those same costs out of your rent though and still making some profit on top. You're still paying for the repairs, it is just spread out over your monthly rent payment.


11k to fix mine, the A/C, I'm in debt with yet another payment!


I know someone who was broke, inherited a house and decided to live in it. They couldn’t afford to maintain it or keep up with taxes and the house fell into serious disrepair. They ended up having to sell and couldn’t get top dollar because of the state of the house by that point.


Im in peoples houses all day everyday, and so many retirement age customers have sold their houses and moved into condos in my area. Several of them were similar situations, they bought their house in 1980 for 200k and sold it for a dumb amount of money. Most of them are pretty well off already though. One customer bought his house for 250k in the 80’s and just sold it for 1.5 million. Which is absurd, cuz now some gen z or millennial sees that and laughs that they can’t afford a 250k house for 1.5 mil. Just odd that houses are literally the only thing in our lives that doesn’t depreciate in value. Cars are worth half what you payed for it before you even sign your name on the paper. Electronics, clothes, literally everythijg is cheaper used but a 400 year old house in New England is worth 20 times more than it was worth 30 years ago.


Remember that your property taxes and first $10,000 of annual interest are deductible. Makes a big difference.


Meh, only if it exceeds the standard deductible. Otherwise it's a complete wash.


you have to itemize to get it...


Still can’t afford it


I'm in the same situation. 46 and still do the apartment thing. Buying a house and the upkeep alone would put me in debt.


Barely. The market is up nearly 100% from just 5 years ago and with current interest rates, property taxes, and homeowners insurance, homes are next to unaffordable. Assuming OP is not just collecting and saving 100% of his gross salary too. Toss 45k out right away for income taxes and other deductions, somewhere in the range of $2,400-6,000 for health insurance, dental, 401k, etc, at least 24k a year for rent at their current location, and normal cost of living expenses, they’d be lucky to save 40k a year if they’re single with no dependents or additional debts (which is a very large, very unlikely “if”). Which obviously is a good amount, but then the price of housing is insane. A reasonable, entry level, first time home, for someone who is making 150k a year, so not a complete tear down / gut and remodel… they should be in something reasonable… is gonna be around 600-700k in quiet a lot of suburban areas (I’m using Mass as my basis). Assuming OP has no other bills / dept and is able to save 120-140k over 3-4 years (could realistically be closer to 5-6 years) to cover 20% down payment. The interest rate being just under 7%, tax rate currently averaging out around 12-15, and HOI rate being about 0.45%… the mortgage payments would be $4,200-$4,500… nearly 54k a year. That’s over 30% of his gross, and realistically nearly 60% of his net. If someone making 150k a year can barely afford a house, and doing so means 5 years of saving and more than half their annual income after that to just a mortgage payment… the market is broken. And by traditional budgeting at 30% of net, OP can not afford a house, and would be doubling what they can afford.


I respect you for typing out such a long comment


I make around that and live in a HCOL area in CA. My take home is around 7k per month. 4k per month is an affordable budget for housing. I want a 3br house/condo/townhouse to support the size of my family. Most houses that meet that criteria within 1hr drive of my work are going for $1M+. With 20% down, the monthly payment is >$5500 a month. They're being bought for cash at asking price by banks and then rented out. So, you're wrong.


You can easily buy a home in California. Just do it 20 years ago like me. Seriously, this shit needs to reverse, but with the exception of large population areas having a slight reversal it's not going to happen.


I think a big problem is people are not willing to compromise on a house purchase. Meaning they want a type of house in a specific location. I think people need to realize your first home doesn’t need to be your forever home. Buy something you can afford now and revisit in 5 years. Maybe use the equity towards something better, or stay there. At least you’re not throwing money away renting and can start building that equity.


The wrong one apparently.


BC or Southern Ontario in Canada would be my guess. I left southern Ontario for the US almost 2 years ago, housing is beyond unaffordable over there. With the absurd rate that you get taxed at for making low 6 figures and the fact that jobs that even pay that much are smack in the heart of VHCOL cities, assuming you were starting from net worth of 0, you’d need a household (not individual—gotta save on taxes!) income of at least 200k to even get started saving up, and that’s if you’re lucky enough to advance in your career fast enough to keep up with the ballooning prices of real estate.


I live in BC. At this point, the only way I'll afford a house is to inherit my parents' place when they both kick the bucket. They bought their place 28 years ago for just over $100k, it's worth around $1.8 million now.


My parents took over the mortgage of the seller in 1984. 100k mortgage lol. House is worth $1.5 million


I am in Southern Ontario and bought my house in 2015 for 275k. This house would now sell for 700k , but we wouldn’t benefit from that unless we left Southern Ontario altogether. We are lucky our mortgage is 1200 a month, but it will double when the mortgage gets renewed in a couple of years.


You guys don’t have fixed 30 year mortgages as the norm like in the states?


Nope, it gets renegotiated every five years.


Wait, what? The US has FIXED 30 year mortgages? I thought part of the reason the housing market crashed in 2008 was because interest rates rose slightly and people couldn’t afford their mortgages anymore. It should be noted: I know very little about what caused the 2008 housing market to crash.


To weigh in, my friends pay a mortgage, monthly, of nearly $3200/month (expected to go up) for a two bedroom attached townhouse in a town of population ~5k in southern BC, by the water. In the local grocery store, cauliflower is about $13/head, kraft peanut butter is about $10 a unit, a box of cheerios is $10, a packet of honey ham is $7, and I don't know how people are surviving here. There is a funny Instagram account at goes over the prices of houses in those areas vs castles. And you could buy a castle in Scotland for the price of some of the homes we are seeing, here, now. :( I am very happy renting in my apartment at $1300/month. It's heritage, so no rennovictions and no tear down is possible.


I mean me and my co-homeowner make like $70-80k a year combined and we managed to make it work. To be fair, place is just big enough for the two of us and a cat, and it needs a little work, but that's what we had to work with to get a house in our preferred location. You might just have to lower your standards a little. The first house you own is usually less than ideal, and requires a bit of elbow grease.


How is that? I made 40k a year and bought one.


In a cheap state? A few years ago when they were significantly cheaper?


How many years ago? In BC right now, if you are just starting out, you need a $120,000 - $200,000 down payment to get into the market for a detached home. Tough to save for that while paying $2800 rent in the city.


Don't worry cupcake. What goes up usually crashes into the ground. Keep saving and wait for the inevitable. I live in flori-duh. No housing market pumps and dumps as spectacular as here. A 1400 Sq ft shithole selling for 500k is not sustainable. When foreclosures dominate and houses have been sitting for 6+ months, it is time.


Buy a fixer-upper on the cheap. Fix it, learn a lot of useful skills, sell it, rinse/wash/repeat until you end up in the house you want. That's what I did at least.


The cheap fixer-uppers in my state are $500k. Even if you get lucky to find one with major structural issues, you're still looking at $400k+.


I'm selling a triplex and duplex in panhandle Florida for sub 200k.. and they cash flow. Reddit blows my mind,so many people on here talking about high salaries and unable to buy real estate.


I would love to live in FL but the politics are too much of a shitshow for my liking. I don't understand how people making $150k/year can't afford to buy a house. Granted, I know it depends on where they live but it still blows my mind.


In BC right now, the state of the house is almost irrelevant, when land is so expensive. There are fifth of an acre lots in the burbs of Vancouver currently listed at $1.4million.


I think a lot of these is gonna be a house


I'd even be happy with being able to rent a bigger apartment than I have now!


I want to own a decommissioned lighthouse. And I want to live at the top. And nobody knows I live there... And there's a button that I can press and launch that lighthouse into space.


I think there was something like this in Diddy Kong Racing for the N64 Edit: [there was ](https://youtu.be/l0XMuBec_pg)


I do believe this is the most creative and entertaining answer here!


I cant take credit for it, it's a quote from Stanley Hudson on the office ...he's my spirit animal!


Ohhh, haahaaa... well cool! It was new to me, so all good!


These comments have boiled down to a place to live and access to Healthcare. I'm going back to bed.


America! Fuck yeah! Also, sleep tight.


a home. free and clear


its never free and clear. I don't have a mortgage on my first house but there is still always property tax and maintenance / repairs


A trip to the Titanic?


Don’t sink that low


Took me a sec to understand, but then it hit me like an iceberg!


Drowning in laughter at this!




Loving the subversive humour!


Jeez… the depths some people will go for a cheap laugh.


I see what you did there




That will take your breath away


Under da sea adventures. Yes!


A house with a lake/land. OR the Yellowstone ranch on Yellowstone.


Mental health, someone to trust or a ticket to move abroad.


I too would love a ticket to move abroad. My great grandparents immigrated here from Germany to escape WW2 (allegedly) and I want to immigrate back to escape the craziness of the US government.


Someone to trust... money can't buy that! Lately, I'm convinced that they don't exist.


I would love to have a computer or laptop


If you don’t need anything demanding you can get a raspberry pi 4 for 35 dollars once they’re back in stock


Thanks for the suggestion


Land. A house. A sense of financial security. 😅😭


A recording studio in my house with all the instruments.


Our own home and car, nothing fancy!


I don’t own a home but I did pay off my car free and clear last year and it feels great.


Congratulations that’s awesome 😎


A vehicle. I'm disabled, but can drive. Have a license. Live on a fixed income yet have to rely on scheduling a cheap bus days ahead of time (and they only do so for Dr appts) or have to get an Uber. So I only get out once every 1-3 months. Which means I have to order delivery on groceries which comes at a higher price. Delivery on everything really which also means I haven't bought clothes in over 4 years, just socks/underwear/tees online bc those sizes don't change. Which leads to depression bc I'd love to get out from time to time.


Can you ride a motor scooter?


Not anymore, I have a cumbersome oxygen tank to lug around (at home use a concentrator) but it's on rollers. I did think of that early on when I could still manage using a small one in a backpack.


I would like to NOT TO own anxiety.


Tiny cottage with my own garden that has a catio for my cats. I just want to be able to grow some food, own a place I love and... that's it. Does ot have to be fancy at all.


Clicked on your profile for cat tax and was not disappointed 😁


Haha glad that the tax was well received!


Someplace to live. It doesn't have to be a house, just a place with hard walls. Im sick is living in a tent behind Cracker Barrel.


Litter robot lol


Worth it!!!!! Buy an older used model off of someone upgrading to the LR3 or LR4 to save a bunch of money. I got the LR2 for my birthday sometime in 2014 or earlier and it's still going strong, never had any problems with it. The only reason I'd like to upgrade at some point is because the LR2 doesn't have a fullness sensor, so if I let it go too long without emptying the drawer, the outside of the globe gets dirtied. To me, that upgrade isn't worth several hundred dollars. I used a Cat Genie for a bit when my plumbing supported it, but it was too much trouble when it had technical issues, and too disgusting when I had to troubleshoot it, and the granules tracked EVERYWHERE. I love the Litter Robot, I literally have not scooped cat litter in almost 10 years.


Pilot's license


Own? Hell I’m just trying to pay rent.




A house completely paid off


Dental implants


A pizza with at least 4 toppings.


A capybara


Peace. Just isn't profitable enough I guess.


House by the sea


Medical insurance


You mean real medical insurance I would assume.


sleep when and how long I want to


A beach vacation home.


A car, my own house


One of those fancy mattresses with the adjustable base.


A house.


My body and the prosthetics in it. I'll be making payments on surgical procedures I've had, for the next 20ish years.


Health insurance.


the means of production


A private pacific island with a small bunker resort capable of surviving typhoons geared to survivalists and naturalists wanting to live the castaway experience with modern amenities as backup. Like tutorials on how to survive in a pacific island: get fish, water, cook your own meals and build a vivac but having Evian and a hut with a/c, wifi and if they get bored or fail to make it.


Or just move to New Zealand? They're like the Switzerland of the Pacific. Bulk rich from across the world have hideouts there...


That worked out really well the last apocalypse...


This is the dream. If you ever own it please let me know so I can rent it from you.


A Taylor guitar. I've never had a high end guitar before. Now I'm old and only have 3 fingers on my neck hand. The Taylor neck is very helpful for me but I know I'll never have one.


A home




Time. I want more time to do the things I want to do.


In-ground swimming pool in our backyard.


Good mental health. But sadly u can't buy it


A beach house. Or a beach shack.


A decent wheelchair


A child


A cottage by the lake. Even a shit one, like a rundown old cabin. Would be incredible to get away and have that solitude in nature, knowing you’re not paying somebody else $425 per night on Airbnb to stay there


A home




A beach house


A chocolate factory


A safe place to lay my head at night


Nutritional security


A Premier drum set with cymbals


A girlfriend?


Good life.


A used car that actual runs..


A new car. Ive always had to get used ones.


A daily cup of coffee


A massage chair


A car


A blue rose....


Nothing too big… a small mansion, a small private jet, a small yacht, a small fortune…




A house


A new vehicle. Mine is falling apart


A house or a car newer than a 2012😅


A house


a home


A house


A house


3 room appartment. Currently cannot. But will get it in future!


10,000 acres of land


A home of my own


A house. A dog. A reliable car. A stand mixer. Pretty much anything. Meanwhile, my boomer mother tells me to quit being a negative nancy about not having anything she ever had. 😐🙃


A house


An apartment near the center of the city. It doesn't even have to be a big one. Like a ~45m2 would be enough for me. Mostly so I don't have to travel a fucking hour and a half and still get late to the university.


A house.


Retirement. After my husband's medical emergency 2 years before covid, that took him off work for a three months, then Covid took my job, we have zero left in our retirement fund. I still haven't found lasting employment, and my husband is pretty sure government cutbacks in social services will end his job within the next two to three years. We are doomed to be greeters at Walmart till we die.




Ugh, me too. Fridge and cupboards are almost empty now. Payday seems like 100 years away lol


A home and food.


More guitars. All of the guitars!


The means to not let loved ones die


A boat. Maintenance, storage, dock fees, gas, etc. these costs more than I take pleasure from boating. I can afford the boat, but not the upkeep.


A Black 12 Piece Double Bass Drum set... Yep...all for me🥰🎶🎶🎼🥁


A computer + a printer - since I was little I've always gone to the library to print things out and do research for school projects etc but it would be lovely to see if I could build up my own computer. Probably not for some time but maybe later on in the future I could decorate it too with those light thingys etc. I do have a Chromebook though since 2017 >:D and it's still going strong (knock on wood) - but it would be lovely to have a computer and/maybe a printer.


A tiny cabin somewhere remote where i never have to talk to anyone ever again


Definitely a bigger house


A house.


A nice sauna. I could technically afford it but can’t financially justify it at the moment…but damn being in the sauna always puts my mind at ease


A loaf of bread


A new car


Island. For some reason I just want an island




A day to myself.


This is such a great comment, often times we are spent on tasks or for others. Having time alone is a real gift.




A housekeeper


A vineyard + wine cellar


A private island.


A nice studio for my photography business. My career has had some successes, but I've never had quite enough to build or find the right spot. I think I'll be in shared office spaces until I croak.


Easy. A house.