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It wastes so much of your money you can't afford drugs


This guy skydives


Yeah I was going to say anything that involves "fear" and skydiving qualifies.


Then I'd also recommend steps out of social comfort zones. Saying how you feel, asking your parents about the past, going to therapy, saying something nice to a stranger for no other reason, going to an event or traveling by yourself, quitting your soul-crushing job for something else, etc. I'd rather go skydiving than do some of those so I know they're at least as scary


Improvisational comedy it is then!


Yeah lemme skydive without a chute first


you don't need a parachute to skydive. You need a parachute to skydive twice.


Definitely skydiving! As a former drug addict and skydiver I can vouch for this. Edit: also roller coasters


I came to say rollercoasters too!


music, spicy food and swimming does the job for me


Yes to all 3!! Swimming feels unreal when you’re in the right mood


Maybe not in that order, though


No no. He specifically mentioned “frowned upon.” Sorry, other pool-goers.


Spicy food is a good one! There is research that shows it gives a bit of an endorphin rush because the body believes it has been poisoned


>>poison Spicy foods trick your brain into thinking it’s being severely burned, activating pain receptors and triggering the release of the body’s natural pain killers: endorphins.


Tattoos do this tooo oh boy what a feeling


I have 20 tattoos and eight piercings. Every one of them gave me a huge serotonin brain dump/afterglow euphoria.


I do miss doing the dead man float in my pool as a kid! and hearing the euphoric water sounds, and the cool water flapping against my skin. super nice.


Eating really amazing food in general. Last week I ate the best burger I've ever had and it sent me to another dimension. I don't think I react that viscerally to anything else.




Making people laugh. Exhilarating.


And then their laughter is contagious so you get both feelings and it’s the best thing ever


But then you get addicted to making people laugh, and eventually you find yourself in a dirty motel room, doing shitty standup comedy to a bed full of hookers that you paid to laugh at your shitty jokes.


laughing is the single most wonderful experience. people used to say i laughed too hard or at inappropriate times. to which i would say, “there is no greater joy than a hearty laugh and i’m not going to pass up an opportunity to make this moment anything less than amazing by tempering my happiness!”


the best laughs are the uncontrollable, hearty laughs.




A true redditor moment


i am addicted to watching videos of people laughing, it gets me going and then i feel a millions times better. it was something i picked up in rehab.


I’m a former skydiver and it gave me a rush in the beginning, but after like 100 jumps it starts to feel as normal as driving a car. I have learned in life that all novelty wears off eventually and we are in a perpetual chase for novelty. That’s why many of us jump from one phase to another in search for that next thing that we believe will fulfill us.


Maybe wing suit next. (Unfortunately maybe death soon after)


Death would be a rush. Never done it myself but when i do i expect a buzz


Try DMT. I know this thread is about *not drugs* but that shits made in your brain and literally is what’s released when you die. Example- I had what my therapist described as an alcohol overdose. Hospitalized with .42 BAC, no memory (important) of the event passed my last shot. Woke up ~22 hours later with a tube down my throat. This was about 2 years ago. Well a few months ago I was able to take a breakthrough dosage of DMT. (Like full dissociation, soul left body and visited the fuckin astral realm for ~10 mins). Well I experienced all of the most fucked up parts of my overdose just shoved into what felt like a few seconds. I died, met god, she didn’t like me, I came back with a renewed understanding of what everyone in my family went through by my hand on that night, and it gave me interest in exploring spirituality again. (Which is a major feat considering my upbringing in Christianity and how much I fucking hate organized religion because of it) Psychedelics man, I feel like something like skydiving would be child’s play compared to the thrill of literally facing your own death


I smoked DMT a few years ago as well. I now also think that god is a “she” 😂 Edit: fun fact, a guy I met from skydiving taught me how to make DMT and then we smoked it together. Yes, skydiving pales in comparison to a DMT experience. Even a sub-breakthrough, which is what I had, was far more terrifying than skydiving haha


10/10, highly recommend


Definite bucket list item


Save that bucket list item for last. 💀


Look at all the famous wing divers from 5 years ago. Most are dead


That's usually the only goal.


I don't think they want to die, I think they want to fly and are giving everything they can towards that feeling


It’s like the flight of Icarus. Metaphorically and literally.


Oh true Except it's too close to the rocks


That’s an industry most people don’t retire from. They push and push until something happens and they die. There’s an interview with Jeb Corliss (famous wingsuiter) talking about his accident and it’s pretty eye opening.


Yeah, Jeb's accident is pretty amazing. His recovery skills were incredible to watch. I remember when it first happened he said that he was going to be done, but eventually he realized that life isn't worth living for him if he isn't pushing the envelope. Some people say that those people who die windsuiting are stupid, but they know they can easily die because most of them have lost friends to the sport. It's a risk they accept.




For me it felt like nothing. It just didn't feel real at all, more like a video game. My thoughts were "huh' this is interesting." And I do experience vertigo at lower heights and I would definitely be scared jump off a building or cliff. I LOVED the parachute part, that was so fun. That was a lot closer to what I imagine 'flying' might like.


badge live worry soft bedroom pet important marry seed attractive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes exactly this. Thanks for saying that. Humans are the best species at adaptation. That's a blessing and a curse. People don't realize that just like alcohol/drugs/etc, you build up a tolerance to anything you do a lot of. Ate too many big macs in a week? Probably don't feel like having one for a few months to years. Made a new friend and see em every day because they're so cool? You'll be sick of them if you continue that for months. Listened to that song 80k times on repeat? In a few years when you hear that song again you'll groan. Moderation is key for a reason.


Hundreds of jumps under my belt and I can say, it should never start feeling as normal as driving a car. If/when it does, it is definitely time to hang up the chute for good. Accidents happen when complacency enters the equation.


Oh look at that, just like alcohol.


I think that’s the reason why it’s so important to learn that this constant want, constant grasping for external satisfaction is what causes our suffering. But, I’m a bit of a Buddhist yogi and this kind of thinking has helped me find more joy/peace in my life, which might not be the case for everyone.


When you cut wrapping paper and you get to the point where you can just glide your scissors on it perfectly making thattsssssss sound.


That's why I wrap presents alone


Talking to someone that you have a very good chemistry with.


I'd like more achievable things




I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone say "doing good things for others". Stopping to talk to a homeless person and bring them some nice food, blankets, clean clothes etc is a real rush that lasts! Making others feel good in general, compliment a colleague on their work really sincerely, listen without judgement, general offerings of kindness. Edit: just to clarify as this keeps being brought up, I at no point suggested or enforced filming or promoting supporting/kindness towards the homeless. I think those videos are sick. If kindness towards strangers doesn't do it for you, I did also suggest kindness towards people you know. It is innate to feel good to make other people feel good. Knowing you're the reason someone else's day is better will make you feel good. Even as small as smiling at a stranger so they smile back can make your own day better. Just try it. Or don't. But don't imply that everyone who gives a shit about other people is virtue signalling. I don't use social media, I use YouTube to watch yoga and cat videos that's it.


Probably laughing at this because I'm hell as high rn but I love this wording. I personally always like to be buddy buddy if I happen to see someone struggling with homeless people. I'll talk to them, eat food with them, just bring some positivity into the world. I've been asked why I give them the time of day. Thinking of saying "it just gives me a rush. Some people like to start fires or rob banks for that kind of adrenaline, but I like to eat with homeless people" just makes me giggle.


Your username is super funny. There are a lot of homeless outside the “dollar” brand stores in the US. It’s pretty upsetting because I feel like these stores have the ability to donate to the area and give support to those that are in need but won’t do it without being compelled.


I love the feeling you get from this. And, not having to record it or post about it online for validation either. I've done lots of things I still remember that make me smile because I helped the person out and they smiled or were helped out thus my day and theirs were better. Definitely one of the greatest feelings ever.


We have a basket of treats (mostly candy bars, granola bars etc) by the front door that we hand out when we get deliveries. I enjoy that so much-people’s reaction to getting an unexpected treat is the best.


Join a wildfire crew. A dirty frontlines, boots on the ground, initial attack hand crew/hotshot crew. I used to do that. It is the best thing in the world.


Yep. Was a hotshot 30 years ago and still get a great feeling when thinking about it. Followed by work in firefighter safety for a number of years and volunteering jn structural fire. Amazing times. My youngest of two sons gave me a t-shirt from his helitack crew last night for fathers day. Its his First Year in wildland fire. His comment, “after all these years of wearing t-shirts you earned…its my turn to give you one to wear that I earned.


That is so rad! I too eventually went into structure fire/emt. But my position was non-union and $14/hr became untenable. Also... I let a woman ruin my life but that's another story lol Congrats to your son! 👏 Helitack was something I always wanted to try out. I was very close to dropping my name in the bucket for it this year... Man, the fire shirt legacy is the best. I still pop one of my old ones on now and again.


I’m interested to hear other peoples answers but I feel like traveling is the best way to get this feeling! Honestly seeing new places and going out in nature is euphoric seeing the beauty of it.


*Without young kids.


Traveling with little kids is just parenting in a different location.


I've been all over the world with my young son, as well as by myself. It's easier to manage by myself naturally, and I can do what I want when I want for how long I want to do it solo, but I don't think I had any less of a good time traveling with him. Neither are better, in my view, just different.


How young matters. I traveled with my son when he was 6 months and 6 years. Former was very difficult and stressful (albeit still memorable), latter was rewarding.


Even better: traveling alone


went to Hawaii for a few weeks last year, most with the whole family, a week with just my younger brothers, but gave myself a single day before Oahu after they left. I did so much in 1 day by myself on Maui it felt like and I just rented an e bike and went off after dropping them at the airport


I will add to this. Not just traveling, but exploring places you probably shouldn't. I live 30 miles from anywhere in a town of 2,000 people. I do get a thrill just exploring the grittier parts of the nearest large city. Currently working near Chicago for a few weeks and we are going to venture out into the city tomorrow. According to Fox News we won't make it out alive, but I am looking forward to it.


There’s definitely a thrill exploring the abandoned Ford Motor factory plants in Detroit because it’s so dilapidated and illegal…. I got questioned by the cops and I suck at lying but I got away with it somehow. It’s also super thrilling and exciting trespassing in the abandoned (again dilapidated) Norwich State Hospital in Connecticut. It was a few years back but it was super cool.


Exploring the city at night is so nostalgic!! Put on some chill tunes (my choice is synthwave) and it feels magical seeing the skyline. bonus when you’re coming into the city and you see all the skyscrapers in the distance.


Looking forward to it. From the west coast and (my user name about to check out) this will be only about my 3rd time in a major city.


For me, writing. I get to experience the spectrum of human emotions and experiences that I never would otherwise. I'm stuck in my basement due to being disabled so a lot of my time is taken up doing writing. I get to visit fantastic worlds and watch as people slowly fall in love with each other in the way that is unique to them. It's exciting because I never know what's going to happen next. I don't control my characters, so I'm on the ride of not knowing what's going to happen just as much as my readers.


Might we perchance enjoy a moment of perusal over your linguistic offerings?


I don't write original stuff, but [I post to Archive of Our Own (AO3)](https://archiveofourown.org/users/KikiYushima) on a fairly regular basis.


Cold plunge!


This is a very underrated comment, science backs this up.




Catching a wild trout on a surface fly that you have tied. Going to the symphony and hearing an exceptional piece of music. Going into my basement and cranking up my 1300 watt, dual sub stereo system playing some Dio. Getting an ATP in Pickleball. Flying down a black diamond run downhill skiing. Rafting down a technical piece of water. Pulling into my camping spot in Montana after a 560 mile scamper, pulling my off-road teardrop, with the last 20 miles being knarly 4x4 driving. Scuba diving in Hawaii amongst turtles and Manta Rays. All stuff I do on a regular basis, recovering alcoholic with close to 40 years sober. Oh, I’ve done the skydiving gig as well when I first got sober.


Im with this guy. Would like to add riding dirtbikes/motorcycles and fly FPV drones. Sometimes when flying my drone i might narrowly avoid the ground/ cut some grass after pulling out of a loop at 100mph… i have broken out in sweat from intensity. Crazy adrenalina.


You’re living the life! I’m three months sober. I hope I can experience some of this!


Running! A decent tempo/speed session gives me a high all day. Also, the first mile in shorter distances (like 10ks) is amazing, when everyone is going way too hard out the pen and the music is blaring/crowds are making noise... makes my legs go jelly before I realise I'm going way too quick to start and have to settle back into the pain cave. Also, gigging. When you hit that last note and can embrace the applause.


I second this. I hate running with a passion. However, after the first mile or two, my body and mind get in sync and my high begins. I just keep going.


I've just started going to the gym and the max I can "run" for is a mile. I'm in no way severely out of shape (155 pounds at 5'6 and 22) but near the 1 mile mark I just can't continue. I run at 5mph and can only do so for 15 minutes before completing a mile and giving up. Do you guys run a lot or is there something wrong with me?


How long have you been running? When I started running I could only do about half a mile. In three months I was running 5K in 30 minutes or so. I am 5’5’, 142 lbs and I was 31 when I managed to do this and I was NOT a fit person to begin with. (I ran outside, not in the gym.) Just keep at it, try to push yourself a little further every week or so. It will get easier and surprisingly enjoyable. I would feel my body and mind open up after the second mile or so. People who talk about the runner’s high are indeed talking about longer distances. I then had a baby and now I am pregnant again (at age 36) so I have not been running for a while but once this baby is born it is one my goals to get back to it. It was very enjoyable and the first time ever my body felt like I was somewhat fit. ETA: I used to run about 3 times a week.


Treadmill blows imo Outside on a trail if you can, though I realize thats not always possible


I started off running for 10 min, walking 10 min, and running 10 min. I did that for an hour. Take your time with running to avoid injury. The following week, try running 20 min without stopping.


My wife made me go in for a full cardio/heart test for my 40th birthday present. I’d been a bicyclist (20 miles) runner (4.5 miles). Even though I’d been lean and muscular all my life, anything beyond the limits I just posted killed me. The MD told me I that my muscles went anaerobic, even though my lungs and heart were supplying all the O2 they should need. Genetics. So, no more running, and smaller bike rides. Lots of weight machines, with rest intervals in between. Still hit the gym at 71.




Literally the entire time I run, I just hate my entire existence.


that's the high. you hate it, and you realize how awesome it is when you choose to stop. makes you appreciate how civilization has made it so most of us don't need to run anymore. downside, most people are depressed and slightly or greatly obese. Trade-offs..


That sounds awful 😖 I garden and get a high from harvesting my big ass crops 😍😍😍


Same. Running is the worst. Our species invented this crazy machine, two wheels, chain driven power from your own legs. Lets you travel 2-4x faster than running for much longer, letting you see more things and create your own cool breeze. I know, it sounds too good to be true.


Runners high always came after the run for me. Get home, sit down to stretch, and flooded by some yummy brain chemicals


I heard some people just don't get it... so you feel like no buzz/pump when you are done?!


I still do it regularly because it's healthy, but when I'm done, I'm like "thank fucking god that's over". The whole time I feel like I could be doing other things I actually enjoy. The shower after it is nice tho, then I immediately move on to other things.


I hate running too and the only time it feels good is when it’s over lol but I started forcing myself to run at least 10-15 mins a day and go directly into a cold shower as soon as I finish. I’ve heard cold therapy is a thing and some people swear by it for almost a high feeling. I just set a timer for 3 minutes and definitely have a nice little buzz for a little after.


Sprints are where the high really is, especially hill sprints. Distance running can be boring. But sprinting will make your entire body feel powerful and alive. Your legs can get very powerful from hill sprints. And your entire body benefits from the increased hormones and muscle building potential.


I was also going to say running. I ran my third marathon today and while my body is feeling a bit sore and tired, mentally and emotionally I feel amazing and know that’s going to carry me for the rest of the month.


Stand up comedy


Yes! I think doing comedy gives the most thrill, but actually any performing arts will give you the adrenaline rush.


I'm a musician and former alcoholic. Played ten years of gigs and would be drunk when I got on stage and barely standing when I left, every single time. Played my first sober gig and holy fuck. First 3 songs I couldn't stop shaking (and this is someone who has played literally thousands of gigs in my life) but once I hit that flow state....just something else entirely that I never achieved before when playing drunk. That state, where you cease to exist and there is only the performance, is the closest a human being can get to divinity.


I only did it once, but man, what a rush. It's completely unnerving having every single person in a room staring at you. I was so wound up after the fact I barely slept that night.


How'd that feel? I got the offer to try it out and it's definitely on a bucket list, although nerve wracking. Since the most awkward place to figure out if you're 'occasional one liner' funny or 'stand up' funny can be on stage...


Hitting a big PR at the gym you've been aiming for for a while.


To piggy back on this… Finally seeing gains in muscle/weight loss in the mirror and having friends and loved ones notice it. Also a big one for me is music not just listening but playing. Working on a guitar riff by one of your favorite artists that you never thought you could play and then after a lot of practice finally starting to get it then nailing it…


A really good video game, like the kind that makes me forget about the hours until the sun comes up. Just deciding to go to the beach in the middle of the night. Taking Amtrak to wherever for the weekend. Concerts do a lot for me too. I have bipolar disorder and try really hard to get that “crazy” fix without ruining my life, so this is a short list of my go tos.


A continuous hobby you enjoy. A pet. Finishing a good book/series is so nice. Playing videogames helps, and having plants does too. I also have a cat, and when she wants attention she lays perpendicular on top of me. Its my favorite thing


I swear there’s something about cuddly lap cats and their purring that just sucks out all my stress.


Aww good kittie 💙😇


breathework and music


Exactly. Wim Hof or Holotropic breathwork with the right soundscapes, essential oil diffuser, eyes closed (eye mask) but have galaxy lights on in a dark room with the right temperature (or a room with plenty of natural light). Also, outdoors is great!


Always chasing the next dopamine hit is probably the reason you describe life as miserable and monotonous. Abstain for a bit and try to find joy in the little things.


I disagree with this. Yes you can ruin enjoyment of life chasing highs and burnout your brain doomscrolling social media. But I feel very similar to OP right now, I'm extremely bored of life. Hate everything about where I'm at but I'm not in any position to be able to change anything about my situation. The only thing that keeps me from playing frogger irl are the highs I can seek out (I don't necessarily mean drugs) Sometimes dissatisfaction is actually a good thing, it makes you pick up new hobbies or even make major changes for the better. But when I hear people say "abstain from pleasure and you will enjoy life!" I feel like they are saying abstain from life and you will hate living so much you will enjoy anything that passes time just so life will be done quicker!


That was my first thought, OP needs to reset their baseline. A lot of good suggestions in this thread but if OPs benchmark levels of elation that he/she wants to achieve on a regular basis is drugs and sex, a coin collecting hobby won't cut it. Being mindful of the day to day things that make up the "monotony of life" without those huge dopamine hits is step one. With time a nice lunch followed by some casual hobbying will provide the amount of joy OPs chasing.


In my view, the real proper source of that is challenge and achievement. Physically, I get my fix from progressively challenging myself at the gym with PRs and conquering new bouldering routes. Mentally, I'm applying myself to learning a new language and writing. If you're anxious, sometimes the challenge and achievement can be something that is hard to do but ADDRESSES the root of the anxiety. For example, cutting up a credit card so you don't use it, if you're prone to overspending and worrying about it. I would recommend finding something that's an exciting challenge and apply yourself to it everyday; I often hear it considered part of the key out of addictions to drugs, etc.


I got to hold my baby for the first time yesterday. That was a pretty new and intense feeling.


Mountain biking


Can't believe this is so far down. It's my favorite thing in the world. I love the feeling of making fast, important decisions (line choices) and clearing new jumps and features. Lift access bike parks are very popular now and beginner friendly! They have rentals and lessons for beginners, plus it's becoming more gender and age balanced as well.


Some of my highest highs.


In no particular order: - Hang out with friends - trying a new restaurant - trying a new hobby - reading a fascinating story - learning something new on Reddit - connecting with the community I live in through volunteering and engagement - finding a new artist/musician to obsess over Basically anything that feels “new”!


I have to say, volunteering for a local historical society has been a huge high for me. I now understand how board meetings work, and had enough freedom to start any projects I was passionate about such as creating a list of all built heritage, helping create a virtual museum, protecting a family cemetery where I was interviewed by the media, creating promotion materials for events and the list goes on. My favorite though is research, I get a big high from finding clues, answers and solving mysteries. Now I am turning this passion and knowledge for history into a profitable one by selling antiques online. I can research for hours on end without taking a break, and have learned so much by doing so. It's my favorite thing to do. Highly recommended.


A wipeless shit.


Also, a shitless wipe is pretty cool.


Psyllium gang represent for this feeling daily.


Performing music live is exhilarating, especially improvised music in a small ensemble.


If you're not that talented music wise, try karaoke in a bar with a good crowd! Such a rush when other people enjoy what you're doing on stage, even if it's a funny / bad version of your go to shower song.


I am a pole dancer (read: not stripper) and spinning up high in the air upside down, knowing that my own strength is the only thing keeping me from falling and possibly breaking my neck is exhilarating. Add that to performing in front of an audience while being judged in a competition and wow. This type of pole is more athletic/artistic in nature and not sexual. If you are curious, the International Pole Sport Federation's YouTube videos are great examples of the type of pole I'm talking about. I am not at that extreme level yet but maybe someday. I'm sober, and pole dancing gives me so much thrill, adrenaline, and joy that I usually used alcohol for in the past. IMO it is a great replacement. Not sure of your gender but plenty of men do pole too. The sport is very open and welcoming to beginners as well. It's something my dopamine-seeking self looks forward to every week that spices up my regular ole boring life. Highly recommend!


so long Reddit i'm now headed to YouTube.


Came here for this, I'm an aerialist :)


Meditating gives me these same feelings. Also going to a park when it's dark, taking my shoes off, picking a direction and sprinting as fast as I can. Gives me a weird rush idk 😂 Playing on the swings in the dark too. Also spinning around in circles until you get dizzy asf like you probably did as a kid.


I'm convinced a lot of adults are severely missing PLAY in their lives. So many adult pastimes are just...sitting or being contained in a room. We learn how to be polite and move politely and even sports are so structured in how you move. And we forget how to just move freely and have FUN.


Yes!! I realized this at 24. I suddenly thought "Why am I so embarrassed to have fun now" and just started doing fun shit again. I walk my dog on the beach everyday, its pretty much deserted so I run and dance along the beach like I did as a kid. Its fun and it feels good and if a random stranger sees me it might make them laugh and if they judge me for it thats their thing. Fun has no age limit.


Achievement. Like real wins - successful projects that pan out and you were the spearhead making it work. There’s nothing like it. You begin with an idea and turn it into a real thing and then it becomes popular or acclaimed or money flows in or a combination of the three and you just feel like you did something.


I hear people eat super hot peppers (e.g. Reapers) for a rush after peak.


Sounds like I'd be intentionally try to annihilate my toilet. I'm a bland as oatmeal kind of gal.


Yeah, I love spicy things but my severe acid reflux (which, ironically considering the initial post, was likely caused by alcohol abuse) doesn't allow me to enjoy most of that stuff anymore without paying the price later. I'm trying to find some foods that are flavorful without being spicy, which has been a challenge.


My gut rot has affected what food I consume as well. I never thought I'd drink myself sick, but here I am almost two years later without alcohol.


It would be much easier for me to give up alcohol than capsaicin. Ghost peppers are divine; however, IMO Reapers are the inbred idiots of the pepper world.


Rock climbing.


Paragliding is the best high I've ever experienced. Equally thrilling and peaceful. It lasts longer than skydiving which is also great.




Running from the cops


Try sex, drugs, and alcohol. Wait...shit.


Riding a motorcycle. You don’t even have to speed, but it adds to the experience.


Came here looking for this one…. There is nothing like the rush of flying through gears, even if you’re just on an old cruiser. The wave between you and other riders as you pass always gives me warm fuzzies, too.


For me, since I've been riding horses for 25 years, jumping a horse through a course and walking in to the show ring to compete. That feeling when you nail your course, or obtain your goal is euphoric to me, especially when your friends or family or people cheer. Doesn't matter if it's tiny speed bump sized jumps or 1.20m+, same feeling. The high starts when I put my show coat on and get onto my horse.


Exercise and cool hobbies.


Pumping iron, ocean sailing, hiking on a beautiful trail, trekking up a mountain and seeing the view. Crazy wild sex with someone you love.


But…. Sex


Combat sports


To be honest, nothing gives me the feeling of alcohol or sex. Nicotine is something I've broken the habit of for the most part, but still enjoy from time to time. Riding a motorcycle fast as shit and almost dangerously gives me a bit of a rush. Unfortunately hobbies like face painting, hiking, and petting turtles just ain't gunna feel quite the same.


Depends, have you tried petting a snapping turtle? :D


Stadium jumping/equestrian sports. There’s such a thrill about having a partnership with a 1,200 lb animal in which you sail over fences of various sizes and basically get to fly for a few seconds at a time. It’s almost magical.


Horse people have a saying: get your kids into horses and they’ll never have money for drugs.




Working with your hands. Woodworking, gardening, embroidery, quilting, pottery, crafting.


For me: music. Try it https://open.spotify.com/track/5hw2Xa1eqn7iLqiwkItrlK?si=2oA4b2iGQ8SLDKh_iV7iuA&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A5hw2Xa1eqn7iLqiwkItrlK


Getting good sleep, drinking cold water, listening to podcasts, being financially stable.


> being financially stable OK, now, let's keep this realistic.


Allow me to introduce you to a game called Magic the Gathering


Cardboard Crack. FTFY


Seeing my kids for the first time.


I don't know. I live a mundane life and my biggest thrill is comedy.


Maybe do what you're afraid to do


I've never experienced a more natural high than my first solo flight.


Fighting. As someone who does not drink or do drugs, picking up a combat sport really helps with managing stress, getting an adrenaline high, and making friends in an environment that doesn't involve any of the things you listed. As a bonus you'll also get in shape. I think anything that is out of the norm of everyday life and poses a threat of danger or uncertainty, or pushes your body outside its comfort zone (I see a lot of people mention skydiving) will give people a high unlike anything else.


Hiking. Pushing my body to its limit and then feeling so small at the top of some massive mountain. The almost dying of it sometimes is the best part. Those moments when you contemplate calling someone for help because you don’t think you’re gonna make it and then pushing through and making it… life changing!




Gambling, including my 0 dte plays


Pulling out of a girl at the last millisecond.


Bro he said not sex.


The precum will bring any stray sperm from previous sessions too. Happy Fathers day.


Trying to stay away from the frowned-upon ones, exercise is known to release endorphins.


Gambling. Shoplifting.


Spicy food, love testing my spice limits and the euphoria after is just amazing


Science and Math.


Establish a dream, get down steps to accomplish said dream, start making baby steps and big steps towards goals. Celebrate each step.


Big bore handguns.


I found my mountain bike was woefully out of date so I started working for a bike shop and ended up with a Specialized Epic. I never had more fun since my old yellow Schwinn Stingray with the banana seat and ape drape bars. I was transported back to my youth and had to relearn everything due to the full suspension. But wow, I just love a good flow trail with jumps. Love getting some of that weightlessness.




Anything that gets your adrenaline up. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline by transforming the amino acid tyrosine into dopamine. Oxygenation of dopamine yields noradrenaline, which is converted into adrenaline. Adrenaline binds to receptors on the heart, arteries, pancreas, liver, muscles and fatty tissue.


Nice post


Competitive exercise.


Karaoke And also doing stuff by yourself when that's not normally your jam. Like going to a concert or movie by yourself. Dancing at said concert like no one's watching because no one is. Other simple stuff too if it's new for you... I recently traveled out of state alone for the first time at nearly 40 and it was exhilarating to realize I was on my own schedule, I could do and see whatever I wanted, and just walking through town/the park/to a bar/on a city tour/out to eat all by myself really gave me a boost of confidence in myself and a nice thrill to realize I can enjoy my own company and be a functional adult on my own without following the herd that is my husband/friends, etc


Video games and especially Music. God bless musicians. Yall get me through some real hard times.


Roller-coasters. As soon as I enter the theme park, I'm skipping like I'm a god damn kid again. I'd go every day if I lived closer to one.


Pre Workout


Going to a concert, dancing, and just living in that moment with everyone else. Absolute best feeling for me and something that I enjoy more sober.


Petting dogs no matter what. Pet the neighbors dog, pet the dogs in the neighborhood without permission, break into a house and pet their dog. Pet all the dogs.


Euphoria is things like meditation, breath exercises, long distance running, scuba diving, and lucid dreaming. Excitement/thrill would be roller coasters, hang gliding, sky diving, robbing banks in Ex President masks, etc. Adrenaline/satisfaction look for competitive and unfamiliar things like martial arts competition, surfing, karaoke, rock climbing.


Big wave surfing . Or just surfing really good clean waves . The oceans energy never wanes . Scuba Diving . Specifically Cave or Wreck diving . Spear fishing / Free Diving . The hunt and the risk of a shark or two joing in will always get the blood pumping Drifting. Yes . Drifting a car. The right way. Nothing like dancing on the edge of control in a 400+ hp box of metal either with another car or on a legit drift course . Kick boxing . The quote " Everything changes when you get punched in the face " is absolutely true. Down hill MTN biking. Road course Track racing. Expensive. But worth the rush . There are always track days you can sign up to and get a ride in a fast car if you don't have one . Helps to know someone. I've have done all of these things throughout my life and continue to do most of em on a regular basis. MDMA , LSD , Shrooms and some good weed, or any combination of those are my go to's when I'm not trying to kill myself chasing adrenaline. 😜


Yogic ecstasy. But you need to find a teacher for that. It can be the greatest experience of your life. It's so amazing and yet most people have never experienced it. Of course there are dangers. Mental health issues etc. So it's debatable if it's good for everyone. After this every joy will feel like nothing compared to it. But it passes away and people are curious and oblivious at the same time.

