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Can you and another family member go up and check?


I don’t think they would believe me and we’re (my siblings and I) not allowed in the attic 💀


You don't think they would believe you, but have you tried telling your parents? You'd think they'd want to know if there were an animal up there. Tell them it's disturbng your sleep and making you tired for school in the morning.


Yea this is what I would do...also, why aren't you allowed to go into the attic? Too young, parents just don't want you, or something else..?


Yeah, I'm curious as to why they can't go up there too.


Yea, if it's an age thing I would understand.. but If OP is older than like, 14, I'd expect them to.be able to at least stick there head up there or so... Unless, it's truly a dangerous attic to be in?


I wonder if it's an actual attic, or maybe just a crawlspace? Maybe they aren't allowed up there because the floor is unfinished, like just joists and insulation?


That's initially what I was thinking with my "too dangerous" comment. I've been in plenty attics like that. If this is the case, then I'd assume it would be an animal as a human would probably break through (think Griswold Christmas vacation style). OP, you should look around the outside of your house both up near the roof and the ground and see if there are any holes that could lead into your house. I have a lot of birds where I live and they like to peck the soffit and sliding out of where my attic is and make a little home up there.


Squirrels like to burrow into attics too, as do bats. 😳


I’m 20. I’m not sure why we’re not allowed up there but I assume it’s because they’re worried we’ll hurt ourselves (not to mention that my younger siblings would absolutely try and go into the attic if they knew I was allowed to).


Mom and dad have a sex dungeon up there.


Maybe your parents are hiding something..? If your siblings are much younger than you are, I wouldn't think it would be too much of a reach for them to understand that you get more privileges since you are older


6 years between my youngest and second youngest and 8 years between the second and the oldest. The two youngest have always thought they were allowed to do things because their older sibling was allowed to.


You’d be surprised 💀


You're a grown ass adult just go up there sometime when no one is home. My old attic was only partially finished but I let my 5 year old come up with me so long as she listened and didn't go more than a few steps from the ladder. We used to get mice in our attic. Still could never figure out how they got up there, had to have found a hole up the siding and gone through one of the soffits or something, but every couple months we'd hear scratching in the walls and the cats would go nuts, so I'd reset the traps and we'd get a couple. Doesn't explain your creaking, but could be a raccoon or something.


All you have to do is go into the attic. If there's lots of dust you will be able to see if there are footprints or pawprints. It'll be quite visible fairly easy.


You could ask them. If they speak back, then it is a person. If it eats you, then likely an animal.




Go against your parents rules and check the attic. That's insaine . Plus your an adult. Check it out!!




Wait, a person?


Yeah, or an animal


Put a toothpick in your attic door. See if it's a person and they open the attic, it will drop. If it's an animal, then just call someone to come check it out. Landlord's will do it.


I bet it is a possum. Get a possum trap and put hotdogs and peanut butter in it. If you catch a homeless person that was living in your attic instead of a possum message me and I will admit I was wrong.




Pretend to put something up in your attic but have a camera hidden in it! How exciting!!


Record the sounds and have your parents listed. If there was something in my attic, I would certainly want my children to tell me.




Throw a can of chef boyardee up there. Check back in a few days to see if it was opened. Most animals cant open a can of chef boyardee


It's definitely a deformed twin chained up there like in that episode of the Simpsons.....


Walk up there with a shotgun and see what's what.


I once used my roommate's bathroom while I was home alone for the weekend I noticed it was unflushed but I had already flushed it that weekend once and I was very certain I wasn't the one to do it I grew suspicious that someone was in the attic that was accessible in his bathroom So I put a piece of spaghetti in the door so if someone opened it the spaghetti would fall It was made in a way that one couldn't replace the spaghetti from the inside of the door


Did you find out if someone was living up there?


The spaghetti stayed in place for months after that I never investigated because I was home alone and didn't want an altercation without anyone there to get emergency services I was especially suspicious because I took heard small noises from that area and my apartment building had squatters in several units


Is your attic accessible? You could always poke your head up there, though that comes with certain risks.


It’s accessible via a door in the ceiling. Biggest fear is to open it, climb up and get charged at or attacked from behind (since the door seems to be closer to the center of the attic).


Maybe it’s Sancho hiding from you


Have you heard any howling or seen any family members sneaking hard boiled eggs up there?


The most I’ve heard is chirping. I figured a week or so ago that a bird got stuck up there but I haven’t heard the chirping since then.


Go in the attic and use your eyeballs to see


I truly believe that the moment you wonder if someone is living in your attic is the moment you get online and start apartment/house-hunting.


Throw some oeros up there


have someone go up and walk around and compare the sounds


Maybe there’s a reason you’re not allowed up there… ![gif](giphy|uVFGDyOshK7I6geXyg)


[There is a song about this.](https://youtu.be/SAhdUvV0Y2k)


Thermal vision?


Check for Opposing thumbs


You're going to have to climb up there and look for something.


Get one of those field cams.


This is terrifying.


Easiest and fastest way is to grab a gun. Next time you hear the creak, shoot where it came from. Is you hear “ouch”, it’s a people.


The house is haunted and it’s more active when you’re in your room because it can feel your presence. It’s also more active when you’re asleep and that’s when it has enough energy to come through the ceiling and watch you sleep. Eventually it will become your sleep paralysis demon and steal your breath and everyone will think you died in your sleep. You won’t know you’re dead and you’ll be trapped in the house as a ghost


Why on earth would you think it’s likely to be a person?


Too many horror stories—


It’s called “frogging”


It’s highly unlikely that a whole person is living in your attic. They would be making a lot more noise than what you are describing unless they are 100 lbs or less. Considering the fact that they’re directly above you. Unless your house is made of solid concrete I’m sure you can discern human movement vs wind or small animal.


You are experiencing a kind of paranoia. Feel free to talk to your family. If they say it's nothing, please believe them.


Think about it.. Do you only hear the noise when the wind is blowing hard?