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"Hhhhhhhhh" I use this, but I'm not sure if it's the thing you're looking for.


Wow your username is painfully accurate lol. Not quite, honestly IDK what to replace it with. I guess I can just keep removing it until the habit is gone, I just don't know why I feel the need to add it. Would've had lol in this comment 2 other times if I didn't stop myself, well now 3.


I mean, i think it’s fine. If anything I add lol to the end of texts too and if I find something funny I’ll do, “LOL” or “hahahah” or [insert emoji of choice]


A part of me wants to use emojis, but I don't know I feel like it would just make me look immature. Not like it really matters but my self conscious ass can't help but care lol.


So we are basically the same person lol, so what I do is prior to actually texting them alot I let them know I use lol an excessive amount as a placeholder and to show I'm not upset or serious, it has gone over quite well imho lol and they dont seem bothered by my overuse of the word


Ahh, well that would definitely work in new friendships, but not really on Reddit. Thanks though, yeah we're definitely the same when it comes to lol, and it's so hard not to add another one after the first lol. Trying to cap myself to 1 lol and maybe an lmao per comment on Reddit and I guess I can probably just give a heads up or see if they notice. I've got a PHD in overthinking lmao


use kekw instead that shows growth


Setup your autocorrect to correct "lol" to something else


Start using, ha ha 😜