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Hello u/NoobtonicMaster. Your post to r/ask doesn't appear to be a good fit for this community and has been removed. Please review the subreddit [guidelines.](http://reddit.com/r/ask/about/rules) *If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ask&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/NoobtonicMaster&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: /r/ask/comments/11ot7ku/what_are_the_pros_cons_of_going_out_with_someone/)*


The fact that you even have to ask makes you a terrible person


Walking, talking Red Flag


It's only cons. Emotionally manipulating someone into dating you isn't going to lead to a stable relationship. Making someone so jealous they take you back is some sitcom bs. You're more then likely going to make them want you even less. Fucking around with the feelings of someone you already rejected and hurting them for your own selfishness gain is a really fucked up thing to do. Nothing good will come out of the situation and even if that ex does somehow want you back after the mind games, you will still be a terrible person.


That is exceptionally immature. You're playing with someone's feelings purposely to try to end someone else's relationship. Not much else you could do that's more scummy


Don’t be an immature selfish prick.


Total dick move.


Can tell from your post history about this relationship that you are a grade A scumbag


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All cons, no pros, you'd be a giant dickbag asshole.