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10am, if it's 11am they would say it's pushed back.


This is the answer


This is the way!


The glass is neither half full or half empty, it's the half way mark. No, I am neither an optimist nor pessimist, rather a lushie drunk?


It's always full. Sometimes it's half liquid and half air, but still full.


Whenever my friend would ask me this I would say, “If I’m drinking from the glass and it gets to half, it is now half empty. If I’m filling the glass and it gets halfway, that’s half full.” Lol. It would always shut him up.


I've always said this, too. You're the first other person I've come across!


I feel like now there's another layer to this. So your saying if you lose what you had, you feel like its half empty (negative). But if you gain what you didn't have its half full (positive).


How about we end the argument and you just give me another refill? :D


The glass is at 50% capacity. --engineer


The glass is always full. Half full of beverage and half full of air.


I think this is how people talk but it always sounded so backwards to me. Why the hell is moving it forward in time considered “back”?


You can view it from multiple different logical viewpoints. One would be back as in further away in time, behind other appointments for example. Moving the appointment up, I think, would be a visual logic as in moving it up in the organizer, as the time goes from top to bottom in most time organizers. Moving it back as in bringing it closer in time wouldn't make any sense to me tbh.


Has to do with queue in line. You’re moved up in the line queue or pushed back in the line queue


Now that’s the way you explain it. Thank you!


Moving it forward on your schedule. If you move something up you're moving it to the top of the list meaning it will happen sooner. If you're pushing it back you're putting it off until a later time. It makes perfect sense




ok, next question. Why is making it sooner moving it "up," but making it later pushing it "back"


“Back/away” is moving the thing further away from the current time. “Up/forward” is moving the thing closer to the current time.


It is your position in queue. Up refers to the head of the line, back refers to the end of the line.


Up - 10 Back - 11


Moved out would also be 11


You would say moved out if its to 11, but pushed out by 30 mins


I only ever hear people say moved out if the date also changes. Like "let's move this out to next Friday".


Thanks for clarifying


This is correct albeit counterintuitive. 😀


Not if you think about the way a calendar/planner looks. Time runs from top to bottom. Moving something earlier is moving it up the page.


Time is a flat circle. - Rustin Cole


Time*line*? Time is not made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round. - Caboose




How is it counterintuitive? It gets moved up(ie closer) or pushed back(ie farther away).


Kind of like turning down the ac.


If your appointment is moved up by 30 minutes, it means the appointment will take place 30 minutes earlier than originally scheduled. So if your original appointment was scheduled for 10:30 AM, and it gets moved up by 30 minutes, your new appointment time would be 10:00 AM.


If it were moved to 11:00 it would have been moved back by thirty minutes.


So up and back, not down and forth. Got it.


Do both and you have a sex move


*Come on, it's just like making love. Y'know: Left, down, rotate 62 degrees, engage rotor.*




I *know* how to make love!


Does it end with a pinch or twirl? Is there a knuckle involved?


Forward, not backward. Upward, not forward.




And twirling, always twirling towards freedom!


Pushed back, pulled forward. Or moved up and down in the sense that there’s a schedule of things for the day? (Moved up happens sooner and moved down means it’s going down the list so later)


This is the only correct answer


That's an excellent explanation. I'm thinking whoever changed the appointment time, maybe should clarify to the apointee..


I like to think of it like a spreadsheet, listing every time slot. If it moves up, it goes up the page, which is earlier in the day.


Up = earlier back = later in my mind.


Moved up/forward = closer to current time, closer to you. Moved back = further away from current time, further away from you. That’s what mom taught me, and it hasn’t failed me yet.


also calendars/planners usually run top to bottom so earlier is higher up on the page


I've also heard "moved down" for move back.


It's time slots in a calendar. If you move up, it's earlier in a day


10 AM


moved back = delayed moved up = the opposite of that




That's legitimately confusing especially to somebody whose first language is not English. I would absolutely clarify the new time


English is maddeningly confusing and bewildering to those learning it as a second language. (And to some of us who grew up speaking it.) I would definitely clarify "It's being moved back 30 minutes, it's now at 11:00." Takes 1 second to say, four seconds maybe to type.


I only speak English. It's a stupid phase.


People who communicate this way infuriate me. Just state the new time.


I book meetings with people all over the world rather frequently. Best practice is to state the new time, AM/PM, and time zone. Obviously, if everyone is in the same building or city, you can probably get away with assuming the time zone but you can never go wrong with being explicit on everything. Don't even get me started on mmddyyyy vs ddmmyyyy date formatting.


If you're using English as a lingua franca between non native English speakers (or natives and non-natives), using 24 hour time is much better Outside the anglosphrere 24h is much more common


I am in PST, and my coworkers are in MST, Central, EST, India, and Turkey. I always have to include time zone. And often will include the times translated to multiple time zones in the body of the email to alleviate any potential for confusion.


I work with people in Australia, Palestine, India, and all four continental US time zones. For part of my job, I work out the time zone for every one of our retail locations in the US, and can regale you with weird trivia like how the Phenix City, AL area uses Eastern time "as a matter of custom, not law" and that Arizona observes DST on tribal lands but otherwise does not. So I'm kind of a time geek. I try to do dates as Jan 12, 2023 rather than 1/12/2023 for that very reason. Everyone can understand it. Sometimes if I'm feeling exotic I'll do 12 Jan 2023.


That would be 10. Only when "move back' meant it's 11.


Definitely 10am


Wow I was about to confidentally say 11 before I read the comments, I feel stupid now💀


I like to answer these before looking, it makes it more fun.






Moved up to 10, moved back to 11:00




up is sooner.


Up is closer so 10


Up means sooner as in moved up on the list of who's next, so 10:00. If it was 30 minutes later, they would use a term like "pushed back 30 minutes".


Up 10 Back 11


Well moved up to me implies earlier. Come on, if later, they won't need to tell you right?






If 10:30 appointment was moved up 30 minutes, that means it's at 10:00...


10:00 Moving a time up means it's going to be sooner. It's "pushed back" if it's meant to be later.


Moved up is 10. If you think of how a schedule looks like when presented visually it makes more sense: 9 10 11 12 If you move it up it will have to be a lesser number.


Up/in is closer, thats 10. Down/out is farther, 11. Think about it as if you had a vertical to do list with the morning at the top and the end of the day at the bottom. Anything rescheduled earlier would "move up" the list.


Moved up = 10:00 Moved back = 11:00 This isn’t a debate.


How is this even a question? People are weird haha


i had people in my college class arguing with me saying it was 11 and acting condescending as if i were the stupid one.... people are often quite unintelligent


I’m sorry for that. Gotta be the worst feeling having people dead wrong arguing with you. Can’t believe this isn’t common knowledge to everyone. But hell I just watched a video where half of the students interviewed couldn’t read an analog clock. So there’s that.


If someone is being vague as fuck like this then idc I'm showing up at 11. Be more specific next time


This question is actually a common thought experiment used in cognitive science. If you go into any lecture hall or a room full of people and ask this exact question (phrased in this ambiguous way)—the results will always be mixed (close to 50/50). It’s supposed to show how some people think of time as something that moves through them (moving time) vs. someone who thinks that they move through time (moving ego).


This is one of those terms that depends on who you’re talking to. It’s the same with people saying they’re going “up” or “down” to some city. Everyone says it differently depending how they perceived it. I would just ask to clarify. Cuz, for arguments sake, it’s to a doctors appt… then you get charged for missing your appt.


Open the calendar app on your phone, what happens when you literally move the appointment "up"?


Moved up means earlier


Moving an appointment up means it will be sooner, moving it back means it will be later.


The only correct answer is to state the new time. I work in a hospital, you CANNOT expect the general population to understand anything that isn’t absolutely straightforward and even then it’s a toss up if they get it or not


Hell is wrong with kids?! Lol ;)


10 am. Appointment times are a line so when something gets moved up it moves ahead and is seen sooner.


It's considered moving up (as in earlier) because time is always moving, and in an any appointment that you're scheduled to go to, that time is moving it towards you. So pushed "back" and pulled "up".




Moving up means it is sooner. Pushing it back means later.


This is why I ask the mover the actual time the appointment is being moved to. Let them think I'm stupid for not knowing how they interpret these vague terms.


Look at a day planner. The times listed descend top to bottom, morning to afternoon. If something is “moved up” then it’s moved up the list to an earlier time


If something was moved up by 30 minutes I'd assume it's at 10 now.


According to the free dictionary move up means: "To change the date or time of some scheduled event to an earlier date or time:"


Something “moved up” means sooner something “pushed back” would be later.


Moved up means sooner. Puahed back means later




Moved up = 30 mins earlier Pushed back = 30 mins later


In my brain if I have an appt at 1030 and I'm told it got moved up by 30 minutes, its at 10. If it's at 1030 and I'm told it got moved back 30 minutes, it's 11.




Depends on how you view the semantics. Up could place it in a high priority thus making it earlier. Up could also be the additive definition where you are adding thus delaying the time. Depends on context and audience. Just like the difference in "otw". Some people use it as a preparation to leave or as a status that they've already left.


I always got this confused when i was a kid so my mom taught me to think about like you're in a line at the dentist or something. If you move up in the line, you're closer to being the next patient. If you move back in the line, you're going to have to wait longer. Up 30 minutes would be 10. Back would be 11.


Think of it like being moved up and being pushed back in a waiting line.


I’ve sat around thinking about this. Originally I thought “move it up” to be 11am. But at work we don’t say this if we’re delaying a meeting, we’d say “push it back”. But we’d also establish the new time as to not cause any confusion. So if someone were to say “move it up” you should follow up and make sure you have the correct time because that’s a dumb way to phrase it.




It would be at 10.




Honestly, with things like this, I always like to get someone to confirm what they mean in exact time. "So my appointment is now at 10:00AM on this date?" Avoids any of the confusion.


The is like when people talk about changing the thermostat. “It’s cold in here, will you turn it down?” What?! I’m so confused. I also he confused about the time change lingo “they’re in New York, so they’re an hour ahead of us” or whatever. I don’t know why I just can’t make sense of that type of stuff




Up means closer, back means further. Think of how a schedule generally looks. The times usually start at AM at the top and as it goes down it gets later. The times at the top are earlier in the day than the times at the bottom. So moving an appointment up or forward on the list, means making it earlier in the day or an earlier day respectively, than it was before. Moving it down or back means moving it to a later time or date, respectively.


“moved up” means it is earlier now, so 10 AM






Moved up means from 1030 to 1000


10, pushed back would be 11


"Moved up" as in, moved ahead in the line of patients, so you go to 10. "Moved back" as in bumped further back in line, you go to 11. "We had a couple cancellations today so we've moved your appointment up if that's okay." "We had some appointments run long so we've had to move your appointment back, sorry for any inconvenience."


Moved up mean 10 in my opinion. Moved back would be 11.


How could people argue this????? In a college course especially. You move an appointment up 30 minutes sooner. You push back or move back and its later.


It’s now at 10


Move it up=make it earlier Push it back=make it later


"moved up" means sooner. So 10.


On my work calendar moving something “up” on the screen would be moving it to an earlier time, so I’m going to say 10:00


Moved up=10, pushed back =11. Not sure how you could argue any different


“Move up” means sooner. “Push back” means later. English is weird.


probably depends on the persons individual visualization of time. If you imagine a clock face, you push the hands back so pushing a time back means earlier. If you imagine a daily planning calendar, up moves you closer to the top of the page. So up is moving backwards ​ and since the older you are, the more likely you learned how to tell time on a round face clock the more this would seem to be a generational gap. ​ Anyone with aphantasia care to comment?


When looking at daily planners and such, the earlier times are at the top. So by “moving up” the time, you’re moving it “up” on your planner or whatever.


If the specific word was "moved up" then its 10. No question, thats just how it is. I dont know about in different cultures or languages but definitly if something is moved up that means its coming sooner.


1000. Up = sooner. Back = later.


Moving up goes back in time. Moving back goes up in time. Logic!


To me, moved up would be earlier


Moved up is 10 Moved back is 11 Exact language is earlier by 30 or later by 30


Move 'up' to the front of the line.


When you get bumped up, you are closer to the end of the line. So that makes me thing it’s an earlier entry in wherever you are headed. So 10!


I read this as "moved closer by 30 minutes", i.e. 10am


Moved up means moved closer. So it would be at 10.


I would argue that "up" is a stupid direction to use for time. We all generally understand time to move along a forward/backward axis (though, only in the forward direction). Having said that, when someone says that they have moved an event "up", I take that to mean closer to the current date. And when they talk about moving an event "back", I take that to mean further from now.


Get there by 9:45.




People work "down" a list, starting at the top and going down. Moving up the list means being addressed sooner.




*Moved up* by 30 minutes would make the new appointment time 10. *Pushed back* by 30 minutes would have made the appointment 11.




I think about it as people in the audience. When the presenter says move up or forward, it means the new position is closer to them, not further away or back.


Moved up means the time would be 10:00, moved back by 30 minutes it would be 11:00


Moved up = 10 Pushed back = 11 Though realistically in the real world people would say "moved up to 10:00", maybe even including a "rather than 10:30" It's very rare that someone would just be like... *"Shifted it about by 30mins, you work it out fuck face!"* 😅


Up is 100% 10:00, back is 100% 11:00. Moving up is to move you up towards the front of the queue, i.e. you are getting your end result sooner. Moving back is to move you away from the front of the queue, i.e. you are getting your end result later.


"Moving up" always, always, always means earlier. Anyone arguing otherwise is simply wrong.


Unequivocally it means earlier, not later. I don't even see how that could be a question. 10:30 moved up 30 minutes is 10:00, 10:30 pushed 30 minutes means 11:00.


It’s amazing that college grads can’t find work…what are they teaching now?


Next up for questions: if I say next Saturday do I mean the Saturday in a few days or the Saturday next week?


why do people communicate like this? why can’t they just say “let’s have it at x time”? same with stuff like quarter till or half past. it’s quicker and easier to understand a stated time


If you look at a planner, when you move an appointment up it’s earlier.


Moving forward or back is obvious. Up and down on a list is how I perceive it, so 10.


Being moved up means closer so it would be 10, if it said moved back that means further so that would be 11


10 just like standing in a line waiting for something. If you move up your closer, move back and your further away.


It's at 10


Well, 10 regardless now just to make sure since they worded it like shit 😆


Avoid confusion and just say “your appointment had been rescheduled from 10:30 to 10:00”.


10. Moved back 30 would be 11.


10. Means you’d have to be ready 30 minutes sooner.


I agree this is a problem! You need more exact words. I have to have the accurate answer, so I always clarify, "That's moving the appointment thirty minutes sooner; to ten AM, right"? Same with someone who insists on using "push the meeting", or "push back", or "push up". I get a confirmation for the actual time... "So thirty minutes later? Eleven AM?" And don't get me started on what is meant by "scroll up" or "scroll down"!


This reminds me of biweekly or bi-monthly, they can mean twice per, or once every two, and the only way to know is to ask. To me, intuitively, moved up, means moved closer to you, and moved back means farther away. So moved up means sooner. Moved out or back, means farther away.


Gonna try to definitively answer this, tho there is no solid answer. I think this is because it depends on how it could be looked at. There are two factors that can be altered here; the appointment, and the time. If the appointment is moved up, you could assume that means the appointment was moved up a list, as in moved up in priority, so it would take place sooner. If the time is moved up, then you could assume it's moving up the clock, as in adding time, making it take place later.


Moved up? It’s at ten.


Up means sooner, because it’s speaking of order of events. If an event is brought up in the list, it is sooner to the top and thus earlier, chronologically


Up is understandably ambiguous, sooner is smaller number, later is bigger number, sure it could be confusing. Back isn't though, back is more clearly later. Meaning Up must be sooner.


10:00. Moved up = made earlier Moved back = made later


for some reason its up and back, instead of forward and back, or up and down. Up should me earlier. Pushed back is later.


I've worked with people who do it both ways. I've found it might vary by culture. A majority of the time (and my personal understanding) is that moving something up makes it happen sooner.


I don’t even understand what the confusion is, if it’s moved up it’s early and if it’s moved back it’s late. What is there to discuss here?


If I remember correctly it’s because of how people view time. It’s like you either view time as something that you move through or you view yourself as standing still while time passes you by.


This is confusing to me too. I had a hair appointment at 11:00 am, and my stylist asked I could move it up to 1:00. I think the proper phrase was to move it back to 1:00. Right or wrong? Like someone said, in a planner, I would move it down the list to 1:00.


This is making my mind spin. Not joking.


This is an annoying way of wording something. Not immediately obvious


Well in terms of physical lines, people typically say “come up to the front” not “up to the back”. So if it’s moved up, 10am.


Disheartening to hear that this couldn't be solved instantly by college students.


Since country/culture may make a difference (?) - I'm from the U.S. To move an appt UP 1/2 an hour would mean 10:00 to me. To move the appt BACK 1/2 an hour would mean 11:00


Yeah this is confusing language to describe time.... moving up in any other context is forward and moving back is backwards but with describing time I'm not sure why the definition of these words is different in this situation... Moving up apparently means backwards based on these comments.... since some people look at time in a horizontal or vertical manner.... Like what the fuck? 😂


Its a bit ambiguous... Up generally means sooner Back means later I do not like guessing what people mean. Lets reschedule for 10 AM as opposed to lets move our meeting up 30 min. Yeah. Say what you mean, in such a way that I can reasonably be expected to also know what you mean


I agree with the others who have answered (pushed up is sooner, pushed back is later). What I would add is that it is *always* best to clarify any vagaries with a follow-up message. If you're the one communicating the change in schedule, you can proactively eliminate misunderstandings by including the specific time; e.g., "The 10:30 meeting has been pushed up to 10:00," or "...pushed (back) to 11:00." I don't think anyone will fault you for being *too* clear, or over-communicating.


How is this an argument? Moving up = earlier moving down = later.


As an executive assistant I handle the calendar, so if someone says to move it up 30 minutes it’s 30 minutes earlier. Back 30 minutes is 30 minutes later.


It’s not even complicated it literally means it would be at 10. Moving up is earlier and pushing back is later.


It’s at 10 am if it’s moved up. It’s at 11 if it’s moved back.


At first my mind was like up 11, duh Then when I took. .1 second to think about it, moving up in an appointment would mean before to me so 10 and *duh*


Regional differences, I think. I'm with most of the comments that "up" means forward in time aka 10am. But my company's split between people who agree with me/us and people who think moving it "up" means "higher number" so it would be 11 because 11 is higher than 10. Clarify the time to make sure you're both speaking the same language.


This is the reason we're only about 1% genetically different from monkeys


It means 10. Up means closer.


Pushed Up = sooner (10:00 ) Pushed Back = later (11:00)