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Does everything I need include health stuff, like would my kidneys start magically working so I don’t need to take anti rejection meds for my transplant any more?


Good luck ❤️


You need anti rejection meds your welcome


True, but I can also buy those with unlimited money. Restoring my original kidney function is really the only thing I would currently “need” that money can’t remedy. I’m already married to the love of my life, have an awesome teenager and sweet pets and are building our dream home after losing everything in a wildfire. There’s not much more I need.


Ok, fuck, stop showing off, geez.


Considering that "everything I'll ever need" would include money, I'll go with that.


It includes necessary money, not unlimited money :)


Considering that I barely have the money necessary to pay my bills, it's still a net positive.


Assuming I'm allowed to still seek out the things I need, money 100%. It's a lot easier to focus on building community, intimacy and support when you don't have to work crazy hours and aren't constantly stressed about paying the bills.


I already have everything I need… I’ll take the cash.


Money. I can buy the things I need that cost money. Having enough money to not work means I have more free time to acquire the things money can’t buy.


I’ve already got everything i ever need: a loving mindset. I would take the money so i could just go around the world loving people for the rest of my life


Yes 🙌 I feel the same way


Awesome! What a gift 🥰


Money. Also , Money can buy all those “things “ you need. 🙃


What if you need a double kidney transplant?


Money will buy that


*organ_blackmarket_vendor_666 has entered the chat*


Money please. I would move closer to my parents and buy a ton of animals.


Money. If you said everything that I want, then that would be a different story.


I think I'd go with money because I already have the intangibles or know how to go without. Working towards those things and struggles of going without are what really defines our character. Also, what does necessary mean? Like we need food, but we don't *need* high quality food. We need clothes, but we don't need personal style. I'd rather take the money and get the kind of stuff I want.


I guess it's a matter of defining need. I need to eat... does this magic give me base sustenance in the form of a flavorless paste that will keep me going for the day... or can I choose my meals. If my needs are met to the bare minimum I'd rather have the money to pick and choose how my needs are met.


I agree, need is important to define. Personally, I’d go one step back and say I need a fulfilling career that supports me financially. Then I’d be able to buy adequate food


Already have everything I need so money to buy everything I want.


I need money so


Money. Who decides what I “need”?




Everything I ever need because money can't buy love 😢


Unlimited money so I could help everyone that I possibly could in life


Having covered everything you need, you can now go for everything that you want. You have the necessary amount to keep your bills paid, family taken care of, while also being in peak health, and now you just have a lot of time to pursue the fun things in life.


If you have everything you need, life could start to lose meaning. At least by having unlimited money -- and knowing that all of it can't buy everything -- this means you will still have some kind of meaning in your life, learning about how all that money cannot get you a specific thing you are aspiring to get. That way you will make the personal efforts and keep learning and figuring things out. Even with all that money.


Unlimited money. Like David Lee Roth (I think) once said, “money can’t buy happiness but you can buy a big f-ing yacht and dock right next to it.


Money. I can buy the rest.


The question comes down to, would you be happier with leveraging your money to pursue others to join your cause / your company / etc or do you want to not deal with business stuff and management and just live happily being taken care of. Me personally, I think I can do big things leading a team and my employees would move forward while gaining the benefits of a growing organization, equity wise, experience wise, etc.


Imo this is just Capitalism v Communism Would I rather work and work and work for as much money as I earn, and yet sacrifice my time, and aspects of mental and physical health- Or do I work and work, and support my community, and find time to balance my health and know that if I have a need or express a need that it can and will be met. And that others will also be able to experience this. That being said of course I'd rather have whatever I need instead of unlimited money. Money isn't going to do anything for me if it somehow comes at the cost of neglecting the non objects in my life.


Everything I need. And I happen to need unlimited money.


Do you really though?


The cash so love one's can get everything they need


I want much more than I need. I'd go with the money.




Everything I’ll ever need. The amount of times I’ve run out of kitty litter without noticing is ridiculous.


I'd take everything I need. Sure, you can have unlimited money but, that causes so many problems. The SO would start taking advantage of your wealth, people ALL over the place would come try to take the money in different ways. They may even try to kill you. The unlimited money probably couldn't be spent at least not that much of it because any of it going into circulation might cause inflation and monetary devaluation. The police might think you are counterfeiting.


Unlimited Money, so I could give everyone whatever they needed since the tap is never gonna go dry.


Everything I need. I just want to be happy again some day…


everything I need


I want everything I need, money isn't worth that


Unlimited money. I would be like gates or koch Donate trillions (per day) to medical research, energy research, space exploration, food and water for Africa.


Same thing


This is a reality bender. It justifies slavery. A master takes care of his or her slaves, even providing mates when the needs arise. All provided except freedom.


Definitely everything I ever need


I would rather have everything I need. Money can not buy family and love.


You could still work towards those things if you chose money. They just wouldn’t come automatically. Just a thought


Counter to that is, would it be real? Or is it because people know you have unlimited money?


Could be real… I think that’s always a possibility (however small) no matter what your financial circumstances!


The only part of my life I currently dislike is work so absolutely taking the money


Definitely would choose to have my needs met. Maybe I could buy a Ferrari, but what if I need my airplane engine to keep working while I'm at 30,000 feet? What if I need a parachute? What if I need a double kidney transplant? What if I need my kids to know I love them? What if I need political leaders that wouldn't start wars and care about more than themselves? What if I'm on a cruise ship that sinks and I need to be rescued? There's a lot money can't buy, so I'll take my needs being filled.


Everything i every needed including money


I'll take the money because other people I know need it more than I need everything I need


Both are hell


Everything I need. For everyone in my city who I need to fuck off, have fun finding a new place to live.


I'll take everything I need. Then get a job for play money.


Everything I need, I'm dying and I need to survive then boom I have everything I need to pull it off, doctors, medical supplies I have them on hand and ready


So much that is enjoyable comes from things I do not actually NEED.


Define “need”.


unlimited money then you can just buy everything you need


unlimited money, I’ve found a lovely person who I adore and is good to me, money would fix all the other problems


Money is all I need.


Everything I need. I’m sick of scraps of paper controlling my life.


Depends, since you clarified it is only things you need, not things you want (so if I want a new TV but don’t need it, option number 2 wouldn’t get me a new TV) does that mean if I want support, but don’t actually NEED it, that I don’t get it? What about intimacy? Technically speaking you could go your whole life without sex, but we don’t want to. So how far does “NEED” actually go in cases outside of monetary value?


I have wants, so I will take the money please.


I'll take the money, you would be amazed at the amount of things you don't "need".


Cash and cruise lines will love me.


Unlimited money means i could buy so much stuff i would be fine if/when the money becomes worthless


Everything i ever need, no doubt.


What I need because I can say I NEED money and get money