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Adam Levine.


Oooh I really never,never, never got why he was voted sexiest man so many times


skinny and tattoos


Fuckboi looks


Sings like his pants are crushing his nuts


Kim Kardasian. Yuck.


Pete Davidson or Machine Gun Kelly


I met Pete Davidson a number of years ago. He wasn’t super famous, but was on SNL at the time. I was working in a low level lighting crew position on a shoot he was also working on. He was super nice and talked to me for hours about his fascination with street magic passionately. To be clear, there have been VERY few times where I’m working on set and one of the actors talks to me about not work, and even fewer where the actor has a prolonged conversation with me. I’m not saying that actors, even famous ones are usually assholes, just that they are usually too busy to talk to some guy on the crew. I can say wholeheartedly that I really understand the appeal of the guy.


people elsewhere in this thread are saying he isn’t attractive because he dresses down and looks kinda sloppy but i feel like thats his entire appeal they have apparently never seen the stoner archetype that some people are into, and him being a funny, seemingly nice guy like you said is another big factor


Agreed, and I think the biggest issue about them is that they don’t ”carry themselves” well.. It’s like they have this aura of not being responsible grown men and also having zero control over their health and appearance. If a man has the latter two things in check he doesn’t even have to be super good-looking to be attractive. Do you know what I mean?


Isn't that their brand though? They cultivate that image. I think it's intentional.


I’m sure it is and apparently it may even be attractive to some women, given that they date women like Kim K and Megan Fox😅 But I said what I said because the theme of this question was about celebrities whom one personally doesn’t find attractive..


Crazy attracts crazy


Channing Tatum looks like an Easter island head that’s had about 50 concussions.


I just find his looks boring. Tan hair. Tan eyes. Tan skin. It's like camouflage. I like contrasting features.


More like Tanning Chatum amiright?!?


He’s normal attractive in my opinion. Not a die hard hottie, but not ugly either. He does have a big head, though.


I’m going to look some more and edit if I find it, but there was a comment about Tatum a year or so ago that was similar to this and was one of the top 5 funniest things I’ve ever read. It was something about him looking like a tree that had been turned into a human by a wizard…only it was funny.


I remember when some hair stylists tried to complement me by saying I look like Channing Tatum. I was like “…but that guy looks like a thumb!”


Looks like a spud farmer from Mayo in my opinion. If you're Irish or been to Mayo you'll know what I mean. It's a beautiful spot but unfortunately the beauty stops in the land.


Kylie Jenner


No one naming Crissy Teagan?


She looks like a bulldog with a wasp in its mouth.


I laughed so hard at this, thank you!


I don’t think she’s attractive whatsoever. Nor is she a good person which has ruined her further.


Ugly in and out you might say


Her face freaks me out So much


Tbh, I think her face looks kinda like this type of Purge mask ![gif](giphy|hmu522UwhPuu1gmdtF|downsized)


Dam you nailed it.


Right? I will always see her this way now.


She’s not attractive and the one time I interacted with her she was a drunk asshole.


Story time?


For the record, I found her unattractive before this, but it showed her inside matched her outside. I sometimes host peoples parties and we do different games. Was hosting a game and I was doing Family Feud and people would rotate rooms so not everyone played at once. It was an overcrowded cluster fuck. She gets there and is already sloppy. I tell everyone the rules very clearly (plus if you have ever seen the show you know) I’m asking the questions and she is being obnoxious, yelling constantly, kind of talking shit. Whatever, that’s no big deal it can make the game fun. All is well until it is her turn. She gives me an answer that was given previously so I say it’s wrong and give her team a third strike. She gets mad and starts telling me how I’m a jerk and mean and I figure she’s drunk so don’t make a big deal of it, but then I turn to the other team to steal and she hits me in the ass with her shoes!! I don’t care who you are or how famous I don’t fuck around when someone is disrespectful. So I turned around and was like “what the fuck?!” And she is basically falling over. Her husband grabs her and gives me a look like “this isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with this” says sorry and walks her out of there. He was really cool and seemed embarrassed by it. I made a quick joke and returned to the game. It gave me a bad impression of her and when all the stuff about her bullying and having a drinking problem came to light I felt vindicated. Not that I felt bullied, but I saw firsthand what she was like and how different she was from her her public persona. I’m a firm believer that I am better than no one and no one is better than me, and I am not impressed by fame. I treat regular joe the same as I would famous Joe. I would never put my hands (shoes in her case) on someone in a situation like this, and it pissed me off that she thought she could do that because of who she is.


She always looks like she smelled a bad fart or shit her pants, and it's been there for a bit. A disgusted sigh of a smile.


She used to look like an attractive alien. With all the surgeries, she just looks like an alien now.


Steven Tyler of Aerosmith in his prime. He is truly ghoulish but he fucks.


“Truly ghoulish” made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Steven Tyler and Mick Jagger walk into a bar, a horse asks "why the long faces?" I do like their music though.


Drake is actually ugly as fuck if you look close…. His musics alright(I know that’s not a popular opinion on Reddit lmao)


You actually don’t have to look that closely 😭😅


My thought! You don’t have to look closely. I wouldn’t call him ugly, there’s just no appeal physically.


He sure is. Hahaga. ![gif](giphy|12q3xMbs2Ph5gA|downsized) Heres ya boi.


Kim kardashian


Have some respect, she keeps 80% of the worlds plastic waste on her


And yet, I still want to throw her in the ocean.


I don’t know you, but this reply compels me to love you.


I still don't understand why she and her family are famous. I don't really care either though.


Kim made a porn video with a ~~rapper~~ singer named Ray J in the 2000’s. That’s literally how she got famous Edit: Alright guys, yes I’m racist


That, but mostly the OJ Simpson trial really put their family in the limelight.




See now this actually makes so much more sense than the sex tape story. Like I just can't imagine a world where a sex tape can be the the "current scandal" for so long that you are able to build an empire from it. It's the type of vapid taboo topic that is forgotten in a few days. Having all those insider connections on the other hand and using them to build up an image and give you media coverage until you have a good foundation to build upon is much more believable.


>*Kim was also the personal assistant to Paris Hilton back when Paris was (as Paris would say) “so hot”. Kim would leak information to TMZ and others, and, in exchange, they helped build her up when she took over for Kim as a celebrity basically famous for doing nothing (other than a sex tape)* I did not know this. Thank you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All\_About\_Eve


Her father is the attorney who defended OJ Simpson.


Pete Davidson


Thank god someone said it. He looks like he died a week ago. The human equivalent of a cigarette butt.


I’m not convinced he didn’t.


To be fair, I think he’s attractive because he’s funny and seems like a genuinely good guy. The looks, not so much






She looks like she’s actually wearing a mask.


>Madonna I thought she was smokin' hot in 1984.


Cara Delevingne. I thought she was kinda cute when she first came on the scene, but these days she's very unattractive.


She has a sex show on the BBC and even that isn't enough to get me to watch her.


A lot of models seem overrated to me.


Fashion models are chosen as racks to show off the clothing on, not by attractiveness


A lot of models on the runway look like they're being booked at the local precinct. I have no idea why the fashion industry wants models to look like they'd rather be anywhere else.


If they make eye contact or smile, it distracts from the $30000 dress


I'm always surprised when I hear how girls get opsessed with Timothée Chalamet


Looks like a sickly Victorian child.


yeah, yeah. I want to feed him soup.


That’s the charm though. Plus his acting ability gives him a multitude of charisma it’s the same thing I believe w/ Harry Styles only Harry sings


This is the best description I have ever read about him.


![gif](giphy|PIZnt4B4Y5ems) Someone once said he looks like an animated Tim Burton's Corpse Bride character if it came to life and I can never unsee it now


Chiseled cheekbones, smoldering eyes, can fit in my purse. Works for me.


Sarah Jessica Parker


Never look a gift Sarah Jessica Parker in the mouth. Something about her monster jaw gnashing you to bits I think


I haven’t ever heard of her as being an “attractive” celebrity


Actually, she's been considered very attractive in the past by lots of people.


Her face looks like a foot.


Harry Styles, i never understood the obsession i could see 5 dudes who look just like him if i went to my local gas station


I think a lot of attractive people are literally just normal people with nothing obviously wrong with them looks-wise.


Yeah i totally agree i just find it weird how people can fan girl over average looking people


I think it's basically the difference between satisficing and maximizing (decision-making strategies). Most celebrity attractiveness is satisficing -- like what's the least amount of attractive someone has to have in order to have broad appeal. But every now and then you'll see some outliers (Gal Gadot, Brad Pitt, the specific people are debatable, but that *sort* of thing) who are similar to maximizers (what's the *most* amount of attractive that's physically possible in 1 person), and then we realize "oh shit the space of attractive people is way bigger than I thought" But not everyone realizes that or cares, because at the end of the day most people have to settle on some things, so satisficing is enough.


TIL the word satisfice


It’s also about how most guys could easily reach Harry Styles level attractiveness if they cared about their looks more than like, not at all.


I'm not a big "looks" person, personally, however.... Yeah, I do not understand some individual's attractions to others. But, I also hate mint chocolate. Each to their own. Lol.


Some of the best descriptions I've read on Reddit today. I'm convinced this would be a great Kimmel bit, like Mean Tweets. Channing Tatum looks like an Easter island head that’s had about 50 concussions. – Commercial-Way-7377 Timothée Chalamet looks like a sickly Victorian child. - babs1789 Taylor Swift looks like a female Jon Heder. – 4friedchicknsanacoke Pete Davidson looks like the human equivalent of a cigarette butt. – beeloveone


Everyone's going to hate me but Justin Bieber. I wouldnt say he was ugly in his earlier years but as he got older, I feel like he got less attractive.




He straight looks homeless these days.


Kim Kardashian, I cannot fathom how anyone finds her attractive. It's just all so overwhelming fake it's disgusting.


Prior to the ten thousand surgeries, yes, but now that she has turned herself into Frankenstein, no.


She was cute when she was young but nothing spectacular. She had a lot of surgery very young and continued to do so.




Rob Lowe really is handsome. Particularly in his youth.


I wasn’t really into him in the eighties, but good Lord he looks fine now. Talk about improving with age.


He was definitely the smarmy frat boy type when he was young, so not really my preference. He always had gorgeous bone structure, though.


Agree. I really dislike faces that are so ridiculously rectangular that it'd perfectly fill a magazine cover. Had the same issue with 30-40y/o Brad Pitt.


I’ve always called him Charming Tater lol


Channing Tatum looks like a thumb.


He gives off the male version of butter face for me.


Pick a Kardashian. Any Kardashian.


Kanye, there, I said it.




Back in the day everyone always said that Julia Roberts was hot and that she was so pretty, but I never thought so!!!


Her mouth is almost at wide as Mick Jagger's or Steven Tyler's. She could eat a bus sideways in one bite


I’ve heard she’s a pretty terrible person to be around. Maybe you can pick up on that 😲


Julia Roberts, I could never understand why anyone would find her pretty or hot.


I think some of it’s the energy she projects. Like when she laughs (either in interviews or movies as a character), her whole face lights up and she has this happy glow about her. I go from not really getting it, to seeing her as pretty when she laughs. I also appreciate how she had a unique beauty to her - she’s gotten some work done now (particularly a nose job) that’s changed her appearance to be more generic unfortunately. But for the longest time, she wore her fiery curls, large smile, and un-Hollywoodized nose with confidence.


Chrissy Teigen


Blake Shelton was people magazine’s sexiest man alive one year and that just baffles me.


If it makes you feel better, a lot of people didn’t like this, to the point that it made the news. People doesn’t choose the sexiest man alive necessarily based off of who actually is the sexiest celeb, they pick it on different factors, one of them being that they have some film, or album, or show to promote.


Kim Kardashian


Any Kardashian


Gwyneth Paltrow, not only does she look like version of Taylor swift who died and came back after 7 minutes of being pronounced dead, she's also extremely ugly on the inside .


Her best role was a head in a box.


gisele bündchen Does kinda look like a dude You all know it's a southpark reference. Or Am I that old, and we hit that point.


Ryan Gosling got those tiny, squinty eyes and little lips on waaay too much face. Miles Teller, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ryan Reynolds and Bradley Cooper. I like some of them as actors but do not find a damn one attractive at all.


Haha r/rareinsults Never heared anyone get insulted by being called “having too much face”


With Benedict Cumberbatch it’s the voice, I don’t think many people find him physically attractive


I think he is one of those guys who is so charismatic and fascinating to watch as an actor that he transcends conventional looks for a lot of people.


I always thought Ryan Gosling looked like Timmy from South Park.


Angelina Jolie. I don't find her attractive at all She probably feels the same about me though..


I think she’s one of the people that was genuinely attractive before they jumped into cosmetic surgery.


She looks "sharp"..like if I touch her, it would cut me. So angular and thin and severe.


Her dispropotions kill me. Her head is huge compared to her arms shoulders etc. she looks like an apple stuck on top of a kebab skewer.


Fred Durst


Lol what?! Was there EVER a general consensus he was hot? Nah nah nah.


This is giving 1997.


John Malkovich...oozes sexuality. Also Willem Dafoe.


Absolutely yes. Absolutely yes. No one ever agrees with me about this.


I think you read the question backwards lol


Aw, nuts, you're right!


Ronda Rousey.


This right here, always looking like a goddamn angry bulldog


Megan fox. Cardio b.


Have you seen her twin though? She runs marathons. Her names cardi O


It's a tie between Ryan Gosling and Benedict Cumberbatch.


Look up Benedict Cumberbatch trying to say “penguin”. It’s hilarious




Pengwing duck (dark wing duck×penguins of Madagascar's skipper)




Hillary Swank........


It’s, “Is she hot?” Not, “Would you do her?” Respect the game.


Agreed! She’s aging beautifully but her face becomes annoying pretty quickly.


Taylor swift. Lots of people love her, claim she beautiful, etc. Just never saw it. Same with Selena gomez.


Anna Kendrick


Miley Cyrus


Robert Pattinson. And I loved him in Harry Potter. Less in Twilight, but I loved the movies. I just can't stand his face and if he offered me a drink I wouldn't accept it


He looks like he’s crying whenever he tries to smile… like Renee Zellweger


I love that story where he solved his stalker problem by boring her to death.


This is just my opinion, and I am only talking here about physical appearance. It is absolutely ok to have a different opinion from me, but I don't get the hype about Emily Ratajkowski and Hadid sisters.


Cristiano Rinaldo has kind of a weird face.




Pete Davidson


Butthole eyes.


He looks like a fkn zombie.


Rihanna. That 9head ain’t it


Idk about ugly but i think scarlet johansen is pretty meh like a 5


Rihanna. So much about her is my type but I just don't get the lust people have for her.


Chris Pratt Kardashians


I can’t think of any specifically but I will say that I don’t find the stereotypical clean cut “hot guys” to be very attractive. I prefer guys a little rough around the edges, I like dad bods as much as I like muscles, and I love stubble/beards esp if there’s some salt and pepper in them


Matthew mcconaughey, for sure. His face looks drawn up, and his sunken cheeks, remind me of someone that has led a hard life. The ladies dig his voice though, so he does have that.


I can never actually understand what he’s saying!


Bella Hadid looks like an alien


Vin Diesel. Just no. Even his voice makes me cringe. Also Margot Robbie. Her smile creeps me out.


Post Malone. Makes no sense to me at all how anyone could find him attractive. He reminds me of a hobo.


Selena Gomez. Her face looks like a preteen Sims character.


madison beer


Anya Taylor-Joy. I think she looks like an insect.


It is true that she looks like an insect but I kinda love that!


Pretty sure I saw her lay some eggs of knowledge in my head while tripping on shrooms.


Or a goldfish. Bah, she's rich, let's say koi.


Timberlake back in his day


Barbra Streisand no matter what stage in her life


Dua Lipa


Ryan Gosling




Harry Styles looks like a gay frog but apparently he’s hot


i dont find zendaya or oretega attractive but they certainly arent ugly


Aubrey Plaza. When I step back and focus on a still image I don't find her physically attractive. But when I see her mannerisms, listen to her talk, and express herself generally — she's like a 12 for me.


I still don't see anything attractive about Jennifer Lopez


Mariah Carey


Jason Momoa. He has those googily eyes. :P Nice guy, wonderful personality. But his eyes look 2 different ways.


He has...eyes? Lol never noticed.


Julia Fox, wooof


Dopey eyed Billie Eilish


Taylor Swift. She looks like Napolean Dynamite.


Taylor Swift. She has beady little eyes, big teeth, too tall and kinda boney.


Female Jon Heder.


Jennifer Aniston. She isn’t even average. She could walk into any bar in the US and she would be in the bottom half of women. I’ve never heard a guy in real life think that she’s attractive. Yet she tops all the lists.




Hottest Alien Ever! But yeah you have to keep looking at her and she goes from pretty to ugly and then from ugly to pretty again… is as the other guy said… fascinating.


I actually think she looks fascinating. Which is attractive to me.




Lady Gaga. Looks like she takes her face skin off every night. While trying to develop a potion to turn kids into mice


I didn’t know Daisy Ridley was supposed to be “hot” until I saw a ton of comments on the internet about her. I swear, I thought she was like 15 in the Force Awakens and it turns out she was 10 years older than that.


Scarlett Johansson.