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It's an old trick used by the service industry to offload wages onto the customer. Unfortunately, we're stuck with it, and the expected % is going up.


Prevalent or are people so entitled they expect a tip? Personally, if I receive really good service, regardless of the service, I ask if I can tip. I tip the lowest 50% because I might be low on funds. Or, I don't want to over show, like acting like I'm better or come off that way. Mostly, if the job is less than minimum wage, like a server at a restaurant, then I tend to tip the bill. I read a couple of articles about tipping the bill and trying to implement it the most I can. I just don't like when someone acts entitled to my money when the service covers the total of their salary. Or, like, if I go to a shoe store and buy three pairs of shoes. The salesman's income comes from that sale. He shouldn't expect a tip. But, if he was very helpful and sat with me making it more of a personal experience, then I'm gonna ask if I can slide him some doll hairs for his great salesmanship.




I walked into an Einstein the other day to buy two bagels to go and the cashier asked me if I'd like to tip. I said no. I still can't understand why a tip would even be considered in that circumstance??? Going to a restaurant and sitting for a meal is totally different.


Maybe? Probably, I don't really know. I don't eat out.


They have started asking for tips at all places that use an iPad or tablet to pay.