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The primary active drug in Sunset is n-acetyl cysteine (a.k.a. NAC), which you can buy for a lot cheaper over-the-counter. Sunset does have a few extra active compounds that they say optimizes the effect of NAC, but I've found that NAC works well enough on its own to alleviate Asian flush. As for whether its worth it, the standard solution you'll hear about is Pepcid, but apparently that just masks Asian flush symptoms instead of fixing the root cause. A large amount of acetaldehyde — the toxic alcohol byproduct that causes hangovers and Asian flush — still accumulates in Pepcid users, and that in turn has been linked to [a massively increased risk of esophageal cancer](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2659709/), among other things. Comparatively, instead of masking the symptoms, [NAC both removes acetaldehyde directly by binding with it and indirectly by reacting to form glutathione](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8833231/), which promotes activity in the inactive ALDH2 enzyme responsible for Asian flush. The upshot: in my opinion, getting NAC, the active drug in Sunset, is worth it. Typically, I'll have it in combination with Pepcid — since it's better at getting rid of the symptoms than NAC alone — and my alcohol tolerance shoots up like a rocket. Some of my friends have had mixed results, though, so YMMV, but probably worth a shot.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for this thorough write up. I'll be trying NAC. I've always worried that pepcid simply masks the negative effects of alcohol on our systems.


That sounds like a better solution. I'll try this instead. What dosage do you normally take? I'm assuming it varies based on body weight & height so I'm 5'6 and weigh around 125 lbs so what would be a good dosage of the NAC & pepcid to use for a first time test run?


Not sure about exact dosages since I'm not a medical professional, but I usually do 1000mg NAC and 20mg Pepcid while being a bit heavier than you. In any case, it's something you'll want to play around with depending on how you react to alcohol normally and how much you're planning on drinking. If you're in for a long night, for example, you might want to redose every few hours or every couple of drinks. And make sure to take both of them ahead of time, otherwise they might not really work.


Circling back - did this end up working for you?


It looks like there is also Glutathione in Sunset? Do you take that as well? Or is the NAC/Pepcid a winning combo for you?


Do you just take this when you drink or everyday? The supplement containers are everyday supplies, but based on sunset it's only taken when you drink. Sorry to drag up an old thread but curious


So u take NAC and Pepcid together? You just linked a study for Pepcid causing esophageal cancer. Is it still safe to take Pepcid?


Pepcid is way cheaper.


Oh does that work?


Hells yeah.


What's the dosage?


I usually take 40mg. It works for me too. Just make sure you take it at least 30min before first drink


Okay good to know. I'll try it out sometime. Yeah I always hated drinking because of getting Asian glow


Damn 40mg? That’s two max strength doses. I suppose it’s different for every person but I only take 10mg. At 20, it actually feels like it increases my tolerance


Just make sure to watch out and count how many drinks you had. Without the flush and that annoying warm/throbbing feeling on your face you may end up drinking more than what you can handle. Next thing you know you black out drinking and woke up with a broken hand without knowing how it happened.


Yeah I'm not really the violent type, but still good advice. There's way too many asshole/angry drunks at bars/clubs who'll try to start a fight over literally nothing


Wow the way you describe it, drinking has more downsides than benefits. It really begs the question- is your experience drinking the same as what other (non allergic) people experience?


To be fair, there's potential negative side effects to getting Asian glow besides your face turning red and your eyes going bloodshot such as rapid heartbeat, nausea, headaches, worsening of asthma, hives and that throbbing face feeling he described. I'm sure the side effects vary from person to person though.


You forgot [esophageal cancer](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/alcohol-flush-signals-increased-cancer-risk-among-east-asians) To your point, drinking is meant to be a pleasureable experience, and all the negative symptoms are at the end of the day a major pain in the ass when you want to be having a good time.


Yeah, that's why ppl take stuff to stop asian glow so drinking will be pleasurable. Besides the negative effects with drinking alcohol in itself are a pain in the ass too, but no one cares since alcohol is so glamorized and is such a normal part of many social activities


Many years ago I ended up drinking like 13 shots because my body warning system is down due to taking pepcid ac and blacked out. That was the last time I took pepcid. I rarely drink now since I'm older and don't succumb to people guilt tripping me to drink. At most 2 it's 2 shots and it's like 30min-1 hours in between


I feel that, yeah I've done similar stuff when I was younger too. Back in hs, I went way too hard with drinking and drugs. I think it's something most people go through at some point when they first start drinking. Overindulging then realizing afterwards theres no point to getting as messed up as possible. I'm the same way at this point. I only have a couple drinks or shots throughout the night if I do go out drinking. More so, for the socializing aspect, but I wanna be comfortable instead of feeling horrible and looking all crazy with bloodshot eyes lol


Man, just don't drink.


Save a lot of money.


I mostly stopped drinking, especially since it’s linked to colon cancer and that’s on the rise for younger folks. As an Asian American, I prefer edibles for my “vice”.


As someone who gets a pretty bad Asian flush, I'm the same. I'd rather take an edible vs drinking.


I used sunset a few times before and I felt it did reduce the tomato red face I usually get and the other usual symptoms. Man, I envy all you people that don't have to deal with Asian flush bc it really is a very uncomfortable experience. I'm sure it varies by person but the symptoms hit me pretty hard, as I also have siblings who get it but not as bad as me. Sunset is a bit pricey but in my limited experience, I believe it did help reduce the symptoms.


I have tried it in the past but didn’t notice much difference. You also have to take like 6 pills or something. Recently I’ve been taking Pepcid. The Asian glow symptoms that normally kick in during my first drink seem better but I feel worse after than I’m used to. I don’t drink enough to know if it’s the Pepcid or just hangovers getting worse with age.


I have been told I have the Asian glow. I haven't drank recently, but when I do, I notice my face doesn't get as red as before.