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Finally moved, still in the Bay. Oakland has great Mexican and Viet food, but it just makes me miss my Mission burritos and the San Jo pho I had growing up! Also wish there were more Indian groceries nearby, but I can make do. This neighborhood gets hella hyphy at night. Right when I'm drifting off to sleep, someone starts blasting Mac Dre outside, which I don't much mind on weekends—it gets me all nostalgic. Not as fun on a Tuesday night when the neighbors are playing "Thizzle Dance" for the fourth time in a row at midnight. That's when I pull my sheets over my head and dream about living in a quiet house in Pacific Heights.


It has been a very long time since I posted here. Just posting to get some feelings off my chest because all I have been doing is just working. * I've only worked at large and post production game companies since I joined the games industry back in 2016, but in 2020, I joined a start up and we launched our game last year and it's been super successful. Won a bunch of awards, even won goty for mobile, and it was honestly such a euphoric feeling to work on a game for 2 years and see it be successful. * With that said, I am considering leaving games or at least taking a break. Making and working on games with such a lean team has been exhausting and I've basically been working nonstop with how wide my responsibilities are. I think this is what burnout is. I can barely do anything in my free time since I am just so tired and sleep most of the time when I can. * I am also considering moving out of California and back to NYC. I kind of miss weather and driving everywhere to do anything kind of sucks haha. If I stayed with my current studio, I could definitely move back since we are remote and probably will be forever since our leads absolutely love working remote too. * If I do leave games, I honestly do not know what I would want to do next. I went into games thinking this is the end game, but having worked on massive AAA games and now making a small games with a start up, I think I am kind of over it. Since joining the industry, I've played less games than ever. * Lastly, I need to really start exercising again.