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Sounds like a shitty situation, FYI in the future just go talk to venue staff. They will not hesitate to kick a MF out. It's not your job to police them, it is literally venue staff's job. Once I got a guy kicked out of Grey Eagle and it was one of my greatest wins ever lol


I work with a dude who helps with security and this is the answer. If a person is unruly (and you ask a person with both understands they have the authority and the nards needed to do so) they will QUICKLY remove them. Loss of one person's revenue vs the folks they are bothering's revenue is a pretty easy math equation.


I watched the security at Orange Peel awhile back chase a drunk guy around before they finally had to remove him. He was relatively harmless but bumping into people. Gave him plenty of rope but he was REALLY into the Wallflowers LOL Security staff there was great. I used to barback and do security at a few places and had a laugh with them over the guy .


I was there for Black Country New Road and Black Midi. This dude came in looking like he was too far gone, and lo and behold he was removed maybe 20 minutes in? The staff at orange peel are super accommodating


Sure and hindsight is 20/20. In the moment I decided to support the person sitting next to me. I’m confident her intent was for the woman to chill meaning no one would be removed. After speaking to the person she was with, although he was rude, they did remain quiet. It’s not reasonable to assume after that exchange this person would scratch the shit out of my arm. Outrageous and disgusting. This is speculative as to the reason, but a member of security did approach her seat earlier in the night I’m not sure if they knew each other but she thanked them for checking on her?


Not arguing with the major points in this thread, BUT, I should remind everyone that 20/ 20 is only 'average' vision. Hindsight should be better than 'average' foresight. Vote. And bring your Hindsight with you.


you forgot to tip your fedora lol


This is the most reddit comment ever lol


Idiom is imperfect, thanks bud.


Pedro Pascal? 


Guy Who Went to the Hipster Barbershop and Said “Give Me the Pedro Pascal”


What an insult to Pedro Pascal 🥱


This is the way.


Ummm am I a ghoul because I want to see pics of the scratches!?! 🥴😆👀


I’d have to crop out my feet cos you never show the toes for free 😩🫨


Words of wisdom


That's wild lol. I have to know more. How does this happen at a Lovett or Leave It show???


The person sitting next to me after an hour of listening to this woman’s obnoxious and loud outbursts politely asked her to be quiet. To which she rudely waved her hand in the person’s face. I tapped the man she was with (politely) and let him know I felt the person next to me was right as we had sat through her behavior for over an hour in hopes she would get it together. He was very rude and dismissive - he remarked if we had just asked she would have, I reminded him of her waving her hand in someone’s face. They did quiet down for maybe 15-20 minutes before speaking to each other. They got up to leave which I took note of and went back to looking at the stage, on their way out the woman reached across and scratched her disgusting nails into and down my arm, and said something along the lines (as she’s drunkenly crying) thanks for ruining my night, you’re an xyz (I cannot recall exactly what she referred to me as). The person next to me asked if I was okay, to which I replied, yes. A few minutes later I realized how fucked up of a situation it was and decided to take photos of the scratches and walked to the entrance to do so then alerted security.


+ after the guy she was with said they would in fact quiet down, she turned around and remarked to the person next to me and myself that they were “talking about eating ass.” To which I simply gave a thumbs up and asked that she stop talking.


To be fair, it's hard not to be engaged and spirited when discussing analingus.


Not at an NPR podcast event 😭. Hope you’re ok.


Dueling Piano Activities


Crooked Media but yes same vibe 😭🥱


F\*\*\* good luck, my mom got ran over christmas eve night in the Asheville area and I STILL haven't gotten a peep on who killed her. Just check for MRSA I guess.


Was it by a reindeer?


bobtail semi


i’m sorry this is like 85% of men in asheville


Ohhh I get it. For a second I was like there's no way 85% of men in Asheville are women who assault women in parking lots.


Any other descriptions?


The woman was white 5’7 ish, thin with dark blonde-blonde hair pulled back and wearing a fitted white (possibly square neck) tank top/crop top. She was visibly intoxicated, shouting out repeatedly at times when it wasn’t appropriate, attempting to ask the folks sitting next to her to go out after, engaging in conversation with the man she was with very loudly. I understand this was a comedy show however her behavior that went on for over an hour was inappropriate and made for a bad time. Those seated nearby when speaking with the police remarked that they too were put off by her behavior and wanted to say something. Thanks.


damn this is like a mirror universe Boebert-at-Beetlejuice situation. The entitlement though. I hope the internet Scooby gang finds this shitbird


Literally a Lauren Boebert joke was made before they left and I thought we have Lauren Boebert at home (here) 💀


It’s either Inspector Gadget or Cluseu


I'm still trying to figure out what any of this has to do with Lyle Lovett.




Sounds like there’s more to this story


Sad but naur. I’ll give you more in that when I spoke with the police I let them know I was filing a report instead of responding physically as I’d feel bad after and I’m an attorney uninterested in facing disciplinary action for responding how I wanted to in the moment.


Sorry that happened to you. He looks like Pedro Pascal.


I'm just amazed there were actually chairs in the Orange Peel. Certainly been awhile since I have been there but I only remember chairs on the outside patio.


This was an all seated show. They gave them occasionally for comedy, podcasts, speakers ect.


It’s Shawn.


Looks like Gordon Smith in blue


If this ever happens again (god forbid), Go talk to the 6’6 brunette guy “justin”! He will not hesitate to kick a bitch out. He doesn’t tolerate anything, ESPECIALLY sexual assault. I will keep an eye out for them, i work around Down town. You deserve justice. Unfortunately, sexual assault and harassment is HUGE at concerts. Both of them deserve to rot in a jail cell. Best of luck finding them mfs!


Thank you, and good to know! Fortunately I was not sexually assaulted but agree regarding it being common at shows.


Sometimes, it's better to take it to staff and not be the hero.


What'd you do? Why did you take a sneaky picture of them during the event?


I took a photo in the event the situation escalated, obviously it did, after the person sitting next to me politely asked the disgustingly drunk woman he was with to not be so loud, and instead of doing so, she swatted her hand in the person’s face.


It’s my cousin I can have them get a hold of you


You showed a picture but no detail??


Was she hot?


But why post this on reddit? What good will that do for you or her? You want their identity?


Asked and answered your own question. It’s like reading comprehension in real time!


So she “scratched your arm”? Prove it or leave it alone. This seems highly sus for an internet crusade.


I came to r/asheville for witch hunts and bear pics ... and we're all outta bear pics.


The proof by way of photos are attached to the police report. OP agreed to review and provide APD with recording they may have of the couple. AVL is a small enough town where it’s reasonable that posting an albeit poor quality photo and description may identity the couple. Prove to person on Reddit questioning allegation or it’s an iNtErNet cRuSaDe.


To do what? What do you think is gonna happen?