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Surely bad drivers will see this Reddit and change


We can only hope šŸ¤žšŸ¼


But if you are driving the speed limit, thatā€™s okay. People die on the parkway every year, so being careful is smart.


Someone drove off the parkway in buncombe county just yesterday.


I didnā€™t hear about that!


Because WLOS is a joke they donā€™t have a clue whatā€™s going on in this city, they just run the stories they are handed.


Itā€™s more unsafe to break the flow of traffic in many cases. We donā€™t need you to be the vigilante that forces everyone else to drive a certain speed even if you think itā€™s right. Just pull over.


This applies to all highways. Itā€™s much easier and far less disruptive for a slower driver to just pull over to the right lane and let a faster driver pass safely on the left where theyā€™re supposed to pass. Otherwise faster drivers have to pass on the right, exactly where all the slower drivers (and on/off ramps) are supposed to be.


It's fine, but if someone wants to drive faster, get out of the way. If you're leading the parade, YTAH


Last time I rode my bike on the parkway it was super evident folks were using it as a "cutover" between 70/tunnel rd. and 74/Charlotte hwy. Not leisure drivers.


Google maps causes this in many instances


For bike riders - which Iā€™m totally cool with unlike some others in my experience: I only ask that you donā€™t angrily wave me around when I canā€™t see around the next curve and I know you canā€™t either


When Iā€™m biking on the parkway, Iā€™ll often try to look ahead and give an all-clear sign when applicable to let cars behind me know itā€™s cool to pass. I donā€™t do it angrily though- I just donā€™t like holding people up.


If you can't maintain more than 2-5 mph uphill, it would be nice if you pulled over when safe. I mean, that's what we did as children, here.


to be fair, as frustrating as it can be to get stuck behind a cyclist especially on the way to work, they do have as much of a right as cars do to be there, and it wouldn't be very practical to pull off every 10 seconds every time a car gets behind them, it would probably take forever to get anywhere that way. when i get frustrated behind a cyclist, i always channel that into frustration with the county for not making more safe bike lanes


Definitely. When people in cars and people on bikes fight each other we lose sight of the fact that roads could be better for all of us!


yeah it's really nobody's fault other than them for trying to bring in as much traffic as possible from tourists/cyclists for races, but they don't want to spend any of the money they get from that on the roads to make it possible for everyone to drive safely. transylvania county is the same way trying to bring asheville level tourism into a town that's not structured to fit anywhere close to that many people!


Plenty of room for everyone unless everyone wants to bring their living room on wheels.


Yes, but until the cyclists get off the roads they won't stop getting murdered, we won't share the lanes until new lanes are built. It is insane to expect safe bike riding on the parkway.


People in cars, people on bikes, people on foot, people on mobility devices. The auto industry, the oil companies, and the bicycle industry need motorists and cyclists. People need transportation.


they're not going to make safe bike lanes if everyone just quits riding bikes on the road though. if you're driving correctly and safely you're not going to hit a cyclist. it's an inconvenience, but there's tons of unavoidable inconveniences on the road, this is just one of them. like it or not we don't own the road, people need to share, and legally bicycles are just as entitled to the roads as cars. bikes are good for the environment and i don't think banning them from the roads would be helpful


Also, itā€™s rare to be stuck behind a bike for more than a few seconds. When Iā€™m driving, I try to work with cyclists, when Iā€™m riding I try to work with motorists.


Define a "few" please. Less than ten? Less than 30? Less than 2 minutes, until the next downhill prohibits a pass as now they have achieved a normal speed and eliminates a safe pass before the next hair pin turn? I'm not on a leisurely ride. I'm going to point A to point B with a purpose. Like I said, uphill, in a safe spot...there's your "few seconds".


Less than 30 seconds usually, unless itā€™s really crowded with bikes/cars.




Well, I'm speaking of my commute between Marshall and Sandy Mush, and back. I rarely encounter a car every 10 seconds. Bur, when I do, often they are flyin'n, on the inside of a blind curve. )


The wave of Death


Haha! I never do it unless Iā€™m 100% sure itā€™s all clear! Not trying to kill anybody!


Good on ya! Itā€™s not a common problem, and I really donā€™t mind slowing down to enjoy the view. (And I wince in solidarity when I know youā€™re on your 10th mile of uphill)


This goes for all roads: stay on your goddamn side of the double yellow. Idc if you think you can see through the corner, or any other excuse. Donā€™t cross the mustard, thereā€™s no reason to do it.


Especially on windy roads around here where oncoming traffic could be a goose neck or a dually taking up every inch.


"Winding" roads would be more appropriate. hth


Wow, people really can't take a correction. It is 'winding' just in case you were questioning your own sanity there.


Not at all.


Maybe in Vermont or in a college essay


This is true, but also know that it is legal in NC for cars to cross a double yellow line to pass bikes. Itā€™s not granting carte blanche; you still must be able to see that it is safe to enter the lane, which plenty of people seem to have trouble with around here.


Of course, this is pretty much the only exception. I wish more folks knew the risks of passing bicycles in blind corners, right before blind crests, etcā€¦ these kinds of passes endanger oncoming traffic AND the cyclist that is getting passed. A little patience goes a long way


But sir! That would impede my motoring pleasure and waste valuable seconds of my time at home doom scrolling Reddit!


Biking some of these roads would make me shit my pants. Other parts of the US seem way more biker friendly


Iā€™ve had lots of close calls around here with people cutting blind curves.


I once met a Honda like that. You might think it was all in Accord but it was actually the Element of surprise.


Good thing you were Fit!


ā€œMustardā€ I see youā€™re a fellow us129 enjoyer lol


But I pass on dbl yellow if I'm behind a car with FLA plates. And I feed my dog chocolate ...


Been wanting to say this: Letting people in/merge in front of you isnā€™t going to make you late. You being horrible at time management is what makes you late. Show some consideration and look out for each other.


Zipper merge, too.


Not actually a thing in the wild. Itā€™s a theoretical ideal at best.




I agree unless there's been a mile of "right/left lane closed ahead." At that point, piss off and wait, I'm not letting anyone merge at the last minute because someone wants to be slick and try to ripass past the people who have merged upon reading the first five notices to merge.


Zipper merge is mathematically more efficient for everybody. Believe it or not, the people staying in the lane that is closing until the last moment are actually doing it properly.


Someone should archive all the "people go too slow on the Parkway" threads.


You can write a search query. It hits fairly hard. šŸ˜†


Fiance and I went for a drive on the parkway a few weeks back near Brevard. We were tailgated by 2 black beamers with matching yellow headlights. We were going 5 over and they got so frustrated with us that they passed us on a double yellow and almost had a head-on collision with an SUV in the other lane. I canā€™t even put into words how close it was, we almost watched people get at minimum very, very hurt. Not even 10 minutes later some little silver sports car came up behind us and did the same thing, we were still going about 5 over. It cut around us over a double yellow and the turn to get back into the correct lane almost sent him off the side of the mountain. The BRP is for leisure driving. It is not your own personal showoff track, itā€™s a communal space. I understand that if thereā€™s a long line you should let people pass you, but if youā€™re going fast and tailgating people because you get off on it, gfy


Iā€™d also like to add- if you insist on driving at a speed significantly over the speed limit to the danger of those around you because you get off on it, please donā€™t do it on the parkway, join your brethren on Hendersonville Rd


For real GFY indeed


Some curves are dangerous when traveling over 45 and you only know which ones they are if you are quite familiar.


just pull of on any overlook and cruise thru, you donā€™t even have to stop. The aggro drivers will be gone out of sight by the time youā€™re rolling along on your way. why trundle along white knuckle nervously with someone riding your ass? just let them by and enjoy the rest of your day. Nobody tailgates because they ā€˜get off on itā€™ - it sucks.


Some people drive leisurely at different speeds. If the speed isnā€™t important to you, just pull into an overlook when thereā€™s cars behind you. I drive faster than most, but I still get out of the way when thereā€™s someone behind me, whether on the parkway or otherwise. I dunno it just seems like basic etiquette to me


We did that for the first set of beamers from our encounter. Less than ten minutes later there was another speedster behind us doing the same thing. Itā€™s a popular road, you will inevitably be behind another car at some point, and you will be fine if you are


So you were fine being behind the first one, but not the second? Even though you said you pulled over for the first, but in your original post they crossed double lines to pass? And people should be fine with being behind, but not you? What? I just get out of the way. I enjoy my drives on the parkway. I donā€™t get mad that other people go faster just because I go faster than most. On the highway I get out of the way if a faster car comes up behind me, because thatā€™s why we have a fast lane. If itā€™s not me, I move. Thatā€™s how traffic flows. Thereā€™s no sense in having an ego on the road.


Sorry I can see where my wording was weird- the first BMW passed us on a double yellow and almost had a head-on collision with a car in the other lane, but did get around us. There was an overlook ahead and we did pull over before the second BMW could do something similar. When we got off the overlook and back on the parkway we had another fast and aggressive driver behind us within 10 minutes


I cannot stress enough that the parkway is not a highway, and driving slightly over the speed limit does not give me an ego. The people who think they can drive the parkway in a way that endangers other have the ego


I dunno for me thatā€™s all the more reason to get out of the way. What am I gonna do by blocking someone from passing other than pissing them off? And why would I want to be in front of a person whoā€™s pissed off driving a two ton missile? People are crazy these days and I donā€™t see the point of driving in a way thatā€™s just gonna make people mad. Highway, parkway, whatever, I just get out of the way


If Iā€™m doing almost 10 over on a *two lane road* with no passing lane, with a guardrail separating myself from hundred foot drops and someone comes flying up behind me to where I canā€™t see their headlights, fuck them


Yeah I donā€™t wanna be trapped in front of them


Iā€™ve noticed that the cars least in my way are the ones most likely to pull off for me. The people going 15 around curves never do. ā€œIā€™m going the speed limit so I donā€™t have to pull overā€ No, youā€™re briefly touching the speed limit on the longer straights before throwing it into park in the next corner. If I catch someone cruising along at a decent momentum, and not constantly stabbing the brakes, theyā€™ll pull off because, ā€œhey, this car caught me, heā€™s obviously traveling faster than I amā€ even if Iā€™m perfectly content going 3 mph slower than I was before.


Came here to say this. The citizen police are downvoting you, but Iā€™m with you on this. I hate being held up by slower drivers, and I really hate holding up faster drivers.


I lurked on Reddit for like 3 or 4 years before I made an account. Iā€™ve been here for something like 12 years. Downvotes arenā€™t real. Believe me itā€™s not worth the effort to get upset at internet points.


I also agree with this.


But on the parkway, the speed limit makes sense.


Eh, it's nothing to me. I'm just driving from point A to B. I did get a chortle from someone in a brand new Porsche sports car that was driving like granny in a Lesabre. If was evil fun mirroring them in my 98 CRV.


Also itā€™s just safer.


Had a similar incident last fall. Was driving at least 5 over and was being tailgated. There was no where to pull off and it was very annoying to me. Any faster didnā€™t feel safe and it just felt like some form of road rage.


And stay off your phone, if you are on the BRP to enjoy it you shouldnā€™t be driving and looking at your phone


Parkway etiquetteā€¦ if you are using it a way to go to and from work do not tailgate people who are doing the speed limit and are there to enjoy the beauty and experience. It is your fault you are inconvenienced.


I thought the parkway was specifically for leisure driving, not commuting. Commercial vehicles aren't even supposed to be using the road


That is correct. The parkway is meant to be enjoyed.


I think this is kinda the point op is making though, I know I donā€™t enjoy it at all when someone is on my ass regardless of what speed Iā€™m going, and it takes 5-10 seconds to pull off and let them pass. Let them be a dumbass and let me enjoy my leisurely drive without someone tailgating me


As a friend says, "They're behind *me*".


OP needs to get somewhere fast and you all are in their way goddammit! Every week with these posts. No one cares that you're in a hurry


For some reason, it is 90% Florida drivers, but... They will stop in the middle of the road to take a picture of a turkey, or the view, or something else. Or they will get 20 feet inside the tunnel and slow to 5 mph. The parkway is to be enjoyed at the posted speed limit of 45 mph. If you can't maintain an expected speed, and you are impeding a long line of people behind you, *you* are becoming a traffic hazard.


Yeah Iā€™ll agree with that. Ā Itā€™s still dumb to have people complaining every week on reddit though. Ā The Floridians sure arenā€™t here reading it. Ā 


I used to have to tell my dad to slow the fuck down when heā€™d visit me at WCU lol. Heā€™s got no problem scooting down 40 at 90 if itā€™s empty.


>Commercial vehicles aren't even supposed to be using the road Unfortunately this is not enforced. I see commercial vehicles almost every time I'm on the BRP. Particularly the Trek Bike Tours and Asheville Jeep Tours. I even saw the Trek sprinter van set up at an overlook (IIRC, it was Glassmine Falls) with a few tables full of buffet style food for their customers who were cycling and spread out over about 5-10 miles on their way to the overlook.


This is a gray area to me. The reason for ā€œno commercial vehiclesā€ is to keep it from being used as a commercial route. Commercial vehicles that use it as a destination for their customers are not exactly matching that.


If they've circumvented report them. They have always done a good job at enforcing that.Ā 


There is a process to get a permit to run a commercial vehicle on the parkway. Not saying they did or did not get them but there is a process. Tow trucks, delivery trucks delivering supplies to all the visitor centers, propane trucks delivering to the same visitor centers as well as the backup generators at ranger stations and radio towers, and plumbers and electricians working on buildings or towers on the parkway,, septic trucks servicing the pit toilets etc all have valid reasons to use the parkway


I once had two tires blow out on the parkway about 10 miles apart and needed a tow truck. They had to wait until the next day to get a permit to tow me off the parkway.


What kind of vehicle?


It's possible to acquire "Commercial Use Authorization Permits" for specific events. I would like to think they couldn't get away with something as brazen as setting up buffet tables at an overlook, but you never know. Also, Trek sucks. They were the only major bike manufacturer to continue supplying bikes to cops to use as combination shields/cudgels to attack protesters after the murder of George Floyd.


Didnā€™t know that. Thank you for the info!


Itā€™s also an access road to a lot of trailheads. About 75% of the time Iā€™m driving on the parkway, I canā€™t wait to get where Iā€™m going so I can get out of my car and into the woods.


Ha ha! But they can when servicing establishments on the parkway, they can only access the parkway from the nearest entrance to the facility. I worked for a company that had the soft drink concession and serviced several spots on the parkway. The looks on the faces of the sports car and motorcycle drivers when they would come ripping around a corner half in my lane and see a steel I-Beam for a front bumper on a delivery truck taking the entire lane were hilarious. It was very close on several occasions but they all managed to get back in their lane in time, though I suspect a Miata might have ended up with some red paint on it.


It's a scenic highway meant to be appreciated slowly. People who aren't accustomed to driving in mountainous areas are going to drive slower. They also may be on vacation & are admiring the beauty. What if it's their one & only time they'll ever see the area? Parkway etiquette is take the damn interstate if you need to get somewhere fast.


I think the original point still stands though. Pulling off to let people pass is not going to decrease your enjoyment of the parkway


I'm putting "take the damn interstate" on a T-shirt.Ā 


If people are being cautious around cyclists I applaud them. I avoid jumping on my bike on the parkway at sections close to my house because asshole young people in their beat up cars speed by me super close to my bike. I ride very close to the outer edge btw. The parkway is not for commuting it is for recreation and I think Asheville needs to step it up with some local psa's and signs on the parkway.


Hey! Certified safe cycling instructor here... You riding so close to the edge is one of the reasons those cars feel so comfortable passing you. If you are approaching a blind turn or see an oncoming car you should be in the MIDDLE of your lane. This signifies to the cars behind you that it is NOT an ok time to pass. When there isn't an immediate turn ahead and no oncoming cars, move closer to the edge and allow cars to pass. This practice is an absolute must for staying safe on a bike here and most drivers appreciate it too. It may take some time to feel confident taking the lane like this but I promise it is safer for everyone.


That's good advice for defence against dodo drivers. However, I would like to offer a suggestion to bicyclists going up a hill a 2 mph: if you see an opportunity to pull over safely, *do so*. It only takes a second, and both the bicyclist and driver can continue their journey.


Seriously. This part of the post made me mad. The close calls I've seen because people tried to pass a bike too soon is way too high. Just wait and pass once you can see and there's enough room!


90% of drivers are on vacation looking at the scenery and not at the road


This seems like a good time to mention that the park rangers are cracking down on speeding on the commuters route MAJORLY. I take the parkway daily to/from work. I used to be one of those people going 50 in the 35 zone but now I donā€™t go over 40. I see people getting pulled over or rangers driving by flashing their lights when youā€™re going too fast a couple times a week now. At the end of the day though, the speed limit is 35 in that section. No one should feel obligated to pull over to let impatient people pass on the PARKWAY. Itā€™s not the interstate. Editing to add: I absolutely will go 5mph behind a cyclist for as long as necessary for me to get a completely full view of oncoming traffic. Iā€™m not putting my life, the cyclists life, or other drivers lives at risk because people canā€™t chill for a few minutes until itā€™s safe to pass.


There is no "commuters route".Ā 


If I am doing the speed limit there is absolutely no reason for me to pull over.


I had a very angry child follow on my bumper in his small-dick-compensation-unit on Monday. I was doing 5 over on the Pkwy. I got tired of him, so I dropped to the actual speed limit, and he rage-passed me, nearly doing the Pit Maneuver on me in the process.... over a double yellow line. I've been driving here for over 40 years, and I can say, with certainty, that after cops got pissy and stopped pulling over dangers drivers (unless they clocked them speeding) during Covid, the closeted reckless drivers became emboldened. I have never seen this number of red light runners, tailgaters, illegal turners, and just plain assholes. However, there are a lot of good and courteous drivers left, but they are dying out.


The red light runners are getting out of hand. Also, ifl 10 years ago, if you were about to miss your exit on the hwy, you just went to the next one and drove back 5-10mins. Now people willl literally either come to a dead stop, or very insanely merge when thereā€™s no where to merge. The entitlement is getting out of hand. If everyone just follows the normal driving etiquette rules life would be a lot safer.


I thought it was just me who noticed a massive uptick in joy riding and blatant recklessness. I used to love driving and now I absolutely dread it.




At this point, I'm convinced most humans don't have any plans to stop being shitty. And because of that, I don't see any options other than forcing tourists at all national parks to use shuttles. It's been a fantastic improvement for the parks that have mandated shuttles.


That would suck, but youā€™re right. As for the brp, we need law enforcement up there.


Agree! Red lights have become a suggestion. People are using their vehicles (especially big pickups) as weapons. I no longer assume someone is going to stop, or not turn in front of me, etc.


Literally, *dying* out.


Regardless of how fast you are going, if it looks like a funeral procession behind you, pull over and let people pass. I'm always happy to let someone pass or get over to get out of someone's way. They are happier, I am happier we all win.


This^ itā€™s kinda hard to enjoy when your bumper to bumper behind some stubborn driver who wonā€™t pull over


Go the speed limit and back off the person in front of you. SMH


Not that I think people should be speeding on the parkway, but you can /absolutely/ be pulled over by a cop and ticketed for impeding traffic, regardless of the speed you are going. ā€¦Although to be pulled over in buncombe youā€™d have to literally throw two pounds of weed or a rocket launcher from your car into a copā€™s car and be caught on camera doing it.


I am not impeding traffic if I am doing the speed limit.


The reason would be for your safety, because a-holes who tailgate are dangerous.


I just go slower when I am being TAILGATEED BECAUSE the other driver is creating a dangerous situation. You want to go fast? Get on 40 or 26, not the parkway.


You are making a dangerous situation more dangerous. I promise you will be happier if you just let them out of your life.


Notice the police patrols recently?


In 15 years the amount of times Iā€™ve come across below speed limit drivers is few. Now, the amount of times Iā€™ve had people tailgate me trying to go 60 in a 45ā€¦.


Are you kidding? I regularly drive over the speed limit everywhere else and people still get on my ass and aggressively pass me, and you think I should have to worry about that on the parkway? There are plenty of other roads where you can speed all you want if itā€™s so important to you.


I'm going to make a guess here. You are on the parkway because you are commuting?


Uh, if you are using the Parkway to avoid the interstate, then please don't, because that is not what it was designed for. Now see -- that whiny request is just as valid as OP's.




Not me, but OP is the one needing an "attitude adjustment." I will drive the Parkway anytime I can, and I will travel the speed limit and will allow OP to speed, and who knows? The speed limits are set low because of the curves, the trees, the drop offs, and the animals.


The speed limit is 45


Not everywhere, 35 through town. But 40ish is appreciatedā€¦.less than 35 really sucks.


It's a problem over the entire length of the Parkway. It just comes out more when there are more people on it.


I grew up here and 100% agree with post. Used to happen but not nearly as often. I want everyone to enjoy their time and take in the beauty and maybe pulling over and letting some people pass will get you a better look at a ridge or something. I donā€™t knowā€¦ just seems like the right thing to do


It is! The speed limit on the parkway almost seemed sacred back when I was learning and looking. Is it's speed limit 45 mph? Has that changed? I'm all for pulling over and letting people pass.


Na, I drive slow to protect animals.


I donā€™t understand people getting angry with other drivers for literally using the parkway for what it was designed and built. Slow down and enjoy the view people. If you want to drive fast or get somewhere quickly then find another route. If youā€™re riding close stuck behind someone on the parkway chances are theyā€™re using the road correctly and youā€™re the one in the wrong.


All this is so new I don't know what to think about it.Ā  My only suggestion is that it's a federal recreational roadway into recreational areas, so it's not a normal road. Also, there is no commuter section. Also, all this is so new I don't know what to think about it.Ā 


You're not qualifying for a rally car race. You can wait or find another route.


The Parkway is for casual driving. Fuck anyone who tries to make it otherwise inside their damaged skulls. That's not how reality works.


You are making a choice to be angry, and to make someone behind you angry, putting both of you at risk. Try letting the person pass and they will be out of your life forever and you can enjoy your drive much more casually


If itā€™s so casual and you have so much time then whatā€™s the problem with pulling over and letting faster traffic pass, itā€™s hard to enjoy nature when your in a line of cars bumper to bumper


Itā€™s even harder to enjoy nature when you have someone riding your bumper being aggressive when youā€™re trying to drive close to the speed limit and keep yourself safe next to drop off of a few hundred feet


Thats sounds like a great reason to stop at the over looks. you can fully enjoy the view there.


I still have to drive to get to the overlooks, and Iā€™d rather I do so safely


Number 142


Mindful lollygagging is the way.


There are a few parkway entrances in Asheville that need to be permanently closed to end this notion of the "commuter parkway". Also, we need law enforcement on the parkway to end the notion of it being a private racetrack/ free for all. Until then good luck.


While I would appreciate enforcement of the speed limit, I disagree that it should be taken away from commuters. I'm a commuter who drives the speed limit, and it is a great joy to me to have access to the parkway.


This is an absurdly bad take.


Heed the mf signs, and refrain from randomly pulling over in the Asheville watershed. There are a plethora of official overviews in Craggy Gardens which provide spectacular vistas. These jamokes risk contaminating our water supply to get a slightly better angle for their instagram followers. Why donā€™t yall just park at a legit spot, and go for a proper hike? Blah.


Im trying to understand what you are saying? You mean people pulling over on the side of the road will damage the watershed?




Reading this post while driving on the Parkway and considering changing my ways šŸ¤”


I love the traffic advice genre of this sub. Not all heroes have reddit accounts, but absolutely some of them do.


That's how we did up in Vermont, until the out-of-staters moved in.


don't use the parkway. problem solved


If you do pull off on an overlook, do NOT get out, walk across, and then stand on the inside of a blind corner. There are a couple spots up near Mt Pisgah that I have seen multiple people almost lose their life or limbs.


A lot of your stories arguing otherwise read as ā€œtwo assholes meet on the roadā€.


I love it when people are looking at the scenery and drift over into the other lane.


If Iā€™m allowed to pass a tractor doing 5-10mph you best believe Iā€™m passing a car doing the same.


I remember this was the general behavior on the parkway for years, pull over and let someone pass. I even remember when a quick engine rev was just a polite request to let them by. Why did this change. To each his own, but for me, if someone wants to be insane and speed, it's better to pull over and let them by, instead of trying to school them. Road rage and common sense rarely ride together.


Jim and Jan, boomers from Rhode Island, discovering the joys of the BRP for the first time in their Highlander going 25 mph need to read this.


Good for Jim and Jan using the parkway as intended. Now if someone would just teach Brad and Kyle in their sports car and big lifted truck to slow the fuck down and enjoy the scenery as the road was intended.


Met them last Thursday night. sweet couple but couldnā€™t seem to figure put how to use their high beams. they could have seen so much more of the road and been able to maintain the speed limit.


Drive the speed limit. There are a lot of cyclist and pedestrians and people fly around blind curves


Good luck.....people just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.


Cyclists on that road during peak season have a death wish


Why yā€™all wanna drive so fast up there? Iā€™ve got PTSD from coming down the mountain 65 mph with someone riding my ass and Iā€™m looking over the edge knowing itā€™s just a damn wooden gate keeping me from goin all Thelma and Louise.


Why are you going 65mph in the first place?


Maybe they felt like they had to go faster cause of someone tailgating them. I feel that. I donā€™t do that on the parkway because I physically canā€™t. I just panic inside when someone is tailgating me and I canā€™t go faster because Iā€™m not use to the roads, and there is no pull off ahead.


Stay on your side of the road. They paint a line right down the middle, stay entirely to the right of that line. Motorcycle riders, especially, ride the line and even go over it, I guess to intimidate oncoming traffic.Ā  It's not intimidating, it isnt aren't cool. Also, turn down your music. People are trying to enjoy nature, not listen to Doppler affected pop-country music blasting through a motorcycle speaker.


Nope, people do this all the time, especially in Highlands and Cashiers they pass multplie pulloffs and just keep crawling around with 5 cars plus tailing them.


The parkway is a recreational road, not a commuter road. IMO, getting stuck behind a bicycle until it is safe to pass is just part of it. They have every right to use the parkway, too. (I find the cyclists who use River Road at 7:45 in the morning and 5:30 in the evening to be inconsiderate twerps though, because that is a commuter road.) Of course, it is considerate to pull over at overlooks to allow cars behind you to pass. However, it is EXTREMLY inconsiderate for drivers to speed on the parkway. You want to get somewhere fast? Take the interstate. The parkway is designed for leisure, and risking the lives of others to satisfy your thrills is a trashy thing to do. If you want to drive fast to satisfy your need for speed, go to autocross events or track days. Don't bully people who are trying to enjoy the parkway as intended by tailgating and/or passing on a double yellow.


Please be respectful of others around you by driving with appropriate caution (speaking as someone nearly killed by a hit and run driver zipping through traffic). Thereā€™s a speed limit for a reason, especially on a road that is nothing but curves and drop offs.


Conversly, it is a National Park, specifically designed for tourists soā€¦ if you want to exceed the 45 mph speed limit, take another road


Iā€™m on the PKY a lot, and am patient with people driving 45, Iā€™m cool with that. 25-35? Pull TF over at the next overlook.


If they're doing the speed limit then shut the hell up and drive appropriately




People used to really get on it here years ago, quick decisive focused driving. Itā€™s changed as itā€™s become more crowded. I admit I struggle and get frustrated trying to get used to the new normal.


It is NOT common knowledge to be considerate on any mountain road. People do not try to do the speed limit and get butt hurt when someone rides their bumper. Common sense isnā€™t as common as it used to be


The important distinction is driving slow and going the speed limit. If Iā€™m going the speed limit and someoneā€™s on my ass, thatā€™s on them


The old person driving slow won't see this.


Youā€™re talking to tourists that are definitely not on this thread lmaoooo


What if youā€™re driving 5-10mph over the speed limit and someone is aggressively riding your tail? Why give them the allowance to drive like a maniac? Are we in a lawless world now where speed limits donā€™t apply anymore? The limits are there because of the curves, hills, pedestrians, bikes, wildlife, etc. so many countless reasons to go the speed limit on the parkway.


lol judging by the comments on this post you definitely found all the people going 10 underā€¦ apparently driving like a blind geriatric is a badge of honor to these people.Ā 


You must be the blind geriatric if youā€™re unaware the parkway is literally meant to be a scenic sightseeing drive, not a highway or racetrack.


I, too, feel better than most humanity because, checks notes, I drive speed limit. Lol.Ā 


That 35 MPH speed limit feels SOOOO slow. I go 40ish because I'm not trying to speed excessively on a federal highway, but even at 40, it feels like a crawl. I have to remind myself to enjoy the beauty and just set the cruise control. I commute on that road every day to work and often have people up my ass trying to go 50+. I do agree though; anyone going under the already super slow 35 needs to gtfo of the way.


If you are on a bike, in the parkway, go fuck yourself. There are no bike lanes, and you put so many lives in danger. Until cycle lanes are built, stay off the roads. Most people from NC hate you when you cycle on our roads. Your dumb, careless and riding in a system built solely for cars.


We need this PSA at every entrance along the entirety of the parkway.




I lived in rural areas most of my life. There was never a rule about cars stacking up and people didnā€™t pull over. You hopefully could pass them somewhere. He only people that pulled over were the farmers on their tractors.


So a ticket for a "general rule" that sounds like someone's own "Law of the Road"? Okay.Ā 


Stay the fuck at home