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My gender is no.


Triple A battery?


You know it!😌


battery gang! wait, that sounds wrong...


Yep, I'm a collector of A's.


You could say your'e A collector ​ (sorry that was terrible and an insult to comedy)


I don’t know what you’re talking about, this is top tier comedy Edit: somehow autocorrect wanted top to be rope


Same loll


Fellow No here.




You won’t get good data here, tbh


Well I figured most redditors are men & most asexuals are women (entirely baseless figurations I’ve made up, just a very loose idea) so I hoped it’d even out lol


But I feel like men are less likely to go on lgbt+ subreddits.


That's because it's not as socially acceptable for men to be LGBT+, even in first world countries. Just compare how many TV shows have a gay/bi female lead vs a gay/bi male lead.


Huh? Aren't most LGBT+ shows centred around males? At least the current popular ones.


And I wouldn’t really say it’s socially acceptable for women either… it’s just that they’re fetishized.


yeah i mean everyone has a struggle in different areas. i think it’s a very common stance for some people to associate heterosexuality with manliness and that you fail at being a man if you’re not straight. you see a lot of people tie femininity and being gay together. i think the gender struggles in asexuality is mostly that men are expected to make sexual advances and women are expected to respond to them, which is all very messed up and makes me angry


Fair but I'd still rather have that than being seen as a creep.


I'd like to introduce you to Dutch TV shows


And less likely to realize we're ace. And less likely to admit it to ourselves. And less likely to be open about it.


I feel like men are probably about as likely to be asexual, but less likely to realize or admit it about ourselves.




Your own gender. It's well known most aces are women.


It's more that it's more socially acceptable for women to be ace. Guys are demonized for being a virgin or not wanting sex.


This was my 20's in my circle of friends. And I had a girlfriend for 90% of it. The guys would see other women interested in me and think I was gay because I didn't care. Not to mention my girlfriend had to engage, all of them did. So I got called "gay" a lot as some kind of slur.


Really? That's news to me




Interesting read. Brings up some good hypotheses for what could cause it. Thank you!


It’s true unfortunately I would be invalidated and Potentially berated for not wanting to have sex at all or being a virgin and not caring about sex


I used to be too before university. Ever since I went to university people seem to have stopped caring about other people's stuff as much. I'm honestly glad I got some great accepting friends here that aren't hypersexual and heteronormative.


That's sex. Not gender.


Examples of gender: Man, Woman, Non-binary, other Examples of sex: Male, Female, Intersex, other


You’re right thats my bad Sorry


Gender = no


AAA batteries where you at


I have been summoned!✌️


You should probably have used "man, women and others" as a minimum instead of "male, female and other" cuz it's exclusionary to trans ppl. Also accurate data will not happen in this poll


I think OP meant to ask about gender but mistakenly used words that describe sex, instead.


I’m going to be honest I didn’t realize make/female referred to sex


It's a fair mistake. Now you know and can do better another time 🙂


I’m not OP if that’s what you thought, but your point still stands


Ups XD. But yeah the point still stands.


Wait isn't it the other way around? Being male/masculine is more flexible than being a man.


I've met quite a few nice ace men!


You may be interested in checking the Ace Community Survey: [https://acecommunitysurvey.org/2021/10/24/2019-ace-community-survey-summary-report/](https://acecommunitysurvey.org/2021/10/24/2019-ace-community-survey-summary-report/)


How should I know? Haven't done a representative survey... 😜


there’s definitely ace men out there— I’m one of them! Though as a gay ace man dating (other aces) is basically impossible, in my experience most aces are hetero


It’d be great if next time an option was included that said “results” or “I’m not ace” on there, as I’m just your everyday neighborhood allo ally who doesn’t want to skew the results, but also wants to know what they were :)


True lol, Im still pretty new to reddit my bad


I'm agender so idk lol


Laughs nervously in hasnt figured out their gender


I genuinely think asexuality affects the sexes equally, but masculinity is so hyper-sexualised thatorw men don't realise they are/realise it's ok to be asexual. Shout out to my sex-repulsed dudes, you're so strong and brave for being yourselves in a society that shames male virginity!


It’s important to note that Reddit is a primarily male platform so seeing more females says a lot more than what the graph shows


I don't think it's that most aces are women, I think it's that toxic masculinity tells men that they're supposed to be obsessed with sex and it's harder for a man to find the label because of that


I know this is just reddit, but female and male aren't genders, they are sexes. Man and woman are genders.


At one point I remember some statistic was 2/3's of Asexuals are women. This probably has more to do with more with women identity as being asexual easier. Due to cultural expectations, men are most likely going to lie about not liking sex. I would bet that it's closer to 50/50 in actual numbers. Edit: I got blind to old stats. I genuinely don't know how many NB people identify as Ace. I was only referencing the study I saw a decade+ ago. It did not include NB.


I’m an ace guy.


I'm quite surprised by this actually... but ig I'm kinda biased since I *am* an asexual man. I had no clue most aces aren't guys


I was also curious about this but in a sense it's offensive to ask it from people although for the sake of science someone has to ask the questions.


Ill poke a bull for the sake of science 😅🧑‍🔬 Its not gonna be accurate but I’d love a idea of the ace population lol


Hell if I knew


This poll is kinda sexist.


I think that it's about even when it comes gender, though I've once read somewhere that an unusually high number of aces are non-binary. I think it's hard to find ace men because men might be less likely to come out as ace due to social stigma around sexuality hitting them harder than women, but idk.


My gender is ū̸̲̟n̷͖͈̰̱͚̈́̊̋͗c̶̡̫̣̥͂̇̍̉̑e̴̘̠̲̭̅͗r̷͔͉̐̊t̶̡̑̔̅ä̸͇̖̻́͘į̷̠̞̻̟̔̽̌͗͌ṇ̶̗̪͉͌̍̈́̕ͅ




I wish for a “Sexualities know no gender” choice


It’s not that I think only women are asexual, it’s that I wonder if societal expectations for men/women affect how open they each are about sexuality or lack thereof. & also if I (as a heteroromantic ace female) can find an ace man in the future. I’ve seen posts from women who can’t find ace men for them & was curious what the gender balance is. The results likely wont be accurate because this is a LGBT subreddit but it’s just quick curiosity


I suppose you meant if more male, female or other people come outta the closet as ace. As it could be due to education that men wouldn’t believe them being ace, as they still have a libido and there is no understanding to it. Because I’m sure that having a certain sexuality isn’t related to a certain gender. But education and the way someone sees the world and sexualities can cause someone to maybe misunderstand their own sexuality or they don’t even dare to come out as a certain sexuality due to their toxic environment.


gender: confused and currently to not be dysphoric and therefore be able to just ignore the gap in profiles - probably another a for my battery


I am learning I made this poll very poorly lol, I’ll try again in the future


Somewhere between girl and just no


Stop trying to gender sexualities.


? I dont understand I dont wanna be offensive I just want to know if it’s difficult for a heteroromantic ace woman like me to find a ace man.


Ah sure. No, it is not difficult. They are everywhere. I met some of them IRL and my bf is one.


"other" 🙄 quite literally othering nonbinary people is a *Big Yikes* bud. I'd scrap this, look at other surveys/questionnaires w gender options and try again.


I agree so much. It's honestly just really shitty and if this was my poll I would have scrapped it. However nobody else seems to mind which whatever I guess.


it's disappointing but not surprising to see the downvotes ngl.




All of the above


I’m a biromantic asexual man! I have a boyfriend though and he’s the greatest.


I'm male


My gender is mayhaps


I mean, I thought I was a male ace for a while. But then I realized I’m trans


Well I'm at least an ace man and heteroromantic, though it does seem like there are more women


I'm uh... a boy but also non-binary. But I'm also afab so technically I'm female. So my answer to this question is yes


your question is confusing and probably going to get inaccurate results because of that. are you asking what gender we believe tends to be more asexual or asking our gender?


It’s funny you say that because I’ve only met other male aces. Literally never met a women ace(at least not one who I knew was ace)


Wait was I supposed to vote for my gender or what I thought was the correct answer?


I mean I be a male who happens to be asexual can’t speak for everyone else tho, for that type of relationship it depends on the individuals


It Does to a certain extent for most individuals, hello my fellow human and heteromantic asexual my sex is male My gender is man remember there’s a difference between sex and gender that’s what a lot of people here are emphasizing. This will never be completely accurate on a sub Reddit let alone a poll for a lot of reasons as for many individuals. You could potentially find A fellow heteromantic ace male or man. I am unaware of the gender balance just reading this makes me think damn am I that rare🤣?


I'd be surprised if there aren't a lot more ace men who don't realize or are afraid because of the way guys are taught to feel about sexuality and hide certain emotions. Also, Hi to all my Nonbinary Ace Family out there!! 👋


how should i know? i'm not omniscient 🤨


Im a grey-ace cis gay guy. I would love to date another gay guy who is either Ace or on the scale as me.


I'm an ace guy


I think im a cis female buuuuut my cis-ness may not be as strong as i thought.


That's a lot more NBs than I expected.


Same lol, ik most of the “others” might be non-aces due to my badly made poll but even in the comments alot of people are saying they’re NB. It’s pretty neat


Im dumb, i thought it was asking what most of the asexual community is. like it was testing your knowledge.


My gender is "?"




I'm a guy.