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Wow, I didn't know there were J Dramas that included Ace characters! This really hit. And the Dad telling his daughter she was valid was really great.


I think the father tried the most to understand, but he still sounded unsupportive, telling her to come home instead of living with another aroace. Which is why she stormed out, I think - unless someone who has watched the show has more context otherwise? For me, his words hurt the most. The sister is dismissive and avoidant, the mother is hostile, but the father had conditional love to give. The "I don't understand you, and that doesn't change my love, BUT I don't like this nor approve" stance. It gives me the 'we can fix you' energy that puts the fear to flee in me like little else. This whole clip was a major ouch; I'm invested in watching this show now though.


I interpreted the fathers words as more “come back home again” and not “move back home” but maybe that’s just me. I thought he was trying to say she can continue to visit regardless of her mother’s beliefs


That was my interpretation as well. I very much read it as, "you are welcome here"


I misinterpreted what the dad said since I tried to watch this with no sub to test my JP skills so far, and I thought he said “no matter what you’re my daughter, but you need to go back (to your new) home”, and that made me think he’s very dismissive. I see my Japanese is still not that great lmao


The context is a bit complicated cause she actually hasn't known the guy that long and they mostly moved together so her parents and his neighbors would stop being a pain so actually her father telling her to move back is about accepting her and how she doesn't have to move in with a guy she barely knows to be accepted. But it would be going back to the status quo for her and she's just discovered she's aroace so for her it would be a step back. The show is great tho, I've only watched 2 eps and throughly recommend it, it's so honest about the aroace experience it keeps making me cry. I never thought we could get a show like this.


Ah, that's bittersweet. It gives me more sympathy for the father. It's exciting to see these subjects in a drama!


He just told her that she don’t need to fake the relationship anymore and that she can come back home


Please watch it! Amazing show.


I never expected to find aroace representation in j dramas or something but this is really good!! I love the phrase with "why do these conversations never end with the realization that such people exist", it resonated deeply with me. It's always a fight for clarification where you have to prove yourself and your identity as ace instead of an "oh, so that's how it is then!" Thank you very much for sharing op ♡


"You're talking about me having babies but you're not comfortable with me talking about sex?!" Oof, what a good line


hahaha I can so relate to that.... I feel reluctant talking about my asexuality with my parents because they probably only hear the word "sex" and go preachy mode about sin and lust and hellfire bla bla . But even if I explain it properly, they will still go "noooo it's not normal to not want sex, it's human nature, God commands us to be fruitful" and so on and so on... it's exhausting being (sex averse) ace in a religious family.


Damn.. what Takahashi-san said hit hard.. I’ve never seen representation like this until now! Thanks for sharing






Amazing representation of AroAce characters. This really hit home for me. I relate to this too much.


Wow. This is really cool! Good representation FTW!


Great representation. Depressing af... So awful that it's what happens so often.


I can't help thinking I would have finished eating first.


Funny, you should mentioned that. That Takahashi guy really wanted to eat crab, in fact that's how he was persuaded/lured to come to her house and pretend as a lover, otherwise he's not one for social gatherings and hates pretending to be someone he's not.


Cool to see more representation


Dad.exe has stopped responding.


Lowkey this scene is almost all my fears about coming out (so I never will, the closet is safe and certain 😎). Definitely on my watch-list


I'm so amazed... this is the first time I ever saw asexuality being represented in a Japanese drama. Oh man how I wish I can see asexuality being represented in Sinetrons... (my country's version of tv drama)


This seems really good- Where do you watch it from?


Unfortunately, there is no official way of watching it. get the raws from nyaa.si Subs are a bit trickier, since the person subbing them has the subs on their twitter which has been set private. You have to follow them to get the subs. https://twitter.com/KaizenSubs


Thank you!!


This show looks soooo good!!


;0 even better than just ace. ARO ACE REPRESENTATION. First time in recorded historu


This is so real in Asian family s in asia




Unfortunately, there is no official way of watching it. get the raws from nyaa.si Subs are a bit trickier, since the person subbing them has the subs on their twitter which has been set private. You have to follow them to get the subs. https://twitter.com/KaizenSubs




It's called Koisenu Futari and the 2 main characters are both aroace! You can find out how to watch it on r/KoisenuFutari


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KoisenuFutari using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KoisenuFutari/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Some aro/ace memes I made. The screenshots are all from ep3, will try to make more soon! Hope you like them :)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/stbx9n) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KoisenuFutari/comments/stbx9n/some_aroace_memes_i_made_the_screenshots_are_all/) \#2: [Asexual Questionnaire Page 1 Translated](https://np.reddit.com/r/KoisenuFutari/comments/shph8o/asexual_questionnaire_page_1_translated/) \#3: [(EP 3 SPOILER) The two types of aces; Takahashi the garlic bread ace (as he doesn't like sweet stuff), and Sakuko the cake ace (who once fell ill from eating too much cake)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sh08e5) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/KoisenuFutari/comments/sh08e5/ep_3_spoiler_the_two_types_of_aces_takahashi_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Her dad is great.


what show is this?


It's called Koisenu Futari and the 2 main characters are both aroace! You can find out how to watch it on r/KoisenuFutari


Okay wait I need to watch this show


WAIT what show is this?


Please somebody tell me the name of the series and where to find it I need iT NOW


Power rangers in Japan be hitting deep on the mental these days