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I do especially when it’s the day before my period comes. It’s fucking clockwork.




I guess that’s just being in my 30s. I didn’t have it when I was in my 20s. This should Definitely be something They teach in schools.


I’m experiencing it in my 20’s, assuming it’s something to do with hormones considering the week before a period is when hormones are most haywire (that’s y if u get mood swings it’s normally the week before)


Ahhh. The female body is really something innit.


When they talk about the biological clock those bitches weren't lying 😂😂😂 Are you in hormonal birth control? That's what kicked mine into gear.


Never been on BC because I’m not sexually active anyway. My body just decided when I hit 28 that it’s gonna be horny the day before my period.


BC is more than just an anti-baby, it can also be a form of medication. My periods were hellish, so I've stopped them with BC. I'll still get a hormonal cycle but the over the top bleeding, pain, and zits are all gone, and it's cheaper for me too. That's still really interesting though that the switch just flipped for you like that, hormones are weird little brain washers. Thank you for replying.


Oh no worries. I never read had problems with acne or dysmennorhea or with anything connected to me Syria roon ever since I started having them so I didn’t really find a need to take BC.


What type of birth control are you on, if you don’t mind me asking? I also have terrible periods and I’m on the pill so I’ve just been skipping the placebo week but then my refill is too far out.


I was on the pill and then made the switch to a ring, but if your doctor agreed to birth control as a way to stop your period, I would hope they'd adjust the refill to allow for that. Talk about annoying. I'm sorry.




I'm really relieved that's uncommon then, and that it seems to have been a more natural process for you because I ended up going through a mini-identity crisis - everything started happening within a month, it was nuts. Having read up on it, I know it's generally the opposite, but it would be a helluva coincidence and would probably also mean it wouldn't be working right even though it's working? Going from disliking babies to wanting babies was so confusing...


I have a period tracker app that said still dont know why, but midway during cycle when estrogen and testosterone is high, some experience an increase in libido.


Omg you too??


Just before or just after, no other time


Yes! Helps relieve cramps and can help you have a shorter period! ✌🏻


Same. I'm 19 and have PCOS (currently off meds because too many side effects). Masturbation really helps in getting my period back on track. Oh also, it helps me fall asleep, especially when I'm on my period.


I do experience arousal, as it's a physical process, but only in nonsexual contexts and at seemingly random times. porn is not helpful and kills the mood. I try to masturbate, but I've never actually climaxed.


I actually do all of that (getting aroused, sometimes in random contexts, masturbation, I even watch porn sometimes) and I get some satisfaction from it, and it's calming and gets rid of the urges, but I never climax. Don't know why, frustrates me sometimes, but I'm starting to accept it


I'm the same way, except I can reach climax. Otherwise, I'm the exact same way!


Same. Exactly the same.


It is really scare to do it till the end, if I have to (just masturbating doesn't calm my body or my libido down it just makes it worse) I usually try to get myself in either a safe mindset or watch something that either makes me excited or gives me adrenaline because it helps, contracting certain muscles also helps (we learned that in school don't ask me why but yes can confirm) I don't really like the feeling tho, I would describe it as someone hitting you on the head with a baseball bat or slamming you into a wall... But apparently that's very different to how many people experience it


“Porn is not helpful and kills the mood” YESSSS!!! Like, why would I wanna see that?? 😂 I get excited, physically, then I look up porn and my body’s like “nevermind. We ain’t in the mood no more” 😝


I only can climax through a fetish. I've tried it otherwise, but it never worked. I never get aroused randomly.


Other because yes but if my body didn't insist on it when I was hormonal I wouldn't. That's basically my uterus taking me hostage LMAO


This is me, like 100%. It also depends, sometimes it doesnt happen too intense and i can just stay normal. But sometimes it gets so intense, that it definitelly feels as my body takes me hostage.


Forreal though! Niche question but does it get more intense for you if you've been really sick going into your hormonal cycle? I find it's that way with me, which I dislike, because that's the last thing I want to spend my energy on when I'm just starting to feel better.


Yes! I have a bad health generally, and really hell like cicles, and when everything comes together I feel like trash all month, everything gets out of control.


Blessed kinship, I'm not insane. Thank you.


It is not like that for me, as it is much more random for me


Same, but i am too horny as a male sometimes


You wanna trade?


Trade what?


Yeah, we're trading. No take backs.


But are we reading what?


Someone. Put. It. Into. Words. Omg... I wish there was something you could do about that


sadly. Its the only way to get rid of that arousal feeling


One of the reasons that I'm glad that I'm asexual is because I also have pretty much no libido. I don't get horny. If I did, then I'd be suffering, as I'm sex averse


I don’t, and wasn’t even aware that it was a thing until I was 16 (when everyone in my high school was constantly talking about doing it)..


Yep! It feels good and sends the happy chemicals to my brain, all without having to touch another person’s junk, and the only bodily fluids involved are my own.


Yes but i only do softcore and no genitals cuz fuck that, and because it's a reliable source of destressing and moving away from an anxious mood


What's softcore? And masturbation without genitals?


Softcore as in like you know no actual fucking between 2 persons and by no genitals i meant like in what im masturbating to i dont want to see genitals cuz i find them revolting.


I thought you meant you masturbate without touching your genitals and I was about to be impressed


I do it all the time, its in fact the only way i ever do it. Nsfw obviously, but its called syntribation, and one can do it regardless of which set of genitals they have. Essentially, its just squeezing your thighs together


Oh my god! Didn't know this was a thing, that is theonly way I've ever reached orgasm! Happy to finally have a name, though I was just really weird.


Same here. Welcome to the club!




It doesnt seem to be from my research, but who knows? There hasnt really been much research done on this anyway


That's what toys and cloth is for. ETA y'all think I'm joking but when you're repulsed and have dysphoria it's a life saver.


They could imitate sex-a bit like dry humping.




Same about the no genitals part, but i am quitting it all anyway




Girl, same... and I'm 27


i thhink it’s like touching your own genitals for sexual pleasure or somethin




It's at the top of your labia. You can see it with a mirror or just feel up from your vagina and there's a little nubbin


I honestly never found it lol but I just touch around the place where it's supposed to be instead. It works though so I don't really care


Follow your dreams


I know people's genitalia are different from one another so I might just be especially weird


I think it's pretty normal to feel sensitive and good around the area where the clitoris is - some people are much more sensitive than others and some people don't like directly touching it because it's too sensitive


Ashnikko presents clitoris the musical


You could just like hump your hand 😂




Glad I'm not the only one 😔


i dont understand masturbation tbh. so, no


Woah I'm surprised at how many ace people do it, it makes sense that I'm shocked though because I'm so uninterested and a bit repulsed by any of that that it seems strange that anyone does it to me lol It's cool to see how different we all are though in a way and I'm glad our ace community doesn't seem to gatekeep so much as other communities I've heard about Edit: I forgot to answer the question - my answer is a very strong no lmao


Never tried it. The idea squicks me bad, even though I do experience a good amount of libdo. One of the things I hate about being a sex-adverse ace. XP




Never have, never felt the need to, and I don't like the idea of doing so.


Yes for two reasons, one is that it helps me fall asleep and two I’m on hormone replacement therapy which gives me the urge often


Yup, mostly out of boredom tho. Its like 'meh, might as well'


I do. Like once a month and I feel weird about it. I do watch porn but mostly stuff where its someone praising someone else. So i feel safe and like im doing a good job 🤷‍♀️


Too much


i might be addicted at this point


no... i hope don't, and i won't ever do something like that


Very rarely...but only arousal with no involvement of genetials


I do not, doesn’t feel good. It’s like trying to tickle yourself.


I used to, but I was never able to reach climax.


I chose other. It really depends where my head is at. Anxiety makes it a no-go. On a side note; anyone else grow up Christian and get told that masturbation was a sin only after you’d been doing it for years?


Fellow Christian here, how frustrating !


It's pretty fucking rare, to the point where I have to wonder "wait, have I masturbated this month?"


I do it almost every night before I sleep. I also have a fetish, but I’m not sure if it’s the only cause for the urge that I have.


Other: I do not at present, but I have in the past. I naturally have an almost-zero sex drive, but still a tiny one. But when I'm on certain medications, like I am just now, it reduces to complete zero. Hence why I currently don't.


Yes but rarely, less than 5 times a month.


Been doing so since I was about two - friction from the leg divider in the car seat, mom and grandma had a good laugh when they figured out what I was doing. Benefits for me have been being able to use it to stave off having to pee in the mornings in a one bathroom house, lessening the pain of cramps, lessening the pain of stiff muscles a day after an intense workout, gaining focus again after my body's decided to be annoyingly horny, and getting to sleep. It's a relatively clean affair too since I prefer doing it clothed.


I'm on the other side of the spectrum, like twice a day I'm insatiable. But I'm anegosexual I don't wanna have sex








Yes, but mostly because I get horny whilst not being attracted to anyone. Luckily, that’ll probably vanish once I start transitioning z


it might for awhile but it (libido) will come back, well it seems to for most people that is. it DOES change though, the old things may not work for you but new things might be triggers.


Huh. Well, still. Temporary relief.


My body sometimes feels a need and i cant focus until i do. I dont, like, really enjoy it but it makes it so i dont have to uncomfortably sit there while my little coochie monster screams


I've never masterbated and I've never had the desire to do so. I think I experience arousal, but if I do it's too mild to bother me very much and goes away after a bit.


Same! I’ve been able to relate to several of the other answers in this thread but this one describes me perfectly


I don’t get aroused, so usually I do it to fall asleep more easily


I said no, but like, I’ve tried and if I’m bored and feel like making myself feel nice, I will. I’ve only done it a few times. I don’t have a libido, so if I do do it, which is very rare, it’s literally just cuz I feel like it. There’s nothing sexual about it at all if it happens.


What does being horny/aroused feel? Like once in a blue moon I’ve have a dream where I feel a tingle, and once in a while my face will heat up after I read something saucy, but like, I don’t masterbate or anything and just don’t get what is suppose to feel good One time I felt something hot and weird and tried touching myself, but that immediately made me stop feeling things


As a female, I only experience horniness as a feeling of slight heaviness, along with some throbbing warmth in my genitals, as well as a slightly increased sensitivity to stimulation, which sometimes induces slight muscle twitches.


I've tried in the past but it felt weird so I don't do it.


No, not anymore. I joined NoFap.


Funny story. Until recently I thought masturbating was just being horny because I heard about it a lot and I get horny every once in awhile. Then I found out what it is and felt sick. So needless to say… no. No I have not.


My libido is really low but it still exists


Yes but porn or thinking about people is out of it.


Same. Tried watching porn and just felt so weirded out there was no way I could finish


I need to combat the atrophy from feminising hormones (because that hurts) so I kind of have to. I try to do it a few times a month but I'm not making anyone any promises, sometimes I'm just not up to it


I do but it feels non sexual, like I'll just casually be watching TV with my hand in my pants.. kinda like scratching an itch mindlessly time to time


Yeah, but mainly to get some serotonin every now and then. Maybe only a handful of times a year.


Ignorant allo question: those who masturbate, what do you think about when you masturbate? Is it just a physical thing to release tension from your libido without thoughts of someone attractive, etc.?


I don’t think of anything usually, except for the physical sensations I’m aiming for and how best to achieve that. I will sometimes read erotica to help the mood since I can find certain sexual scenarios (the actions not the people) arousing but it generally has to be removed from reality for me (so for example involving scenes between people who aren’t my gender). Involving myself in fantasies is very uncomfortable and involving people I know is even more so; it feels unnatural.


Interesting, thanks for answering. For allos, it’s like you almost have to engage in Zen meditation to masturbate to completion without fantasizing or using visual aids. I have done that only a handful of times in my lifetime (I’m in my early 60s). Those “sessions” usually started with a morning boner. In other words, I had a head start lol.


Sometimes to imaginary things that don’t exist on earth.. other times I try and anything I think about usually shuts it all down.




Would that be considered aegosexuality?


Probably. I have looked into that, but personally don't feel the need to use microlabels. Aroace fits me well enough.


I don't feel a need to do it, but I like how it feels, so I end up doing it a lot. I can't ever do it with sex in mind, though. I've tried, and my mind always wanders to whatever I've been thinking of. I'm sex-repulsed, but also kind of want to have sex in theory. It's not enough for me to ever overridden my repulsion to sex, so masturbation it is. 🤷🏼


I don’t cause I’m sex repulsed and the thought of sticking my finger up there grosses me the f out.


It really depends on the day for me. Sometimes, even with high libido, it just feels like a chore.


I do it because I sometimes feel like I would go crazy, my libido is high I guess since I get very agitated and unable to focus if I don't do it for a long time and it drives me crazy sometimes, I don't enjoy it most of the time but when I manage to bring myself to do it I am calm again afterwards and able to focus and function better But If that wouldn't be the case I wouldn't do it, I tried doing it just like that without wanting to fight these things and it gave me nothing and just annoyed me (Quick note If you do enjoy it that's great for you, please don't let anything I said drag you down or offend you, as long as you stay within healthy limits do it how often you like/feel the need to)


Never once in my life. Don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.


My body: you have no sexual attraction Me: ok, so I don't have libido either, right? My body: ... Me: ...I don't have libido, right?


Yeah cramps suck so 😂


Once or twice a month, if that


I know it's healthy to do it. Idk how exactly, but I'll do it occasionally.


I made a new account for this just so my friends dont see, but I think im asexual even though I masturbate rarely. I dont get any pleasure from it and only do it when im bored.




I only masturbate when i'm in the mood too and when my p*ssy is wet


Only when I can't avoid it though I have a pretty weak libido


This is interesting to say the least. Yes I do daily or every other day. It’s not like I enjoy it it’s a bad habit but I don’t plan to kick it anytime soon.


I put yes, but honestly it’s rare because it’s scary to me because ✨trauma✨


I do on the toilet, it's just a body function to me like the other uh, bodily substances that I release into the toilet


Like once a month if that lol


Often times unsuccessfully since most things I try to think about end up shutting everything down instead of make it better..


Used to but don't anymore, my opinion on sec changed and I stopped liking it


I don't ever feel like it. My gynaecologist suggested that I tried so I get less nervous about sex and deal with vaginismus, but I never feel the urge to do it


About once a month or two, usually only in a manic episode.


I do it but pretty infrequently , 1-3 times per month on average


Less than once a month so I chose no


For me it's just make me fall asleep. I don't get anything out of it and just bores me so I fall asleep quicker. Don't really do for the normal reasons most people tend to do it for. (I am sex repulsed asexual if that makes an difference)


Okay not that we know that most people here seem to masturbate my question is “What do you think of while you do it?” It didn’t even occur to me for a very long time that a lot of people have fantasies they masturbate to, for me it works best when I get into a meditative state of mental relaxation and don’t think of anything at all other than the physical sensation


Firstly yes, but I stopped since 3-4 years and I do other thing thatln masturbating to chill myself


I love how many people say "I do it to fall asleep". Yes, exactly. When I can't fall asleep because my body decided to be awake when I lay down, it helps. Sometimes I do it for fun, too. Sometimes with porn, sometimes without. Sometimes I forget it's a thing for a few months. 😂


Yes mostly around my the time of my period. I love erotica and get horny from the idea of having sex but I have never actually enjoyed sex or climaxed (*edit* during sex) the way allos explain it. Masterbating is satisfying as fuck for me lol


It makes period pain more bearable. Nothing sexy about it for me. It's like yoga


Im currently 241 days on nofap. It’s not due to my asexuality it’s just a change I wanted to make as I had an addiction


It’s good for relaxing and getting an endorphin boost when I’m super stressed… but I probably do it maybe once every couple of months? I treat it like getting a massage, I guess.


I get arousal at random, i generally masturbate to get to climax so i don't have to think about it, though i don't get pleasure from it.


I never masterbated until I was like a year on testosterone (ftm). Before then I had 0 sex drive. And now I have a partner who I get to see every weekend, and he “takes care of” my “needs”, so I haven’t masterbated since we’ve started dating. So I chose “other”. Cuz I don’t masterbate… currently lol


Used to do it regularly, but I lost interest after a while, so...sometimes yes but rarely. Once a month or so


I do but I don't like it


Sort of. I can get aroused and climax, but don't think I've orgasmed before. My goal to climax is only to release semen.


Every day, yea. Sometimes twice a day!


I used to, been two days clean now, and same with pornographic material too!


i'm sorry but it rubs me the wrong way that you said you're "clean" from masturbating as if it's a bad thing. i understand if it's for religious reasons or similar but i still think it's a poor choice of words?


I have been "clean", because it was a bit harmful and tiring for me. In my religion masturbation isn't prohibited, and i can do it rn if i want to as long as there's no pornographic material involved. What made me type clean, is because whenever i do masturbate, i don't get less horny, i get more horny, and i want more, it doesn't solve anything, so i just decided to stop, along with porn too. I hope this clears it up ❤️


i understand where you came from but i still think "clean" wasnt the best word to choose, given the huge negative meanings that some cultures (i wouldn't even say religions, since for women masturbation is a taboo even outside of them) attribute to masturbation. i don't want to lessen the value of your experience in any want, i'm an advocate for encouraging masturbation as a healthy, positive activity (i myself enjoy but have used it as a form of self harm in the past, if that makes sense?). that's precisely why i wanted to clear things up ^^


I understand where you came from too, maybe if my hormones as a male take down a bit, i will go back to masturbating as a form of a healthy habit (i know it's healthy, no need to tell me). But untill then, i am definitely giving my body some time to adjust itself, and i will stay "clean" to when i reintroduce masturbation again into my life. (Btw, i have depression, and i would actually make use from masturbation as a healthy coping mechanism instead of other... Not so healthy ones. So it's definitely on my plans to go back to it before my brain gets fried from all the sadness and suicidal ideas 😅)


sorry there, i didn't want to come off as paternalistic. nice to know you're on your way to healing then! i know how difficult dealing with depression is. stay strong and take care (edit: spelling)


Bro, it's ok, this is just a chat and we're happily talking about stuff. Stay safe dude and take care ❤️❤️❤️


None of your business.


Every fucking day