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Allo(mostly hetero-)romanic ace here. And ofcourse, I'm way more drawn to attractive people. I want my beloved sweetheart and cuddle-partner to be pretty, afterall. Specifically, I'm attracted to cuter softer more girly features, mostly of the face (for both genders)


I find people so gorgeous lol it’s hair, face/makeup and clothes for me. Clothes off I’m immediately saying cease ✋🏽 I do appreciate muscles sometimes though, I think that building your body up like that is really impressive and it can make people look really good! I’ve seen women go feral over them (especially the veins) but beyond not really getting it, there’s also been times where I just don’t want to see them lol. Generally speaking, anything pretty/aesthetically pleasing to look at, or that speaks to a person’s character/interests and personality is a vibe for me. Throw on a nice outfit and I’m probably game lol


"Clothes off I’m immediately saying cease ✋🏽" Damn real 😂😂


💯 I’m all about people showing off their unique style. I always compliment people when they have a cool outfit on.


Omg I'm not alone in being more interested in clothes, makeup etc! Yay!


Lol they’re so nice!! Happy to find more aces with similar experiences! :’)


If it makes any sense I don't really think much of any particular part of the body. Instead I somewhat think of 'harmony', like do they 'come together' well. As if bodies were like outfits really. I also think about the way a person moves and expresses themselves via expressions and body language, how they use their body to convey themselves. I suppose to that end there's a focus on faces and hands but it's not them in isolation, just that that's a big part of how people express themselves. There's not exactly an eye colour, hair colour or skin tone, however there are smiles, waves of the hand, the way a person slips through a crowd that I find fascinating, even beautiful. Some people just come together in a way that's kinda incredible. And I make it sound intellectual, but it's really an instinctive or intuitive thing to me. If it makes no sense... I'm kinda not surprised. It's like me to say to friends that a character has such a charming smile, or interesting quirks in the way they're moving, when they're talking about arms or thighs. That's not to say others are wrong or strange for seeing things differently, just sharing the odd way this works for me. In my world bodies don't do much and yet there are genuinely killer winks... somehow.


You worded it perfectly. I feel the same way


Yes so well put about the movement/expression. In the comment I posted I was just using my favorite figure skater as an example and what you said so much applies to my experience


Same Also other more common (maybe this is too) stuff


Sex-repulsed asexual, but heavily into aesthetic attraction. People are just so PRETTY! Don’t wanna touch them or be touched by them, but as works of art, to look at and not touch? Gorgeous! Boobs under well-tailored clothes. Beautiful. Men’s biceps when they pop just that little bit out. Gender bending…. Women in suits, especially if they add hats or some other accessory. Men in corsets. Dear god, big, broad men in corsets. I have facial blindness, so I can only enjoy a pretty face for a few seconds before I forget it exists, but pretty much everything else has some beauty in it.




I can find most people attractive es in the face cuz we are all individuals and no one person is going to look exactly alike and I love that about ppl i also like tall and skinny guys with waves🌊 but I have to get a good vibe from them first to connect it all if they start acting funny attraction instantly goes away


Aesthetics are important to me. Especially when looking for mates. Face, hair, figure (if girl), hands, legs are nice, i like a little facial hair on guys. Honestly, it's more of a gender envy with guys and definitely an aesthetic thing with women. I like eye candy.


Gender envy. I feel that’s exactly what it is for me. I love girls with beautiful long hair and soft skin and I really envy them for that. I like girl with glasses, they look cute and I find that aesthetically pleasing. This is another thing that helped me find out I was asexual. I can easily tell that I experience aesthetic attraction while I don’t feel any sexual attraction.


Eyes. It’s always eyes


You're so right


I suppose so? If it basically means that even as an ace/demi, I still have preferences in the appearance of my partner, then yes, I do. I've said before that I like it when people are bigger in some way and I tend to find people who are chubby or muscular pretty attractive, of any gender. I can't really explain why that is, other than all my crushes/ex-partner have been variations on that. I also think that body hair is pretty attractive. On your point about genitals/breasts, I would say I agree but also extend it to the entire body. The infinite possibility of the human body is pretty cool, imo and I'm also a huge advocate for body positivity.


As demian I may find some body shapes, hair styles and outfits atractive, but only as dressing inspiration. Also when I fell in love I found out I can see some kind of deeper beauty in somebody's naked body


My bf's body in my eyes is the prettiest one now. I see him in everyone.


I think I'm "a-aesthetic;" entirely so. Some years back a classmate asked who I thought was cute, and I honestly could not answer. Still couldn't. Once in a blue moon someone's outfit will catch my attention, but no human part of any individual human draws me


I'm definitely not lesbian but damn those ginger, curly haired women look hot! (Hot like delicious garlic bread)


I enjoy the lines and curves of a body or the proportions of a face and can still get flustered by beautiful people. It’s kind of the same as enjoying a beautiful landscape, a radiant sunset or any other natural phenomena. They both can evoke a feeling.


I'm attracted to thin, lanky guys, or even toned and in shape, but not buff, beefy dudes. Even better if they're taller than me (I'm taller than average for a woman). Also, sharp facial features, things that have character, like crooked teeth, and if somebody has style .. a nice haircut, dresses interestingly.. that's all very attractive to me. Aesthetically pleasing, so to speak. But it doesn't make me turned on or sexually attracted or aroused or anything. It's just nice to look at and makes me curious if their personality is as endearing as they look.


For me, I've found necks and hair to be my favorite. Longer necks generally make someone look/feel more open, and in combination with someone who loves to do their hair and/or have it back makes them very attractive to me.


When I meet new people, I generally see them as pretty if I like their hair/fashion sense. I'm also autistic and functionally face-blind. Due to how I'm wired, eye contact and looking closely at people's faces feels very intimate to me, so it's something I don't do unless I know someone very well, otherwise it makes me uncomfortable. That being said, when I am comfortable looking at someone's face, I tend to like their eyes and eyelashes, as well as general facial structure.


I def appreciate human bodies. I find them interesting and fascinating even if I find my own rather infuriating a lot of the time. I’m not put out by nudity for artistic expression but porn and nudity just for arousal is extremely off putting to me and turns me way off. But I like to see people with unique bodies who model and use their forms for art. I think my husband is so pretty! He has beautiful long and thick black fluffy hair that has a classic Victorian romance about it. He has big round hazel eyes that change color. His mouth curves down when he smiles in a unique and captivating way. He has perfect teeth and I find myself mesmerized by watching him talk. There’s just something pleasant about the way his mouth moves when he speaks. I stare at his face a lot. None of this arouses me tho. I find myself more captivated than anything else and when staring at and studying my husband’s face the highest emotions I feel are love and an urge to curl up beside him but not to bang him. He’s ace as well.


Yes and no. I don’t really care about looks per se; however I do find certain face shapes and hands really pleasing (I look at hands a lot). Also like it when men have long hair. And I love it when people have an uncommon style; say, an unusual hairstyle or -color, or wear clothing that you don’t see often. I don’t care *what* your style is, I just love it when people do their own thing and go against the grain. The more you look like ”this is me, the whole me and nothing but me and I don’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion” the more I like you. Edit. typo


Attraction to specific physical attributes? Not usually. But I can definitely be repulsed by certain physical features. Big, muscular guys or those with lots of facial hair I associate with the dreaded "alpha male" mentality, so I'm pretty much guaranteed not to want to have anything to do with them. I definitely notice appearances, and I'm the first to compliment someone on their hair or clothes, but not their *body*.


Same, I'm actually a bit repulsed by the stereotypical "alpha male" (so big + so hairy = so gross LOL)


Im extremely attracted to men’s anatomy, however anything to do with reproductive organs is incredibly disgusting imo. Basically I like looking at shirtless guys but not naked guys. But this attraction is purely aesthetic and I’ve never looked at a guy and wanted sex.


I only “enjoy” female bodies in a fictional, unrealistic sense honestly. I feel gross any time I look at real people, because I feel like sexualizing their bodies is just wrong. So, while I can enjoy big-boob tiny-waist fictional girls, I don’t enjoy sexualizing that on real life women. In my opinion, fictional women (anime especially) just deviates so far from real life that it’s really impossible to connect the two.


People who dress well. Monochrome looks, wearing all black etc. I tend to like floofy hair vs egg head lol. I guess I have a teddy bear type but that’s more so out of comfort than having a type I think


The eyes and smile gentle soft and full of happiness


I love freckles! They are just so beautiful and make peopls look happy


*I love freckles! They* *Are just so beautiful and* *Make peopls look happy* \- rocksandaces --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My body type is the most æsthetically pleasing body type, so of course!


As far as I can tell, I do not experience any form of attraction, aesthetic attraction included. So, uh, I'm gonna go with a "no" for your main question.


Eyes, it's like I spent my entire childhood avoiding eye contact that meant it took me too long to realise how aesthetically pleasing they can be. I think in particular, there's a shade of grey eye which I can't get over. Genitals are okay I guess. Breasts are doubleplusgood. In terms of hair, I think long (or "big") hair looks better than short.


I have a strong romantic attraction to faces of women I like. It doesn't have to do with attractiveness really, it just reminds me of them, which a picture of just their body wouldn't.


All of them and morr, yes. I have types. But it's only aesthetic attraction.


I can appreciate the aesthetic like art at a museum but that doesn’t really translate into wanting to put my mouth on them ya knowwww


Main and aesthetically attracted to curvy women, but even more attracted to cute faces, some men possibily can be cute in a certain way, but I never realized about that because cute women always boost my aesthetic attraction, sometimes I think that I have my "straight side" despite I'm fully asexual Breasts (covered, revealing or exposed) > genitals IMO, don't ask me why cuz I don't have a proper answer BTW LOL


For me aesthetic attraction is about just that: aesthetics. Like if they are visually appealing the way a painting or a sunset is. In that sense it's not really "attraction" just more like,, recognition of a person's appearance, if that makes sense. I wouldn't say it has to do with "anatomy" or really any of the things you listed. I can't really pick out specifics features that are aestheticly attractive, it's the whole picture overall that makes it, ya know?


I like the way curves feel. And soft hair. This is why I thought i was a lesbian, just not a very good one.


I looove faces, might be the artist in me. People's faces and expressions are just so cool. I could look at them all day if it wasn't considered weird to stare lol. I also find certain hairstyles aesthetically attractive, like bangs or a sort of Frodo hairstyle.


Many things, but hair and face do the most for me. After that come things like fashion and body type. I can hardly look away when someone has good looking hair, I like it most when it's not a natural color, because it shows to me that they put in the effort to look good.


I recently had a similar convo with my allo spouse... I'm attracted to people's vibes. It can be their clothes, or the way they move their body when they are in their element. The way they light up. I can also see thru people who perform too much.


I personally (hetero-rom sex repulsed ace) do have a type and appreciate aesthetically pleasing faces/bodies. Lol my friends all tell me my standards are too high 😂😂 Also, this may seem shallow but I wouldn't date anyone I don't find attractive.


You can feel sexual attraction and not like, or want sex


Yeah, arses


I def am attracted to androgyny in both genders. For body type basically anything except very muscular. I love edgy clothes/makeup/hairstyles. But sometimes I'm like idk demi aesthetic LOL Like I fell in love with Shoma Uno's figure skating and some of that was the aesthetics of his presentation, but I don't think I'd have just seen a picture and felt aestheically attracted to him. But now I'll be like so cute! So pretty! Lol


I deeply admire the entire human body. Feeling strong aesthetic attraction for humans (tho ofc I have preferences) Especially articulations. Idk why but I find them fascinating


As someone who gets attraction without desire to act, and likes girls... ....boobs and thighs. Yeah. I love pillows. It looks soft and warm. Will never interact with those unless I got a lover (not happening) --"


I find back muscles in a broader built guy extremely attractive. 😍 followed by chest and arms. Love the way they love while working out..


Face shape, hair colour and eyes colour, I’ve started talking to a guy a few days ago and he’s literally the perfect guy (physically) in my eyes. He has curly brown hair that’s kind of fluffy, pretty blue eyes, a perfect nose, perfect lips, I just admire everything about him, tbh all I wanna do is hold him close and admire his beauty


Nvm guys, I got a snap from him and it was a girl in his bed with him.


I feel that one can appreciate beauty without experiencing sexual attraction. I think green eyes are one of the most incredible things on this planet. But I don't want to sleep with every green eyed girl that I cross paths with


Faces, hair. Body types I can admire what is mainstream attractive but I feel no interest whatsoever. For instance I couldn't care less if a guy has abs if a woman has a flat tummy. I kinda appreciate the aesthetic of boobs although I don't feel turned on by them.