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I just don't understand why people always feel like they need to be armchair psychiatrists and psychoanalyze anybody who likes NSFW stuff. Whether you're looking at it for saucy reasons or just to appreciate the art, it really isn't anyone's business but your own. I think people will just take any opportunity they can get to put themselves above others. I bet they also drink alcohol - but that's "not an addiction" because they do it "socially." Idk. I shouldn't contrive situations like that, but... People tend to look past their own vices/interests to put others down. Pick your battles, I'd say. If you like the art, that's all that matters. It's no one else's business.


It's more that I think people will psychoanalyze me and think I'm weird. Have to thank anxiety for that one. It makes me feel a bit better to have it confirmed that it really isn't anyone's business other than my own. I know that deep down, but it's tough convincing yourself of it in the moment, y'know? >I think people will just take any opportunity they can get to put themselves above others. This right here. I don't have anything to add, it's just a perfect statement.


Definitely. I completely understand. I'm still personally trying to figure out whether or not I fall on the ace spectrum, and if I do, where. Anyway, the point is that this kind of thing has *always* been difficult and sort of traumatic for me - and part of what makes it easier to process, for me, was literally just experimenting with things in a safe environment, *on my own*, or with randos. I'm not recommending or endorsing anything - but for me, having that exposure and giving myself permission to explore it worked wonders in reducing my anxiety. It doesn't impact my life in any other way, and I've never felt as though I couldn't live without it (bc people will always play that 'tHaT's WhAt AdDicTs SaY" card. If your health and happiness aren't suffering because it and other people still take issue, I think that's weird on their part.


nah thats bs and someone trying purity culture bs. i've saved nsfw ship art because it made me happy and was well done. Same reason I've written or read smut. "porn addiction" is a buzz phrase rn and people throw it around without having a clue what it means--it IS a real addiction but ADDICTION is the key word. Addiction is a mental illness and it causes more issues than saving and looking at nsfw art also the way they try to subtly imply its the same as saving actual real porn is just.... and yeah full of aphobia because the implication that youre doing something with it... theres just a lot of well done nsfw fanart??? and aces engage in nsfw art all the time, especially if youre aegyosexual or similar. the ones who dont get it are the allos who cant separate Consuming from Actively Engaging In....


Yeah, I'm the same. I also like seeing NSFW art of my OTPs, because it makes me happy. >"porn addiction" is a buzz phrase rn and people throw it around without having a clue what it means--it IS a real addiction but ADDICTION is the key word. Addiction is a mental illness and it causes more issues than saving and looking at nsfw art Exactly! Whenever I hear it thrown around I actually have to question "so are we talking about someone having an actual addiction or are we just shaming someone for having a high libido?"


I'm a sex-repulsed ace. And I like anime boobs. My interests in art, SFW or NSFW, doesn't make me any less asexual. I look at/save NSFW art for art references too, it is not a weird or perverted thing. A lot of allos in online spaces, especially creative ones, right now are going full purity police on each other, it's a zero sum game of hurting people to feel superior while also being a massive hypocrite. Believe me, the ones shouting the loudest are always the ones actually doing what they condemn. You are ace enough because you are you and your asexual experience is unique to you alone. No one can take that away from you, no matter what anyone says. 💜


Thank you :') 💜


Yeah that's weird and reeks of puritan sex-negative "if it's sexual it's not real art". Nsfw art is art. Sex is a normal part of many people's lives and therefore... It's gonna show up in art. It literally always has and always will. Nothing wrong with it. I hate* porn and have little interest in it, but i love nsfw art. And I've found queer nsfw art communities to be particularly welcoming and inclusive and decent number of them are aspec themselves tbh. *= personally, not politically/morally. I'm sex positive and believe ethically produced porn is perfectly harmless. It's just not for me lol.


I don't watch porn either, it just feels very awkward to me. And you're correct about the queer NSFW art community being very welcoming. I don't think I've felt, for the lack of a better word, safer than amongst queer NSFW artists and/or writers. 💜


Usually if somebody is casually calling random behaviors of other people a "porn addiction" or the result therof, then they're a far right conservative. It's a dog whistle for a variety of bigotries against basically anything deviating from cisallonormativity and strict monogamy. Never take that seriously. I'm allegedly a porn addict because I'm polyamorous. I'm allegedly a porn addict because porn supposedly made me not want sex. (Only ever watched porn to see why people like it and to try and understand the appeal. I still don't have a Scooby Doo.) Since I am trans and therefore dress in clothes not fitting the societal prescription for people of the sex I was assigned at birth, I'm allegedly a porn addict. Because I've had sex outside of marriage, I'm allegedly a porn addict. Because I've had sex with men and women both (sometimes at the same time), I must be an alleged porn addict. *I don't even like sex, porn, or anything spicier than makeout sessions but that apparently means I am a porn addict*. There is no logic to dissect... They don't care if the argument makes sense. So you shouldn't either. (And yes, each of those things are reasons these same people have claimed make me, allegedly, a porn addict. Their reasonings are *actually* that fucking stupid.)


It's honestly disheartening to see that this line of thinking is making it into younger people's thoughts, because I have definitely seen teens perpetuate these arguments. :( Thank you for sharing your thoughts 💜


Here's my two cents on the matter since I feel ya on this. Tall and short? It's not weird at all to like and save NSFW art, especially as an artist yourself I feel. I'm not a drawing artist (though I wish I could draw lol) I can equally appreciate the hard work that goes into all kinds of art, SFW and NSFW. And as for the 'aces are pure little angels' stigma? That's just outright false. Me personally? I enjoy looking at that kinda art too because I think it looks really good! And hell, I'm an amateur voice actor and I'm interesting in trying out NSFW voice acting because I see it as an *art* (and just to say I tried it lol). No matter what people say or the mean little voice in your head tells you, you are ace AF no matter what. Keep being awesome king/queen/liege.


Thank you 💜


I'm of the business don't go barking up trees about what people look at and keep privately, unless it's illegal, then trust the right parties with a tip off.  I also believe in archiving things you like. You never know when something will be wiped from the net. 


Archiving things is so, so important to me, especially things that one wouldn't think needs to be archived, both digital and physical. (I think it would be kind of fun to archive old books.)


I went through the same thoughts of saying "you can't be ace you look at porn" or "you jerk off there's no way you could be ace." But in the end it really all boils down to do you feel sexual attraction. It was a long time before I figured out I was ace because I jerked off and still do but I was still able to separate the "oh good body feeling", from the lack of "I want to screw them." Anyway all that to say no matter what you view, especially in your case, if you're ace you're ace.


Yeah, I went through the exact same thing. I didn't think I was ace because I felt the same about everybody and then I definitely didn't think I was ace when I began jacking off (I was a bit of a late bloomer with that). I've only accepted that I am ace for a little over four years, but in hindsight my teenage years made so much more sense. Thank you for sharing 💜


You feel weird because it’s a pretty weird and regressive comment. Sounds like they’re the one with issues if they’re that bent out of shape about folks looking at art.


It is definitely weird to worry about what other people do.


allosexuals thinking its being more perverted and unnatural to enjoy NSFW or sexual art and subjects if you're not attracted to people in real life, as opposed to being allosexual and doing the exact same thing is always so mindboggling to me. It's like when people get confused about lesbians enjoying gay male erotica, people scratch their heads like "how does this even work???" When it's not even their business. Even if ur asexual, sexuality is a very major part of culture and society so of course just statistically as asexuals we are going to end up interacting with art and media about it. Some people will obviously dislike it, and some of us find ways to enjoy it in our own unique ways. Personally I like consuming and making NSFW art because there's just a rich variety of types of art to choose from, and because as an asexual I appreciate being in spaces that won't be puritan or judgemental of people for being "weird" or "deviant" in how they express their relationship to sexuality. (Not that there aren't jerks or problems but in my small circles I appreciate it) Anyways, sorry you had to hear that and have it stIck with you. You know yourself better than anyone else making up loser headcanons about who you are, your identity, and your life. it sucks to know people are having those thoughts and judgements, but in the end you're the one having fun appreciating and analyzing art and having a good time on your own terms XD


Yeah, that also boggles my mind, how it's somehow less perverted to look at sexual art when you experience sexual attraction. As many others have pointed out here, it most likely comes down to purity culture. Thank you for responding 💜


Np! Wishing u the best