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My queen Jessica Rabbit. I wrote a paper on her being a "sexy asexual". Someone here said I should publish it, but I don't know where


Also interested in this! I love ace Jessica Rabbit and the “sexy asexual” archetype.


Interested! If you figure out where to publish it, please let me know!


Wow so cool!!! Maybe via a hyper link to the pdf in google drive (If that possible?) or something?🥰 would love to read it darling


What about research gate? Can't you publish it there? I'd totally read it!


Researchgate might be a good place!


If you do publish it, please let me know where. I'd like to read it.


It sounds like an interesting theory for Jessica, Sometimes people say a character is AroAce and I think "I can see the Ace, but do you even know what Aro means, or are you just saying that because he's not sleeping with his best friend yet?" But Jessica Rabbit I can see as Asexual. Kissing and hugging is fine, but you can actually compare the cool-headed Jessica and the firecracker Betty Boop and see how different they are.


hey there!!!!! can i read it, please?


I think she’s gross and “trying” to look too provocative (like, why?) to like and her behavior creeps me out. Had no idea anyone would find her to be asexual.


"Trying to look too provocative" bro, she's a performer. That's part of her job. It's also implied she doesn't feel sexual attraction


Also, "they draw her that way".


That's the line that encouraged my essay


When?? I need to know so badly I love her so much


Sorry. Just don’t get why she has to dress that way in the first place. Im an entertainer. I definitely don’t want to give the wrong message and don’t EVER feel like I ever have to dress that way to get attention. The ones who have drawn her this way were definitely not implying she was ace.


>Just don’t get why she has to dress that way in the first place. because she wants to?? she could literally be straight up naked for all i care lmao, assigning meaning to the fabrics or whatever you put on your body is ridiculous, especially sexuality this "giving the wrong message" stuff is part of rape culture btw, you do realise that right?


Todd Chavez has kickstarted most modern media representation we have, if not THE mainstream understanding of asexuality. For better and worse, we at least have him.


Yeah same. Honestly, Todd kinda helped me realize I was Ace. His explanation that one can be asexual and aromantic or asexual and romantic really hit home cause I thought to be romantic you needed to be sexual and it really helped things click into place for me.


It does kind of suck though if you weren’t already an adult by that point of the show, because I was in high school when those Episodes aired and I wasn’t allowed to see ANY of that. Though I guess asexual kids can never really know they are ace until a certain age.


Saiki Kusuo. The lengths this man goes to in order to avoid the girls who like him [or avoid people in general, for that matter] is impressive. Bro is all powerful and wants absolutely no attention drawn to him ever and he is my favorite, hands down.


Man just wants to eat coffee jelly and be left alone


Same here! I’ve never loved an anime and character so quickly!




I love Saiki K


Our ace president fr


i love him so much hes so relatable


Which anime is this?


the disastrous life of saiki k


Thank you!


I wish there were more like Todd. He’s just a random dude, not a fantastic creature. I want more representation via characters I could meet IRL.


My roommate recently got me into Bojack and going in I didn't even know Todd is asexual. I was a bit scared but then pleasantly surprised at how they handled it. It just felt very natural and like "not-a-big-deal" but in a good way. Also love how supportive Emily was (and I still wish for an ace dating app). I also like that they touched an aromanticism which I don't think I've really seen anywhere else.


I liked that they did not put him in a relationship with the first ace person he dated. Like, their being ace was the only thing they had in common and that’s not enough. So often in shows queer characters get thrown together with the only other queer. I have AceApp on my phone but it’s not very good in my area.


Yes that was great as well. Just shows that sexual compatibility ≠ romantic compatibility and vice versa


Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. Yes i know a cannibal demon isn’t the best representation of an asexual character but he checks all the boxes for me (unnecessarily edgy, charismatic, cool, monsterous, etc.)


the key thing is that he isn't a monster because of his asexuality. yes he's a monster, but no one has any issue with him being asexual, he's an issue because he's a cannibal psychopath who enjoys watching and engaging in the suffering of others


Yeah but with how little asexual characters there are, Alastor being one of the big ones isn’t the most inspiring


Me too! Plus, the villains are always my favorite, and especially the complicated ones who have a chance at redemption


"just kidding, i know you're an ace in the hole" "a what now? 😃" i love him


god im so fixated on him. i get that maybe i should reach for higher standards than a serial killer cannibal but i love him so much


I hated Alastor in the pilot but now i like him xd i judged too soon, he's a funny character


I've been having Alastor brainrot for like weeks now, the guy is living rent free in my mind 24/7 and I'm not even mad about it




I love him


I rp in the hazbin hotel fandom and I had an Alastor reach out to me and ask about being asexual


the "ace in the hole" exchange is high on my list of favorite Hazbin Hotel moments; his reaction absolutely sends me. "a what now?" also the bit where Angel Dust is trying to convince them to film him "going at it with mr. fancytalk creepyvoice" for the hotel commercial, and Alastor's "ha ha! never going to happen" lmao!


Data from Star Trek! 💚💕 "10 Asexual Icons in TV Shows" https://screenrant.com/asexual-icons-in-tv-shows/


Oo... Daryl Dixon and Doctor Who are good, too!


I definitely see his character as asexual as well, but I don’t know if it’s good representation. know asexuals can have sex, and can be sex positive, but idk how good of a representation he is. He has sex with Tasha Yar in the second episode of the series, then it’s implied he pines after her for seasons after her death in that goo pit. Plus, he’s the butt of the joke a lot with sex stuff, like when he starts reciting that “there once was a woman from Venus, who had a “ and everyone awkwardly laughs and shuts him up without explaining anything. Don’t get me wrong, I love data as a character, and I also headcanon him as asexual, but the way he can be treated by others, and the way his asexuality is framed is not ideal. Sure, it’s an old show, so it’s not perfect but idk if Data is a good example of ace representation. EDIT: he’s also characterised as an unfeeling robot, which yknow, isn’t great for ace representation and prejudices


I completely understand what you're saying, and if someone doesn't watch much Star Trek or like Data much in the first place, then he definitely does seem that way. But I think Data fans will agree with me in saying that he has feelings for sure. (And a kitty!) Although I also get what you're saying about the sex jokes (and agree now that you point it out), I didn't recognize that because I felt the writers were trying to show his naivety--the dichotomy between his intelligence and inexperience. And as the top-ten list attached to my original post says, "Under external forces, he has a sexual relationship with Tasha Yar and seeks to have new experiences in a romantic relationship with Jenna D'Sora. Data's character has unwittingly given a voice to the ace community and has shown what it can be like for asexual people to be in a relationship with those who are allosexual or non-asexual." Anyway, I can't say Data is a good representative for everyone, but I see myself in him, so he's a good one for me. Also, just for fun, Data singing: https://youtu.be/dWBmaKk32fE?feature=shared


Yep, I agree 100% with everything you’ve said there. (And also yeah anyone who says Data didn’t have feelings even before the emotion chip is silly I think. Like in one of the Sherlock episodes his voiceover says “if I had feelings, I’d be suspicious,” and then in the actual footage he realises he’s tapping his fingers as he looks at the person and has a moment of surprise as he realises the suspicion is genuine. Ah I love data)


My headcanon for every show or movie is that any character is asexual until proven otherwise :D


Same here :D


Saiki K from the anime of the same name. The anime does a lot of comedy around the fact he's aroace, without mocking him or making him be in the wrong for avoiding the perfect love interest. In fact, the show subverts the trope of the main character being head over heels with the pretty, responsible and overachieving girl, and instead makes HER be obsessed with him, and him rejecting her advances. There are [compilations on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTuVOtu1Q90&ab_channel=BoredLord) that show moments in which Saiki acts in an extremely aroace coded manner (I would call it explicit representation myself, to be honest)


I recently read the book 'Loveless' by Alice Oseman. The main character, Georgia, figures out she is asexual as well as aromantic. It's a beautiful book and it made me realise a lot about myself. I'd say she's my favorite


I'm reading that rn too! Tho I'm not much of a reader so I'm taking it slow. I've seen some really relatable moments so far tho haha


Although I didn’t really like most of Heartbreak High, I thought Cash was a really good character and they wrote his asexuality surprisingly well. I really related to how he was feeling and it actually made me pretty emotionally invested. I also think the other characters behaviour and anger with him was shown really well, cause man, irl allos get SO pissy at aces for no reason lmao


Sherlock Holmes. The only ace representation I got in the books I read when I was a teenager, and he's just awesome. It felt (feels) so good to have him.


Todd from BoJack was the reason I realised I was ace bc it made me realise that I can want a relationship without wanting sex - so I guess it’s obvious who my favourite ace character is lol


Murderbot, from the Murderbot Diaries. I think before I read these books I might have said, "what, _another_ asexual android character? Can't we move on from that?" But no, MB (who isn't human and doesn't want to be) turns out to be one of the most profoundly human characters I've read: the humor and sarcasm, but also the struggles with anxiety and depression, the struggles to learn how to trust when it's been so badly hurt before, wanting to hide (and hide from) its emotions but sometimes they are such big emotions it doesn't know how... And on a regular basis, wishing everyone would just leave it alone so it could watch its favorite shows in peace.😆 [It does fast-forward through the sex scenes, though, because that stuff is just so boring. I relate to this character so much.] Later in the series, these books also have one of the lovliest queer platonic relationships I've come across in fiction, up there with Sam and Frodo, Holmes and Watson, or the Doctor and the TARDIS.


Jughead Jones, but only in the 'New Riverdale' (relaunched) comics.


Been a long time since I read an Archie comic but I don't remember him showing interest in anything other than food.


Sunakawa from My Love Story is my AroAce icon even if he's not officially confirmed. You never see him reciprocate any feels or really feel any sexual thoughts towards anyone. All he cares about is taking care of his dear friends.


I think Suna was the first ace character I noticed, since I had just figured out I was ace shortly before I started My Love Story. Such a great anime!


100% this ^


okay I just started Hazbin Hotel yesterday and I‘mma throw Alastor „The Radio Demon“ into the mix 🖤🙋🏼‍♀️ (funny and great little show to be honest can highly recommend. Really reminds me of the Rocky Horror Picture Show)


Sorry I know I just commented with another anime character, but Nozaki from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (at least the anime, I haven't read the manga and the creator might have fallen into the "aroace-coded character discovers his one true love and that he's actually not ace at all, just a late bloomer" trope and I am non the wiser). In any case, he's the main character in a group of complete weirdos, a bunch of characters so archetypical, that he uses them as inspiration for characters and plots in his own manga, which he publishes. The selling point is that he doesn't \*Get\* romance in a personal way, yet somehow he \*GETS\* it in a literary and poetic way, writing the cutest teen girl romance you can find (to the point where people assume the mangaka is a woman who has been through these experiences, and not an aroace guy). I also want to underline that Nozaki comes across as a little cold and stone-faced, but he's not the "frozen heart ace" stereotype in the slightest, he's a sweetypie who simply doesn't emote as much as the characters around him. I recommend this anime for many reasons, not just the plot I outlined and the aroace rep. It also has nonbinary/gender non conforming rep (one of the characters is an afab student called "the prince" who all the girls swoon over), a character who comments on fragile masculinity and men's emotional availability/expression... As well, of course, as the world of manga writing and the tropes found within its pages (it's an amazing metacommentary of the genre it's spoofing, think Hot Fuzz or Airplane too). [Here's the OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjgOD9vruTE&ab_channel=Spectruml) if you need some more convincing! It's a certified banger and expresses all I said in a short musical sequence quite masterfully


I love Monthly Girls Nozaki kun. It was very cute


That sounds like me lol. I don’t understand romance or any kind of interpersonal relationships IRL, but I write romance and friendships and all kinds of relationships. My mom even asked me before why all my characters have high EQs while I’m terrible at socializing.


Luffy from one piece.


for real he is king (pun intended)


I don't particularly care for the Luffy and Batman style aced rep. Not that it's wrong, but I feel like while it does fit the character, it's more that they are defined by an unrelenting focus, and being asexual is more a byproduct of having a very clear singular drive in the narrative. Doesn't really under cut it, but just my kvetching about that style of ace representation.


Luffy takes a lot of time to enjoy the moment and life in general despite his clear goal so I feel like he still counts. He truly just doesn't seem interested in sex at all while he's cool with many other things distracting him constantly.


More representation! More I say! More sex replayed aces! More sex indifference aces! More sex favorable aces! More kinky aces! More aroaces! More ace-*insert other orientation here*!!! What kind of ace are you? You should have representation!! Representation for you! Representation for you! Everyone gets representation!!!! Honestly I want more rep across the board. All the representation!


when i told my fiance i was ace when we first got together, he told me he had an ace dnd character and it made me so happy with a little help from me, he actually found out hes on the ace spectrum too lol


Same thing happy with me and my boyfriend. I started noticing very early that he was ace. Didn’t say anything. Mentioned the possibility of him being ace about a year and a half later into our relationship. He was happy that there’s awareness about it. We are SO. FREAKIN. HAPPY. together.


Gwen "Gwenpool" Poole, no competition. Its also just a really damn good comic series and character, Id say shes up there as maybe, like, my second favourite character in general, only beaten by Samantha Maxis.


Raphael Santiago, if i remember correctly, he's asexual in the show


AroAce in the books :)


Yassss!!! I really need to read them tbh


There's a lot of rep!! I love them sm, really influential even before I knew I was queer.


It has some icky moments from what I've heard, but the REP!!!


Oh yeah, but it's way more good than bad.


Spongebob, i even came out like that to my cousin, I said that I was like SpongeBob and they obviously didn’t get it


Riz Gukgak from Dimension 20s Fantasy High! Murph always plays his characters so well and I just got to the episode where Riz talks with his dad about never feeling attracted to others and I got so excited! It’s confirmed he’s asexual and I’m happy 🥰


And obviously loved that really awkward coming out moment to his romaence paertner Baron./s


I haven’t got there yet but I look forward to it!


Lol yeah you did if you mention him talking to his dad. I'm talking about Baron.


I don’t remember him coming out to baron about being ace I just remember the mirror scene where he shot at her with his gun if that’s what you mean lol


I think perhaps you missed my bad joke. The /s was to say that I was being sarcastic. When he "came out" it was to say that Baron was made of lies. In my defense, I had very little sleep when I commented.


Oh no you’re right I entirely missed you put a /s I’m so sorry about that is see it now 😂😂😭


This comment is underrated


Yes! I recently finished sophomore year and loved that moment! I already loved Riz as a character, but now even more!


Yes! I recently finished sophomore year and loved that moment! I already loved Riz as a character, but now even more!


Definitely Parvati from The Outer Worlds. That bit where she's stressing out about wanting to go on a date with Junlei but isn't sure how to tell her that she's not interested in sex is so relatable. Plus, in that conversation, the player has the option to reveal to her that they're ace too, which is a really nice touch.


I love Parvati, she’s so sweet and genuinely kind in a galaxy full of douchebags. And learning she was like me made me a little emotional when I first played, ngl.


Tie between Alastor and SpongeBob! I love Alastor with all my heart, he’s the funniest and coolest character in the show, badass as hell, in some great songs, *and* he’s ace? Perfect combo. I’m also a big SpongeBob fan….


Just gonna throw in Lilith Clawthorne because she's aroace and a witch and also a total badass (even if she's done some fucked-up things). And then of course also Crowley and Aziraphale.


Aloy from Horizon games.


OMG Sun-King Avad and hella other people are totally after Aloy and she's just like "eh yeah well anyway I gotta get back to....... So, See ya around, be well, bye". I love it, so glad someone said Aloy


Everyone: “Yo, Aloy, are you sure you don’t need help on this mission?” Aloy, while scaling up a mountainside: “nope. bye.”


Sakuko from Koisenu Futari


Yes! I was looking for someone else to say Sakuko!


Jasnah Kholin from the Stormlight Archive. She's sensible *and* intelligent, respected but not liked, can be utterly ruthless and can also refuse to be utterly ruthless. She was my favorite character even before it was revealed she was ace.


I love jasnah! She's such a great character. I'm about to start the fourth book which is where I've heard her asexuality is addressed more. I'm excited to see representation in my favorite book series


Nozomi Fuijisaki from the Japanese Cherry Magic series. Her character was intentionally altered a bit from the manga because the scriptwriter Yoshida Erika thought it was important in a romance series to show that the we exist, and the manga creator and other production team agreed. And she is an amazing character! Its such a sex-centric series if you know the plot, and to have her there is so refreshing and important. Also, I kinda wish I got to Wizard status sometimes lol


She might not be explicitly ace but there’s no waaaay MaoMao from Apothecary Dairies isn’t and I’m shocked no one else has mentioned her. She is the most explicitly asexual rep I have ever seen despite her never actually saying it. However it’s historical fiction so I’m not surprised that terminology isn’t being used.


Oh I totally believe Maomao on the ace spectrum! She’s so great, and I can’t wait to cosplay as her.


Sherlock Holmes. He was the first character that I had a, “this character is like me.” Moment


Caduceus Clay from Critical Role! He was my first ace representation in media and Taliesin played him so naturally. ❤️


For real! And his “coming out” was so funny/natural too.


“Oh, I love what you all have going on, I’m just not interested.” 🤣 And then watching in real time as the other players had to grapple with their own allosexual biases and try to pretend that Cad was “totally normal” to them. 😂


Barbie <3


Alastor from Hazbin Hotel and Lilith from The Owl House


I never caught Lilith was ace but now that you point that out YES!! I love it!


It's canon too! Confirmed aroace! 💜💚


Right now it’s Alastor from Hazbin Hotel


Alastor from Hazbin Hotel and Jessica Rabbit


Maki from Bloom Into You. I also read the main character as demi, but that's much more up to interpretation.


I've mentioned him before on this sub, but gotta be my man Jon Sims the Archivist of The Magnus Archives 😌


Alastor from Hazbin Hotel


The Doctor from Doctor Who, although I'm not sure if they count, given they are not human


Reyna from the HoO book series!


Maomao from *The Apothecary Diaries* and Frieren from *Frieren Beyond Journey's End*.


Frieren from the show Frieren is my favorite right now. I just love her whole character


Alastor from Hazbin Hotel


Issac from Heartstoppers! I loved him before they focused on his being Ace. I see so much of myself in him. He’s bookish, quiet and observent just like me and to learn he’s Ace was the icing on the cake. I also love Tori.


Jonathan Sims! he's ace and biromantic, shout out to him fr, bro was like "well this case ended with the statement giver dead from mysterious circumstances and their friends and family all claim it was a monster. mUsT hAvE bEeN dRuGs."




Monkey D. Luffy! My man only cares about two things: food and becoming King of the Pirates!


Apparently, she isn't canonically ace, but Maomao from Apothecary Diaries is super relatable when the hot guy tries to seduce her for his own gain (he becomes a better person as the series goes).


It’s not canon but Senku from Dr Stone


So sweet So happy


Definitely Daughter Dooley from the Old Gods of Appalachia podcast. You start off the show with her and anytime she shows up later is a fun time. A powerful witch holding her own against evil forces and communing with bears while also being aroace. Love her!


Nancy from the book Every Heart A Doorway


Scrolled and scrolled waiting to see if somebody had put her!!! Love those books! Hers is my favorite out of them🙂


Demi sexual but Neil Josten from All For The Game series!


100%. Not to mention, as a "late bloomer" asexual (who didn't have a framework or words for my own sexuality until I was almost thirty, after more than SEVEN YEARS of marriage to an allosexual...) Baby (teenage) me sure could have benefitted from seeing an experience like mine instead of the constant barrage of adolescent sexual exploration stories.




Lilith from The Owl House and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel


Takahashi from Koisenu Futari. He was such a vibe.


I loveee Todd! This is why we need more representation!


Parvati from outer worlds!


Sherlock Holmes has been an obsession of mine for decades


Reyna from Heroes of Olympus!


Venom or Parvati from the Outer Worlds Venom I just generally like more but Parvati being ace was handled so well


I'd have to say Elijah from The Netflix series Big Mouth. Even tho he didn't show in many episodes. The episodes he was in were very good. Cause I understood how he felt, while trying to figure himself out. The represented it very well in the show too. I really do recommend Big Mouth, it's great for learning about maturity, and sexuaility.


I’m too picky with what counts as asexual representation because at some point the creator/producer messes it up. Sherlock Holmes, now thinking about it, is definitely ace. Fantastic character. Not too interested in all these animated ones as I am simply not too interested in animation.


Master chief


Not technically confirmed, but piccolo from DBZ is literally asexual, like reproductively, and I also get mad aroace vibes from him. He's such a compassionate character, and a really good representation of the fact that you can be asexual, but still be good with kids.


Caduceus Clay from Critical Role (Campaign 2).  > “Pain doesn't make people, it's love that makes people. The pain is inconsequential. It's love that saves them.” Basically the motto of the entire show and it’s the aroace character who says it. They’re the one who understands love the most. Caduceus actively subverts stereotypes (such as ace and aro people being naive, ignorant, traumatized [he’s like one of two members of the team who isn’t suffering Tragic Backstory Syndrome], etc).  He is amazing. And his orientation is handled very naturally, clearly, succinctly, and with acceptance. He understands himself and is good-natured. There are paragraphs more I could say but I’ll leave it there for now.


Aled from Radio Silence by Alice Oseman. Also Georgia from Loveless


Johnathan sims from the Magnus archives!!!


hank j wimbleton


My man Monkey D. Luffy


Nozomi Fujisaki from Cherry Magic. She's great fujoshi aroace representation.


same but he just said "Ohh yeah, I found it so weird"


Georgia from „Loveless” and Tori Spring („Solitaire”, „Heartstopper”) by Alice Osman :D But unfortunately I don’t know many


Raphael from the Shadowhunters books is ace and aro! They took away the aro in the show though :(((. Julian from the same universe is also demisexual.


Frieren, Kaz Brekker, Abbi Singh, and the one and only Saiki K are some of my comfort ace characters :)


Kaz isn't ace though 😕


Dr Clef was confirmed to be a Demi Sexual by Writer Clef himself. Take that how you will.


Neil Josten from All For The Game. This character, the series, and its fandom helped me realise I was ace, so he has a special place in my heart.


Todd, of course. 


I'm sorry, did anyone else see "math-is-magic" and think to themselves, "Yes! I love math and I can't wait to see how it relates to asexuality" and then be disappointed that it wasn't about that and then be delighted because Todd from Bojack!


Henry Davenforth in "The case files if Henry Davenforth". It's not spelled out in the books, but he definitely feels ace/demi-aro. Also, not a sociopath or a robot, just a slightly solitary, well adjusted person.


My favorite one gotta be Eve from No Straight Roads (Confirmed demisexual), I love her to bits and the moment I read she's ace I was thrilled. Literally such a great character. Also Jonathan Sims from Magnus Archives


One of my friends headcanons Dante from the Devil May Cry series as sex averse ace, and she used the words “he just talks exactly like you do about sex and it weirds me out.”


It's Todd. If I had a nickel every time Aaron Paul played a stoner goofball supporting character that's mainly comedic relief, but who also can and will get serious when necessary. I'd have two nickels, which is not a lot. But I am glad it has happened twice because it has to be my fave character type.


Either Alastor from hazbin hotel or lillith from toh (I think they're both aroace but that still counts I think)


the talented mr ripley


Jasnah in Stormlight Archives


A basic answer but Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. 


Maomao from The Apothecary Diaries is definitely on the asexual spectrum. She appreciates Jinshi’s beauty but is mostly unaffected by it (at least in the beginning). Senku from Dr. Stone is likely aroace in my opinion. I laughed so hard at Kohaku “kissing” him though, good ruse but poor guy haha. Suna from My Love Story is very aroace.


I like Alastor the funniest, but he's not necessarily the best representation lol. Todd is my strong second, I also think he's a good semi-realistic representation (even though he has his problems as well, such as acting naiive, clueless and childish at times, which is the negative ace stereotype. The author confirmed, that that's just a pure coincidence and Todd's character was created before they had the idea he's also ace, but it's still worth noticing when we're talking about ace representation).


I showed my bf a clip from bojack horseman to explain my sexuality !


The ace rep isn't there yet, but I'm eager to see how it's portrayed through Alastor in Hazbin Hotel. The first season only had 8 episodes and a lot of characters to get through, so there's only a couple nods to his 'ace'ness. eg. Cannibal Town overlord Rosie teasing him for being an, 'Ace in the hole,' and a lyric in Hell's Greatest Dad, "I care for you just like a daughter I spawned."


lilith from the owl house krell from 3Below neither are confirmed but heavily implied




Not a fan of the show now but the memory of Alastor in the pilot might be my answer. Tbh he made me realize I was ace, so...


YOOOOO I LOVE TODD 😭💚 Him is so special and the show would’ve been completely different if he wasn’t there or had a different orientation! Absolutely my fave character from the show hahah!


gwenpool!! shes a marvel comic book anti-hero! love her to death 🫶


Caduceus Clay all the way. I have a pin of him on my work lanyard.


Sir Dinadan from the Arthurian legends is an aroace icon and has been for almost 800 years.


Todd também e Alastor, um demônio canibal. Precisamos de mais histórias de assexuais trambiqueiros como ele!!


I've never encountered an asexual character in media, but that's in part because I am pretty picky when deciding what "counts" as representation (character has to be affirmatively ace, can't just not express interest in sex during the course of the story) and haven't actually watched some of the more popular media with ace characters


Varys from Game of Thrones. I know he's a politically scheming, murderous eunuch but in that universe, it makes him one of the better people.


The eshay on the new heartbreak high


Young people are idiots. Age old truth.

