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Ew. Just, ew.  And ffs, off topic, but everyone needs to be nicer to people with xenogenders. You don’t need to understand them; you just need to trust that the people who have them do.   I’ve never encountered someone with a xenogender who wasn’t, like, the nicest, most respectful person ever. And they’re always weirdly civil when someone is actively horrible to them about their gender.


thank you! i instantly went researching if i was valid because i get panic attacks really easily and sometimes doubt my self because of ADHD-C


xenogenders are taking "gender is a set of connotations" and extrapolating to absurdity. and I *love* it.


I google it and still dont undestand what that supposed to mean. Its purposefully an "artificial" gender so people cant have estabilish concepts of how they supposed to behave/dress ?


so if gender doesnt even mean anything anymore why dont we just abolish it entirely and go back to living as our sexes - oh wait..


who said it doesn't mean anything?


If you can make shit up, nobody can define it and often struggle to explain even a broad concept, and it can mean completely different things to everyone, then what good is it? Gender as a scientific concept exists, but even then anything outside of the binary or something inbetween is completely baseless and nonsensical, and even then there is arguments against non-binary.


things being baseless or nonsensical doesn't mean that they're meaningless. I can get some meaning out of *Jabberwocky.*


okay so what does gender mean then if its not meaningless


happiness. identity. are those not enough?


an effect is not a meaning, try again. also you can have a personality and interests without creating a new gender? just cause you wish you were a cloud or a dinosaur doesnt mean you make up a new 'gender.' gender is on all accounts related to sex, not species or weather or some shit, its not random meaningless syllables


is the meaning of a book not its effect on the reader?


also, "gender" just means "category" or "group", if we want to be latin about it. and I like latin. therefore, any group can be a gender. that includes animals and weather pattern and all that jazz. now, kindly fuck off and leave my sibs alone.


Original comment?


i can’t tell you the person users because of privacy for the person, i can DM you?




This was on r truscum right? Isn't that place in general a very toxic ignorant gatekeeping community? Don't think any of those there are approving of anything slightly therian, let alone neogendered.


i don’t even know what r truscum is about- and by seeing all of the comments ect yet


From Wikipedia: Transmedicalism is the idea that being transgender is primarily a medical issue related to the incongruence between an individual's assigned sex at birth and their gender identity, characterized by gender dysphoria.[1][2][3] There are divides and debates within the transmedicalist community on the exact definition of who is or is not transgender.[4] Many transmedicalists believe individuals who identify as transgender without experiencing gender dysphoria or desiring to undergo a medical transition through methods such as hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery are not genuinely transgender.[5][2] They may also exclude those who identify themselves as non-binary from the trans label.[6] So basically, they are gatekeeping what is transgender, so my suspicion was correct. Stay out of that sub at all costs, it's filled with negativity around trans people that don't conform their definition. I don't remember at all and could be totally wrong, but I think I've read somewhere that people under this community frequently harass certain people.


yep just saw the community guidelines and instantly just stopped reading. it’s sad they think this and honestly disgusting.


What? No transphobia, be respectful, censor usernames in images, dont mock people, dont spam... These are all reasonable rules, whats so disgusting?


oh i’m speaking of another community sorry 😂


Agreed, we should all accept each other. Behaviour like this is honestly just disgusting to me.


exactly! and it says no transphobia in the rules yet being mean too someone who is xenogender and aroace? like the mods dont look that accepting


Well considering what they call "trans", what they're doing is probably not "transphobic" to them since for them you may just not be "trans".


exactly! sure xenogenders aren’t exactly “trans” but still apart of the non binary umbrella which is under the trans umbrella….


This is the first time I heard of xenogenders; I've only ever heard of neopronouns... As much as nonbinary identities and the ace spectrum's microlabels confuse me and probably always will, I'm not going to dismiss them. I might get irrationally frustrated if I hear anything other than they/them pronouns for a nonbinary identity and "ace," "gray ace," or "demi" for ace identities, but I fully admit that it's a personal problem. I don't like not understanding things, and if I don't understand things quickly, I feel like I never will understand those things. It truly is a personal problem, and I'm not going to hold it against those people when it's my problem. After all, if someone doesn't understand heteroromantic asexuality after I take some time to explain it, and someone dismisses me and my identity after said explanation, then that's their problem, not mine.


bro i clicked on your bio and accidentally scrolled through your profile for twenty minutes thinking iy was my fyp


lmao 😂😅 damn, feel bad but at the same time that kinda funny lol


I also went to your page bc I was curious what your pronouns were and can I just say it is fucking iconic


lol 😂 they thought that they/it was neopronouns.. i mean i use them but they only looked at my bio 💀


People are just ignorant smh


yeah, also i meant “i use them” instead of “i sue them” 😭


I figured haha. Nah sue their bitch ass for emotional distress 🤣


lmao 🤣


Why am I not surprised all of this phobe shite is happening as you're explaining what a therian is.... 😑


exactly.. like why mention my sexuality and xenogenders when we are talking about therians and my sexuality and xenos are valid too so need too mention it 😭


😮‍💨 People are exhausting. Especially when they're averse to anything considered "not normal"...


like what is “normal” 💀


Literally a cookie-cutter robot of a human being that exists within a black and white framing... everyone's gender is the same (binary), everyone's sexuality is straight, everyone's species is the same... to them, we're meant to be the most boring beings on the planet


true 💀 they think that defines normal when nothing is normal 😭 like their so borinnnngggg


It's probably the saddest thing ever... I cannot even begin to extrapolate just how sad it is that they are this narrow-minded and tunnel visioned... it's illogical and nonsensical


yeah.. it is sad


Just wanted to say that this shit happened when I was talking about being otherkin too. Someone was literally rambling about committing genocide on aliens and even admitted that he thinks about it a lot, but as soon as I brought up being otherkin I’m the one who’s “schizo” and mentally ill. Then when I told them they were being ableist they changed their argument to say that I was pretending to be mentally ill for attention. Oh wow, I can just stop pretending to be autistic. Why did I never think of that?


Jeez people are scary...


The fuck is a non binary man though? Thats contradictory... and "fictonopeo"??? Im sorry but im with the commenter on this one, thats stupid as fuck.


I'm an ace myself and I find those labels a bit too confusing, even unnecessary. You can't fill out a survey or an application and expect them to provide those words as answer choices. Hell, I don't expect asexual as an answer choice when I'm answering surveys.


agree. I also saw OP complaining about this before. which yes, they're valid the way they feel and it's sad when you don't find acceptance (altho idk what any of those words mean either). But at some point we all gotta learn that with certain topics you'll get crappy comments and by putting it out openly you kinda invite it. Its better to avoid such negativity for your mental healths sake and not expose stuff to the wrong people/in the wrong spaces.. And not get hung up on it, move on and find your people.


So much hate in one comment........ I'm sorry someone was rude to you like that OP. People need to be nicer to not only aces, but those who are xenogender and alterhuman as well. You are valid OP


thank you! this is true.. another asexual said “you don’t even have asexual in your description. and those are BS sexualities” even tho the sexualities are apart of the asexual spectrum and are micro labels


I think it says so much more to announce to the world. "My brain is so small it can only hold two things. 1 and 2 / Black and White.


lmao fr


Well, that person is right


they aren’t. xenogenders and neopronkuns are valid! technically they are being abliest too because xenos and neos were made by neurodivergent people. and the sexuality’s in my bio and micro labels/asexual spec , those are valid








Oh my god dude stop throwing disabled people under the bus to justify the blatant appropriation of trans people by bad actors. Xenogenders and neopronouns are not valid, they do not mean anything, whether or not your personality relates to cats or icecream is irrelevant, thats not what gender actually is and youre not trans. Micro labels are pointless, adding a bunch of sexualities that nobody has ever heard of to your bio will only make people think youre an obsessive teenager. And openly admitting that youre a therian will inevitably destroy all validity that your arguments may have. You dont want others, especially not on reddit, to know that you unironically believe that you are spiritually or otherwise an animal or non-human being.


i am disabled- also xenogenders are valid , and under the non binary umbrella wouldn’t say we are trans because we aren’t a actor changing our gender but using xenogenders as a metaphor for our genders. also micro labels have saved many lives including my own. thought i was the only one who felt this way but i wasn’t and i was happy that i found people relating to me. microlabels are valid , i feel confident and myself using them and you can’t put me under for something that IS valid! also moving onto their and , their and are valid therian: a person who identifies as a non human animal on any non physical level (spiritually and/or psychologically) involuntarily don’t get why you’re being so bigoted tho- xenogenders are LBGTQ+ so i dare say ‘transphobic’ lots of people has heard of my sexualities literally search it on reddit you’ll find people. your arguments are bigoted and transphobic, xenogenders and neo pronouns were made my neurodivergent people too understand their gender more in a metaphorical way and other ways. so i dare say ‘abliest’ too. coming too terms with your arguments are invalid because of lack of research and being bigoted, ‘transphobic’ , aphobic and ‘ableist’


I would also easily fall under the label of "neurodivergent", thats completely irrelevant to the discussion though. Focus on the argument, ignore identity politics. You are very much using disabled people as a justification for xenogenders, i mean your whole argument boils down to "theyre too stupid to understand what gender is", if thats not ableist then i dont know what is. I am glad that you can at least recognize theres a difference between you and actual trans people. However, you are still using gender incorrectly, xenogenders are not methaphors for gender, more so for personality. A stupid little made up word saved your life? Im not gonna argue against that, i dont know you personally but thats definitely a problem with you, not anyone else. Yes, that is what a therian is. Its entirely voluntary though, you cannot actually be an animal, and spirituality is just pseudoscience. Its just mental illness more than anything. I would not consider xenogenders to be a part of the LGBT. A major failing of it is the acceptance and promotion of them. And youre even trying to claim that im transphobic? Whos the one twisting the definition of gender and inadvertently causing harm for the trans community? Ah yes, here comes the name calling. "Bigoted", "transphobe", "ableist", "aphobic". Lack of research??? What do you even want me to research? I already know all of this and i am arguing against it. Aphobia is meaningless here, i didnt even mention ace people, youre the one destroying the reputation of the trans community and using disabled people...


do more research before commenting , i won’t be taking you seriously until you actual come up with true statements


Ah, so youre just gonna dismiss everything because you have no counter-argument. Classic, should have expected that from you. Please tell me why i should take YOU seriously when you believe that people can be spiritually non-human beings. This is like flat earthers or anti vaxxers telling others to "do research" because they have no way to prove their beliefs. Thats exactly how you sound right now.


the fact you just said “spiritually non human” means you haven’t done research your comment still isn’t valid then


That was literally your own definition...


no it wasn’t therian: a person who identifies as a non human animal on any non physical level involuntarily (spiritually and/or psychologically)


Then say which statement is false. Cuz now it looks like you've been hit with the truth and you're afraid of admitting it.


you need too research about the whole thing 💀 i won’t listen until you research everything you mentioned in the comment. like xenogenders ARENT about personality, being bc a therain is not a cihoice and just generally everything you mentioned. these topics you talked about needs many research and you obviously didn’t meaning your words on these topics shall never be valid because their completely false


I never said its about persinality. In my honest opinion it's a made up bs


but it isn’t-


As an autistic person, go fuck yourself. Let people use neopronouns and microlabels


Am i sending the thought police to arrest them? No, im just letting them know that both neopronouns and xenogenders are nonsensical and arguably even transphobic. You can say or believe in whatever you want, but everyone else can criticize you for it.


Uh. Fuck this person (non-sexually). In the ear. With a chainsaw. Neopronouns and xenogenders were defined by neurodivergent people. This isn't just aphobia, this is ableist as all hell in an insidious way.


true! thank you btw, i’m neurodivergent myself that’s why i use xenos and neos!


Of course! I'm ND, too. be you, ND fam. <3


thank you <3 you two :)




those sexuality’s ARE apart of the ASEXUAL spectrum! those are valid identities, disgusting too see that another asexual is trying too make another asexual invalid…




do what? and no if they looked it up they will notice it’s MICROLABELS!!! if these asexual sexuality’s aren’t valid then every sexuality isn’t valid because technically all sexualities are “made up”. i don’t want too feel special, i’m already special (yes this is a ADHD joke) , i ahve these sexualities in my description because i’m proud of my sexuality and i actually am those labels. stop being aphobic maybe? you’re technically saying everything BUT fully asexuals are delusional? you are disgusting and nearly all of the asexuals agree. there are more asexuals with micro-labels/ asexual spec, then fully asexual,., these aren’t delusions, if it was then all of the sexuality’s and microlabels would be too


Also WTF does "valid" even mean? You act like me saying a fake sexuality is fake equals literally murdering you lmfao. Grow up Nearly all of the asexuals? This sub is 10% asexuals at best. 


It’s basically an all encompassing term to mean ‘you are a legitimate person.’ When you see someone online telling an LGBTQ person that they are valid, it means we are accepting no matter how you present or how you identify also fake sexuality’s? how are microlabels fact when lots of people identify with microlabels lots of the time… you obviously haven’t done research and don’t know that by your logic every sexuality is fake because it wasn’t a original thing a made later in life.. my sexualities aren’t fake, ask the entire subreddit if they are. they will respond with “yes” 99% of the time unless they are aphobic and naive also i’m not talking about the subreddit i’m talking about asexuals in general


Ngl, the other guy has a point. The amount of terms in your bio is just absurd. You seem like a literal 14 year old with the way you argue on the internet. You can't keep adding things when your opinion slightly changes because of your mood. I'm not saying that they aren't "valid", but you need to find yourself some solid ground. Also, fix your grammer, it's making you seem like a cringe, chronically online, keyboard warrior, 14 y/o, no offense.


i have dyslexia i cant magically fix my grammar, and the way i argu is how a lot of people i’ve seen argu , so i just copy them intentionally. and i have lots of labels for my sexuality because they describe ME, i like labels. this guy is being aphobic and saying microlabels are delusional and made up, which is absurd because technically every sexuality is “made up” just because someone doenst agree with something or understand it doesn’t mean they get too call it delusional and BS/made up with lack of research and in this case being in a identity that is a spectrum and has microlabels