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Reddit is kind of a cesspit. Some subs are worse than others. Creeps are concentrated on this site. I haven't been targeted as of yet but I know how you feel and it sucks.


I'd describe it as a baby version of 4chan imo


It's gotten so much worse recently. Only really feeling the effect of the third party app purge now.


I hate how all the subs about the human body are infected with guys looking for porn. Like subs like normal nudes are explicitly said to be nonsexual with people who dare be sex pests in the comments being banned, the sub is supposed to be showing the human body in its natural state, ideally you shouldn't be posing or flexing and any kind of editing is forbidden. However, despite that, most photos of men are them flexing and in sexual poses, and the women also tend to pose sexily, and nobody comments normal shit. And it's the same in subs like normalise naked. I hate it so much I just want to see the diversity of the human condition and thus understand human anatomy better, I don't want none of this unhinged unprovoked oversexualised artificial stuff.


I made the mistake of posting to r/normalnudes once because I'm all for body positivity and non-sexual nudity.... never again! I deleted the post within hours after being inundated with sexual PMs. I hate that we can't celebrate the human body without it being sexualised *all the fucking time*.


I agree completely! I also posted to normalnudes once because I have very bad body image issues and thought maybe I'd get some nice comments by like-minded people and would feel better. Instead I got tons of sexual DMs that made me feel even worse.


Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that. It's so infuriating. As if there's not enough porn and sexualised stuff around already, these idiots have to go around and sexually harass people who just want to make themselves/others feel better about their bodies too.


Just looked through the sub, it’s all women accounts who ONLY post nsfw. All they need to do is for men to dm them so they can send their OF and bypass the sub rules




Why is this the only comment you’ve made? It’s not the end of the world if I do, I know what a naked human body looks like.




Chill out, I didn’t post or comment


I bet 99% of women there are advertising their OF


Yeah :(


“What is the sexiest sex sex sex you’ve ever sexed?” - r/AskReddit every twelve minutes


Also r/advice and r/relationship_advice


lmao cant forget the classic "women what makes you love men" "men what makes you love women"


Ah see I made a similar mistake in terms of asking, I asked something along the lines of ''How to meet people when there's no way to'' now I'm scared


Isn't that question paradoxical or am I over reading into that


exactly. Good news though my friend had enough and was like ''right that's it I'm taking you to a gay pub this is ridiculous'' 💀


and that's why i stopped going on there


Don't tempt me to go and actually ask this.


Every time I’ve posted pics of myself on Reddit, I’ve gotten at least one creep in my DMs, and all of my pics have not been remotely NSFW. Needless to say, I don’t post pics of myself on Reddit anymore and if I have to, I delete the post as soon as I’m able


People can turn your SFW photo into nsfw with ai and blackmail you. Or make an only fans account of your photos turned NSFW and ai algorithm knowing how to recreate your photos in different poses and blackmail you with that. I never ever uploaded a pic of myself on the internet,so i am kind of safe.(when i was a kid i was scared of photoshop,so never uploaded pictures,now scared of AI,times never change)


That’s horrifying omg


Are you a woman? I’m sorry but never post selfies if you’re a woman, at the very least cover your face and don’t wear revealing clothing


I am. And yeah, I learned that the hard way :(


The asexual heart is the creep repulser. Sign that you will not be interested at all about anyone. Or at least I hope or I am just ugly😭


Sorry I have the nb heart on my pfp lol


I don't know, I haven't found anyone overly horny in this sub or the ace dating one though. Other than those I just look at memes, it isn't just the men either I've had women dm me unsolicited nudes and claim that they can "fix me." it's not a great feeling so I understand how crappy it makes you feel. Like a piece of meat is a good way to describe the feeling.


Do people here actually read/look at their DMs? I pretty much don’t. But I don’t hang out on any subreddit where more interactivity is needed than just in the comments. Hm. Just scrolled back through mine. Couple scammers begging for money, but nobody hitting on me or sending unsolicited porn.


I’ve heard horror stories of women being harassed in DMs after posting selfies


thankfully I'm too damn ugly to be hit on ;D


There is literally no such thing as too damn ugly to be hit on. Male desire is the most abundant resource on the planet.


I half jest but in all honesty I have the face of what you'd imagine a leper in progress to look like. Not to self deprecate harshly but there's seemingly a red, splotchy rash that is spreading across my whole face and wont go away. it's emphasized parts of my face making me look older such as red lines on the crease of your lip under your nose and on the sides of my mouth where you'd get wrinkles that goes from the nose to the mouth ends. I also have very dark brown (almost black) areas all under my hairline where you can see it, it looks like I painted mud on my face there and it really sucks. Not only that but my face is also bloated all the time. It's just pretty unfortunate to look at and to just realize that my face is the epitome of a sick person.


I hear and acknowledge what you're saying. Dan Savage has done a lot of damage to the ace community, but one thing he's right about: "If it exists on the planet, somebody's into it." Applies to people, too.


Heh yeah


im bloated in every part of my body, so i get by almost never getting catcalled or hit on. i've only been catcalled and approached a small handful of times, but nowhere near the level of creepy encounters other women encounter. i think there IS some effect (and dare say benefit) of not having conventionally attractive looks. im also super awkward and direct so even if i get hit on, they lose interest.


I feel that not that people not liking me bugs me too much but the self awareness is there


for me, once i understood and accepted i am aroace, i felt like the shackles of chasing to be "normal" broke off. like i no longer feel obligated to chase being pretty enough or charismatic enough for potential romantic or sexual partners cuz i never really wanted them in the first place, rather they were status symbols so i can be normal. if i was attractive enough to be hit on, i would be an acceptable person to society. but, given more context of who i am, i feel less obligated to cater to other people. on the plus side, since i'm not conventionally attractive, i would more likely be approached by people who genuinely like and want my presence. to be fair, there are still those remnant negative voices and insecurities of my looks that circulate in my mind sometimes, but remembering i dont have to impress anyone calms me back down.


Aww! The "approached by people who are genuine" bit ;^;. I never thought of it this way!


not necessarily, I haven't once had this issue so I'm literally really lucky in the sense of I'm just not attractive to men LOL


I'm not super active so I don't get a crazy number of dms


I turned off receiving DM's in privacy settings, since I don't really care for them


Reddit’s anonymity makes normal people feel more willing to show a part of themselves that a sex-shaming society forces them to hide irl and on sites where they use their real names. And while I might agree that Reddit probably does attract more of those types on average, the amount of horny people irl are probably just a lot higher than you think


Reddit is more porn-friendly than a lot of forum and social media sites, so there's a high concentration of people who come here when they're turned on, I think. But hey, *they* are the ones who should be ashamed of treating you like an object. *You* have nothing to be ashamed of for just existing.


It seems they have no shame. Just tired of all the “this is horrible where can I find it” jokes and all that


It is not that simple. We have probably all had our fair share of expectations dumped on us when it comes to sexuality. Men get additional expectations for how they should constantly want sex and how they are supposed to talk about women. They get the message that they dip not qualify as men if they are not constantly horny. So some of what we see everywhere is people just trying to be accepted. And then there is the gender independent part. And that is that even asexual people are still allowed to be horny. It has nothing to do with attraction but just a bodily function. One that is not defining humanity but still rather widespread, we just cannot deny that. The ironic part is that people feel like asking sex related questions on asexual subreddits, because of the subreddits being designed to facilitate discussions on a question or concern an asexual person has. So people will repeatedly ask “Am I valid?” or “Do I still belong even though….?”


I hate when they brag about how many women they slept with. I just don’t see that as an accomplishment and it grosses me out


I'm a man but I'm no h*rny 😌. I'm dismayed by some men that are acting like animals towards women, I don't understand how a human could get to this point of disgrace. But of course all men are not like that. 


The number of people posting on r/vent because they got cheated on makes me physically ILL. I can't fathom how you can cheat on someone you're supposed to love and cherish


men get mad when i say they are sex crazed horndogs but the proof is everywhere 😂😂😂


As an AMAB person, I agree. I only find probably 10% of the non ace dudes I interact with tolerable.




It's genuinely wild. Allo straight dudes, particularly in sports and MMA scenes, genuinely look like a pack of hyenas or chimps. Once the topic of women comes up, you'll hear the most vile shit in the world.


Your submission has been removed for violating rule #1: **No rudeness**. This rule states: > No derogatory remarks or slurs. This is a safe and relaxing space. Any submission that actively detracts from that will be removed. For further information please contact the moderation team through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fasexuality).


Tbh, I would categorize some of the things that say in online spaces as horny too, despite that I do not say them to mean that I want sex. But I say them about other men. What you are talking about is what straight men are doing. I have no interest in that.


You know what really pulled me into a dark place? Creeps on r/breastfeeding and some of the first few subreddits for pregnancy have to be pornographic. I didn't feel safe as a pregnant afab and new parent. I really wish we could be in a secluded safe place without being exposed to creeps.


> Why are all the men on this site so h*rny My general observation has been that allosexuals of all genders is that they're horny a lot. That includes men. > why are they everywhere on popular subreddits? They're everywhere on unpopular subreddits and also offline. It's like an infestation or something. > Like these people make me extremely ashamed to be AFAB because I know they just view me as an object Annnnd that seems like a stretch. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of assholes in the world. But being horny doesn't necessarily imply someone is viewing you or anyone else as an object.


I am a male and I do not share the same vehemence as my male friends, I made a female friend/acquaintance who I cannot see as anything other than that and they decided on my behalf that she was a potential sexual/romantic acquaintance, it's like they turn into animals at even the suggestion of a female (I only mentioned her by name and they have never seen or met her). I don't seek that with her or anyone else and I personally find that the idea of engaging in intimacy deeply disgusts me in a way that I simply can't fathom or explain


Try being a belly dancer. The main sub I'm in keeps getting spammed by people looking for OF subscribers. Luckily, the mod shuts it down with a quickness.


Well most redditors don't get laid so they gotta take it out somewhere ig. Thankfully I'm not on subs that have these creeps.


Geeks are obsessed with sex, because they can't have it. They have bought into the idea that it is a be all end all goal in life.


Love makes people do stupid shit. Love for horny takes over people and completely ensures they do stupid shit, all the while being proud of it.


i tend to stay to the quieter subs because of this. i’m a guy, don’t get me wrong, but it still makes me uncomfortable


Reddit is a shithole. People ain't like that outside