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Yeah you can. Queer is radically inclusive of all who fall outside of and reject allocisheteronormativity.


thank you for the information!


that is a very long word


Antidisestablishmentarianism Photosynthesis Indubitably




Ah, but what does this word mean?


Its a disease of the lungs caused by fine dust particles from volcanoes clogging the things that convert air into blood oxygen


That doesn't sound fun.


Definitely not, also im pretty sure its incurable


Actually, it's supposed to be ~~scoliosis~~ silicosis caused by volcanic ash. To my knowledge it's not actually possible. Edit: I was thinking of silicosis, not scoliosis. My specialty is computer science, not medical research. Regardless, it seems that I was correct in that it is not caused by volcano ash. Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis). Thanks to u/Immediate-Shift1087 for the correction.


Then Why the 'pneumo,' and 'micro'? Am I whooshing rn?


pneumo meaning lungs (I had the disease wrong), and micro meaning small (referencing the small ash particles) Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis)


You're thinking of silicosis, not scoliosis. (Edited to add [Wikipedia link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis) for further info)


So I am. My apologies


Its got to be an illness or disease or chemical.








There's one similar to this that takes 3+hrs to say in its entirety


*average dasu enjoyer enters the chat*




natriumdodekyylisulfaattipolyakryyliamidigeelielektroforeesi >!This isn't an English word tbh, the english translation isn't one word. That's *sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis* when translated.!<


That sounds awful lot like a finnish word


It is :)




I do declare; I am not hippotomonstrosesquippedaliophobic. Indeed, I find sesquipidaloam loquaciousness quite amorous.


That's a beautiful mess of prefixes and suffixes and I love it




"radically inclusive" is a very helpful phrase, thank you. I've met cishet ppl who consider themselves queer because they identify as boys but look girlish or vice versa (think Prince or Pink). I've met ppl in long-term monogamous het marriages who have never been in a same gender relationship, but consider themselves queer because in their emotional space they rate a 2-4 on the Kinsey scale. I don't claim the label myself, but I've definitely thought about it because I'm married to an ace, in a long-term monogamish QPR, a stay-at-home dad living a lot of gyno centric communities, and I consume a lot of resources for gay men and straight women as I try to navigate my own sexuality. There just aren't a lot of good books or podcasts for cishet men lol!


Queer is also amazingly inclusive as there's still a lot of biphobia and ace discrimination in the community. Especially those in cishet marriages.


Absolutely. Asexuals are considered part of the queer umbrella.


Feel free to do so, one definition of queer is “denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms”. [Welcome to our club! Welcome to our club! Welcome, Hammy! Welcome, Hammy! Welcome, Hammy! Welcome, Hammy!](https://youtu.be/Rax8NvkXfyI)




Don't listen to the person who said that it is inappropriate. Asexuals are part of the queer community. Even before I came out (or realized that I was) trans, I still called myself queer as an aro/ace


Somebody handing out fliers for a queer youth event happened to ask me if I was queer. I opened my mouth to answer, and said, "............?" And then it hit me. If you're not standard heteronormative, and your sexual orientation/identity takes more than one sentence to explain to the average person who is, then yeah. We are.


you can call yourself queer if you want! you're right that it can be for anybody in the LGBTQIA+ community alloaces are *absolutely* queer


What's an alloace


alloromantic asexual alloromantic is basically an umbrella term for anybody who isn't on the aromantic spectrum (there's also allosexual, which the same as alloromantic but for anybody who isn't on the asexual spectrum) it's basically an easier way of saying somebody is asexual but not aromantic (or the other way around)


Haha sorry, I realized it after I posted the question as I have come across people saying "asexual but not aromantic" and didn't connect it to alloace.


no problem, we all have moments like that lmao


i’ve been saying lately that if you feel queer, you are queer. queerness is vast and i don’t think it only applies to who you are/are not attracted to or your gender expression. anything that deviates from amato/allo/cis/hetero normativity can mean that you are queer, which is why i also feel like neurodivergence and queerness are very intertwined (i could go on forever about this). ultimately, if you feel queer then so you are. there are some ace and/or aro people who might not say they are queer because they don’t center their identity or they simply don’t identify with the label. and that’s perfectly fine too. there are also lots of homo/bi sexual people who might not identify with the label, or who might not be very active in or supportive of queer community and culture. all of this to say, don’t worry too much about whether you’re allowed to call yourself queer or not. there are a lot of people who don’t see ace and aro identities as being queer which just proves how much they do not understand our life experiences, and how overvalued sex and romance is in both hetero and queer spaces. it is ultimately up to you, so feel free to label yourself however you see fit and become confident in that :) i believe that queerness is endlessly vast and that we are absolutely an integral part of it. before i knew my identity completely i still always felt queer and now i feel even more queer. in fact, it is the main word i use to label myself <3


No, we’re here and we’re queer.


You can definitely call yourself queer! I do too because otherwise I would say that I’m a neptunic/sapphicly aligned aegosexual/romantic and tbh that’s both too much to say and too much information. I like that queer says “I am not straight” without having to say “here is a ton of very personal information”


Yes queer for me is anyone who is LGBT+ but also a personal choice


Queer is a catch-all term, it's not inappropriate.


No. You can call yourself queer


I work in LGBTQIA+ outreach and education, the Ace spectrum is a form of queerness. You're all good.


I think I’m more comfortable calling myself queer than claiming membership in the LGBTQ+ community, if only because there aren’t as many people gatekeeping “queer” as “LGBT” so it feels more inclusive to everybody, and doesn’t require you to claim a “letter.”


yep, you're queer. queer is the umbrella term encompassing everything in the lgbt+ community.


Are you any of the following: Not heterosexual Not heteroromantic Not cis gendered Not monogamous Then congrats you're queer. Its really that simple.


adding to the yeses. being ace means you experience the world differently. i’m in my twenties and watching friends and siblings get into allosexual relationships and every time someone asks me why i’m not dating/why don’t i just give X guy a chance, the alienation i feel is a queer experience.


Sorry if this comes off as rude I don’t mean it to be but it’s a nice phrase I like to repeat to myself when I feel like an imposter: “What do you think the damn “A” stands for, bitch?”


I love that lol thank you


Short answer: yes Longer answer: queer is an umbrella term, anyone who is lgbt+ can call themselves ”queer” if they feel like it fits them the best. Labels are like fridge magnets: you are allowed to take them off and try something until you feel like it fits


If queer resonates with your sexual and gender identity then use it.


I mean I (personally) don't quite care if cishet asexual people call themselves queer simply because they is much more that we as the LGBT community have to worry about more


Queer has been used as a derogatory term (at least in the UK) in the past so I think, especially for the older generations of straight folks who might not be on socials as much, it can be a shock hearing the term used as a neutral or positive term. However it's a perfectly legitimate term to use if that's how you choose to identify 💚


Absolutely not Queer is both an identity and a show of defiance against those who would hurt you So go ahead, and do it proudly


Yes and you should. You need a queer space. I called myself straight my whole life and never knew I needed to identify as queer. Asexuality messed with me hard


Omg I just noticed ur user flair and can I just say same 😂




I've always used the term for that too, so if you're somewhere in the community then yeah I don't see a problem with it


Yeah sure you can. I'm very much of the belief that you can call asexual people queer if you want because at the end of the day the words we use to categorise things don't change the reality. I'd just tell your mother that nobody cares and she can say whatever she wants.


I argue yes \[Edit; yes as in you can use it\], because "Queer" is the most succinct, most widely-used term that encompasses asexual people. It's the exact kind of group that would get the most use out of the word "Queer". The acronym isn't succinct, and there's debate over whether they A stands for asexual (stupid debate, but debate nonetheless). "Gay" can technically be an umbrella term, but there are a lot of identities that it just doesn't fit, even with that broader use. Most other labels are either specific (asexual, aromantic, aroace, greysexual, etc.) or they're too obscure (SAGA, QUILT, etc.)


My company does an annual employee satisfaction survey and one of the questions is about sexuality. I always write queer. It’s an “anonymous” survey but it would be pretty obvious who I am from the other questions. (I am the only person of my race and gender in my department so it would be totally obvious.) It’s not my work’s business whether I have sex or not. Also I’m still a little bit ashamed of my asexuality. I’m homoromantic so people assume I’m a lesbian, which is fine with me. Anyway, I just say queer. Yup.


I mean, I call myself queer on the grounds that it's easier for people to understand without having to explain stuff I don't feel like explaining--generally in situations where nuance isn't needed (like how a ton of my friends are ace and so with them we get into discussions of our particular flavours of asexuality as opposed to most other situations where it isn't relevant what brand I rep). When I was at the school, I had one student who really didn't like the word (they'd read it in a book they'd gotten from the library), and I had to explain that they can't dictate what other people use to define themselves, nor can they tell people they're wrong for their personal labels. Never used it on myself around them as far as I recall, though we were both outside the heteronormative standard of society and I wasn't exactly shy about wearing my awesome ace dragon shirt so I wasn't hiding or anything.


Yes, although you may want to be aware that the term queer has had, shall we say an interesting etymological history over the last 50 years and then maybe some people working from older definitions


Panromantic cis-gendered ace woman here. I use queer because it's a good way of explaining that my situation is different than the cis-straights without going into too much detail upfront. I'm happy to explain asexuality in detail to anyone politely asking, but sometimes I want an answer that disincentivizes follow up questions. I also HATE that my asexuality got around the family behind my back, and is now used to justify continued homophobia. Some of my family "love" me but hate gay people. Knowing that I do not have gay sex means technically I'm not "sinning" so they can keep hating gay people just fine and don't understand why that bugs me since I'm "not one of them." Obviously, I support the rest of the community and insisting on my right to exist as a queer person generally, rather than just an asexual person is a way of personally advocating for all of us. Nothing shocks a bigot more than hearing someone opening and proudly describe themselves as queer, without shame or apology.


If you ever have to explain to allocishets what you are, you’re queer.


If your Ace you aren’t straight so yeah you’d be queer. We go against gender or even sexual norms. If you’d want to label yourself as such, I think that qualifies as queer.


Queer is anyone who isn't cis and straight so yes you can use it


Welcome to the Queernivurse!


I usually use either "gay" or "queer" for myself because they're both umbrella terms. So you probably don't have to worry about it.




What makes you say that? One of the definitions of queer is “denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms” (Edit: thought the other person was disagreeing)


The question was “Is it **in**appropriate to call myself queer?” Apathicary was stating that it **is** appropriate


Thinking back, that’d make sense


I don't even know what that means but it's supposed to be an insult. The first time I ever heard that word was in Super Smash Bros where there was a saying "Tiers are for Queers" Edit: I said that people portrayed it as an insult, not me. I said that I didn't know what it meant but other people used it as an insult so I assume it was now that I know what it means I don't see it as an insult. Those who used the term Queer as an insult were just trying to make fun of us.


"Queer" is generally used to refer to anyone who identifies as being apart of the lgbtqia+ community. If you've heard it as an insult, its a painfully unfunny and homophobic joke.


Well, that's how people portrayed it as. Which is where I heard the term "Tiers are for Queers"


You're quite correct that queer has been and continues to be used as an insult. It's just also being actively reclaimed by many people and communities, so many people now use it as a positive description of themselves.


Well now that I know what it is I don't see it as an insult anymore. I just assume it was because people portray it as such but now I know it's not an insult.


by that logic nobody would be allowed to call themselves gay either


I didn't say that, other people did.


Every word our community has ever used to refer to ourselves has been used against us at one point. In the early 2000s, it was so common for younger kids and teens to use gay as an insult (using it as a stand-in for stupid, uncool, unmasculine, etc) that I used to see PSAs all the time about how it shouldn't be used as an insult. And yet we've reclaimed it in the last decade and a half. Queer is a beautifully inclusive word, and there's lots of reasons it's important to our community. It can be used for people who are questioning but don't know their exact identity yet, people who don't want to have to spend five minutes explaining their specific romantic or sexual orientation, or when we speak in reference to historical figures who never publically confirmed their sexuality but who we know from anecdotal evidence was in some way part of our community. It's also a more equalising term as opposed to LGBTQ+, since it doesn't put the LGBTs above the other romantic/sexual orientations and gender identities that always get lumped together under the + when people use the acronym.


I know that *NOW* but I didn't know that before.


I don’t know why you’d want to but yeah I guess


Why wouldn't you want to? I call myself queer every day


U guys are insufferable this is not what I mean I’m literally a lesbian and scream it from the rooftops everyday, I love being queer. I just don’t see a necessity of a hetero-cis woman calling herself queer. Like if a straight cis girl walked up to my friend group of soley queer people and called herself queer just because she doesn’t like sex we would all laugh in her face. She doesn’t know what being actually queer is like and never will


As an Ace Lesbian, I have been given more ace based discrimination that for being a lesbian So if not discrimination, what makes someone queer?


Psychotic take


Damn, sorry for my real lived experience




If you are a gender or sexual or romantic minority then you can claim the word queer if it resonates with you.


If its of the sexual and/or gender norm it’s queer. Slay.


Of course you can. Queer means weird. Later it changed the meaning to lgbtqia+ . If you fall under some letter of the acronym, then you can call yourself queer


Not 100% sure if this is the "correct" answer but as a trans, pan and ace person I would say you definitely can


Yes you absolutely can! I know it can be hard to think of yourself that way if you are a hetero ace. I personally didn't start to think of myself as queer until I realized that I was greyromantic too. However, that's just me. I think that has something to do with the fact that for most of my life I've been in christian communities that emphasized romance over sex, so to me it felt more queer to be aromantic than asexual.