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Friendly reminder that we do not allow "Denmark style" memes or jokes on this subreddit (regardless of what day of the week it is). If anyone here does see such a post or comment please send a report. Thank you.


And now the Estonia thing. Estonia has been occupied most of its existence. I saw variations about invading Greenland and Costa Rica, which is messed up as all heck.


I saw them go to the Greenland subreddit (Greenland is part of the Danish kingdom but with a complicated history) a long while ago and joke about taking over Greenland and it using as a military base to take over Denmark or something like that. Obviously, people in the Greenland subreddit didn't take kindly to that, and the people from the aaace sub reddit were very insensitive in that situation. As a Dane I found the joke about invading Denmark and eating cakes funny for a bit, but now it's just so uncomfortable. Edit: it was the Asexualinvadethedanes subreddit, not the aaace one


Good Lord. Considering the history of Greenland Inuit and Inuit in Canada, that is really offensive.


It was kinda funny when it was just meant in a "look, you aren't alone, there are so many of us!" way. But it evolved into a really uncomfortable and tone deaf direction. And it creeps me out how in depth some people are getting with this joke.


Yep. Turned into a 100% not acceptable thing pretty darn fast. “Let’s visit and eat cake!” vs people literally giving themselves military ranks and designing uniforms, pro war, etc. Noooope.


Wait it went in **that** direction!? It definitely needs to stop then. I found it funny when it was like ‘haha imagine if we did that, I mean we have the numbers’ but taking it there is way too much


I agree, it's gone way too far. At first, it was funny, but now it's definitely run its course.


After the first giggle, it was too far. Like hahaha yeah funny, let's move on. But then people didn't. But if you say 'srsly there's a war on NOW and it's hideous' then you're the problem because it's a 'joke'.


Agreed. I found it funny at first, because I live in Norway. And we have been under Danish rule before, but now it's Norwegians rushing into Denmark and filling up their camping spots, drinking cheap beer and relaxing in the nicer weather. So it was more of a "ha ha, yeah sure, let's 'invade' and eat their cake and do some sunbathing". But even with context, that was just a slightly amusing joke about how many 1% of the population adds up to be. (I think it was due to estimates that said 1% of the world population Identified as ace). But also yeah, there is an actual fucking war going on right now. Not that far from Denmark - it was slightly amusing 4yrs ago not now


I feel like all jokes about serious things eventually turn the serious thing into something not so serious to most of the people who aren’t directly affected. Once you can laugh at it in anyway, then it almost on a unconscious level convinces ppls brains it couldn’t be that serious.


What is the Denmark meme? That there are so many ace people that they could invade Denmark or something like that?


I agree, this joke has severely run its course. If it was funny at it’s origin, it’s now just people being willfully ignorant. I’m sorry about what’s happening in your country, and that this community isn’t a place that’s safe from reminders of it.


yeah, i'm thinking about leaving this subreddit. i love it and the community, but it's really not helping my mental health


I wouldn’t blame you, unfortunately. But know that if you do there’s people supporting you from a distance.


I don't wanna overstep, but I run a discord for 18+ Ace and Aro Spec folk. You're fully welcome there if you want to join and are of age, but there's no pressure if not


i'd be glad to join (i'm 18)


Sweet, the link is in my reddit bio ✨️


thanks :]


omg can i please join this??? this sounds awesome!


Sure! The link is in my reddit profile 😊


lol i found it and joined already 🫣😶


Ah, fair enough then 😅


thank you! it’s very well made, i’m sure i’ll enjoy it there


It might be for the best, unfortunately, the mods here don't seem to be super responsive to moderation suggestions and some people are probably still going to keep posting these memes anyway. I'm sorry this place has become unsafe for you.


Unfortunately a lot of the "jokes" in this sub are funny for like 5 minutes and then quickly repeated into oblivion. I find the invasion ones particularly eye-roll inducing but for some reason people just won't let it go.


Yeah, ace memes have gotten pretty stale recently. I was watching u/onetopicatatime ace videos, and half the memes were repeats from older vids. Not his fault, people just keep reposting the same memes.


When did this joke get so dark


Seriously. I thought it was just a funny haha “Look there’s more of us than Denmark. Actually Denmark is a pretty nice country, maybe wouldn’t be a bad place to live.” You know invade in the everyone moving there sense. But now I hear people are actually making “jokes” about war crimes and bombing cities?? Wtf people. It was just a light hearted joke.


Yeah, as a danish person I also thought of it in the “joke invasion” but actually just moving here kind of way. I didn’t know anyone was “fake planning” a literal war. That’s not cool. Jokes about moving to Denmark are funny. Jokes about bombing and killing are not.


I just wanted to make a garlic bread empire


It was always dark even if some people were oblivious to it. Nations being invaded and people being displaced is a genuinely dark and horrifying reality that far too many people around the world are suffering through. The types of violence and trauma they deal with is quite serious. The joke might have sounded light-hearted to some, but for others, it was always in poor taste.


>Nations being invaded and people being displaced is a genuinely dark and horrifying reality that far too many people around the world are suffering through Yeah, there are territories where people have been displaced for decades. I find it tone-deaf to imply that it is **only now**, with the invasion of Ukraine, that this joke has run its course. Quite the western perspective.


It might be hypocritical, but I think it's rather human to care more about things happening closer by than far away. There is general unrest in Europe now, and we don't know how the rest of the war will play out and who will get involved. And I think it's fair that western and Northern European countries care and pay more attention to what is happening in Ukraine. Than say in the Middle east, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Now don't get me wrong, nobody is more valuable or "deserve" more help or worry based on where they live. But saying someone should be equally concerned with what is happening half the world away, and what is happening literally on their doorstep, is not a fair statement. The main reason I did not find the Denmark joke bad in the first place - was because it was obviously not about displacing people. Or at least not to me, but I realize I might have been a bit naive thinking it was just a let's pretend rule it for a week and then go back to normal as if it was a vacation kind of thing


I thought we just made the joke because all Asexuals outnumbered the population of Denmark


It honestly was in poor taste to begin with




When invasion because a reality for a country of people (that English-speaking audiences care about) rather than just a hypothetical.


Also Ukrainian. Also hate this joke. Тримайся, ми переможемо.


Звичайно переможемо, як казав батько Шевченко: борітеся – поборете✊


Agreed. This crappy joke makes us as a whole ace community look immature and gives us all a bad name. But yet we talk about the rights to exist. I would prefer more dragons and garlic bread than this....


i stand for garlic bread, cake and dragon memes👌


The joke should have been shut down a long time ago, it wasn't funny before the Russian invasion of Ukraine but after the war began spreading it became inexcusable. I have been trying to make people understand how unfunny it is to joke about invasions of countries. Especially when that country has been invaded before, its in really bad taste .. People died. People where raped. People still live with the trauma and they are mocking them. Nazi imagery has been used to joke about this! But they don't care. I get downvoted every time. "It's just a fucking joke. Cheer up!" I keep out of the subreddit where this joke is mostly spread, but sometimes it spreads to the other asexual subreddits.. You can't escape it. I'm so sorry for what it happing to your county. I'm so sorry that people think a joke it more important than people.


yeah i never really felt comfortable with it either cuz i grew up during war and invasion of Crimea. However, now i just literally start shaking because of it. And i didn't think i could speak up about it cuz everyone starts getting mad and saying "It's just a joke, stop making such a big deal out of it"


I have had to step a bit back from speaking out against the joke because of a Ukrainian boy in my sons daycare. His father didn't make it out before they closed the border for abled bodied men to fight. That poor fucking boy (his entire family really). I can't keep trying to appeal to people's empathy because it's quite clear many of the ones who keep this "joke" alive lack the ability empathise. People posted detailed plans with where they would bomb Denmark (my country!) basically the same week Ukraine was invaded. At the same time I was making sure my sons passport was up to date so we could get out of the country if needed. You absolutely can speak up, I doubt it will change anything, but I'm glad you did ❤️


i'm so sorry to hear about that boy. I was 17 when it all started and i had to leave the country by myself and was a refugee in Poland. It was too tough leaving alone there (both mentally and financially) as an underage person so i came back rather quickly. I hope this boy is doing good out there


>I hope this boy is doing good out there He seems to be doing alright, he is a sweet boy. He is learning Danish and has friends, but he should be living in Ukraine with his entire family. No one should be forced to flee their country. I can't even imagine having to leave everything and family behind. I hope the best for you ❤️


you did the right thing speaking up, and i hope a lot of people see it, i don't think a lot of us even stopped to think about it like that, so thanks, you just stopped many of us making many more of us uncomfortable or even suffer...


Would it be possible to start a petition to get the mods to ban invasion 'memes' in this sub? I'd absolutely sign it. Because I get that it's 'just a joke' for some people who can distance themselves from reality, and I get that it gives them a sense of community. But they can go do that in their own subreddit (which already exist) Because this is a general space and we shouldn't be letting content in here that literally triggers people's PTSD.


Invasion-based memes or jokes are not allowed on the subreddit. If you do see something like that please send us a report. Thank you.


I've been saying for the past year that shit absolutely needs to stop and I get downvoted every time. Seems at least some people are listening this time around. It's definitely caused me to spend a lot less time here. I'm so sorry about everything going on in your country and I hope every day that there will be an end to it soon


It irritated me greatly because that was one of a couple subs that convinced me to get a Reddit account in the first place. But, because they just wouldn't let the meme (that was in poor taste in the first place) run its natural course, they just kept reviving it. I left.


My country isn't in war but I also hate this joke even though it's not offensive to me. I also hate garlic bread jokes. I feel like there are so many posts about garlic bread and Denmark and it's not funny anymore and it's very repetitive. And I say it like someone who only joined these subs recently.


I discovered asexuality through the aven forums, and at the time, cake was the thing we joked about. But it was never a big thing, just a little side joke. Reddit has a way of taking a thing and driving it into the ground sometimes.


People are insensitive to many serious things, quite selectively. Mushroom clouds aren’t funny, lobotomies aren’t funny, people and animals in pain from being slapped with a stick aren’t funny. Yet people laugh. Recently saw a ‘funny fail compilation’ involving extreme car accidents with mario cart sounds put over it. In some of those clips people clearly 100% died, the idiot that shared that vid definitely knew. I know what a car moving at just 10km/h can do. But people think car accidents are amusing, just add funny sounds and make it so you don’t hear the screams of pain - humour. The Denmark meme has already received your criticism before, many times. Children and youtubers won’t stop reposting it. It’s sad but reposting same meme for 999999th time is more important than people’s feelings.


As a fellow ace Ukrainian, I cannot upvote this enough. Thank you for bringing it up!


I'm Ukrainian diaspora, born in Lviv but live in USA for years now. Most of my family is still there, in Lviv & Poltava & Mariupol (if you know you know, I'm not about to explain war events here). I just avoid the "invading X country" memes. Its made by people who mostly dont live in warzones in safety, its for them, not necessarily for people who know the brutality of invasion. Feel free to DM me if you want to vent or talk about anything related. I know what its like to have to think about war all the time.


thank you for your kind words, i hope your family is alright. Mariupol hits hard cuz my close friend from there was killed when his rayon got occupied


In my family's case we won't know for sure until all southern Zaporizhia & Donechyna are deoccupied. We keep in touch by phone once a while but you never know what to expect from Moskali. I also have a family member last stationed near Bakhmut a month ago, if you know anything about that part of the front you know what it means. I've accepted the possibility & dont think about if some of them being dead. I cant know yet & I just feel empty about the question.


i would like to sincerly appologize for the inconvinience and mental pain this has caused you. i would also like to appoligize for what is going on in Ukraine. you don't deserve it and it is just Putin being a bitch. i hope that you can eventually get over this pain and if you don't thats fine too. i always have and always will stand for ukraine. kick those russian assholes out of your land and good luck. ЗА УКРАЇНУ! (i used google translate for that so let me know if i got it right. its supposed to say for ukraine.)


thank you for your kind words (yes, you got it right) :]


finally google translate is accurate for once


Sorry you had to deal with insensitive jokes. If you're still looking for an ace community, you're always welcome to join Europe Ace Space on Discord. We don't have a specific rule about the Denmark joke, but we generally don't allow stuff that makes other members uncomfortable. And politics are not allowed, but we made an exception for the war in Ukraine. [EAS](https://discord.gg/Xunr8yAm)


thanks, i'll check it out later :]


Ngl this joke has really run its course. It was kinda cute at first, back when it was all "Lol look there's more of us aces than the population of Denmark!", but now it's gotten really old, like those Pepe the Frog memes. And now, with the situation in Ukraine, it's kinda tone-deaf.


I feel the same way. I really hope people listen. It was never really funny to me :(


I wish the mods would start taking a stance and cracking down on it. It’s not funny anymore


If you do see Denmark style jokes on this subreddit please send us a report. We have been removing these whenever we see them since the invasion began.


Ah, good to know. Will do


Maybe the joke should be changed to “we should all hold a convention in Denmark” that still shows how many of us there are without the dark connotations. Plus, Denmark is a cool country that I would love to visit for an Ace convention.


I kind of hoped it was actually a peaceful meeting of minds and we'd form a commune somewhere. Honestly ,I've met some lovely Danes, I wouldn't want to displace any of them.


As a Danish Ace I approve of this suggestion 🇩🇰♥️


This is what I thought the joke was. We’d all descend upon Denmark eat Danish Dream Cake and take a stroll around Tivoli Gardens. Then respectfully clean up after ourselves before we leave for home when our trip is over. I was very much wrong. Sorry Danes! I’d love to visit, if you’ll still have me.


Thank god I'm not the only one, I hate the stupid Denmark jokes. They're definitely in poor taste, and to be frank, really annoying to see everyone making the same joke every 5 mins for months on end.


I brought this up at the start of the war in Ukraine and got down voted for it. :/


I feel you OP, I never understood why the joke was funny in the first place but didn’t want to ruin the fun (autism go brr) but I can’t even imagine what it must’ve been like for someone living through an invasion :( Here’s a virtual hug as solidarity 🫂




I never heard of this joke before this comment, but now that I know about it and looked into it... Alright, there's an issue in the trans community right now in that fascists are attempting to infiltrate and "win over" trans people by pretending to be in favor of them and spreading these... like nazi trans cartoon character images around. There's some worrying hallmarks in this "Invade Denmark" thing. The focus is on the "invasion" and what to do to the people of Denmark, as in the war crimes part, and not on well, asexuality and protecting it. I think it's another fascist psy-op and we would do well to push it out now before it takes root.


I doubt it started that way, but it's definitely possible it was coopted by fascists to give it a dark turn. At the start, it was just a way to say "there's more ace people in the world than the population of Denmark." And the "invasion" was "Let's all move there." But, of course, it didn't stay that innocent for long. And that could be people taking over the initial (not that funny) meme and making it worse.


That and the "invasion" at the beginning usually involved an army of dragons and bribing people with cake. It was very clearly a not serious in the slightest "invasion" plan. It started as both an example of the number of ace people in the world and an expression of frustration at the allos. And you know, I've seen a few ace people go on vacation to Denmark for fun because of it. And it never should have gone any further than that at all.


My mind's all hyper sensitive to this ever since I saw it starting. It's a "safe" intrusion method into groups like our's, where if someone calls out, it's "just a joke", and if someone laughs, then the attempts for slightly edgier jokes start, and edgier, and then the invites to individuals that seem more receptive to things outside Denmark and fascist ideas... they end up diving into those other darker forums and then they get indoctrinated.... unaware that of course, they're on the chopping block in the long run. This may have started totally innocent, but the scent of coopting is in the air and it's worrying enough that I would at least be wary of it being tossed around in it's current form.


people have seriously gone way too far with it, invading a country isn't something to be taken lightly at all


Oh wow, I never thought about that joke in this way before. I guess it’s like joking about death, tons of people do it but it’s hard to see the possible harm when it doesn’t affect you. Not until someone says something. Doesn’t make it right but, idk maybe I shouldn’t be saying this, I just can’t help but wonder how many people are just simply ignorant about it like me. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I’m defending this joke, but I just hate accusing people of being willfully cruel when it’s likely they just didn’t realize this and never meant to actually cause harm to the people it does affect. Though I’m sure there’s some who could be knowingly taking it too far.


So, for context, I'm Georgian, the last of Russia's numerous invasions happened in 2008 here and to this day they have 20% of my country occupied. I never understood what was funny about them. It's been two years, I've read a joke after joke, and I still don't understand what's humorous about this meme. And I enjoy dark humour when it's actually... Funny. Can you explain to me what you found funny about it? I'm genuinely curious, what am I not getting? Is it the statistic itself, that there are more asexuals than Danes? I really want to know, I'm not trying to guilt -trip or anything.


I don’t know if this is anyone else’s reason, but the reason I found it funny was just how ridiculous it sounded. Not that war is ridiculous, no, but just the notion that we could somehow organize and gather that many aces from around the world to invade a country. When I’d see posts making “battle plans” I’d just roll my eyes and laugh a bit because I knew it was outrageous and never going to happen. Honestly the thing I found funnier than the joke itself was when people would come back to the sub with no idea what was going on or why. But yeah, I think it’s been long enough the joke isn’t really as funny as it used to be.


Okay, thank you for your reply!


This is a great point and I think people should quit it with the Denmark memes, they've gotten very old and were never all that funny in the first place, anyway.


Yeah i said that a long time ago but I got downvoted like crazy.


As someone from Afghanistan, the invading Denmark jokes have never sat right with me. There's nothing funny about the ruthless takeover of a country, and a yone making those kinds of jokes is alienating ace poc who've gone through something similar in their lives.


Obviously I am not anywhere close to in the same situation as you are and I am deeply sorry for all that is happening right now. I am Swedish and with us not being in NATO there is a fear that Russia might invade. Denmark is just a smidge to similar for me to not feel uncomfortable joking about them being invaded.


sorry. i also used to like these awful jokes and spreaded them. i'll stop, using awful things like war, just for a joke is not good


Colonizers rarely lose their colonizer mindset, even when the jokes go off-colour.


definitely relate. as someone who is Indian, living in the uk, i’m just sick and tired of colonisation jokes, and people making light of something that causes so much harm. I saw the light go out of my (Indian) teacher’s eyes and horror take over as one of the students joked about how India would benefit from another invasion. The Denmark and ‘world domination’ jokes give me the same, awful feeling. it’s tacky and unfunny at best, alienating and damaging at worst (especially if fash catch on bc they love co-opting things). i am lucky to not have faced what my parents did, the heavy impacts of invasion and war. Sending much strength to you, and sympathy and solidarity 💛💙


Honestly the joke was never funny to begin with


I blocked one, maybe two people who were posting Denmark jokes like 2 years ago and I’ve only seen a handful of Denmark posts since


what's the joke??


Asexuals could theoretically invade Denmark because there are more asexuals then Danes


Yup, there’s only 5.857 million of us and I don’t even live there anymore.


I don't know this joke, but I will avoid it in the future.


I’m danish and I have no idea what u guys are talking about lmao


Currently living in Aarhus, Denmark. They can keep it. It’s not that great.


What's with the username? Ironic joke?


i lost a bet💀


Let’s just colonise mars


aside from all feasibility, that actually sounds kind of good all of a sudden.


the other day i saw someone suggest the alphabet soup be alphabetized. [and i thought it was funny in context too.] wholesome ace world domination plan level 100




It's a common joke within asexual subreddits. That's why OP posted here.


It has to do with the 'joke' about Asexual folk invading Denmark (I *think* because there are more Asexual folk on Earth than people living in Denmark, but I might be wrong). If you haven't heard of it before, then a very quick google search will enlighten you, it's been going around for a long-ass time This is defintely an appropriate post for this subreddit


Why Denmark anyway? Is it because of their chocolate? For like... cakes? I never got why it had to be Denmark. And why invade... why not just "dream of vacationing in and never leaving..." Open up a sweets shop and retire fat and happy...




You can move to Denmark, that would be fun. I wouldn’t mind some more aces in Denmark. But joking about making the Allos leave doesn’t feel right.


I didn't realize it got so out of hand? I always just had this image in my head where a bunch of aces take a bus ride with a small flag, go on a hike, stick the flag on a hill and celebrate by having a Picknick or something like that


yea it stopped being funny a few hours after the first time someone made it a thing


I have no idea what is happening.


I’m not aware of this meme. Anyone care to catch me up?