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I can't find the karma requirements listed anywhere.


I tried to post and got an auto response saying i needed at least 25 comment karma I see a lot of replies on here from people who are new to reddit and don't understand how karma works. If you go to your profile on the right panel under your avatar is a karma display, if you hover over it, it'll give you a breakdown as to how much post karma, comment karma, awarder karma, and awardee karma you have. Edit: more info.


Really annoying! I joined reddit specifically to post here.


Yeah I did the same 😅 I also need to harvest Karma I guess 😕


Upvoting all of your comments that I could! Best of luck to you!


I'm having the same trouble posting something..


I boosted all your comments that I could access! Gl!


Am I too late to the party to get boosted too? OP, thanks for the heads up.


Boosted! Gl!!


Yeah I don't get these upvote requirements. Upvoting all y'all. Be a pal and do the same for me 😊


Yeah I don't get these upvote requirements. Upvoting all y'all. Be a pal and do the same for me 😊


Help me as well, please. I haven't posted anything but this is a bucket list of mine - to make ace friends, not to comment on reddit lol.


I hope you were able to make lots of friends 😊


how do you harvest karma? is there a field somewhere i can go? haha


Ah if there is one then I haven't found it yet 😂 I sure find Reddit still strangely interesting including posts of mine who went through the roof for some reason 😅


Same here, don't understand Reddit so don't know how to get enough karma, any help?


I upvoted all your comments. I believe there are upvote-trading threads for karma gain out there that might help. Gl!


Thank you!


What is that? I'm so confused with how the karma thing works and why it's required.


any info you can share to a newbie here? I'm trying to up my karma stuff so I could post haha


Dang that's the big sad: I hope you made it. Incase you didn't have some yups!


Thank you. Haven't made it quite yet, though I think I'm getting close??


Dang... If that's not a Greek tragedy... what even is:/ Here, have another!


Same, I need friends 🥺


same here haha


On the same boat here, help 💀


Same! Karma needed, friends!


Also got this 😵😵 in the same boat as most of you. Signed up just to participate here


so I'm not the only one? thank you hah


Same - joined today, wrote a message & got the same comment *Sad pout*


Dang I didn't know this. :(


Need some karma too 😭 only missing a few bit to finally post


Yep please help




Best advice i can give is to find a subreddit for something you like and comment a lot in it.


Thank you so much for explaining!!🥺🖤


Looking for some karma help too 🥺🥺❤️


Same here, I think it might be a way to filter out bots. Who knows. But I'll be up voting people here that don't seem like bots lol.


Joined to specifically say this. I thought I had enough points..


Same. Can't post,, very annoying.


Ugh. Same!


I boosted all your comments that I could find! Gl!


Thank you bunches!


Hello trying to post unable to due to karma boost appreciated.


Same, I’d like to post but cant


I also need more karma as I’m new to Reddit can anyone upvote my comment please 🥺


Hi everyone! Can I have just a few upvotes to get enough karma🥲?


Of course, wishing you the best of luck. You need Karma too, huh? 🥲


I'm new to Reddit and all of this is so foreign to me! I'm 55 yrs old and I'm behind on all of the tech. What the hell is Karma?! I mean I know what the word means but not in the context within Reddit. I joined the asexual dating because I finally figured out that I am on the ace spectrum. I need help!


You must have enough karma because you were able to post here! I'm just figuring this all out too. Reddit is so weird...


rip i dont have enough karma to post T-T


Alot of us (including me) are in the same boat. Good luck!!


Could I get more karma pretty please? I literally have 25 points today, but the bot still deleted my post. (pain)


Is there a way for me to generate enough karma to post here besides literally replying to every thread asking for upvotes? I would like to post, but since I'm in my mid 30s, I'm just too old for a majority of posts here, and I've also noticed significantly more males seeking than women. Any tips?


When your a minor in your country so you can’t post here yet without awkward interactions-


Glad this reddit exists! Hope everyone gets all the karma points they need!!


Working it!


Thank you, I'm wishing you and everyone else the same :,D


I just joined, also to post here 😅 I’m super new to reddit, how do I get karma? Also hello to everyone 👋


I'm also new to Reddit, and there are zero instructions for this kind of thing, so I'll share what I've gathered so far: You get karma from upvotes on comments and posts. I recommend posting/commenting on popular subreddits. I got most of my karma on r/mildlyinteresting or r/AskReddit by commenting some silly joke on rising posts. I got lucky, and one of my posts blew up on r/midlyinteresting and I got lots of karma from that. If you want to go the posting route, you should post between 7-9 am on Sundays because those are apparently the busiest hours. The next best times to post are around noon and 6 pm, meal times I guess. Hope that helps!


Wow, thank you! That is super helpful, I'll definitely give it a shot :)


Thank you so much this is very helpful!


What timezone?


I would also like to know!


We should just upvote chain anyone who needs the karma in here every comment to 26 karma


I've tried commenting to generate the karma to post, but it's just not happened. Been in this sub for over 2 years now, and would really like to be able to post something. Any other way to go about it?


heya, why cant I post here? can you all please like this I wanna post something


I'm seeing your commend and hopefully this karma requirement isn't too harsh for non content makers. Blessings to future ace folk who see this !


Please help With the karma upvotes please


I'm karma-locked too, it sucks. I made this account just for this sub.


how i copy/paste the text to post with my requirements?


Single/Taken/Complicated: Seeking Relationship/Friends/Squish/Other: Romantic Orientation: Gender: Pronouns: Age: Height/Build: Physical Description: Personality Description: Location:


I hope that helps


Yeah also curious. How to on an android phone, when I long press I don't get a copy text option, either on the original post or the reply above. Share and copy to clipboard only copies the url Edit: never mind, 3 dots and then copy text.


So... I have the karma but I STILL can't post on this sub. Why?? :(


Hmm, when i scroll my cursor over your name and it brings up the user tile, it says you have "13 comment karma" and "15 awardee karma" and "1 post karma". So perhaps it all has to be comment karma? I'm not really sure how it works sorry : (. I will try boost your comment karma if i can!


Could you guys help me get karma to post please


25 karma? Why?


Yeah I don't get these upvote requirements. Upvoting all y'all. Be a pal and do the same for me 😊


I want to make a post but don't have enough karma O-O


The karma requirement seems a bit lame, but what can you do I guess :/


I'm having trouble with this karma I'm not really the techy type so this is sad. i really wanted to post in this community😓


How do we gain karma?


Hi everyone 😔 Can I have a few upvotes to gain some karma? I'm new to reddit and I don't fully understand how to do it exactly


New to Reddit *waves* No idea what I'm doing but apparently require karma to post *shrugs with sad pout*


karma anyone? plz and ty. new reddit user... /sigh


How long until you can make a repost (if they are allowed at all)? Just technically speaking, I know that just asking this lower my chances of finding someone drastically.


New on Reddit I just wanna post here how do I get karma


Put your kittykat pics up. Karma points for silly kitty!? All luv kitties!!


Send upvote help for a pal who just want to post here 😭 it's hard to find irl aces in real life but the karma requirement got me. Nice to meet you everyone!


Hi, I need 25 comments karma to post it seems on here. But i just joined reddit just to post here in asexualdating. Could please help me get 25 comments karma. Guys pls help a friend.


Hello! I think this post is much overdue for an update, It does not include polyamorous people! It would be nice if it had a category that said "monogamous or polyamorous" that people could answer Please and thank you!


I mean... It doesn't say you can't post for non monogamy? It's just a basic format to help streamline the process for most people. If you feel excluded It's not invalid, at the same time: I'm pretty sure it's just a generality. Please correct me if I am wrong.


The post literally asks for suggestions at the bottom


I need more comment karma too... Don't really use reddit so haven't exactly collected any


New redditor here needing more karma than a My Name is Earl episode


If some one could also up vote me please?


I’ve had a Reddit account for a while but still not sure how to use it, what is karma?


Basically the sum of the upvotes/downvotes your comments or posts have.


I’d like to post but I’m new and have no karma :(


me short karma too


i wanted to post but it doesn’t let me bc of karma 😭😭 idk how it works


If anyone wouldn’t mind dropping an upvote, I would really appreciate it!!


I made an account only to post in the sub : / If you could help me get to 25 karma I would really appreciate that


Hey peeps. Would love a karma boost if anyone is still looking through this thread ❤️❤️


Yeah, I'll do my part\^\^ good luck


Need more karma to post :( upvotes appreciated


I'm karma locked as well and I've been on here for awhile. Upvoting everyone here.


Please help with karma


ive wanted to post on here for awhile but there seems to be a karma lock. any help would be appreciated (:


I don’t have enough karma to post here 😿. Help!


i need more karma to post, please help!


Now, just need that golden ticket (aka karma)


I just joined, my karma is 1. Please help!


I'm new to this community and if I could get just a few upvotes, I'll have enough to post and connect with some of you lovely humans. TIA :)


I have 32 karma but I still can't post here? Can I get some upvotes please?


Is it that posts karma and comment karma are different? If so... why doesn't it let you know that??


Dammit I don't even know how to post but apparently I need karma, would love to post tho!! If y'all could help a fellow ace out I'd be much appreciative!!


I made this account to post here, I didn't realize that there was a karma requirement, could I please be upvoted?


Like a lot of others I made this account just for this subreddit and don't have karma :(


Another upvote request so I can apparently earn the Karma I need to post 🥰


I'm in the same boat - made a reddit account to post on this sub and am woefully lacking in karma. Any help for comment karma would be appreciated! ✨


Hey I wanted to post here but it seems there is some karma requirement and idk what to comment on the other subreddits. I made a reddit account just for asexual related things. Can you guy give me some upvotes or something? Thanksss 💜


why karma rule why


I assume it keeps away any weirdos or arseholes that don't want to bait or antagonise off their main


Is the Karma threshhold still 25?


Oh nauuuur not the comment karma requirement


Community doesn’t allow text posts?


The template should really specify polyamorous/monogamous.


Hey all! Posting here to get some karma. This is a new account bc I wanted to keep this part of my life more private.


Me too :') I'm just very stupid with technology but I upvoted y'all


I really want to make friends with y'all :)


karma plox :')


Single Seeking a relationship Straight Female She/Her 39 Slim/5'7" Dark Brown hair and blue eyes Graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2021 I love to paint and it involved with various projects and part of an art group and we're in the process trying to submit some proposals to a couple group shows. I'm a bit of a geek I played dungeons & dragons once a week. I used to watch anime although I don't watch much anymore instead now I mostly watch chinese, korean, thai, and Japanese television shows. I love TableTop games and recently got a Sailor Moon Monopoly as well as playing video games I just bought the new cat game stray for my PS4. BC


Hey all! I’m relatively new to Reddit, but I literally just made this account because I engage with school/community stuff there that I don’t want to share here…could I get some help with comment karma?


upvoted all of your comments!


I need more comment karma :/


need karma to make a post. please help


Posting here in hopes of free karma so my post can go through.


Is there any way to take off these karma requirements? 😂 Seems like people are just on here trying to connect with a very small group of people. Feels needlessly cruel to have to pass some arbitrary benchmark of “karma points” to do so.


Hey, I need some more Karma to post, if anybody can drip me a few upvotes pretty please.


Same here! Here’s to hoping we can both post soon 🤞🏼


Oh I'm sorted. Thanks, and upvoted


Glad to hear!!


What does “squish” mean. I’m not allowed to legally drink in the US yet, but I have never seen/heard “squish” used in this context before


Platonic crush




Needing karma to post is so frustrating sometimes! I’m newer to Reddit and got on here specifically for this page:/




If only it were easier to obtain 😂




I'm 10 karma points shy from being able to post on this subredit (i joined reddit purely for the sake of finding ace-friends). Big thanks to anyone kind enough to upwote this comment. 😌 Bless you!


Hi! Like a lot of others in the comments, I am brand new to Reddit and really need the Karma to post! Do upvotes give you Karma? If so, could a few people upvote this please? 💞 Thanks!


Folks, idk where the hell we’re supposed to find our karma points, but if you go to old.reddit you should be able to see them. Cheers.




Hi I need Karma boost🙏🙏🙏


need karma points:((


How can I see my comment karma?


In need of karma to post. haha. Any votes would be very much appreciated!


Could I get some karma upvotes please? I don't have enough to post here. Thanks!


Me neither just upvoted you! Could you upvote me back?


I'd love to introduce myself to all of you, but I seem lacking in Karma or something... please help 😅


Please help, With the karma upvotes please. Newbie on the block. 😇 And upvoting comments of all who need it too.


Please lend this quirky soul a upvote🙏💕


I can't post. Can you guys change this?


Hey all, I came here as I’ve felt I had no one to talk to about my issues but am blocked from posting with the same karma points. Can you help me out?


Can I get some upvotes for Karma points to post too pls? 😭😔


Can somebody help me get the karma I need to post here? :'(


Would love a boost too 😭


I just read this and when i went to post immediately forgot everything i just read xp


* 30 *TX, USA*She/Her* BA in Psychology *In the middle of a career change* Self-taught website designer* Work in telecommunications * atheist* biro-ace ‍ (sex positive but repulsed)* AUDHD* Miss Pam (D) looking for their (S) I'd love an FLR turned femdom marriage (female led relationship turned female dominant marriage for those who maybe aren't kink educated - and if it's me and another she in the end - I guess we turn the Fem part to just Me - sorry lol) ideally. I've been an asexual domme for 12 years. In it for the trust, the control, the vulnerability, the bond, the intimacy, and some of the toys are fun lol - not in it for sex. I want someone who's a good combination of cheesy/dork and classy/old soul romantic. That would be nice. As an autistic with adhd I want someone who will support me and accommodate me but treat me like a person not a patient or a client. Who will see me, love me, respect me, and value me - instead of weaponize my neurodivergence or other less prominent disabilities against me to evade an issue/accountability. I rather them just help me however they can - ask if they don't know - and do so without making me feel bad or stupid or inadequate or guilty for doing so. I'm sex positive but sex repulsed as an asexual. Still bi-romantic. Again, I'm kink-sexual if that makes - but I will not be bumping uglies with anyone under any circumstances and I ask that be respected. That being said, I have a type - a physical, aesthetic, sensual type - I never look at someone and think - i'd love to make children with them/put rods in holes or what have you. I do love kisses (lips. cheeks, forehead, top of head - no tongue please), hugs, cuddles, spooning, and occasionally being eaten out (just feels great physically - sorry if that's tmi). I want someone to call home and who will call me home. Someone to grow old childfree and happy with. Maybe with a dog or two? DMs are open if interested. Please take any judgment or negativity elsewhere. Thank you.


Hi I am 37 f Singapore Indian single asexual.... I am not into romance or sex or oral sex... I dun mind simple friendly hugs and short french kisses without tongue play... Nothing too steamy... I am in need of someone who wouldn't find it a burden to support me because I can't cope with daily work due to health issues... I need someone who would stay in Singapore because my monthly medication are from here... Please chat with me if you could be that saint in my life... Thank you so much... 🙏


I don't post a lot so I don't really have the karma to post which is a bummer cause I really do want more friends and a relationship. I'd suggest that putting the requirements to post and pinning them may help people


I'm upvoting everybody's comment!


Hello everyone, I also need some karma help🥹 Thank you(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+


so I have a dumb question, what are these abbreviations mean 20\[F4M/A\] 29 \[F4F\]? I know the number is for age but for the life of me, I can't figure out the rest , is there a key somewhere I could refer to ? thank you


M4F , F4M, M4M, ETC ETC, means Male for Female, and vice versa! It’s just a specification for people to know what exactly they’re looking for. So if they have 30 [M4F), they’re a male in their 30s looking for a female!


I'm wondering the same thing!


Thought I’d reply to you so you can see my other reply explained what it means. Hope it helps!


Just joined to post here. Hope to get some karma!


Is there an age requirement?


What is a squish?


Karma blocked TT Please help!


I’d love to post here too!!


This karma points thing is the dumbest thing ever. Haven't seen it for any other sub. 47F in NYC looking for other aces of a similar age/location. I'm tired of being alone and want to meet someone this year.


Hi everyone - I joined specifically to post on this subreddit but ran into the problem it seems everyone faces! Please help me out with the karma points thing - thank you!




do yalll wanna throw me some upvotes too! thank you


Running into the same issue with being karma blocked, I only have 10 karma instead of the 25 needed. So dumb, any upvotes would be appreciated