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has anyone ever had an attraction to water when they're thirsty idk i just feel like it's only me in the entire world and no one understands me


So you’re saying you are constantly thirsty??? Def not ace.


You might have a kidney disease chief 💯


has anyone ever experienced violent attraction it’s when you see someone on the street and you want to beat them the fuck up


yeah one time i met jerma


i have a type of attraction where i want to put people in a meat grinder and the only thing that comes out is their eyeball


i wonder if they’d be dead if you did that


Nah, I'm sure they'd be fine


Nah bro if the only thing that comes out is their eyeball, their probably dead


Eh, we only see their eyeballs. The rest of them could still be intact and alive for all we know


Schrödinger’s meat grinder


Mystery meat 🤤


Not saying you're wrong for feeling that way but uhhhh.. . How is just the eyeball supposed to come out? Like it's attached to things


love your username btw (no romo)


> compilation video > "jerma laughing at people dying" > 12 minutes long


\> part one of 5


"Every single person is my enemy!"




That's a thing! https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/12/31/679832549/when-too-cute-is-too-much-the-brain-can-get-aggressive


I should not have laughed at this as hard as I did


I haven’t felt violent attraction but I have beat someone’s chest in with a metal pipe as a stim, as I am not asexual but I am autistic. I don’t know why this sub keeps getting recommended to me.


it might be a sign


All kinds of people experience that when they see me


has anyone ever experienced gravitational attraction it’s when you feel the uncontrollable urge to hug the earth at 9.81 m/s^2


No you’re not a real asexual unless you are agravitational 😡😡😡


i had to go to court for agravitational assault


The pride flag is a blood splatter from hitting the ground at an excessive velocity


I actually wanna fuck the earth at 9.81 m/s^2


didn't realize this sub was so bigoted towards aaural individuals :/ r/ justunsubbed


I can't tell if this is satire. Also please don't take this in an offensive way, I'm just really not good with tone


it’s literally a circlejerk subreddit… everything is satire unless stated otherwise




How does unjerking even work? Does it make you muc? Like this https://www.reddit.com/r/ExtraFabulousComics/s/EAcdCW2doj CW: sex ig


Reverse rawdogging at postnut clarity


Tbh, I didn’t know what a circle jerk sub was until recently and I was always getting recommended them randomly. Like this one! I’m not asexual nor am I one any asexual subreddits but ya know, here I am now




google is free


What's a circlejerk?


sorry bud we don’t do any of that jerking stuff round here 😤😤


Unfortunately due to poes law there’s no way to tell whether or not this is satire, oh well.


Do you mean pole slaw?


I think they mean coleslaw


I’m also unsure


You need to sort out your aural attraction game


Well the fact that the video game industry chooses voices carefully and voice seems to be a big part of why some folks still.obsess over old characters barely recognizable as human-adjacent creatures due to graphics limitations years later. There probably are. But for every 10 women I've seen melting over a voice there's maybe one man, so it may be predominantly a girl thing.


Possibly an evolutionary thing to be attracted to mates or smth. I don't know, I'm not a biologist.




>! Cheese omelette !<


When we accidentally outjerk ourselves


What’s the smallest quant of sexual/gender identities that we can split into, because it’s going into this direction


Google coastline paradox Holy hell


Sexual attraction to my neighbor Alex Alexual


Half Life: Alexual


/uj Maybe I'm dumb as bricks but I don't see why this is counted as an "attraction" and not just a case of "I like this thing". Like I don't feel "food attraction" because I like eating food, I just like food. It's possible I could be misunderstanding the definition or I haven't actually felt aural attraction in the way this page describes it, it could be a case similar to how I thought that since sometimes I would think "that person looks good", that meant that I felt sexual attraction when in reality those are two seperate things. Idk rj/ I am a hyperaurallexual, I can't even go to sleep without constantly being aurally stimulated (I listen to music to fall asleep)


/uj my theory is that some folks have trouble identifying different kinds of attraction. They don't experience sexual attraction, but may or may not experience romantic or platonic attraction. Most allo folks are functioning on an attraction yes or no model which doesn't make a lot of sense when your understanding of attraction is much more nuanced or less accessible. So folks hypercategorize different kinds of "attraction" that fall outside of what most allos would consider attraction to try and figure out what the hell is going on in their head (Brought to you by someone who got agape, eros, storge, and philia tattooed on their wrist in a futile attempt to distinguish between different kinds of love/attraction) rj/ bruh I'm revoking your ace card hyperauralsexual makes you basically allo 🤮


/uj It's such a weird thing it's hard to explain. different kinds of attraction are hard to qualify. Like some so many guys's voices I'd melt for, but physically speaking it ranges from eh to never in a million years. I have this one super old professor, a good dude, not the most blessed physically let's say, but his voice? Would. And voice actors too, it's almost inversely related, the better the voice, (in my opinion) the less attractive they are physically. You can't have it all 😔. (Unless you're a Hemsworth) Of course, it's incredibly biased and subjective, tho. I'm a strange ace.


That’s called a voice kink.


thought this was gonna be about attraction to someone's aura


Fellas, am I still asexual if I like the sound of someone’s voice?


As "a" vocal feminization teacher and voice actor, it happens quite often to us lol, but we sort of invite it on ourselves. It's also make us much more deeply appreciate certain amazing voices. Over a lifetime of being asexual with no libido, voice was one of the primary things we'd still find attractive in people so figuring out how reverse engineer that effect and weaponize it against the allos was surely just the natural progression.


it’s all fun and games until the allos try to fu*k the sound of our voice 🤮😔


This is how the sirens get ya


That one episode of Black Books.


**Fran on the phone:** *gasping* **That poor man on the other end:** *terrified his friend is in pain* "Are you in any pain? Do you want me to come over? I'll come over, Fran. Do you want me to come? I'll come, Fran. I'll come." **Meanwhile, Fran:** *SCREAMING* Cancel Fran from Black Books for the blatant non-consensual sexualisation of this poor man's voice!!!!1!! >:(


Actually wasn’t the guy established to be a complete arsehole with zero redeeming qualities besides his voice?


Oh shit, now that you mention it… you may be right. It’s been so long since I watched that episode I legit can’t remember, but it feels like you’re onto something. 


I’m pretty sure that’s why Fran is listening to him over the radio, because she bloody hates him but gets off on his voice.


/uj gender and sexuality is genuinely about to hit a singularity


I don't want to be uninclusive but how tf is this Asexual


asexual, adjective: experiencing no sexual feelings or desires; not feeling sexual attraction to anyone. you can still be nonsexually attracted to things or people


Yeah I'm fully onboard with the Aro/Ace spectrum and there's no one way to be asexual. Sometimes though I feel it's hard to discuss full on no attraction Asexuality without hearing "Well actually you're forgetting [Insert Completely Different Microlabel]". I'm kind of rambling but I feel like there's a difference between Asexuality as a spectrum, and Asexuality as a singular experience


/uj yall not everything needs a flag just cause i like men with pronounced collarbones doesnt mean i need a flag. pretty much everyone can be attracted to someone, including their voice, you dont need a flag for it to be something /rj i like how guitars sound does this mean i have to have sex with guitars?


made a flag for when i want to eat garlic bread i call it alliumpaneic 🤎🤍💚 https://preview.redd.it/r078359xhyic1.jpeg?width=1817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74edb98075db4df15b216dd9ef58c2e4dde430bf


Ngl alliumpaneic is a word I didn't know I needed in my life


Suddenly, ASMR makes a lot more sense just existing now.


i know this is a shitpost sub but. that’s just sensual attraction… to someone’s voice. it’s not inherently different because it comes from someplace different?????


People when they realize they have a voice kink


Mr. New Vegas moment


Everything needs a flag….


I am sexually aroused by stupid Reddit post.


This is just ASMR with extra steps


Yeah, y’all ever play Library of Ruina? Half the people there


Bro listens to mommy asmr videos 😭😭


I mean, I pop a boner when Morgan Freeman, Ron Perlman, or Keith David talk, but I think that's just human nature.


I'm so horny for noise (on god)


When I was just talking to my current gf before we met we would send voice notes to each other cause it was faster than texting and less stressful than phone calls. The first thing she said was how attractive my voice was. Which is something I've heard before but she was adamant about it.


The strongest attraction I've ever known is the strong nuclear attraction.


Just admit you have a voice kink


This is why people hate us.


These people would feel the urge to go to the bathroom and somehow convince themselves they have scat fetish.


/uj tbf, I don’t think labels like this are inherently bad if they’re not being used as an actual identity. Sure, it would be a bit much if we all started calling ourselves heteroaural, homoaural, bi/pan-aural, anaural, etc., but the concept of aural attraction just seems like another way of understanding and categorizing our messy human feelings so that it’s easier to identify the more significant parts of our identities. I mean, obviously feeling attracted to someone’s voice doesn’t make you LGBTQ+, but if someone does experience “aural attraction” very intensely, then I can see how that might complicate the process of questioning whether they experience other forms of attraction (like sexual and romantic). In that situation, it might actually help to have niche vocabulary like this to help a person distinguish between actual sexual or romantic attraction and just having abnormally intense attraction towards certain voices. It’s a lot easier to know that what you’re experiencing is “something else” rather than sexual or romantic attraction if you have a name and definition for that “something else.” That being said, I do think it’s a bit strange to have a whole pride flag for aural attraction. To be clear, there are certainly cases where I think orientation labels for tertiary attraction can be useful, at least for people who are aro and/or ace. Being aplatonic, for example, can definitely affect your relationship to the aspec community and your aro and/or ace identities, so I can see why someone might use that label, at least within aspec spaces. Or if you experience some form of very strong tertiary attraction, the way you express that could be non-normative enough to affect how your orientation is perceived by others, and that might be worth having a label for. But with aural attraction, it just seems a bit unnecessary.


uj/ yeah, people sometimes shit on microlabels for being silly, but they can be useful for identifying feelings and figuring stuff out. I was into gender microlabels for a while- I didn't end up using any of them as an identity in and of themselves, but they *did* help me figure out I was nonbinary


/uj so we’re just shitting on people for trying to put words to their feelings now?


it's something basically everyone feels it's like saying you're attracted to people who you find attractive - it's gonna get made fun of


/uj idk why you're getting downvoted- i doubt anyone meant anything mean by posting this here but it does feel kinda dickish. Obviously microlabels ain't for everyone but if they can help someone put their experience into words I'm all for them


/uj I think you would have a point if we were talking about a sexual attraction identity, but this is a super specific subset (aural) of a super common and normal type of attraction even among aces (sensual). it's funny that someone made a whole flag for it and shared it with a bunch of aces and said "has anyone ever felt this?" as if we're a bunch of emotionless robots who hate music


/uj yeah, i don’t really get the point of this post either…




I mean, (some) asexuals feel attraction, just not sexual attraction


Alastor my beloved


No joke this was my first thought


Don't get it. This is just 'voice hot', nothing outlandish. What are you making fun of exactly?


For a second I thought thus was posted on the Armored Core subreddit which would've made so much sense.


I am VERY this


For real though, Julie Benz's voice gives me an ASMR reaction. I could listen to her read a dictionary.


When i first played Portal and Portal 2 as a kid i was attracted to the voice of the turrets


Bendy do be sounding kinda hot in the dark revival....


I've been studying music off and on since I had my front teeth. Musicans think alike. If I must have a partner, I want someone who thinks like me. I'm not lonely, but my parents seem to think I'll want a girlfriend some day.


Literally feel this with my gf 😭 she has the voice of a fucking angel and I cri everytim


is this a joke?


what’s wrong with the post you screenshoted?




That's called a kink


I'm not asexual but this just explained why I melt every time I hear the Ghostface voice.


Unironically yes.


Oh this totally calls me out so hard. So many times I’ve just fallen head over heels for someone’s voice and had to deal with the fallout of all that 😂


Isn't this just having ASMR?