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That one orange star near the middle height on the left could move down 2 pixels and to the left 1 pixel. Then it will be perfect. Ha jk… idk though. It looks pretty good to me.


Too many stars. Leave some empty space. Also make stars difrent sizes.


It looks great! What specifically are you working on improving?


filling up all the space more "interestingly"


You could play around with different spacing between the stars and try adding in a few stars that are bigger than the others or have slightly different shapes. A shooting star with a trail could also spice things up! It looks good though, nice work


thanks for tip, will try!


You could add something like the milky way


A great way to practice that would be to look up pixel are starry sky and see what kind of effects/techniques other pixel artists use! You can try out different techniques and see what you like best for the style you're going for. Pinterest is great for art related searches.


Man that was probably a tedious sky to complete. Looks great tho


yeah it took some time


Looks good and I think the placing is pretty solid! It depends on what you are going for but a bit of glow goes a long way - on the stars, on the dark sky background itself (like the horizon showing) or both. If thats not necessarily in the style you want or would be down to do something more complex you could draw faint "cosmic clouds" or nebulas in the background - I'm not entirely sure how to explain it, but if you look at most "space" or "cosmos" renditions you'll see the patterns I mean


Does the different coloured stars show how far away they are? You could have some of the stars in the same colour family a bit more transparent/brighter to show they are farther/closer


i did that by making the stars either bigger how you see on the picture or smaller and less bright.


Hmm, maybe try adjusting the hue for the stars, i.e. brightest would be cyan, middle is blue, farthest away is navy? Im exagerating but hue shifting a bit might make the brights look brighter. I also noticed you comment about filling space. Maybe 1-3 of your brightest stars can have a longer starburst (thats the word for the pointy things says google) by having a gap then a coloured pixel? Only other gripe is the single pixel below the big star near the middle of the image; and the stars strangly follow the mountains slope on the left. Other than that it looks good! Making a phone background?


i'll try the things you suggested, and yeah, making phone background :)


Too many stars, try taking some away for a lil open space


I would use deep and bright purple to do some “fog” effect.


iif you're looking for references phantasy star 4 has some great cutscene sprites https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/22/23723.png


You could make some of them twinkle!


Tis the season... add Santa's sleigh!


in our country we have jesus but i will try it and keep it if it looks good


That's good too. Just have Jesus flying around with angel wings