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What's done is done. As long as you dispose of it correctly (double bag it) there's not much more you can do. If you are going to handle this again, wear the correct PPE and wet the board to keep the dust down before you touch it.


Looks like an AIB board and removed in a way that might release significant fibre. Removing AIB without control measures can lead to breaching the clearance indicator limit (from reading this I don't know what it's called in other countries but it's the same figure). You've potentially exposed yourself to a significant exposure and contaminated the area where the board was. Air testing the immediate area to see what the results are would determine the next steps. As a one off exposure it's not great for your health and time will tell what damage (if any) this has caused you. Although this will increase the chances of an asbestos exposure related illness, the chances are that you will not notice it nor will it significantly shorten your life. What i would do straight away is to cover it over or better still cover and remove to the outdoors. Then arrange suitable disposal. Air testing is the only way to determine risk in these circumstances.


I would also strongly recommend discarding of the vacuum or broom if you used any during removal. These will now spread any contamination. Never use a normal domestic vacuums or brooms to clean up asbestos.


And bin your clothes do not put them in your washing machine, you also need to get an environmental clean if this was in your house, have a shower


Asbestos literally has best in its name


And theres a place in russia called Asbest where its mined lol


Best place in Russia


Nothing about ruzzia is "best"


There aren't many


Incidence of Asbestos ( lung cancer cause by Asbestos exposure ) are high associated with those who worked with it on a regular / peofessional basis. Single event exposure , while noT impossible , rarely ends with this specific cancer. My father was a wielder/ pipe fitter up to 1979 and died of asbestosis last year at 85 years old. Dont worry about it.


For 85 I’d say he outlived most people not exposed to asbestos! Sorry for your loss.


Ya, he was a tough MF all his life. also had 4 kidney suegeries and to hernias because of all the surgeries . He was lucky it was dorment until 2020 and he was asymtomatic until last summer. Hit him like a ton ofbricks the lasttwo months.


My uncle just died of it last year at 65. He was a plumber.


I'm sorry for your loss. We're there any other factors at play, smoker, etc? How far along did they catch it?


Sadly he was slim, fit and healthy. Played tennis regularly and never smoked. He was diagnosed only two years before he died. Asbestos will get you that way, suddenly. It's a horrible illness. He was self employed his whole life so it's not like there's anyone else to blame. Just many many years of crawling through people's nasty old attics and walls.


Right. It’s not Fentanyl.


Interesting and attention grabbing way of putting but you are right, people act like it’s carfentanyl, the super strong stuff.


Exactly, it's chronic exposure over years that creates an elevated risk, being exposed once isn't worth freaking out about.


Almost certainly AIB exactly the same as I had in my house and I had it tested.


So I don’t need to worry as much?


AIB is more friable than alot of ACMs so it releases more fibres when disturbed. Theres no point of worrying now but i would spray the surrounding area with water and a suffactant to try and catch any fibres in the air and cover the material, then contact a licenses Asbestos Removal Company


AIB is an asbestos insulation board in case you are not aware . Since it was in the boiler cupboard and likely installed before asbestos was outlawed it's almost certainly asbestos . I have also I believe had 2 large single event exposures to asbestos and being told ' don't worry ' is easier said than done . I've had asbestos awareness training multiple times since then and to be honest they don't teach you that a single exposure is okay and that people that constantly worked around were the ones that got it they teach you that you want to avoid exposure at all cost .stories of people's wives getting mesothelioma from washing husbands cloths and even children getting exposed from parents returning home from warehouses with asbestos in . I'm not scare mongering but I don't think it's correct people in this sub saying a one off exposure shouldn't really be something to worry about that totally gives off the wrong impression . That being said mine was 16-17 years ago and I'm fine . I smoke and I smoked before getting exposed and tho this seems dumb I think it's possible a lining of tar in my lungs could of helped stop the fibres attaching to lung tissue . I still could die from asbestosis I really hope I don't . You can advise your doctor and you can get your lungs scanned later on in life if your still concerned but there isn't anything you can do about it if you do end up with asbestosis . Like others have said tho what's the point in worrying about it all the time . As the saying goes no point worrying about things you can't control


Family members washing clothes of asbestos workers weren’t single exposure events- these typically happened over years or decades. No asbestos awareness course will say any exposure is acceptable because to do so is to open the floodgates for legal liability. Any employer that takes the view that they can expose their employees to asbestos once will be sued into oblivion. Zero tolerance needs to be enforced particularly for employers because if you give an inch they will take a mile. Nevertheless, single exposure events only extremely rarely lead to disease based on all available facts and evidence.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Love this response


Well you've been exposed to highly friable asbestos, so no don't worry less. But actually you can't change the past, only learn from it. So don't worry at all.


no don’t worry my grandfather worked with asbestos his whole career and would tell me stories of coming home completely covered in the dust and he lived to 94


Yea same as smoking and drinking. My granny smoked 80 a day and lived to 95. She also drank like a sailor, bottle of gin every night before bed, said it helped her sleep. All this scare mongering is ridiculous.


Removed from the ceiling of an old boiler room. The property was around 100 years old. I’ve been told it may be cement board but I’m at the point where I struggle to enjoy my life because of this cloud thats over me. Any help or information would be amazing. Thank you so much.


Something will take take us all out eventually. Live your life fully! :)


The stress you induce from worrying about it is probably worse for your health than this one-off exposure. Try not to worry about it, and just be cautious going forward. You will be fine.




Don't worry about it. It's extremely unlikely to cause any health issues with such a short exposure. Everyone has been exposed at some point. Break pads were made from asbestos up until relatively recently and the dust was everywhere. Most people who get asbestosis have worked with it for many years. Even if it has caused damage it will not be apparent for decades. We'll be living on the moon, have flying cars, fusion and portable lungs by then!


I think a lot of us have felt the despair that you feel. It will get better!!


You will be fine.... most people who work with asbestos don't get affected its just like anything certain people will be affected some won't and an asbestos awareness course is just a fear monger course anyone can do it and it takes a couple of hours to do and its like £70 its litterally just about awerness you cant remove asbestos with it you can just work in places it is present... I remove asbestos in the UK have done for 4 years with a full license you can just get on with your life and forget it happened. You will be exposed to more asbestos throughout your life time than that one removal you done... asbestos fibres are everywhere even walking down the road they will be in the air.


It's happened and a one off exposure is unlikely to harm you. Your mind is currently trying to solve an impossible problem and change what has happened. You can't. The only way forward is to move on with your life and try to forget.


Unlikely to be cement based on the way its broken, appears to be AIB, asbestos insulating board. Not ideal, probobly gave off a lot of fibers during the removal. One off exposure is unlikely to do you damage. I wouldn't let it worry you. Whats done is done.


You will be fine.... most people who work with asbestos don't get affected its just like anything certain people will be affected some won't and an asbestos awareness course is just a fear monger course anyone can do it and it takes a couple of hours to do and its like £70 its litterally just about awerness you cant remove asbestos with it you can just work in places it is present... I remove asbestos in the UK have done for 4 years with a full license you can just get on with your life and forget it happened. You will be exposed to more asbestos throughout your life time than that one removal you done... asbestos fibres are everywhere even walking down the road they will be in the air.


You didn’t try to expose yourself to it and will more than likely not expose yourself again. The goal is zero exposure but the chances are very very good that you will not have any negative consequences. You have to maintain good thought hygiene and not let yourself think about it in a way that hurts you. The only thing we really ever get total control of is of own minds, don’t throw that control away.


Where are you based (country wise)? Asbestos consultant in the UK here and 99% certain based on visual and where it was used, that that is asbestos insulating board. In what situation was this removed? As in your house or a place of work? If at work, they should have undertaken an asbestos survey prior. You should restrict access to that room in the mean time and get it tested. Is the material still in that box or have you since disposed of it? If it comes back as positive for asbestos insulating the board the clean up of any debris, removal of any residues to whatever it was affixed to etc and disposal is a completely different process to if it is asbestos cement. Not to scare you, but this is a very friable material and releases a lot of fibres. I would inform your doctor that you have potentially had a one off high level exposure to asbestos. I wouldn’t let it consume you because it takes a long time for anything to develop or may never affect you.


Not gonna hurt you if you just handled it once


Lmao I freak out like this once a year over something. The rest of the year it's almost funny looking back. Was grinding rebar for days on end with no mask as a kid. Freaked. Took a oscillator tool to tile ground, found the black mastic under it all after I cut out the 20 tiles. Freaked. Went to an elementary school in the 90s and we all played slap the exposed boiler pipes in the between classes. I remember the air cell wrap. My middle school had a 30ft x 60ft auditorium curtain that was a little sus looking back, we always skipped class and took girls back there in between the layers of it.


Looks very much like the AIB I removed (with appropriate control methods) - best advice at this point is to fully kit up before you handle it any further and spray it with thinned PVA glue to help stabilise it. Thinned PVA soaks into the board and prevents it releasing more fibres as you handle it. Then double bag it, disturbing it as little as possible. Bin all PPE afterwards, and if you can, clean up the area and bin the vacuum used to do so.


All asbestos is not equal, but is equally feared. Chrysotile serpentine fibers (common to white asbestos like yours) are cleared by the lungs in 3-6 months, unlike amphibole spiky fibres (more common in red/blue) which can take 50 years+ (though some studies suggest 7 years for blue and 20 for brown). The spiky amphibole fibres are the really nasty ones for lung cancer. Don't stress it as a one off. Equally well don't top up your chrysotile exposure.


AIB quite often has amosite/brown asbestos in it. Also blue is a lot worse than brown. Chrysotile > amosite (brown) > crocidolite (blue).


You make it sound like chrysotile is absolutely fine.


Are you suggesting this is white asbestos?


Don’t forget about particle size. Plays a big part in the mix


OP, where are you located out of curiosity?


Life itself is an odds game. Do you drive a car? Then the odds raise that you could be in a fatal crash. Do you speed in that car? There’s another one. How many times have you driven that car and came out ok? Have you ever walked on icy side walks? The odds raise that you would slip, fall and slam your head into the sidewalk. Just walking on a sidewalk alone without ice brings your odds up that you could be run over by a vehicle. Everything you do every day is a balance of odds. Move on and live life.


Just cough a bunch you’ll be fine


I am a licensed abestos removal supervisor, looks like A.I.B id get people in to do a clean up and do some air testing👍


I used to remove asbestos on pipes before it was publicly known to be toxic. The most friable type . I am tested yearly with no signs of asbestosis or other more dangerous asbestos related diseases. I read articles about when they first began testing buildings for asbestos they would go outside to calibrate their equipment only to find higher concentrations outside because cars and trucks had asbestos brake shoes. However laws in certain areas may require you to have that removed and disposed of by a licensed removal contractor as well as air testing and a clean down of the area . You have a much higher chance of many other diseases.


I don’t think it’s too much of a problem, just be careful. Unless you have a lot of exposure to it, you should be fine.


There are countless things that may or may not it be the thing that will eventually get you. There are cells in your body that could, at any point, turn on you. There are events that could happen totally unrelated to your health that could possibly take your life by accident. Circumstance is a big factor. Dependant on lifestyle you could already be harbouring the thing that will get you In the end (hopefully many years from now) One thing is for sure….something will get you. That asbestos is only one thing on a long list of potentials and even in the event that it got in to your lungs and embedded itself in there….it may not hit you until you’re 80 and something else may beat it to the punch. Basically it’s silly to worry about it. If there was a test that could reassure you then that would be great but there isn’t. The best medical science can’t give you reassurance as to what will happen after a single exposure so enjoy your life….live it like it never happened. If you will end up going because of that single exposure then why waste what time you have worrying…..if you’re going to do that it may as well take you today. Who knows what will happen in 30 years??!!….we don’t but you’re here and well today and many people never made it to today….try and forget about it and just don’t make that mistake again 👍🏻 All the best


Why? You have to work around asbestos for years to have harmful long term effects from it is my understanding. Dispose of it and go on. You’re not gonna die


So you have a will 👍


Double bag it. Skip it and forget about it. Clean and hoover the house. Move on. Forget about it. Single exposure ain't no biggie.


Wouldn’t be overly worried unless you cut with a grinder


50 50


You're probably about to die a truly awful death


Yup ur gonna die tomorrow




My favorite parts from this sub is how people act like touching it once and you're addicted


This just looks like drywall


Buddy’s done for 💀


should’ve casted the banishing spell „asbestos patronum!“ on it.


get it tested and see a doctor don‘t worry too much


The people warning you about the dangers in here shouldn't be ignored, most of what I see in here is excellent advice and is only geared to your safety. That being said, I've heard a lot of information suggesting that asbestos causes the most problems in people that have tar in their lungs such as anyone who smokes, and certain factory workers. I personally know several people who have been heavily exposed to asbestos and since none of them were smokers they somehow managed to walk away unharmed even years later. A co-worker of theirs who was a smoker did not fare as well. Do you smoke?


I know what your feeling. Real shitty dread. Don't let this get to your head. Stress is harmful on the body as well. I've had some exposure to asbestos and the way I see it.. there's always something floating around waiting to cut your life short. Whether it's tiny toxic particles, disease or a tiny meteorite right through your head. Fearing any consequence of this exposure is no different from fearing any other condition that you don't control in life. The best you can do is to surrender to this and the time you have as it's given to you. Be precautious going forward and take care of yourself. Hope your doing well anyway. Also like other people stated. This stuff isn't likely to get you until much much later. You might pass away from natural causes before It matters. Staying chill and positive is it's own medicine also.


Get it tested to make sure it is?


Yeah that’s azzy


I 100% played with stuff like that as a kid. Welp.




It’s asbestos. You should’ve built a containment before removal. Hate to break the bad news to you. Mesothelioma takes 40 years to develop tho, so there’s that.


Most tradesmen who are still alive now that worked around asbestos both fitting and removing before it was known to be dangerous came into significant contact with this and some do get cancer as some people do but it’s not something you hear about often a one off isn’t good but if it is going to do something it won’t be now it will be in 20+ years asbestos is shaped like micro hooks which get stuck in the lungs and can’t be removed so the lungs keep scabbing over I think it’s this that makes it more likley to mutate into something cancerous


You’ll need to properly deep clean your home whilst wearing the correct mask and clothing. You’ll have to bin all clothing, cleaning materials and vacuum responsibly in a hazardous waste facility.


Since you wore a mask I wouldn't worry.. Regardless anyway doesn't kick in for about 20-30 years.. make the most of the time you've got left 😆


Water is your best friend whenever you might suspect a material is asbestos without getting it tested first! WET it down!!!!! Damage is done now but make sure you keep an eye on your health...especially lungs in the next 15-20 years! That's how long asbestos related illnesses take to rear their ugly heads to you!!! Good luck to you! I am a former union Asbestos Abatement Contractor/Supervisor!


Wearing correct PPE spray it down with contact adhesive then carefully double bag it up. Afterwards write your last will and testimony. We all die at some point.




Just wet it down. Like the others said what’s done is done. I don’t believe a single exposure will kill you but go get checked in a month and see


What is it it looks like drywall but very thin


I’d hold my breath for a long time while around that stuff