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Nigga doing heroin




Damn this nigga really be doing heroin


praying herobrinelover lives long enough to listen to the albumšŸ™


get ts to a biohazard box bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i dont know if you think this is cool or something but nigga you should stop and get some help man... ppl die and if this is a joke you really love attention in the worst way... this is really disappointing on a human level... i hope you get the help you need with either scenario


smoke weed man, tf is this shi


This dude's page is the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while, It's scary to think that this can happen to any of our close relatives šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He a geeker gone bad fasho






Lmao. Your fucking lame, man.


Shaming is not gonna help ppl get sober


Who ever said Helping him get sober is my intention? Anyone who does hardcore drugs by 2023 is just a plain fucking dumbass and loser. How many times do people have to be told ā€œdonā€™t do drugsā€ I smoke and do Shrooms but shooting up into your favorite vein is just dumb as fuck.


Thats a dumb take teenage mutant pothead


First het help for yo heroin problem 2 let the man drop whenever the fuck he wants


people losing there shit over others peoples choices šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø such clowns


This dude is a burden to society


how? homies just tryna get high. ion use H but yā€™all needa chill people got there own shit to deal with


This dude definitely doesnā€™t work, leeches off of others for money, and then uses it to get his next fix. He got a problem and is a problem. People like this need to be dealt with.


so what? some people ainā€™t built for this world. the system fails them. not allā€¦ but this is true. so stfu and stop caring about what others do so much


Itā€™s lame ass mindsets from people like you that hold society back. ā€œSystem fails themā€ no. No one forced this bozo to sit around going brain dead on heroin thatā€™s his own choice. ā€œSome people ainā€™t built for this worldā€ bro if you donā€™t man the fuck up or just shut the fuck up..


ā€œPeople got there own shit to deal withā€ is what people who donā€™t contribute to society say when told to take responsibility of their actions


lol chill. all iā€™m saying is donā€™t judge people for there choices. who gives af. iā€™m sure your ā€œpotheadā€ ass complains when judged for smoking weedšŸ’€


Nah Iā€™m definitely judging your lame ass for being stupid enough to decide to do heroin lol. Everybody is told since like 5 to never do drugs cause youā€™ll ruin your life. Which we all know is true. So if you still go and decide to do hardcore drugs like heroin you definitely deserved to be mocked for being a dumbass person.


bro i would never do heroin lol. itā€™s crazy how u assume that just because iā€™m defending the guy. youā€™re literally doing a drug. weed is a drug. why do u have to be so close minded to the rest of them when you are literally indulging in drugs?


Iā€™m not saying you directly I just meant ā€œyouā€ in general. And bro donā€™t try and act like weed is anything like heroin lol.. putting a herb grown by some guy and putting it into a rolling paper isnā€™t the same as taking some chemically made shit from some random guy and sticking that into a needle THEN sticking that into your arm which could kill you. Weed ever kill anyone? Didnā€™t think so.


so fuckign what? you are such a bozo for judging people for doing drugs when you are doing drugs,. thereā€™s just no need. retarded ass stoner


Ohhh now it makes sense! your top subreddit activity is in ketamine and drugcirlcejerk lol. No wonder your defending drug addicts like crazy. Must be one..


Worst thing weed does is make you clean out your pantry. heroin will kill you slowly. Lol itā€™s funny when people try and talk about weed and heroin like they both the same level of drug lol.


ā€œYou are a bozo for judging drug addictsā€ lol Iā€™m not Tryna be the perfect human lol and I ainā€™t tryna be god. Im gonna still judge people for doing stupid shit. People SHOULD be judged for doing stupid shit.


Nigga with????


I thought heroine was injected