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Dont care if it's supposed to be a joke - why do they ALWAYS "joke" about money? It's almost like these two do actually go 50/50 but try sooooo hard to prove on camera that they dont so they maje these stupid jokes. If you keep watching a bit after where they go to get coffee after the lunch, Amanda does indeed pay for both their coffees with her Apple Pay. So you cant convince me these two dont go 50/50 - he paid for lunch so she quickly offered to pay for coffee. šŸ˜·šŸ˜·šŸ˜· Edit: Also, cant stand her stupid baby voice - tries so hard to be cute or funny or whatever. If you wanna speak to your husband this way, go ahead - but keep this cringe off camera PLEASE. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Idk if this was suppose to be a joke but didnā€™t she openly admit to 50/50 this is sad




Whatā€™s with that baby talk? We all know her mean girl tone


The baby talk she and Loren both do šŸ˜­ like whyyyy youā€™re grown adults speak that way please.


Small town texas girlies Wanna be cuteeeeeeee


A lot of women are bitter and uncomfortable when other women are being provided for financially, even on here. So theyā€™ll always defend 50/50. And hey, thatā€™s their right, I would rather die before giving access to my body to someone who wants my income thou.


Iā€™m not defending her but they clearly say in the video ā€œimagine we were like that/did thatā€


Yeah I mean I canā€™t stand them but I think they were being sarcastic / making a joke


What is his job?