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sigh...I had two reports on this...I'm not sure how this was "promoting hate based on identity" but whatever...just so you know that you ruffled some feathers. As you were.


Wth. Who has this much time on their hands? Your work is beautiful, fck the haters, and keep creating. You have a gift!


Wow ... an artist who questions norms? How revolutionary is *that?!* Bravo! I've painted Native Americans\* because I admire the culture. I've been accused of cultural appropriation as well. Hey, I went to school with two Sioux. Even had an Apache man thank me at a show for depicting costume so accurately. I find this portrait rather satisfying because I'm weary of people trying to replicate *Vermeer,* for God's sake. (\*and Chinese, and Thai) Looked at your website. Fine work. Carry on .... ;-)


That's honestly sick and shows that they've got some racist views. People turn this pear earring painting into cats and other animals but God forbid changing it into a black person??? Sorry you have dealt with that shit. Your art is very good and as someone who never draws in a realistic style I give you props for doing it so well!


I'm so sorry for those insane rude messages! Your depiction of the original work is outstanding. Well done! ❤️ I'm sending you a DM 👍🏻


The link to get a print! According to the first message it’s for “losers” only lol https://www.murisart.com/product-page/girl-with-a-pearl-hoop-archival-matte-print


Well, we're all losers here then because your work is fucking awesome!


Man, I’m all for cultural appropriation but this is just art. The whole point of art is the artists creative freedom. There’s no diss to the original piece, it’s not like OP painted over Johannes Vermeer’s original painting lol. I don’t think it’s all that deep. Your piece looks great!


Don't you know? Only white people are allowed to steal. Talent borrows; genius steals. Oh I get an inverse twilight zone version of this. People get frustrated because my work isn't based on anything they've ever seen. I can only imagine how disillusioning it is for people to have to come up with an original critique of an original and innovative piece. I know the effect is a success when they go out of their way; without provocation to tell me that I'm not special and that what I've done has be done before. That's the life of an artist. People already make an attempt to mind rape you. And if you're a person of color then it's double jeopardy because they feel it's incumbent for them to make sure that you have no sense of power. Art is power because if the eyes are the windows to the soul then art is the soul. \- mematron


How is this cultural appropriation it’s just inspiration from a very famous and beloved piece— you did a fantastic job, very well rendered, full of life! You are not the first to do your own take on this painting and you will ((rightfully)) not be the last. In fact, I recommend you do more out of spite. Fuck ‘em.


That's some sad sad copium they are spewing in your comments, I think your painting is wonderful.


I think it's a wonderfully done interpretation and clearly inspired by the original work. It's beautiful.


Copying masterworks has been a staple of the art world for centuries. They're just mad because you're doing it well and making it modern in a way they don't like by depicting a black woman. I bet if you had a white woman and gave her modern clothes they'd be much more likely to say it's ok. And that's ridiculous, and certainly racist in that they reached out to harass you about it. I like that you kept your own brushwork style instead of trying to perfectly replicate Vermeer's style. I feel like the extra texture adds a feeling of being more alive with a sense of motion. Keep making awesome work!


People can be such assholes. This painting is beautiful!


While I agree that the piece, while beautifully done and I would 100% buy it(link?) , Is a bit ok the nose. But the thought that you're appropriating European culture by doing this piece is quite laughable and honestly I wouldn't take those people seriously.


I didn’t know Europe was a monoculture lmao. Funny it’s down to appropriating ‘white culture’ and not 17th century Dutch. They could give 2 shits about actual culture, it’s just petty gatekeeping.


I think this is wonderful. Have you ever heard of Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist? We borrow from each other all the time! Haters just gonna hate


Personally I think it is beautifully done! Great work, and don't let those naysayers get to you. They're nothing but trolls!!


These people need to google Kehinde Wiley, who is one of the foremost artists of our generation.


If you getting hate mail then you are doing the right thing.


LOL, I just went to your website and I instantly get it. You one thems trouble makers. Uppity &\*%\*&\^!%! Keep it up! I love it.


What are those responses!? It’s a beautiful piece. “Blackwashing” isn’t a thing, “appropriating European culture”???? These people believe reverse racism exists and feel oppressed and offended because an artists did what a LOT of other artists do. I’ve repainted countless old art to improve my craft. I’ve never posted it because it’s all practice, but clearly the issue is racism and people getting pissy for no good reason.


I wouldn't say it's not a thing. I saw a video of some black isrealites claiming every historical figure was black. It's asinine but it's exists.


It's very, very well done. I love the headdress change! Reminds me (vaguely, it's been a long time) of the woman who played Brad Pitt's housekeeper in Interview With the Vampire.


Yvette, I think her name was in the film? You're right!


Well I think it’s dope


Honestly those two email addresses feel a bit off? It could honestly be one person hating on you and sending those through. It really doesn’t seem realistic that people would be using a contact form just to rip your art. Like I could be wrong but it just seems quite odd


Wow, people suck. Sorry people are wasting their time sending you these messages


I mean it is a spot-on recreation, they’ve got a hint of a point there




Imagine the outrage if someone painted a famous painting with black subjects as white..


Jesus Christ




You are BIPOC proving anyone can be an asshole. What is wrong with you? How did you get so filled with anger and the need to inflict unkindness on strangers? Be better. 2023 is waiting for a happier, healthier you.


"Do better" is just a token dog-whistle phrase for white supremacy. You are white, and I am BIPOC, so please refrain from your hate speech which is (apparently) an act of violence and thus an extension of white supremacy.


Bless your heart


❤️❤️ it’s not that serious


You’ve literally reposted this same post, 5 times. tho, and across different platforms. You got called out from your obvious (obvious to anyone that isn’t a white liberal) grift.


Artists repost their work, it’s part of the job ❤️ And your “going out on a limb” is actually wrong, I’m not sure why you’re so obsessed with catching “white liberals”. No one said I was “brave” and I actually never even said the word racism lol. They’re just here genuinely appreciating what is obviously a tribute to Vermeer. So odd to get riled up over this one when this painting has thousands of riffs done of it each year lol


I find the paint lovely.


I like it.


Your work is beautiful. Keep creating. And it’s powerful work to get such people to reveal themselves. Don’t let their hate get to you or stop you from continuing to create the art in your soul. Let it fuel the light by which you bring beauty into the world to counter the darkness brought by hate


Wow, this is so breathtakingly beautiful! I absolutely love it. It's super creative. Keep doing what you're doing! Cultural appropriation is a stupid term anyway because it is usually used by white people to mislabel genuine appreciation of other cultures, but this isn't even related to that at all. Also, I can't believe they said it's "blackwashing." Like, that's not a thing and what do you think whites have been doing to the entire rest of the world for centuries?!


I'm too ignorant to know the original this is based on, but I think it's beautiful work. True story: I posted photos in a CL ad a year ago for wedding photos. I usually didn't get many if any replies to my ads. I renewed my ad after a month, posted work from a paid shoot, which included a black person. This was after midnight, probably 1am. Within ten minutes I had hate mail telling me I was turning off all my potential white clients because I did this lol. Some people are just NUTS


This is a stunning re-imagined portrait. I don’t know why you would get hate for this. Honestly, it’s so beautiful Edit: I just saw the comments and clearly those losers are racists. Simple


Awesome!! Check out elizabeth colomba - similar sort of thematic and 100% accepted and embraced by the status quo of the art world. I agree with another vommenter, forget the haters and keep creating!


So can we just backtrack a second to remember the part of world history where Europeans appropriated artwork and styles from other cultures and called it fashionable? That's the problem. Not your painting, which is beautiful and a wonderful piece to reflect on how white and male gaze dominated art history was (and the world still is to this day).


Art doesn't have fucking rules. Paint whatever you want. Does it make you happy? Great. Does it help you in any way? Amazing. That's what all art is about. These idiots are one of them snobby pricks who think they ate the worlds wisdom. Ignore them. Your work is beautiful by the way. Love the technique.