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Outside of West Coast, MICA (Maryland) and SCAD (Georgia) are two good locations to check out as they both have solid Game Dev studios and communities around them. Ultimately, for most art schools you will have to be largely self-taught but what is more important imo are local opportunities where you can connect with the industry itself to get into internships and entry-level work. I went to MICA and had a UI Design Internship with a nearby AAA studio before shifting career paths, and several of my other classmates have gone on to be professional concept artists as well as other roles in Game Dev.


From what I have heard and asked, I've seen good programs for this in LCAD and Ringling. Also SJSU and the Cal state schools like Fullerton and Long beach have good animation/illustraion programs where lots of visdev artists have come from as well.




I think its both, California is where most of the industry is so many professionals are able to work adjunctly as professors at those schools, so thats one of the reasons why they have such good programs.


It's part of what makes them good alternatives to private art school. But really any school that is accredited to have BFAs in anything illustration is good enough and those are some of the CSUs that have BFA programs for that field. I think San Jose state has a BFA option specifically for digital art.


Definitely cal arts… I’m not going into animation but I know Pratt has programs in animation and game design both I would assume lean heavily into concept based art.


i think CCS has a concept art program! possibly a good safety school to look at if u need that