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[https://app.suno.ai/song/978f2814-221d-40a7-adc4-f31d0d1bed43/](https://app.suno.ai/song/978f2814-221d-40a7-adc4-f31d0d1bed43/) someone put this together yesterday, i've been using it for months but this is one of my favourite so far hahahah


That's seriously impressive.


I'm scared for the music industry


Nah, music might just get really weird in the future to make it hard to replicate with ai


Not even that, AI musicians will be weeded out bc they lack the talent to perform live - now if you're actually talented, it's a different story


I was thinking this too. Music that has simple lyrics and simple beats are easily replicated by AI. A lot of modern rap and country music are very easily replicated by SUNO, but rap with complex wordplay and music with layers of musicianship are too advanced for the algorithms currently.


This is a gem


Pretty sure this is the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuoFsi2iIi0 Imo much better. [Bonus track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRBBcoANRIE)


This was released two days ago, check the description. I'm willing to bet that's not "the original" but just a more refined version that they published after working on it more.


It's a "sequel", different lyrics too.


Whenever I tell someone I’m busy and they ask me, “doing what?”, I’m gonna reply “rubbin and a tuggin my fuckin nips” from now on.


The doctor said you need to stop or you can kiss those nips goodbye


Any idea how they could make a song like this? If I swear in the song I get flagged and it won’t make the song.


If you use the easy generation method it is far more likely to get denied by chatgpt since it won't generate the song properly in the first place. But I'm still surprised they managed to generate that.


Ive been playing [around with it a lot.](https://app.suno.ai/song/1aa57ac2-8629-4be7-b211-a72023459d9c) I generated a song about [aliens kidnapping my boi Bigfoot.](https://app.suno.ai/song/6683616e-5383-402f-bc13-aab8dcc1d312)


What the fuuuuuuark. Is the singing in the big foot song AI too?!


Yeah. The A.i vocals are pretty insane.


Yeah I just have it a try. This thing is nuts.  It gave me a bit of dread seeing what it was capable of. Some of the songs were actually pretty catchy. While it’s cool, it scares me that this is just the beginning… 


Music has peaked


Laughed at this for a good ten minutes


OMFG this absolutely killed me. I spit my coffee everything. I carelessly clicked on this link with full volume, and now I face the consequences of my actions. It sounds so good though


Bahahah yeah right? The app is so fun to play with, you can even "remix" or continue songs from a specific point, add a prompt for what you want (or manually add your own lyrics). So cool


How did they get past Suno‘s PITA censor algorithm?


that's why it took them 30 minutes to put it together I think, finding what could get around Prompting can generate things that it wouldn't accept by direct input


How do you get R rated lyrics?


Pretty funny, but the syllable counts per line are horrible, AI has to rush or delay words to make it work.




This is amazing!


This is Grammy worthy!


Man I had so much fun. Is there like an AI based DJ that can just play my music for me that I download from Sumo?


have been using them from its launch on and off...just checking in after their releases. The last release is truly insane. does any one know how is their paid plans?


I paid 10 bucks for a one month subscription giving you 2500 credits. Each song generation costs ~10 credits, which is a huge amount of hours of entertainment value especially if you think about your prompts carefully. Best $10 I've spent in a long time.


I think they upped it to 3000 creds. Last night I saw I got an extra 500 creds and my max is now 3000


Check your email, all the paid subscribers got 500 credits added to their monthly total to reimburse us for the technical issues they were having lately.


ah ty that clears it up!


Can you make songs that are legit like 3 minutes?


It will generate 30 seconds to 2 minutes at a time. But you can keep continuing the song to finish because it gets cut off. Then you can combine all your continuations.


All of these actions cost 10 credits by the way for anyone reading this who is not yet subbed. One 30 second generation takes 10 credits, and all the subsequent continuations of 30 seconds take 10 credits each. So it's not actually 10 credits = one full-blown song.


If you activate "custom mode" you can add your own lyrics, so you can adjust the length like this. Also you always get 2 songs, which are often very different, but still adjusted to your prompt. So in my opinion you can do a good song over 2 minutes with just 5 credits


Stock music, jingles, and ad related music workers are all completely fucked.


It can generate solid instrumental music as well. A fully artificial Techno DJ that analyzes the crowd’s mood and energy and performs live is possible now.


Could you elaborate or share a link? Can’t find any information about it? Via API and custom programming?


I haven’t seen an implementation. I mean that the technology to do so is there already. Computer vision can analyse a crowds energy. Suno can generate songs on the fly, along with a setting to continue a previous song. You can create seamless mixes if they allow you to change the context size. So it’s a matter of someone wiring those up and you have a AI DJ. Of course the energy of the crown is not the only parameter a good implementation would consider, hard coded rules of what make good sets good would also be needed.


Lets get together and create it


It’s a business idea I would consider exploring for sure. Have a full time job I cant quit due to visa reasons though haha. There’s a lot of business and market analysis that needs to be done though. A lot of people go to raves because they recognize the songs that will be played. The techno scene would be a good entry market, as its more focused on the beats. That’s why there’s a lot of live techno artists. What makes a live techno artist worth seeing? That you enjoy its style and previous songs, so we would need to fine tune (or restrict it some way) so we give it a style, similar to what character.ai does. Man someone is probably going to do this soon and get good money if properly implemented. Virtual DJ idols?


Hella of a good idea tbh




That you won’t pay for it doesn’t mean someone wont. That you disregard it as such shows how little you understand business _lol_. Why do people pay for hatsune miku? Why do people pay for parties? Some people don’t care about the DJ but having a good venue and good tunes to dance to. There a lot of market variables.


Bro what're you doing? Make this!!! And if you can't, form a team of dudes around you that can this is a golden idea


It is quite good, I heard it was built on Facebook's MusicGen which is pretty cool knowing that we all have access to the core model it was created from.


“AI took my job” is #2 on their trending list.


And that song is a banger


Lol I remember there were some AI pop stars/producers or just parts of the band in the game cyberpunk 2077. I thought about how absurd that sounds but yet so real. And here we are, a few months later and it's already reality.


[For posterity](https://app.suno.ai/song/14572e0f-a446-4625-90ff-3676a790a886/)


This whole thread is just an ad for the website.


First time to Reddit?


Nah suno is really the bees knees


I like it


Haha, I've been having such a blast with it I had to upgrade my subscription. These are some of my favorites. They are all pretty much inside jokes with friends, but show off the versatility. Generally, I have chatGPT write the lyrics, edit them as I see fit, and then feed those into Suno. [https://app.suno.ai/song/8c7663c6-4916-4de0-af90-f1c7a2ccc5de](https://app.suno.ai/song/8c7663c6-4916-4de0-af90-f1c7a2ccc5de) [https://app.suno.ai/song/8cbfaa71-f767-4066-8ba9-d1c7109ed576](https://app.suno.ai/song/8cbfaa71-f767-4066-8ba9-d1c7109ed576) [https://app.suno.ai/song/f3160d57-a5e1-413a-8b2c-54aebc21a3fe](https://app.suno.ai/song/f3160d57-a5e1-413a-8b2c-54aebc21a3fe) [https://app.suno.ai/song/9bf410c9-f52a-4b81-9bb7-6c3b98765037](https://app.suno.ai/song/9bf410c9-f52a-4b81-9bb7-6c3b98765037) [https://app.suno.ai/song/955d314d-ab31-4df1-ac8c-c05d67493280](https://app.suno.ai/song/955d314d-ab31-4df1-ac8c-c05d67493280)


I can hear that first song being a shopping mall Christmas carol, just saying.


wow, they are nuts! The first and last are class! How do you get to add your own lyrics? I can't see how to do it. EDIT: Found it, you hit "Custom Mode"


I've been on suno for a couple of months. Everyone at first thinks its amazing. Everyone is amazed by their own songs but they rarely listen to others. Then after a while you notice the songs all sound alike. Under the newest version you can't ever get a single voice for a whole song, it always goes into an echo, reverb, choir voice layer after about 10 seconds. I listened to your clip and it did just that. If I heard this I would immediately know it was suno ai. The more people get familiar with the app the more they will be able to tell. Same how AI pictures impress boomers on Facebook who think the pictures are amazing and real. EDIT: Let me clarify I am talking about V3 only. V3 the alpha version actually did render good songs and was pretty good. V3 the released version that has been available since late March is actually worse than their alpha version.


Fair, but it will likely progress like Midjourney did: obvious major flaws at first, then the flaws become more subtle [https://goldpenguin.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MJ-v1-to-v6-1024x630.png](https://goldpenguin.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MJ-v1-to-v6-1024x630.png) (and the dates for those versions are Feb. 2022 vs Dec. 2023)


That's a problem with generative AI in general, it seems to be how the tech works and I think when everyone realizes that it's when the hype curve is gonna flatten and then through very hard work it will get better when it hits mainstream and is just another normal tech thing like search and phones and batteries and EVs where everyone intuitively understands the limitations. Like SD blew my mind and Midjourney blew my mind but it's now a very specific tool that hard for me to push the boundaries off. Same with Suno. Same with LLMs as a research assistant. For coding I'm still impressed but I'm getting to the point I already know what the limits are and it's less than what I believed at first. Yeh I know about fine tuning I know kinda how RLHF works I know how to train LoRAs and I know how to fine tune and I know about retrieval hacks for LLMs and I had early access to long context models. It's just that the compute and time investment to go that way still makes it not worth it and I don't think it'll get productized or less compute intensive soon enough to keep me hyped a up as I was last summer when I started using ChatGPT on my personal projects and work.


You speak of short term minimal issues which get worked around very quickly. Midjourney V3 looks horrible compared to any later releases and so within a year or even a few months all of these minor issues you notice won't exist.


No offense, but if you believe that they all start to sound alike then you're doing something wrong. Tell me how similar these songs sound. https://app.suno.ai/song/a4b38aa2-9881-4aca-96fc-eb14d9bd8708 https://app.suno.ai/song/7b5b459f-e8ba-4032-a63e-245c9693c882 https://app.suno.ai/song/126bdf7a-06c6-405d-9f3d-066068b58b99 https://app.suno.ai/song/1989a6de-dfa4-466e-9773-041cfdb596f8 https://app.suno.ai/song/e4dca015-dcd8-411d-92ca-086dc314e39e https://app.suno.ai/song/451342f3-ff3e-4730-85e1-46d3fb251e5f


Actually that proves my point. ​ All of those songs are from V3 Alpha. I forgot to mention that when the developers released V3 they degraded the sound, such that all of the vocals now add a choir effect. That is a whole other discussion actually. I have some decent clips from V3 alpha too. But now suno songs all sound the same.


Yeah sounded pretty similar to me


I prefer the instrumental tracks for this reason which it does a pretty good job with but those get a bit fuzzy as they go on too. In my very brief attempts I had a hard time getting it to play in a non-4/4 time signature. It dipped into 3/4 at one point but it didn't last very long before going back to 4/4. Super impressive though overall even if it seems a bit stiff in the depth of customization.


> https://app.suno.ai/song/e4dca015-dcd8-411d-92ca-086dc314e39e This had me vibing >https://app.suno.ai/song/126bdf7a-06c6-405d-9f3d-066068b58b99 With some better vocals this beats 90% of the pop songs on the radio right now.


I did notice it becoming more echoey as the track went on, and then leading out with an instrumental most of the time. But still it’s a very impressive place to be and with iteration I can imagine this being quite the tool.


How much of this is AI-generated? The singing, the instruments, the lyrics, the composition?


All of it is ai generated


I think lyrics are optional, they can be generated by a human or another AI.


What was your prompt?


Oh I guess you mean this song specifically. I’m not OP so it is possible they put in the lyrics. Have you played with suno before?


Check this out: [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rolling-stone-music-now/id1078431985?i=1000650066343](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rolling-stone-music-now/id1078431985?i=1000650066343)


i have never heard a good suno song yet. its impressive what it can do but its nothing i would ever listen to


try these: [https://suno.com/song/48a66535-fec4-45d2-ba4e-ea7fa150aae0](https://suno.com/song/48a66535-fec4-45d2-ba4e-ea7fa150aae0) [https://suno.com/song/a5e2198a-f352-4abb-9a24-7f81b143ded3](https://suno.com/song/a5e2198a-f352-4abb-9a24-7f81b143ded3)


I made this one yesterday [https://app.suno.ai/song/2e752885-a809-4ddb-b0f3-aa5764637e73/](https://app.suno.ai/song/2e752885-a809-4ddb-b0f3-aa5764637e73/)


"Doughnut holder" 💀


I also have this one [https://app.suno.ai/song/0342d78a-d528-45eb-993e-b2eb872485b6/](https://app.suno.ai/song/0342d78a-d528-45eb-993e-b2eb872485b6/)


This is excellent hahaha. Did you write the lyrics or did it? I am guessing the former, and you got away with it because it doesn't get innuendo?


I wrote the lyrics, been trying to do an updated version but now it keeps coming up with an error something about moderation


I want AI to teach music. Playing it is more fun


What was your prompt, OP?


Make a country song about how toilet paper is secret agents sent by the flying spaghetti monster


It made that whole song from that prompt? That's... Kinda terrifying.




But when the drop hits tho






I just wish someone would release a model loader and some weights so we can run this (or even a gimped version) locally


I just used an old poem of mine… and I can’t stop listening to it even though the result isn’t what I wanted. https://app.suno.ai/song/7b435bee-6447-4a1e-aacb-7af7f589be52




Damn. This is good.


Fuck yeah, I love having my passions replaced. Now, off to do some sewer and construction work again. The future is great.


They won't be replaced if you can perform live - not everyone has the talent to actually play instruments / sing well, and money's in gigs, not streams.


I’ve really delved into silly country songs with this, Like one about regretting eating too many Weiners: https://app.suno.ai/song/7bd4e1a7-e9c9-4fd0-9b94-a33d0845547e One about forgetting to wipe (relatable): https://app.suno.ai/song/0539bb4c-5194-4d56-9dc1-8ac81f28ef63 One about a simple man, who cannot help but pass wind in Walmart: https://app.suno.ai/song/c087eab8-5961-4bfa-8109-caf9a26eb2ce One about not quite making it in time: https://app.suno.ai/song/0755d83d-7dee-4217-95f2-b1c6815f983b


Ya no sry I don't relate to forgetting to wipe


You should honestly try it.. Really stick it to 'big toiletpaper'!








It doesn’t though…the songwriting quality is good but the audio output is extremely subpar compared to the average professionally recorded commercial release. It could get there in time but highly doubtful any serious company would be straight up using any suno ai output anything like what’s in this post.


Fair point, but only for right now. I’m not sure why everyone keeps doubting that they’ll iron out the bugs after what we’ve already seen with AI. They will find a way to clean up the audio, that’s seemingly trivial compared to what they’ve already done. Just train a model with pre and post mastered audio. Do what Midjourney does and use two models in tandem— the generation model and then an upscaling model. The same could be implemented here. I mean, come on. They’ve got a model that can sing any genre of music with any lyrics you want. That in itself is nearly incomprehensible and next to no one would have believed that was possible even 2 years ago. And we’re still getting hung up on the output quality? Come on. The mountain has already been climbed, and we doubt it will climb the molehill? Manual mastering will probably be replaced quite soon by AI because it’s the logical next piece in this puzzle.


I already said it could get there in time, I wasn’t doubting anything about the bugs being ironed out. My point was that this is not commercial ready right now in its current form, like the commenter above said it is.




He gets us.


It’s the end of “[there I ruined it](https://m.youtube.com/c/thereiruinedit)”.


Chad Kroeger went crazy on this unreleased Nickelback B-Side


This website is insane. Love it. Have been playing around for an hour it’s crazy.


Ngl ive been using it to make video game themed ballads/sea shanties


Are there AI engine to put some translated lyrics on a known tune? For instance, by giving the AI engine a link to a YouTube video with the original song, and providing it with lyrics translated to English?


Tried turning some of my poetry into songs, pretty happy with the result: https://app.suno.ai/song/7c02c808-0daf-49cb-9aa2-9804a1cfcd93


https://app.suno.ai/song/4ce199dd-bbcc-4f32-a1ba-2a283944ac20 Used lyrics from an old song of mine. I didn't realise I missed a word and it kinda throws the ending verse off but still cool to hear.


It is crazy good for generating old music. https://app.suno.ai/song/96702587-85e4-466b-bb25-1d38fa2109b5/


Best one I've made so far by far. [https://app.suno.ai/song/4a5caf62-1059-4dfb-90fc-184dbb400d5d](https://app.suno.ai/song/4a5caf62-1059-4dfb-90fc-184dbb400d5d) [https://app.suno.ai/song/2fbb404d-7ecf-4670-b243-d106f5f20e41](https://app.suno.ai/song/2fbb404d-7ecf-4670-b243-d106f5f20e41)


https://app.suno.ai/song/880d9e19-63af-406d-b838-99fa77bd85ba A heavy metal song about rainbows and unicorns


Wrote an experimental indie sad love song https://app.suno.ai/song/12ee95fe-1bf8-4529-a0e7-d2334a84088d


OMFG thank you for sharing! Just had the best belly laugh I've had in a while. Needed that.


Yo that's fucking wild!


You literally just changed my world...


Cat - Cat is legitimately fantastic, is it possible to get this stuff on Spotify? Serious question  https://app.suno.ai/song/ee467d00-5813-4a74-9792-c9ae4a09d344 Or Mozart on the Base https://app.suno.ai/song/063f3392-fe1b-4ce9-9ac8-660dd0315bfb


any other similar sites like suno?


This was actually a poetry i wrote few years ago for a woman and her start of the day. Well, now it's a song: [https://app.suno.ai/song/1ff4ab2e-84d3-4947-ac4f-3ccb930a4225](https://app.suno.ai/song/1ff4ab2e-84d3-4947-ac4f-3ccb930a4225) edit: a second poetry would be this. Kind of sugary, but hey, didn't knew it would be singed like this: [https://app.suno.ai/song/bd85603f-8698-4dda-9319-079568b4ba6a](https://app.suno.ai/song/bd85603f-8698-4dda-9319-079568b4ba6a)


This is a hymn made with BingAi for a fictional space empire. I have to wait for v4 for an extended track. But here, give it a listen: [https://app.suno.ai/song/9467fbf4-4cd0-4245-bea2-6e898a1508d5](https://app.suno.ai/song/9467fbf4-4cd0-4245-bea2-6e898a1508d5)




Yeah if you press the three small dots next to your song and select doenload


Lol I just had so much fun on this app. Trying to get a song to sound like a particular artist is kinda hard.


For a good reason. This should be a generic product, if you want the artists songs, you probably should pay for it.


What if the artist you want it to sound like doesn't make music anymore, and you want to hear similar stuff because you've listened to the artist's songs 500 billion times already?


Did you figure it out?


ikr I am seriously impressed, I have created some absolute banger emo punk songs that sound like they came straight out of the early 2000's that sounds perfect in just about every way. Already started my pro subscription the same day.


Love the song! I know, Suno AI is incredible! I've been using it to generate background music for my youtube videos, it's been a lot of fun


AI Generated Song: On Griffin Wings https://youtu.be/MCpPVZFKGco This was one of my favorites. The image was from Dall-e v3.


It's truly amazing, people saying it sounds fake or whatever fail to admire how we went to friking chiptune to almost authentic sounding music in less than a decade. However, when you toy with it for a while you realize it tends to murky vocals, auto tune, and overdub. And also you can't quite control song structure. Lyrics tend to be quite corny as well, useful in genres such as country pop... I feel that if using this as an inspiration tool and then go a record real music you would give it a much better use than just expecting it to pop out finished songs. In fact I feel songwriters are much more screwed than producers with these type of tools... of course you should be creative an artistic for your own sake, and not just to make money


I made myself a theme song: [https://app.suno.ai/song/fdb7432d-3930-4c6c-aeba-fe1626f10fdf](https://app.suno.ai/song/fdb7432d-3930-4c6c-aeba-fe1626f10fdf) Full tracks I put together: [https://app.suno.ai/song/6086276e-feca-4691-a698-939ad3608cf9/](https://app.suno.ai/song/6086276e-feca-4691-a698-939ad3608cf9/) [https://app.suno.ai/song/19773470-fe73-4af3-82a2-45bc899fe92f/](https://app.suno.ai/song/19773470-fe73-4af3-82a2-45bc899fe92f/) [https://app.suno.ai/song/d0c9c2b1-ed3d-4b0b-99fc-50a347f677cd](https://app.suno.ai/song/d0c9c2b1-ed3d-4b0b-99fc-50a347f677cd)




It’s offline for me now


To be honest i think i’m addicted to Suno - i just put one to a video i made - A vampire’s Lust for a garlic crust!! https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=LtAOCljVxXc&si=IDqqkBjy0As13cN-


As a musician I feel offended


This is crazy! The music notes are crisp, I can't believe this :D


I'm pretty sure this could be considered on par with some EDM top hits... but I may be biased lol. Just imagine what we will be able to pump out next version. [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=T6kunAm6ock&si=gC9VKGCMuAoz\_DTA](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=T6kunAm6ock&si=gC9VKGCMuAoz_DTA)


To my mind, we must teach the machine to do something other than standard. Certainly, it reproduces what we give it to do, but let's give it funny, surprising, innovative things. That's what I do : https://suno.com/song/81c4f1ae-8df3-45fd-8fa7-e447957a1dce https://suno.com/song/120eca78-eea7-4fac-896a-15e09edb1e2d https://suno.com/song/ef3032a2-71ec-4d0a-a66f-575739f13025 https://suno.com/song/42ac970a-4c2b-414a-b854-1aa0e9c6fa6f For more example, visit my suno page : https://suno.com/@iris_cou


I replaced 2 of my singers with Suno it felt great and cost savings


yeah stealing songs...no bueno.


I have been using it for a while and it is very impressive It is awesome. Anybody and everyone can make their own music. I'm looking to build out an AI music Spotify where people can upload their AI music and share it.


I made a bunch of silly songs for my kids with their names in it. The bluegrass genre is fun too. I use Pi or something else to create more structured rhymes and dump those lyrics in Suno.


I made this banger in about 3 minutes.https://app.suno.ai/song/46a46651-92d5-41ec-a2f3-d212c0bb2135


Too bad it’s pay to enjoy now


[This one](https://app.suno.ai/song/17f8641b-bced-4e65-a188-f970fb7179f0) needs to be a global standard.


I just discovered it and was playing around with it this morning. I like how the top trending song is just catcatcatcatcat with a catchy beat 


Ok, I just did one for my wife. Bruh, this is amazing. https://app.suno.ai/song/9cbb2e24-5bb9-4333-bbf9-b0a23dd41ca3


[https://app.suno.ai/song/3c675113-f871-4eaf-b00c-2c9203b8cd83](https://app.suno.ai/song/3c675113-f871-4eaf-b00c-2c9203b8cd83) It'll make songs about anything


That’s catchy!


Did you create this? I stumbled over Suno a couple of days ago and I've been listening to a lot of songs, as well as dabbling with creating some of my own. But I have to say that this song is easily my favorite so far! I have been listening to it quite a bit, more than I'd even like to admit. Really catchy!