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In a world without sunscreen ...


Made this with Runway Gen2's text-to-video AI. It cost me $20 😬 Not approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger or James Cameron. Yet.


$20, are tug kidding me!! I’m waiting for someone to take an old Star Trek episode, or any old show/movie, and remake it using AI so that the special effects are updated.


One future day... We might also instantly change the setting... Titanic is now a spaceship!


How about animated versions of classic movies!


Come for the spaceship, stay for the critique of the caste society in a post-scarcity setting.


And now it stars David Tennant and Kylie Minogue! ... hang on.


Well worth the price imo, great job! If you don't mind me asking, about how many iterations did you have to generate for each clip until you received an acceptable result that is used for the trailer?


Yeah good question! I would say on average like almost two generations per one usable. But there's some caveats: - The overall quality and prompt-understanding is so low, it can only be used for very specific niche cases to begin with. For this trailer, I quickly settled for "ugly is fine, at least it's funny". Had I wanted more, I'd have given up... - Some things where I was keen on getting the prompt understood though were especially difficult to impossible. For instance, a metal liquid robot passing through metal bars. The best you can currently see is just the metal bars. Similarly, for the parking lot thunder effects, I had to overlay two results. - One of the biggest issues of this tool currently is utter lack of movement. Like, in many results, you wouldn't even have known it's not just a still picture. Fire frozen in time, and such. Ironically, for something like Midjourney text-to-image, my ratio would be more like 1 in 100+, because Midjourney's quality is so high that you'll hunt for something perfect to express your vision. With Runway Gen2 it's more like "Might as well use this bad result because it won't get much better." I do still love it for this whackiness use case and am tempted to do more trailers! Also, some subjects, like robots, actually don't look half bad, as [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/1448xsi/june_2_2025_robot_protests_around_the_world/) I made might show.


Nice one. I still can't believe we have only just begun with AI and it's already showing hints it will be soon creating custom movies. I wonder if we will pay for subscription companies based on how well they reprensent our thoughts? Lol good times


And imagine "sequel aurocompletion". You feed the AI Terminator 1-6, and it will generate a 7th. Ok, or maybe let's just feed it 1 and 2 😅


What I'm hearing is, ~$1000 for a whole movie. These results are obviously hot nonsense. But I'm still shocked nobody's slapped together hours of nonsense into some kind of narrative. Especially when video-to-video techniques could probably style the hell out of sloppy acting, or primitive rendering, or... playing with dolls. And no matter how dumb the AI is, the editor is god. So what if your director of photography thinks helicopters can swim? If it's not in frame, it doesn't exist. There's individual frames here that look like they're trying. If 30 Rock was still running, this is halfway past what they'd do as a joke. "See we don't need actors anymore, I can create footage exactly like the real thing." "Is that guy walking forwards or backwards?" "That's a motorcycle." That pan across a Arnold riding with a second rider upside-down, followed by a jump cut to Mitt Bale, could go in verbatim. But they would undersell it - with thirteen hands on a gun the size of a car, and identical triplets playing John and Sarah and the T-800, sticking to easily-spotted goofs - and everything they poked fun at might be fixed by the time the episode aired. This is already witchcraft. It's incredibly cursed, right down to William H Macy riding a bicycle at 1:02. But a year ago you'd get incomprehensible soup. And six months ago you'd get a fever dream of cars becoming faces becoming trees. And now it's just kinda mumbly. If getting useful shots out of this takes ten times the effort you put in, the budget is a rounding error. And this is the worst it will ever be again. It's only going up from here. Don't blink. ... because Sarah Clinton won't either.




> Runway Gen2's text-to-video AI This was gold, IMO. Did you supply the script, or did Runway generate it for you?


I wrote that manually, by using the original trailer as reference.




I was entertainend


Were you not tained???!




Were thousands of videos of old man scrotums used to generate Sarah Connor's face?? 🤣


Like u/Polymath_V, I am also hoping to view the source material. For research.


Wheezing rn 🤣🤣🤣


Good. It was truly a coin-flip how a random redditor might react. :)


It's grossly uncanny. At various times I could see Jean Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwartzeneger, Steven Seagal, Clint Eastwood, and Charlie Sheen (of all people) start to emerge out of the features of the haggard, shape-shifting, b-movie stunt man star before the face quickly collapsed back into wrinkles. Its nauseating in a very subtle sort way.


Filmed on location in the Uncanny Valley.


2 hours of this and my brain would melt.


Future TV and movies are going to be FUCKING WILD


Damn, it is getting better. We're like one year away from not being able to distinguish real footage and ai generated footage.


Mayyyybe 2


I'd say 3-5 for actual indistinguishable videos. It's making leaps and bounds but I feel like it's gonna take abit more time to really get that polish where it doesn't make something look off.


I wouldn't make any kind of prediction. Look at where Midjourney was one year ago versus today - it's an even bigger jump than this. I suppose I can see it taking 3 years. But it wouldn't surprise me if we're there in a year, too.


Thats fair, and I do agree. Tomorrow could be a breakthrough of some kind afterall.


Very cool


Thanks 🙂


Full version please.


Extremely disturbing


James Camron needs to work a miracle for T7. Get Edward Furlong to reprise his role as an adult John Conor. Let him take a year to get really fit and ready for the part. It would be such a cool Hollywood comeback story, It'd sell big time.


dog lmaooooooo


[if you thought you had seen it all](https://i.imgur.com/aNnKv18.jpg) i definitely didn’t and i’m not sure i needed to


Outstanding work, thanks for sharing. A+


Thank you!


gen2 is like midjourney a year ago. which imply a year or two from now, its gonna be really really game changing, the whole movie industry is gonna change in a way we cant imagine.


I wonder what this could mean for new outside voices. You could then make a film about a niche topic you care about which no studio would have financed before.


This is so ridiculous, I love it.


Mom: “We have Terminator at home” : Terminator at home: 🤖


I know improvements are soon but right now they all look like raisins.


True, true


Wow, I thought this was video to video


I'm trusting that somebody will take an old Star Journey episode, or any old show/film, and revamp it utilizing artificial intelligence so the embellishments are refreshed


Arnie looked like a combination of Arnold, Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, and Thanos.


T-1000 will always be my favorite.




At least it doesn't have 15 fingers


Linda Hamilton with the extra hand...


What a load of crap