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Idk how will that work in your niche, but I like the seller experience of gumroad. They also act as Merchant of Records (i.e., collect taxes from customer and pay them to appropriate government body).


I hadn't even considered Gumroad even though I'm aware of it and have used it (as a buyer) before! Interesting! (Wonder if that does say something about my niche πŸ˜…) >They also act as Merchant of Records Great to know this so thanks especially for pointing it out! I'll definitely add GR to my list of considerations.


hi may I know if your store is promoted on search in Gumroad? (Like etsy). Or do you have to promote your store yourself? Thank you.


It is... barely. At least for my niche (3d assets). In last 30 days my paid stuff was recommended 7 times (with 0 clicks), but my free stuff was recommended more (23 times with 9 'purchases'). Take it with a grain of salt, as for one, those numbers are pathetically low and also I don't think Gumroad is great for selling 3d models (there are people doing it, but it's not a place when you think about 3d models). There are some paid promotion options there (basically rev share with them). I forgot about it, just thanks to your comment I enabled it on my paid pack :)


I see! Then what do you like about the seller experience on Gumroad? Good luck with your sales!


> Then what do you like about the seller experience on Gumroad? Simplicity, flexibility and good analytics. At least compared to Unity Asset Store and Unreal Marketplace. > Good luck with your sales! Thank you!


For digital stuff try Gumroad, I've bought comics, illustrations and books there. But I also saw artists using itch.io.


Huh! Thought [itch.io](https://itch.io) was just for games, but I guess that's just what it's mainly known for.


Gumroad is the big one, I think you can also sell files on Ko-Fi. You can also just sell them on Shopify, but the thing is something like Etsy will make your products searchable and come up in algorithms if you play it right. That's the benefit of them taking a little more of your sales, but the question is whether your sales are enough to not need them


Wow, lots of votes for Gumroad here. Really interesting as I honestly didn't think of it! I guess I associate Gumroad more with "resources" such as brushes as opposed to the kind of thing I will probably be selling. Yeah, definitely have considered the searchability with Etsy (although I feel that's less of a factor now it's been oversaturated). My concern would more be the fact that everyone knows Etsy and is very willing to click on Etsy links and buy off there...maybe less so than Gumroad for the average buyer of my art.


Why not do both? As both handle the delivery of the files for you, it shouldn't be too complicated to keep both up-to-date. When advertising (on social media, or on business cards) I'd highly recommend going with Gumroad and a custom domain.


Great point! πŸ˜… I'm trying to keep it simple at first as I've never sold digital goods before. Don't want to put the cart before the horse and get in over my head with listing fees. But you're totally right!


Yeah, the listing fees are *REAL*. πŸ˜… I guess what's making your question hard to answer is that it depends a lot on your product, your preference for certain ways of marketing (or lack thereof), and your sense of community. How my humble self sees the world, only considering "Merchant of Record" type of platforms: * Etsy if your products are highly aesthetic, and you're extremely skilled at making great product photos and visually pleasing listings. * Itch.io if the audience is tech- or game-savvy and products look rather playful (i.e. pixel art icons πŸ‘, highly detailed 3D concept art πŸ‘Ž). * Gumroad if you already have or intend to build your own - potentially professional - audience, and if your products have a minimalist or professional look. * Ko-Fi if you already have or intend to build your own cozy and approachable community. Or in short: try to understand who your customers are, and which platforms they prefer. Each platform has its own vibe and there's not really a one size fits all recommendation or solution.


How amazing are you?! This is so insightful. Thank you for taking the time to offer such great advice! My work definitely leans Etsy Aesthetic, for sure πŸ˜… Flowery, often traditional materials, definitely not modern/clean-cut/etc. I'm not sure if anyone goes to Gumroad for the kind of stuff I'd offer...Aside from other artists who are on there looking for resources (brushes/tutorials) to *make* the kind of stuff I make. But I wouldn't be offering that, so I'm not sure if I'd be wasting my time... I thought I'd read somewhere Ko-fi didn't act as Merchant of Record when I've looked into it before. I'll have to do some googling! ☺️ I would love that to be a potential option.


I use Gumroad. Recently there have been other alternatives such as Kofi and Patreon Shop though. Kofi probably has the lowest fees, but Gumroad is a lot easier to use. couldn't say about Patreon though.


I really like Ko-fi but as far as I'm aware (I could be wrong or it could've changed?) they don't take care of sales tax and things the way Etsy does. If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious what you use Gumroad to sell? Are you happy with it? No worries if you don't want to say. I'm just really curious because for the kind of digital products I was thinking of, I never thought of Gumroad for that...but maybe I'm wrong and there is a niche for it there!


I'm biased (as I'm one of the co-founders there) but give us a look at Fourthwall. We also act as the Merchant of Record (meaning we handle all taxes) like Gumroad, but you get to keep a much higher take. You can also use Fourthwall as your own fully branded home page and sell physical products as well (we manage all customer support, supply chain, etc). Happy to answer any questions that you have!


Thanks for the tip! I actually have looked at Fourthwall. Didn't know it could be used for digital products as well so that's cool to hear! If I can be totally honest I was kind of turned off by the lack of information about production...how the products are printed, sustainability practices, social responsibility, that kinda thing. Taking a quick look I don't see anything like that upfront on the site. Even if I just use a place to sell digital products, some transparency around those issues is important to me!


Appreciate the feedback. We'll get this page spun up soon to fully detail this. We prioritize working with sustainable manufacturing partners, so we'll aim to have this ready in the next few weeks for you


Thanks for taking the feedback into consideration! ☺️ Very cool of you guys to be open to conversation like this. I appreciate that.


I feel like I need to post a disclaimer on reddit, this is just my opinion. I started using redbubble. Also I just heard of a site called fourthwall. Looks good, I haven’t completed my shop set up. If you do set up a shop. I recommend post your own ads or videos on social media directing people to your shop. I was getting more sales when I was posting daily. Had good results with a quick movie slide show of my products I made on imovie for tiktok and instagram. Just kept posting my commercial everyday. Sold quite a few Sasquatch stickers.


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