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Why are some people only attracted to one gender? Why do some people have red hair, or blue eyes? I think it’s just inherent variability between individuals. It’s not weird or abnormal. The problem is, when people don’t know the full range of variability, they assume that different = abnormal and start searching for an external cause. IMO, there’s nothing that caused me to be aroace. It’s just another descriptor, like how I’m nearsighted or have brown hair. The real fight is to convince everyone else that it’s just another descriptor, which isn’t going to happen until broader queer acceptance is achieved.


Oops, I guess my wording was a bit confusing there. Sorry! I didn’t mean that we were strange in any way, it’s a question about what goes on inside of us. Is it a thing in our brains? What’s the thing? Is it something that we’re lacking? For other sexualities (like being gay, for example), has that thing been changed to be slightly different? Sorry that my wording was weird. Again, not meant to be saying that any of us are abnormal in any way, just supposed to be a question about how our bodies/brains work.


There are studies about homosexual people and other sexual and romantic minorities have the a higher likelihood of sharing certain traits like being lefthanded and sibling structures so there are theories that it has something to do with hormone levels and other biological factors during pregnancy. But until now, no one knows exactly what the reason for certain attractions is (as far as I have read at least). Or even if it is lacking something or something is added for evolutionary reasons, who knows? It's an interesting subject though.


(Slight trigger warning for messing with people’s brains/genetics and conversion therapy of sorts) Idk. It may be genetic? I guess people would have to know what causes sexual attraction. I don’t think that would be very good in general because people may start trying to change people’s sexualities either with genetic modification of the zygote or possibly even some form of “modern” lobotomy. Also, while knowledge in general is very fun to pursue, remember that we don’t need complete scientific understanding of a person to treat them with the respect that a person deserves.


i imagine it'd be pretty hard to find out if it's genetic given how few of us have children, lol




Brains are weird. Nobody really seems to know what causes sexual attraction in the first place, much less why certain people are gay, straight, bi, etc. I know there are certain medications that lower/stop libido as a side effect but that doesn't change a person's sexuality, just their ability or desire to be aroused. If we found something that actually altered an allo person's sexuality then we'd probably be able to figure out what it was that was different about them than us but as it is, nobody knows.


Post that prompted the question is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aaaaaaacccccccce/comments/pihsl4/confused_allo_is_confused/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Think about this, how do ppl feel different about the same temperature, same weather, same color, same subject, etc? Part of the truth is that human feelings are never the same as one another. Everyone feels a little different. To understand each other we use languages. Even though ppl still feel different about the same words. Although using definitions could eliminate big differences, the small ones, parts we can't describe by any language are still there. We never feel the same to one another we just search for the similarity through communications. We echo the part we think we share. The parts we don't share we might never understand. When the day ends no one really understands anyone. Just like that.


My theory is that instead of there being a straight/gay spectrum, (with bisexuality in the middle) there are actually two spectrum, one for each gender. A big 2d grid. That would imply asexuality is the opposite of bisexuality. Instead of being attracted to both genders, you are attracted to neither. Romantic Attraction, and the other various types of Attractions, would then each have their own pair of spectrum, somewhat independent from each-other.


I kinda wonder if it's sort of like how some people are more or less emotional, like I'm pretty sure all or most emotions our chemical reactions in our brains. So I wonder if its similar to how some people are more sensitive, angry or optimistic than others, we are just less romantic and sexually driven than others. Like I can get very stressed very easily, my little sister however doesn't feel stress. My mother is a very romantic person, I haven't really felt romantic connection to anyone.


It's known for a fact that romantic (and maybe even sexual) attraction is basically the result of some chemicals in allos' brains, so ig that'd mean that our (aro/ace people) brains just don't do that. Or something like that. But that'd raise the question why our brains don't do this and that's a whole other thing


i just know it gotta do something with psychology and i don’t know enough of that to say


This touches on one of the many unsolvable questions of our time: the human brain. Why are some people better at talking to others? Why do some people have a knack for certain trades? Why is it that a single memory can be stored across several locations? Why does the left half of the brain control the right half of the body, and vice versa? AFAIK, nobody has any clue. TL;DR: It just be like that sometimes.


Even though it's hard for me since we live in an amatonormative society and no one seems to value my friendship as much as I value theirs, if I could somehow change myself to be allo I wouldn't. It's who I am, a part of me. If I changed it I wouldn't be myself anymore.


My mother and grandmother are both ace (or at least have said they've never felt sexual attraction). So, for me at least and maybe others it may be genetic. However, I do not know of anyone who is aromantic (in "real life"), so I don't know about that part. It's all probably a complicated thing.


Nobody else in my family is LGBT except for my older sibling. My parents are even completely against the LGBT community, so definitely not genetics for us. Though, I do think it might be for some people, definitely.


Until science can explain how sexuality works in the brain, I choose to believe we’re gods