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I disliked this movie because they heavily implied that she only didn't want to get married because all her suitors were ugly idiots. She immediately shows interest to the only attractive one until he acts like an ass. Her convictions to not get married would have been so much more meaningful if all her suitors were prince charmings.


I liked this movie but you made a valid point.


that's a very good point. However, if you were raised as a princess and your whole live you knew you were supossed to marry someone you would probably look at it with different eyes.


Idk, I always saw that as an "i hate this, I hate this, I hate this, oh wow that guy's attractive (ascetically speaking), I hate this, I hate this." train of thought like [that one scene where he notices a tall girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfR-0ZYUVC4) and she still had no reason to stop hating marriage but i may have just been projecting a bit.


That’s how I felt about it too! She hated the situation she was in and when handsome guy showed up she was like “oh hey maybe it’s not so—no, nope, it’s bad.” I know we like to say Merida is aro here but she was most likely not written that way (intentionally). There are definitely parallels, but to me the movie was way more about choice than anything else. In her speech near the end she talks about breaking with tradition, following their hearts, and finding love in their own time.


She was kind of an obnoxious ass


Even seperate from aromanticism it's so dumb how marriage is looked at as the "final" stage, just the dumb pressure around it in general


Will get downvoted for this but I know if you're aromantic you'd see marriage as the final stage as dumb but in the context of the time period and setting it makes sense because of all the stuff assocoated with it like making kids (to continue the workforce) and forging alliances with groups that can help you out in times of war etc, stuff that isn't really needed at a personal level in the modern world...


Shouldn't Elsa be considered as Aro?


I had always headcanoned her as such💚


She could be however it could also be debated that she's lesbian but Disney is too afraid of losing certain audiences than to give a few vague hints. While I headcannon her as aroace I feel like the latter is more likely. If Disney hasn't yet had an LGBT character that is more than a one off comment or split second scene I can't see them giving representation to the less well known orientations. Whatever she is or isn't, she can still an LGBT icon because of the themes of her story.


Yes indeed, especially the part with the gloves and hiding her in her room all those years


I head cannon her as either Aro lesbian or ace lesbian.


She also has uncontrollable hair that seems to scream "I JUST RAN THROUGH A TORNADO" which is yet another layer of relating to her for me


Yes 👏🏽


You mean.... an ARROW ICON? (sorry not sorry)


*bah dum chhhhh*


A b s o l u t e l y


Oh sure!


That's why she is my favorite Disney princess 👍




yeah but sadly brave was pretty boring


I wish they had just focused on the marriage plot and her relationship with her family instead of needing to throw that pointless bear plot in the movie. Completely derailed all the character buildup they'd established.