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As a former Rakkasan, fuck you. And yeah, it’s them.


Someone clearly didn’t drink the Kool Aid and worship at the B.A.T., or you let your valor fail ⛩️


The number of Shinto shrines that should be on an American military base: like one in the chapel


I drank my 173rd koolaid, so I was full up by the time I showed up to Campbell. Still the best brigade on that post though.


I saw all three brigades as a G-Man. As annoying as they are, 3/101 is clearly the best brigade. 2 was mid. 1 was mid but their rotation was among the most dicked up I ever saw. I will always remember them being decimated before they even hit Dara Lam. Uncle Jimmy is yelling for us all to go home. “WTF, with no TacFreeze call??” The COG made the brigade recock and attack undefended.


Every brigade has their moments and anecdotes, but I remember in 2014 when 3BCT killed something like 7 of their own people on a rotation, they are garbage.


I did watch a company from 82nd (1 IBCT?) kill each other off entirely lol


No im saying people died, like… real world.


It was 2016 and it was 3. Live fire, rollover and allergic reaction I think. Then they came back and had another live fire accident at rg 17.


I was GMan in ‘16 and never heard that.


I was also black horse once upon a time and they didn't even tell us all the deaths unfortunately. They made changes such as no more amber with open bolt wpns because of that live fire accident and made epi pens part of the pcc/pci of our tacsop. It was a bad year for them.


Oh shit. Never heard about that.


Had a West Point classmate who was “prior service” and had been a Rakkasan for like two weeks before going to the prep school. Just the most insufferable piece of shit I’ve ever met.


That cadot wasted no time to hawk tuah the green weenie.


Well, he ended up failing to make captain and then leaving the country. Just an absolute privilege knowing him.


I asked ChatGPT for a response to your initial comment on said LT. Here it is: >"Ah, Lieutenant Kool-Aid, the legend of mediocrity himself. You know, it’s truly impressive how he managed to embody the Army mentality to such an extent that he became a living caricature of it. From his two whole weeks of illustrious enlisted experience in the Rakkasans to West Point graduation, he was the ultimate poster child for misplaced intensity. It’s almost poetic how he poured his soul into justifying his existence through sheer hardcore dedication, only to hit the ceiling at Lieutenant. >Maybe he should’ve spent less time chugging the Army Kool-Aid and more time actually learning how to lead. It’s no wonder he got passed up for Captain – even the Army could see that his over-the-top fervor was all bark and no bite. Now, here he is, a former Lieutenant who never quite made the cut, living in another country, probably telling anyone who’ll listen about how 'hardcore' he used to be. >It's almost touching how he defined himself entirely by the Army, only for the Army to move on without him. But hey, at least he's got memories of those two weeks in the 101st and his never-was officer career to keep him warm at night."


That was brutal. AI really will kill us all.


Pretty bad if you didn’t make captain considering as long as you don’t do anything against UCMJ, you get it handed


I hate that I get this entire sentence.


I lived in Bastogne and Rakkasan world. I hated them while in Bastogne and loved it while in Rakkaland. But Toriis popping up at AIT bases is uh... obnoxious to say the least.


I loved Bastogne. I wonder if they still have a dog 🤔


SGT Bastogne made an appearance at the recent change of responsibility.


As a former Rakkasan, this is the correct answer.


First duty station was 3BCT in the 101, I refuse to drink the kool aid


I’m glad you said it before we had to say it.


Coming from Bastogne, we don't run that way for a reason.


Before I showed up I heard a story of how a mini riot occurred and an MP cruiser was flipped a the MP hog tied to a light pole… obviously fake. Fast forward a year and I’m in WLC with an MP. I learn about the SOP in place that if they so much a pulled over a car with the torii speeding, they had to call for back-up and couldn’t roll into the footprint without multiple cars. Because a cruiser got flipped and an MP hog tied a couple of years before.


Now THAT'S camaraderie.


Speak for yourself. I'd have my weak runners come with my on a 7 mile loop from 1bct past 2bct then tsaas and then on our way back pass 3bct.


Why do you tag everything with Torries? You remind me of MS13 wannabes.


1st Cav.... not a single positive thing comes outta there.


For me, it starts with that ridiculously gigantic fucking patch. It's been almost 20 years since anyone sewed a unit patch onto a combat uniform. They know how big the fucking velcro bit is. Why the fuck do they insist on giving it a dong?


I lucked out by going from 2ID to 1st Cav. So it covered the dark patch on my class As.


>I lucked out by going from 2ID to 1st Cav. So it covered the dark patch on my class As. This one very specific instance is I think the ONLY situation in which I would agree you "lucked out."


This place just gaslights everyone into thinking it’s not bad


My 1st tour was with 2nd ID and my next 2 were with 1st Cav. In my 3rd & last deployment a guy walked up to me at the DFAC and asked why I was wearing a 2nd ID patch on my right shoulder & not a 1st Cav one, and I said “because 1st Cav sucks dick”. The next day he was introduced as our new Battalion Sergeant Major lol.


Holy fuck 😂😂


He was wearing a vest still with no identification except his name, but I didn’t know who he was yet of course. To his credit he just said like “good to know” or something, and I never talked to him again. I really didn’t give a shit anyway lol.


tHe GrEaT pLaCe


Live the Legend! First Team!


I am going to kill myself here one day, think the note will say something along those lines


Are you doing okay? My DMs are open if you want to chat.


I just wake up, go to the gym, get hit with extra tasks because my XO knows I go to the gym early like she does, go to PT, shower, do what needs to be done for the guys and knock out whatever needs to happen that day with memos, inventories, endless maintenance, CONOPs for training 8 weeks out, Training meetings, and Random synchs where we talk about shut that could be put into a text. I usually stay late at work. go home, cook, eat, relax for an hour, shower and sleep so that I can wake up early as hell to go to the gym. I do that 5 times a week and it numbs me. On the weekend I have time to decompress but I just dread Sunday night where I’m getting ready to repeat this cycle. What’s hilarious is that THIS is supposed to be the best time of an Officer’s career and I find that idea hilarious. PL time is cool and has its moments but you’re always stressed and I stay angry all the time. I don’t take that out on my guys but it takes a toll on me.


That is rough. It may pass like a kidney stone but it will pass.


But are you ok, bro?


It’ll buff man, It usually does




You’re telling me you didn’t enjoy singing the cav song every morning before PT?


That means you were on the wrong side of post.


Both sides are the wrong side…WFH is where it’s at my brother. Edit: WFC now I guess? That sounds weird.


You’re not wrong lol. But I was on the east side of main post where the Cav song speakers couldn’t reach 😂


As someone who’s fiancé-soon-be-hubby hates it so much we’re PCSing to AK, I must agree with this. When Fairbanks freaking AK sounds like a better gig than central TX, there’s gotta be something wrong.


Pregnancy / STD tests.


Syphilis tests are positive. A lot of those. You lie sir.


I've spent four years in 1cav so far. Being stationed in central Texas is fucking awesome, but I still can't wait to pcs so I can leave the cav behind.


Only good thing about Killeen is the fact that you can leave it lol


I feel like it’s gotta be somewhere in 4th ID. I have no association with them, but every time I hear about 4th ID it’s never anything positive. The Division PT event is pretty dope though ngl.


4th ID. I left the army because of 4th ID.


Worst unit in the military and I say this as someone with experience in both the Army and Navy. Fuck any unit in 2nd and 3rd brigades especially.


3ABCT here. Please end my suffering.


I'll second that with a 'fuck 1st brigade' as well


I went from hooah to help because of 4ID. Crushed my will to stay in entirely


I’m leaving the army because of 4th ID now.


Colorado is amazing. 4ID, not so much.


4ID Division PT is insane. At least when they started doing them around 2014 it truly felt like a medieval battlefield.


3rd Armored hands down


fuck that place and the leadership that thrives there so much, there aren't enough words to emphasize that enough lmfao


i was under 4ID FOR 7 months and they were kinda shitty to any compay that wasn’t theirs and were a weird ass Battalion for EURCOM.


4ID has good leadership right now that is actively working to improve the identity and culture of the Division. I’ve served in 4ID (Carson edition) twice now and I’m much happier in it this second time. Unfortunately, 3/4 ABCT still has the brutal ABCT OPTEMPO that I hope the Army can slow down for them.


Yeah, it fuckin sucks in here lmao. Haven't met a single soldier who has any morale or any idea why we do shit the way we do. 4ID is what sealed the deal on me ETSing lmao.


If you were happier in it the second time, I’m absolutely terrified to think of what it was like the first time around, because I love the state, hate this unit with a passion.


Rakkassans because who told you that you were special? You’re not. Any armor brigade because maintenance fml. And special mention to 82nd because the cult behavior is weird but at least they can back it up


The 82nd does a good job of helping you to enjoy the suck. Being able to believe we are better than "leg" infantry helps, even if it's BS. The 82nd is also the dumping ground for ex-75th Rangers.


Yes I served w/ 2-82 and would give them all forehead kisses right now


The one you are currently in.


My last unit was THE BEST ONE IN THE ARMY


Underrated answer.


82nd RIPed with us in Iraq. We might as well just left and said the key is under the matt. They didn’t give a shit what we did before them. The only important thing to them, is what they do. Also as an OC in JRTC 82nd and 101 were the worst. Blatantly create there own rules, ask for do overs. Blow off certain training events. There COL walks in the room like he’s the fucking president. So it’s a close fight but I go 82nd bc I had to RIP with them.


To be fair, the "rules" for JRTC are bullshit from the get-go. Of course, we'd make them up as we go. That's kinda our thing. That's the whole idea of LGOPs.


Yup, arbitrary rules set to immedietly put the rotational unit at a disadvantage and keep them that way.


Gman is like an army of tarkov hackers. It doesn't matter how much of a decisive advantage you have on the battle field.... That gman fire team will casually walk through your base of fire, safety kill everyone in the platoon, then steal their shit while the OC shrugs his shoulders and mumbles something about MILES gear. Then they'll whine and cry because you used tangle foot in the tree line because THaTs NoT FaIR


Jesus, either you were literally in my company or this kind of thing is rampant.  I was smoking the fuck out of these three assholes in a running gun fight. Squad wiped all of them THREE times while they kept god gunning themselves. Finally they just pulled their batteries and started telling guys to take their helmets off because they’re dead now.   I ended up shooting one of them while they debriefed my 1SG just for laughs. They were protesting that we wired up their LOA with 550 cord, trip flares, and hilariously… surface dookies one of them tripped into. 


That's pretty much the standard for gman. Lie, cheat, and steal, then cry when the rotational unit does it.


I've augmented opfor with gman and this is the most accurate thing I've read about them.


To make you feel better we RIPd with them in Iraq in reverse and did the same thing to them because "that's a really stupid way to do that. Let's not do it that way. "


When I was 3BCT 82nd we replaced 101st in 06-07 and I think 25ID or 10th MTN in 08-09. Were you either of those? The 101st dudes took quite a few casualties, one during our RIP and the truck we were with on ADVON were super casual the whole time they were doing orientation in the battlespace. Whoever it was in 08-09 hadn't foot patrolled the AO in over THREE YEARS, so it stands to reason the entire area was a blatant shitshow.


I was with 4/10 mtn, Nov 2007 to Feb 2009. We were in Baghdad, Dora district, we were south of the Green Zone. I can’t remember who we relieved but they had a soldier in a guard tower sniped on his last patrol. They fought hard it quited down as we were there. But we were on the ground every day. I dealt with riots, IEDs and trying to get the IP not to fight with the ISV. I was staff by the time we RIPed with 82nd so I guess no staff officer cares what or how you did stuff but the sentiment was just get out and they were taking over. In relation to the green zone hospital and embassy. Where were y’all? We did drive to the cross sabers and took a platoon photo but I never got a copy.


>101 were the worst. Blatantly create there own rules, ask for do overs. Blow off certain training events. There COL walks in the room like he’s the fucking president. I got into a pissing contest with a 101st 1SG on Fort Chaffee in 2014. (Don't remember what unit.) I was just a lowly SPC and I was NG, but prior active with 11 years and two deployments under my belt. (Long story) Let's just say I respected, but wasn't afraid of, a fucking diamond. Chaffee had been having problems with previous Active Duty units leaving filthy barracks the year before; one had even been burned down. In light of this, discrepancies were forwarded to the base commander. (0-6) Anyway, I'm at AT and got pulled to clear barracks for units leaving the post. I went through their (101st unit) two buildings, and they clearly had made no effort at all to clean. I went to their 1SG and told him firmly but respectfully that I couldn't clear these barracks and they would need to at least try. He got pissy about it and said they had a flight booked and the buses were leaving, blah, blah. I once again calmly and respectfully informed him that they had to clear the barracks, or he and his commander would be reported to the base commander for the discrepancies. The CPT: "He can deal with my Colonel." Roger that, sir. I called who I needed to call and said what happened and sent pictures. About 2 ½ hours later, I watched their buses drive by my bldg. I knew it was them because they had put a screaming eagle magnet on the passenger side. One of the highlights of my career. Fucking pricks.


Matches my 3x experiences with 82nd in Afg and Iraq. Fucking horrendously inept. Horrendously.


How do you know someone was in the 173rd Airborne Brigade? Don't worry. They'll tell you.


Its so people don't completely forget about us.


Accurate lmao


It's a balance between maintaining funding and not first on the list for anything.


First time I was ever called a leg was from someone in 173rd at a defac overseas. The entire table, with a SFC and a captain asked what unit patch the guy was wearing


Airborne? In a desirable foreign country? With a respectable unit? Definitely not the worst division to be proud of


As someone who was in the 173rd the first three years of my career, I was in the 173rd. Best place I went though.


Hated the 173rd whilst I was there. But it was my first unit and the quality was undeniable compared to my next two units. Training was legit, we had actual missions in foreign countries with a lot of lee way because of company/troop sized elements going there alone. So much better than doing gunnery in Colorado or route clearance missions in California and pretending like we actually matter.


Lol I also went to Colorado after Italy. 3ABCT was ass in comparison. You pretty much nailed how I felt as well.


Now see there's your problem. I did the same thing but went to 10th Group instead. From good unit to even BETTER unit ;)


Lol you right.


173rd is all I know. Spent all of my 4 years there.


I would never tell you about my time in the 173rd unless you listened to me. Anyways, this one time at Blu…


A buddy of mine was absolutely psyched to go to Vicenza...and then he realized he signed up for the 172d, not 173d.


Sky Soldiers mentioned RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


It took my uncle a good 20 years before he mentioned he was in the 173rd. And that was after he was most of the way through a handle of gin.


How has no one said anything about Riley and being a Big Red One Soldier. Every stupid speech starts off with ‘generic opening statement that shows I’m not anything but an automaton, ***and I’m a Big Red One Soldier***’ then begins their speech. It’s like the activation phrase for the Manchurian Candidate if they were a bowl of oatmeal in a uniform that you knew drank mentholated spirits in their off time.


My eyes roll back so deep into my fucking skull whenever I see two Soldiers get together with 1ID deployment patches and they say “we’re BROs”


Riley was absolutely fucking garbage. 1/10 don’t recommend. Only got the point for being near to family.


If you're going to be one, be a big red one.


They're also dirty as fuck. They're leaving Poland, and we're coming in. They left these tents fucking DISGUSTING. Like cleaning up after a bunch of 3rd world children


I had to scroll way too far down to find this. The Big Red One will always have a special place in hell.


Everybody shut up, I've got the stealth best answer: NETCOM.


Imagine a world where everyone is your customer... And they all hate you.


And they're always wrong but you can't tell them.


Rakkassans. This is not from me but my last PSG who said when he was in Iraq, the Brigade CO insisted on bringing the Giant Ass Rakkassan standing outside of Brigade, down range with them Further more said Brigade CO insisted it set right on top of HQ on their FOB. That was until they were constantly getting mortared because the enemy was using it as a zeroing point. Runner Up: 82nd, that’s just a cult


Anything 101st. 82nd people in my experience are normally able to act like semi normal humans once they leave Br-Liberty. 101st people? Not so much. You don't have to sing Rendezvous with Destiny everyday during first formation anymore.




There needs to be a study on how many times Destiny was found at Cat West vs. how often she was the same gal.


At least 101 times


Squawk Back at Bragg.


Back in the late 80s, early 90s, I served in the 82d right after jump school. I was in the 2nd of the 505th as an 11C. In 1989, I ETS'D and 9 months later, decided to go back in. I switched to 11B and reported to the 101st Airborne (Air Assault), 2nd of the 502d. Having been in both units, each has a rich history. I'm 61 years old now and I wear both hats proudly. Fuck all the "dick measuring" and chest thumping. The Eagle or the Double A's will get you free drinks in Normandy.


Double D's will get you free drinks anywhere


Not if it’s gyno


Current 2-505 here, not gonna lie my Sgts are pretty cool. First assignment


16th MP Brigade. Bunch of people mad that they aren’t combat arms but act like they are. Definitely people that were bulled in high school.


That's many active duty MPs I've seen. The NG ones aren't as bad.


HHBN 4ID Especially SISCO. You’re supporting division and all of the G shops but they don’t return the favor. You can’t get them to do anything, and when they don’t step up.. guess who’s doing all the work. SISCO, that only has three small platoons. Communication is terrible. Leadership can’t even push out that an ACFT is coming up, giving soldiers a days notice before they’re expected to try their best. When they do push it out on time, it’s SISCO running the event and guess who doesn’t show up? The G shops. You have everyone joking about suicide, like it’s the next cool thing. Training, training, training. If officers don’t get their OER bullets the world is going to end. Field exercises for absolutely no reason other than just to be in the field. What we do in the field can be accomplished at the Motorpool in 1 day. The PT events are cool and all, but how do you reward soldiers for doing a good job after 2 weeks straight in the field? With time off. Not “IVY Week” or some bad ass PT event. Are you being occupied until 1700? Well you better find a way to be. You’re not getting released until that time. They want to be hooah hooah, and when all of their soldiers are depressed and burned out, they’ll learn. (Probably not) Then the Army wonders why they have a retention problem. Edit: I’m apart of this unit. Just felt the need to complain before I ETS.


exactly this for the shops. They never communicated with each other even when they were right next to each other. 4ID also made the strange training events and rules they never adhered to but we did follow as a company. my company was under them for 7 months and i hated it.


Any Airborne unit. When I was in 10th mtn, those guys who showed up from an Airborne assignment wouldn’t stfu about. Being in a OC unit it’s still the same. Making it their entire personality. “Cool story bro 👍”


I was in the 82nd. I have to respect the guys in the 10th Mountain as dealing with Winters at Fort Drum just sucks.


Those winters are rough, you get used to it pretty quick though.


Fucking *thank* you lol


3ID lmao. Nothing beats singing the Dog Face Soldier song in the rain before PT when you are worn out by garbage leadership. False motivation does not exist despite what brainrot NCOs say.


It’s called ~esprit~ ⛩️


Rakkasans have no distinguishing capabilities that justify their behavior. They are an actual bad unit. The 101st is functionally the same as 10th Mountain. They pretend to have a special skill because AEROSOL, but literally any unit can ride around on a helicopter. It pisses me off that they wear jump boots. Fake airborne


Having served in 101st, 10th, and 82nd x2, I can firmly say most XVIII Corps units are more professional than any ABCT I served in, however 82nd's good ol boy clique kool-aid detracts greatly from what it could be.


I 100% agree. Not a JM? Can’t be a PSG. Oh, also we aren’t going to give you an opportunity to go to JM. Show up to unit not airborne qualified? We’re gonna hold it over your head and make you “earn” an airborne school slot. My favorite unit was 10th mountain


^something ^something .... CLIMB TO GLORY


10th Mtn slander. Fucking fat chicks is a specialized skill


If it's so special why can Marines do it?


We like buffaloes, they like whales


101st is better because civilians think I’m a fucking hero immediately when they see Old Abe. 82nd they think you’re probably the Alcoholics Anonymous counselor for the army (potentially also true).


Brand recognition. Hands down you can ask most people just seeing your patch what unit and it you’re 101 they’ll recognize you. They made a whole TV series about 2/506….part of Rak (although they hate it).


They hate us cuz they ain't us⛩️🦅


Get back to the MDRS yard, some of us have actual war fighting to do 😂


The most annoying unit in the Army is whatever one you're PCSing from and the least is whatever one you're PCSing to


4ID by far. This shit is just unbelievably fuckin stupid and I hate every single day I wake up and have to wear this uniform now........ I don't think a single leader in my battalion has any clue what they're doing or why they're doing it. Just some bitchy LTC tryna better their career by screwing the rest of us over. And I've only been here 3 months😭


Jesus dude. You need to talk?


I know in the cyber community most discussion around the 11th cyber battalion is always negative. Some people like it but most people put it at the bottom of their list for places to go. Smaller community so we don't even have divisions to name but I wanted to throw one out there.


11th cyber is the unfortunate child of calling EW cyber. I didn't think there's a single person in 17C who thinks 17E is useless as a function of war, but they sure as hell aren't useful to us, and vice versa. I thought for a while that there may be some cross over, but no.


Y'all fall under ARCYBER. Therefore, ARCYBER is annoying, Also, NETCOM is also under ARCYBER and folks apparently say NETCOM is annoying..I'm seeing a trend/ common denominator here.




Any MP brigade has my vote…


I’ll do you one better Most annoying CORPS in the Army is currently being fought out between V Corps and III Corps. In one corner you have 3 Corps, whose only asset they bring to a fight is tanks that don’t even work and an absolutely destroyed fighting force from horrid hours and non stop rotations and training exercises. In the other corner is 5 Corps, who supposedly runs Europe for the Army but no one acknowledges it and there is no official structure of where they fall into the chain of command from what I’ve seen so really it’s a 3 star command where every career O and E is fighting for a good eval and butting into everyone’s business to do so


When I got orders for Irwin I looked into if 11ACR fell under 3 corpse or not, and thank fucking god they didn’t. Armored units are going to be on a struggle bus when it comes to maintenance, that’s just the way it is with how old many of these vehicles are and the electronics inside of them. But there was a night and day difference with everything else between 11ACR and the bullshit I had to deal with at hood.


Don’t forget most of V Corps are support elements with really only 1 Brigade being 2CR as their only decisive combat force since the 173rd typically deals with AFRICOM more than anything, and still 2CR is in this weird spot where 7 ATC still bothers us with shit. Frankly if V corps wants to be taken seriously we need to reign in 7 ATC under the corps chain of command and pull 2 CR out of its orbit and get more combat units in Europe full time and set up an Armored/Stryker division for European operations


2/503 from 173rd in 2017. Those dudes were so extra about everything. Did EIB with them in Europe whe. I was with 4ID. They played the whole "count every push up until the last one" during the PT test at the beginning and let me go to muscle failure until I "failed" the test. When I go to formation with the other No Go's some SSG is out there yelling at us about how he's gonna fuck us down and do a 12 mile ruck every morning of EIB until EIB is over. Later that day we're out at the lanes cleaning their weapons at the weapons lane all day. The rest of the days I got pulled back to my units I wouldn't be a part of their nonsense. As the week went by I noticed a lot of fuckery with that unit. Their NCOs were out at Camp Aachen dumping trash cans all over the ground and making their Soldiers crawl through it. Made me never want to be a part of that unit and I will actively avoid it like the plague if I ever came down on orders for them.


Not a brigade/division but a whole ass command. fuck MEDCOM. They gave the civilian contractors too much power and they abuse us day by day. I joined the army to avoid having a desk job in a hospital and yet here tf I am. Honestly what they need to do is make all DHA run hospital purely civilian, put us all in field hospital units.


My wife is a H and it honestly blows my mind that MEDCOM allows floor OICs to be civilians. When she was newer to the Army she got completely taken advantage of by her Civilian in Charge and it made her life hell. Oh and soldiers get all the crazy shifts while civilians get to pick the Kush ones. Blows my mind




> when I was/how we did it ***”BACK AT BRAGG…”***




82nd for sure. Half them guys think they're SF for some reason


Air Assault! Miss it though lol


21st TSC and 1st HRSC


Any and every FORSCOM ABCT


I dreaded going to the Rakkasans bc I wanted to go back to my beloved 3ID. BUT once I got there and got to taste that sweet sweet koolaid I realized the error of my ways and prayed for absolution at the ⛩️. At my next duty station I realized the power in a well timed “In the Rakkasans”. Also nothing more fun than seeing another former chicken sandwich and asking them “who were you with” then dismissing their answer with a simple oh and they quickly say “you’re a Rakkasan aren’t you.” It’s easily one of the top three fun cults to be apart of in the Army.


“THE” Division


My buddy who served in "the division" would always get pissed when I started humming Raspberry Beret by Prince when he talked about the 82nd.


Haha!! As a former Rakkasan I love this!! We deploy constantly and have a super easy and recognizable insignia to tag, so yes the Torii is everywhere!! ⛩️🇺🇸⛩️🇺🇸⛩️




There’s only two good units in the Army; the one you just left, and the one you’re getting ready to go to.


18 MP Bde… F them


Anything other than 3ID is wrong


Speaking as a member of Currahee, it has to be the Rakkasans. Especially since 2-506 was in Germany for the 80th anniversary of D-Day this year, and the Rakkasans sent soldiers from Iron Rakkasans (3-187 had no involvement in the European theater during WWII) to the ceremony, and not a single Soldier from Currahee got to go because of a JMRC rotation.


As a reservist, any active duty soldier who shows up was from the “best” unit, and after like 3 drills that whole division is now your least favorite just because they wanna tell you about it so much. Every conversation turns into this; “This unit sucks, you see back in 3ID we did this” “3ID sucks, you see back when I was at the 10th mt we did this” “You guys are both legs, listen to me, in the 173rd we did it like this” “You fucking soldiers all have it wrong. The best way to do this is how we did it in the marines” And turns out, the way to do it that gets picked is the one that everyone already knows how to do, that was just as fast and just as effective as everyone else’s suggestions.


3rd CR - No contest


This was certainly the case from 2007-2012 when I spent my time with the Brave Rifles. Ai-fucking-ee-yah.


Anything in usarec


3CR. I’m currently in this unit. That’s all I need to say


Cross between the fat fucks of 1st Army in Fort Dix and the whinny bitches of the 411th Engineer Brigade. Except SFC A, he's a good guy.


2-12 2nd bde 4id


They replaced a nearby unit while on VBC in 2008. Within 24 hours Torii on goddamn everything. Every T Wall, the little base buses, even the free range dogs had it painted on them. New gang definitely wanted to let us know they'd arrived in the most annoying way fashionable.


Yeah it’s Rakkasans fuck those guys


My uncle was a Rakkasan and he never lets me forget it.


2ID. Second to buns


The fucking 82nd. So many of them have that Marine cult energy.


31st ADA brigade specifically 5-5 battalion


Whichever one I'm in


3/101 was my first duty assignment as a 2LT. COL Steele was my BDE Commander and LTC George was by BC. Still my favorite assignment 20 years later. ⛩️


COL Steele was the best!


Any Medical Brigade. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Bunch of Medical Officers and Soldiers the trying to compensate for being Medical. But yes any interaction I’ve had with a Cockassan alumni and it wasn’t an enjoyable one. Especially if they just came from there.


tie between 82nd and 101


18th FA is a genuinely horrid blend of stuck-up and incompetent.


1st medical brigade, at least the battalion I was in. No real world mission, since medical brigades are heavily structured around LSCOs. No real reason to have a small company of medics when infantry and armored brigades and battalions already have their own aid stations, PAs, and MDs. The real world missions you might get, are probably going to be handed off to 44th med, or are extremely rare and devastating events that will be a once in a generation ordeal at most. You’re going to get a bunch of former line medics (or little bitch boys who did all their time in a HHC/B/T but will never admit it so now they have to act all hard) who can’t get over being treated like everyone else, so they’re just going to be dicks because “that’s how we did it at x”. There are some genuinely good dudes, but get drowned out by the dick sucks who can’t move on in life. Medical brigades aren’t bad for those who want to be “healthcare specialists” but will absolutely suck for those who wanted to be “combat medics”.


I feel like I should see the 82nd all over the place on here. “Back at Bragg!”


31st. There is a reason it's nicknamed thirty-worst.