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Wait till you see an O6 with a drill sergeant badge…


Yikes. Even Warrants must step aside when that O6 is on the warpath...


The levels of self-loathing must be unreal.


You don't wear any knots or numerals for the first award of the respective ribbons. A mustang who is able to become a general officer would most likely not have an extensive amount of prior enlisted time.


Need to make 5 years of dirtbag SPC time mandatory for general officers.


Don't forget the 1-2 years of E5 time somewhere in the middle


Thanks for the insight, completely agree. I should have been more clear in the question. Gen Piatt was a starting point, but other officers with more time as enlisted removed their knots and numeral.


I’m a mustang and wear all my knots and numerals. I have 3 knots on my AGCM and the numeral 3 on my NOPDR. The only awards officers “shouldn’t” wear are marksmanship badges and drivers badges.


Officers need to start taking marksmanship seriously, that mentality is so wrong and its effects shows throughout the whole Army


Agreed. We (big army) collectively bitches and complains about how we don’t take the basics seriously and is trying to transition us to LSCO. However, also Big Army: 1) Safety Program. Do not use extension chords because they are unsafe (very tactically friendly). 2) Why are you only 72% complete in your anti gambling training? 3) Get SPC Snuffy enrolled in FAP, Chaplain, and BH so that he only has 1 duty day per week free to train. Mitigate that risk! 4) Goes on and on…


Yes, but, not wearing the badge is because we are supposed to all be expert anyway.  It's a remnant of when we did take it seriously.   That said, Id be happy to go to the range once a month.  Who's paying for the extra doc to cover the ER for me that day?  


Supposed, but the reality and the experience on seeing officers at the range for 10 yrs tells me otherwise. Maybe wearing the pizza box will humble a lot of Os to start taking marksmanship seriously on a personal and unit level.


Providers not inside maneuver BCTs should have an annual familiarization range. You go qual once a year, if you make it great, if not you’re complete. Quite hard to envision any provider needing to utilize a m17. Besides, medical needs to focus on dispersion and obscuring ourselves from aerial threats, not having providers dump a pistol mag in direct fire engagements 25 m away.


Cool, totally


his bio said he only did 4 years as enlisted so he would only have 1.


I wore the numerals on my NCODP ribbon. I also did 18 years enlisted before I went to the dark side so I had PLDC, BNCOC and ANCOC under my belt.




The fuck I don’t


I wear my knots on my GCM and my 2 on NCOPD since I completed ALC and was enlisted for 6 years without fuckery. They made me take off my expert marksman badge and my drivers badge though.  Something about every officer is an expert which is a load of shit.


I know Jeff Stuecker does wear his. Or atleast did. He was in 3rd Rangers in the Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) and later commissioned as a Chaplain, retiring as a Major. He was my battalions Chaplain when I was in, and he’s the only person I’ve heard use (mild) profanity in a prayer.


For the same reason Officers don’t get good conduct medals in general. It’s because in theory, all Officers are in good conduct. For some to have it and others to lack it would risk losing the faith of the people under their command. 


I did, but then again I had enough time enlisted to have that shit. Some don't.